» Fiction » PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗

Book online «PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗». Author Kenneth L. Ehrenthal

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trash.  The phone rings.  “Sid, it’s me again, Sal.”  No, I’m not in jail, but I might as well be.”  “What is it now!” growls Sid.  “I just went to my store and there is police tape all around and when I went in, the place had bee trashed and looted.”  “What do you mean looted”, said Sid.  “Thousands of dollars of electronic equipment is gone.”  “My neighbors in the stores around said that a police car came with a small black truck, put tap around the place and carried out all my equipment.”  “Sal are you sure you didn’t do anything illegal...are you telling m everything.”  “Remember anything you tell me is privileged.”  “Sid, on my dead mother’s grave, I don’t know what the hell is going on.”  “OK Sal, I’ll meet you at the store.  Don’t touch anything. Then I’ll go to the precinct and try to find out what is going on.”
                                                   Chapter 3
The 23d precinct is typical of most of New York’s police facilities.  An old seven story building, built of red brick probably in the 20’s.  You walk in and face a high desk surrounded by a wooden fence.  Sitting high up “now” surrounded by bullet-proof glass is the booking Sergeant.  You push a bottom to speak and a voice responds.  “Yeah state your business.”  Sid shouts into the voice box, I want to see the Captain please.”  “Who the hell are you and why do you think the Captain wants to see you”.  All the various activity stops around the room.  “My name is Sidney Lowenthal, I’m an attorney, and I want to speak with the officer in charge. Look, I’m not here to cause any trouble.”  I have to see the Captain or any other officer in charge.  I’m working on a case that concerns this precinct.”  “And what case is that”, snarls the voice from the box.”  “I’d rather take that up with your superiors,” says Sid.  “Don’t think that you can just waltz in here and disturb the Captain any time you want, says the voice.  “Excuse me”, says Sid rather smugly, “don’t I pay your salary and I’m not here to take this kind of response.”  I could go down to number one Police Plaza and see the Commissioner or Internal Affairs if need be”, says Sid.  “Don’t get so high and mighty Mr. Lawyer; I’ll see what I can do.  Sit over there”, the Sergeant points to a bench along the far wall.  Action picks up as he sits down. 

A uniformed elderly gentleman come out a back door and comes toward Sid.  “I’m Captain Hoolihan and why do you want to see me.”  Sid rises and reaches out to shake the Captains hand.  “Thanks for seeing me” he says.  “I have a client with apparently some problems with this precinct.”  Some of your detectives arrested him last night, but this morning the charges were dropped.”  “The charges were dropped, so what’s the problem” says the Captain.  “If that was all, I wouldn’t be troubling you.”  “It seems that after you arrested my client, his name is Sal Martuccio, some of your men raided his establishment, which is an electronics business and, I guess took almost all of his equipment...for evidence, I presume.”  “I am wondering just exactly was he doing that necessitated a raid.”  “As a matter of fact he and we never saw a warrant.”  They just taped the door and left with the equipment.”  The Captain walks to the desk and goes behind enter the glassed-in area.  He looks at a big book on the Sergeant’s desk.  He picks up the phone and talks on it for several minutes.  He returns to Sid.  “We have no record of any raid or warrant for any electronics establishment”.  I also called the detective bureau, up stairs and they did get a call about a disturbance at the bar and made an arrest.”  When they tried to follow it up, they couldn’t confirm any of it. There didn’t seem to be any witnesses for any disturbance, therefore the DA had to dismiss the case.”  But we also know nothing about any raid. This is the first I’ve heard of it.”  “I went to the scene myself”, said Sid, and I saw the tape....”  “Well anybody can get some yellow tape and put it around,” interrupted the Captain.  “But, I asked the neighbors both with businesses nearby and just people in the street, and they all tell the same story.”  The Captain, red faced, and holding back what appeared great anger said “are you telling me that members of this precinct are thieves? I’ll have you know that we have one of the best records in Manhattan.”  “I’m not accusing anyone of anything, at this time, I just would like you investigate and get back to me, here’s my card.”  “While I know there’s nothing happening in my precinct, which I don’t know about, I’ll get back to you.”  Sid walks out, angry and confused.

When three days go by, Sid calls the precinct.  After spending a half hour explaining to someone why he needs to talk to the Captain: Captain Hoolihan
 picks up his phone.  “I had Lieutenant Powell check around and we came up with nothing.”  “Am I to understand that uniformed police entered my clients business, without a warrant, looted his property and trashed the place, and no one there knows anything about it?”  “We just know what we know”.

”Hello Sal, its Sid” “I’ve followed up with the 23d precinct and they seem to know nothing.” “I’m going to call a friend of mine at Police Headquarters and get some advice.”  If it were up to me, I’d make a report to Internal Affairs and let them handle it”.  “I might do that anyway.”  “Sid I had a lot of my money in that equipment and I’m out of business.” I have insurance but the company won’t pay off because they claim it’s a police matter and I’m not insured for illegal activity.”  Which activity, I have never done.”

Several hours later, Sid calls Sal back. ”It’s me Sid. “I called my friend at Police Headquarters, and even before I could tell him about your problem specifically he told me a very interesting story.”  “I didn’t even get to tell him about you.”  But listen to this.  It seems that a crew of “rogue” cops has been pulling off a series of burglaries all over the city and it appears to have the same MO as what happened to you. Apparently they have enlisted several detectives who apprehend an owner on trumped up charges.” But here’s the most interesting part, some of the upper staff believe that if they publicize this activity, the public will lose confidence in the police.” So there keeping it quiet and only certain people are in on that fact.”  “Sid, say something!”  Sid answers, “I’m absolutely astonished.  Look Sal, I think I’m going to suggest that you file a civil suit against the Police and the City.   That might be the best way to go to get some one to take you seriously.   Then you could probably get at least your insurance money.”  “I don’t handle those type of cases but I think I know someone who might take on this case.”  “ Her name is Heidi Lowell, she’s with a major law firm and I think she would do a good job.  Her office number is 555-5678.  I’ll tell her to expect your call”  

                                                        Chapter 4
Hi Heidi, did you hear from a Sal Martuccio”, I hope you don’t mind that I gave him you number.    “Yes I did, he’s coming in on Thursday”.  “Can you fill me in?”  I can but I’d rather you hear all about it directly.” Although if you meet me after six;   I’ll give you an overview.”  “Is that an offer for a date?  Well....I guess it is!”  “I’ll meet you at the bar” Sid entered the bar.  She was sitting where she sat before with a glass of beer in front of her.  “And where is my date taking me tonight?” she smiled.  “Certainly not here, said Sid, “I usually take my dates to a more high class dump.”  Only kidding.... “Finish up and let’s go.”  They leave the bar.  I know a very nice Italian place do like Italian?”  “That would be fine,” said Heidi. 
On the second block and down some stairs and enter the Purple Grotto.  “Ah seniore Sid!  How to see you nice it is”  “Hello Carlo,” said Sid.  “Your usual table seniore”. “That would be fine”  “You seem to be well known here, do you bring all your dates here?”  I can’t remember the last date I brought here, but my associates and I do come here fairly   often.”  “I’ll order us some wine, do you have a preference?”  “Italian, I suppose!”  “Tony, bring us a classico chanti please.”  Immediately a bottle appears and a glass is poured.  Sid tastes it and nods and both glasses get poured.  Each sips their wine.  Heidi looks around and smiling nods and says, “I like the ambiance of this place.”  “It’s one of my favorites”, says Sid.  He lean back and looks at Heidi.  “For someone who worked a full busy day, you look absolutely refreshing”, says Sid.  “Well, thank you kind sir”, says Heidi. There is nothing like a sip of wine in a nice place with a nice man to refresh one’s battery’s.” says Heidi.  “Well then thank you.”  “My aren’t we being polite?”  “Your right, let’s just relax and enjoy a good meal.” They scan the menu.  “What’s good?” she asks.  “Just about everything”, says Sid, “but the veal piccata, is my special favorite.”  “That sounds great”, she says.  An antipasto salad is place before them.  Wow!” says Heidi, which looks scrumptious”.  She spears a huge black olive and eats it daintily and dips her bread in the olive oil.  “Are you going to fill me in on that case you sent me?   “A client of mine wants to sue the city and the police for false arrest, and looting and trashing his place of business.  “That does seem very interesting.” she says.  “That’s about all I’m going to say, I’d rather you hear if from: the horse’s mouth”.  OK....It does sound like a case that could get my juices flowing.”  Oh! it will, I guarantee it”.

The meal is wonderful and after sipping some Sambucca, they rise to leave.  Entering the street, Sid asks...Shall I call you a cab?”  “No, she says...Let’s just walk around!” She tentatively ....takes his hand.  ‘I don’t usually do this, but I want to now”  “Your hands are so warm,” she says.  “It’s the wine, good food, but especially the company.”  “You do live nearby don’t you? She asks.  Just around the next corner.  They approach Sid’s block.  “Just down there,” he says.  “Can I see it”, she asks?  “Are you sure” he says.  “Oh yes!” she says.  Sid’s building is an old factory loft building.  They enter and an old-fashioned commercial elevator takes them to the third floor.  They turn left out of the elevator car and Sid unlocks his door.  As they enter Sid turns on the lights.  Sid’s apartment is one huge room, with a door which she supposes leads to the “bathroom.”  A small efficiency kitchen takes one wall, and seemingly acres away a bed and two night stands and several armoires take up the far space.  I between an entertainment center and several comfortable sofas and chair arranged to both look out of the large window and towards the TV attached to the wall.  “This is beautiful” she says.  “And you keep it so neat and clean”.  “I have to thank my cleaning
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