» Fiction » The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗». Author Dale McMurray

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I sat huddled in the farthest corner of the bedroom. The Dogs were sound asleep on the king-sized bed oblivious to the world . The fan kept turning and sending out cool air. But none of that air seemed to reach me. I was dripping with sweat.

All the while I kept thinking,” What the Hell have I gotten myself into?”
Being on the wrong side of Paco was not the place anyone wanted to be. But That’s were I am going to be if I am not careful. This Is turning into a nightmare.

Two weeks before I was doing my housewife thing, something that seems not to be in my genetic makeup. Vacuuming the floors with the dogs watching from the outside because the oldest one, Freebie attacks the vacuum and had already torn off the rubber bumper guard. The day was great , weather was cooperating, We had money in the bank, and I was starting another temporary job at the Army Base soon that paid pretty good money.

A car I have never seen pulled into the driveway. The driver got out. Turns out I had worked with him when I was employed By the County nine years ago. That was until the new Sheriff had a bigger jail built and decided he didn’t need civilian deputies.
“Hello Jon, see you made detective.”
“ Thanks. Some one wants to talk to you.”
“ O,K, who?”
He pointed to the passenger side of the car behind the driver seat. I walked over and the window slid down. The door opened and I got in. Another deputy was sitting in the back. Jon got in the driver seat and the car eased out of the driveway. I looked at the scenery . Finally we drove down a winding driveway to a nice farm house set back from the road. The lawm was well manicured and the house it self was surrounded by brightly filled flower beds. “ Well I’ll be dipped!” I muttered under my breathe. I got out and the car parked next to the garage. The man at the door led me into his study. He was just a shade taller than me. And he still looked the same. His mustasche was a bit grayer and he seemed a little balder but he still carried himself with that air if cockiness that had irritated me years ago. He motioned for me to sit in a nice green chair by the large white oak desk that took up most of the space in the room.
“I had you brought here because I wanted to ask for your help.”
“ Really?
“ you know this person we are after his name is Paco, and it would take too long to get some one inside.” I stared at the Sheriff and waited for the rest of it.

“ A few days ago we received an anonymous tip that Paco was responsible for the murders of two people and that he was the head of the meth lab that was cranking out drugs somewhere here in Juneau County.
Then yesterday I received a letter with directions to the bodies and a place where the drug lab had been. They enclosed a photo of some one who looked a lot like Paco with a gun standing over the bodies. One of the bodies was the cousin of the district attorney’s wife. I want him.”
“ You are running for the governor’s job right? And this would really make good press for you. So why me? I don’t have the experience of a undercover guy.”
“No, I means yes I am but This would really do the County good.” As he looked out the window avoiding looking at me. I knew this was for him more than the County.
“ Here’s my cell number. Call me I really could use your help”.
He opened the door and I walked down the hall passed the kitchen. Some one was baking and the smell reminded me that It was getting late , I and needed to get dinner going and the dogs needed to be feed. Jon appeared at the door and we walked to the car. I sat and looked out the window on the way back. The trees were a nice green and you could see the leaves rustle with the light breeze that made the day comfortable.
We pulled up to the deck and I got out. Jon asked if I was going to help.
“I’ll think about it . Its scary stuff and I don’t know if I want to be in that kind of place.” He smiled and soon the car disappeared down the road.
The dogs were ging nuts so I hurried up the steps and let them outside. They ran down the drive way barking . When they were satisfied that the car was gone they trotted back as if they had chased it away. Standing there they looked for attention. How could I not love them.
I finished vacuuming with the dogs barking. Freebie the oldest had already taken the rubber guard off and given the chance she would do her best to “kill” it. So there she sat barking her foolish head off on the other side of the screen door. Raven the lab was another matter. Tired of barking she had laid down on the deck in the afternoon sun and was sleeping. As far as the vacuum she could care less if it was running or not. Now take out the weedwacker and you had better watch your ass.

Part two

Paco had sent his cousin’s kid over to the garage to put the tar paper rolls away. As he looked down from the roof of the apartment building he could see that they were still where they had been left and Flaxo was missing. He walked close to the edge so that he could see better. There on the bed of the truck was that no good fuck. He was boiling mad . He had hired him to help his cousin Emmo out. But the kid was late every day and this was only his fourth day. Climbing down from the roof he marched over to the truck. Picked up a roll of tar paper and slammed it down on his chest.
“ What the hell are you doing!!!!!” Flaxo sputtered under the weight. “Get up and unload this shit, now.” As he started to walk away , “ Oh you can work tomorrow and clean this place up too.”
Flaxo had gotten his voice back,” Hey, I had a late night. And I have a date with that little Greek chick for the weekend.” “ Not this time. you screw-up, you either work or you can go to jail. I hired you to help your dad keep you out of the county lockup. So get your self straight or become someone’s play toy! I really don’t care which. Don’t fuck with me you will lose!!!!” He got in the truck and drove off barely giving the kid time to get off.

Dialing the phone he waited for the other end to answer. “Where is the stuff?” The voice said police impound. “What? Do they know what's in the SUV?” The voice said no. The driver was hit by a drunk driver and the cops pulled it to the impound. They have no idea. The driver died.
“ Damn!" Paco hung up the phone. He now had no driver and no drugs. First things first he needed to get the SUV back.

He looked into mirror in the motel room’s bathroom. He was getting older. He could see the wrinkles starting. He was not that popular kid who was the quarterback, and the star wrestler back in high school anymore. His parents had made sure that he had a good education. He graduated top of his class. Got a academic scholarship for a good school. Got a teaching certificate that made his mother proud. No one in his family had ever gotten that far. But after the last game in high school he had gone water skiing and the broken leg that never healed right. That ended his athletic endevours. And when he decided to start his own construction company instead of teaching his mother cried and turned her back on him. But he was not hurting for cash. Along with two childhood friends he decided that drugs was the best way to get ahead.

He put on a white silk shirt with a pale blue dragon down on side and a pair of dark blue Italian silk slacks. Sitting on the edge of the bed he put on the dark blue leather loafers. He put the Saint Christopher cross his mother had given him when he turned sixteen around his neck and the large gold college ring on his right pinky. He left his wedding band on the dresser. That would not do for the evening. He had a date with a” friend”.
She was a tall full figured woman and she had connections in the other business he was involved in. Paco was tall and muscular and he even seemed taller because of his larger than life attitude. And when he rose from the chair at the club you could see that even though she was tall he still towered over her. Her dyed blond hair was fashionably styled to complement her face. He bent down to kiss her cheek. Then he whispered.
” So Baby, you got the money?” She kissed him and smeared lipstick over his face and cheek.
"You're drunk!"
"No I am a little high that's all!" she mumbled. They had a drink then went back to her room.
"What Mia doesn’t know." He muttered and closed the door. The next morning he got dressed and tried to sneak out before she woke up. He closed the door and hurried to the truck. At the motel he made sure there was nothing left behind. Grabbing his ring off the dresser he but it back on.

Part three

I sat on the deck watching the dogs just sleeping. The late afternoon was warm and They really needed the rest. Barking through the screen door was very tiring. What in The world was I going to say to Dave?
“ Hi honey guess

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