» Fiction » The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗». Author Dale McMurray

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going blind and has almost stopped eating.
"How can I manage this?" I have to deal with all of this and if I don't go crazy I might survive. I have concentrated on finding our dog while I wait for the sheriff to call back.
So far I have tracked him thru two counties but have been a few steps behind. He is a scary man of eastern european desent. And so far he has bullied a few into helping him hide the dog. But friends in the same circle have convined them to come forward. Now we are waitng And if things can't be worse each day we see the decline of our first pet. HOw can we put her to sleep? I know that if the vet says it's better for her we will. But this is too much. Then the phone rang. But it was one of my friends helping us find our pet. They had heard thet at least he was alive and safe. So now we wait and continue the search. Hoping that some one will covince him to return the dog. All of this because we would not let him use our dog to breed. Those we have talked to say he is unstable. So what he might do is a big question. Dave is posting flyers and we shall see who will win this pissing match.
Little did I know that My world would as the Ozzy Osbone tune goes" Go off the Rails on a crazy train." Now the Dog, our poor Sarge is somewhere in Chicago and My husband has created a legal mess by going over one last time to try to get Sarge back. He called frantic,
" I have been shot, call the police and ambulance." The phone went dead. I called 911 and told then where I thought he was. Then called back. He said he was on the way to a friends home to have him take him to hospital. I called 911 agin the with my boss driving we went to find him. There up against a tree was the Jeep. He was so gray and blood was all over the front seats. A man had seen the jeep and had put it in park and called 911 also. The frightened empty stare from him shook me to my soul. I saw a case of beer and stupidly removed it. then I leaned in to reassure him that help was comming. The cops were every where along with EMTs. There was blood over his lap and for a split second I thouight that he was bleeding from his stomach. But he raised his left habd to reveal a gaping wound. There was blood all over the front seats.

Publication Date: 08-10-2011

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