» Fiction » PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗

Book online «PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗». Author Kenneth L. Ehrenthal

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doesn't make any sense   Then add to that a DNA sample from the victim and her fetus both indicate that the cabby is both the father and the killer and there is no record that the cabby had been tested. The Public Defender was able to provide any number of alibi witnesses for the time she was raped and killed.  Something here is very wrong!                                     

I’m in a quandary, thought Sid.  I guess I have to call the DA's office and ask some question.  Sid calls and gets the switchboard.  "Felony Bureau” he asks.  "Who in felony do you want?"  Say’s a voice.  Percy Livingston please.  Mr. Livingston isn't here any more.  He left, and I believe he went to Colorado."  "Alright!” said Sid.  "Bureau Chief, please".  Mr. McGinty is on vacation and we're not sure when he'll return."  Well, just direct me to whoever is in charge.  "That would be Mr. Armond, and he's in court.  Could you leave him a message to get back to Sid Lowenthal please at 555-7685 as soon as he can?"  Thank you!  Sid hangs up. Well that was almost worthless, Sid thinks.  Maybe I just better go there and meet with whomever I can. Let me just wait out the day, maybe Mr. Armond will call back.  As a matter of fact I know Chuck Armond, and I'm sure he'll recognize my name when he gets the message.   

                                              Chapter 7

Sid sat in his office.  It was about 12:30 and all the associates and office staff were at lunch.  He wasn't hungry....He just wanted to think.  The last two days were not like anything he had lived through before.  Not only did he want to review the events, but to sort out his feelings.  At one level he felt excited.  He didn't date much growing up.  He was relatively very shy. He can remember just one real girl friend.  I wonder if I was the aggressor, could I have convinced her to go to my apartment and stay the night.  I'm not so sure.   Truth be told, I do feel comfortable with her and she is very pretty.  We both are lawyers and therefore have a lot, at least intellectually in common.  She is the first woman in a long time that I have it so easy to have a conversation without taking care to be either ultra sensitive or politically correct.   Probably because we are both lawyers we at least have that in common.  When she was crying I felt a great need to comfort her. I do think about her.  Well, let's see where this goes.  I think I really want this relationship to work.  It’s been a long time since a woman has affected me this way. Maybe I will be more upfront about my wishes and desires and more importantly my likes, dislikes and beliefs.

Heidi was sitting in her office, with a huge pile of files on her desk, which she was ignoring.  I am so mixed up.  What happened yesterday is so unlike me.  I abhor outward public signs of affection.  My parents were typical New Hampshire folk.  They were very staid and undemonstrative people.
They rarely kissed or showed any affection that I could observe.  We were five in the family.  I have two brothers.  One of whom is older and one younger.  My father was a banker and we lived, I guess, a very financially secure life.  My older brother went into banking and my younger brother is attending MIT.  I went to Harvard and the University of Virginia Law School.  I was recruited by the law firm I am now working in, and I expect to make partner next year.  I think that am doing very well.  I like my job and I love living in New York.  It’s such an exciting place.   I had a lot of boy friends growing up.  But when I went away to school for six years my focus was on school. I did date in college but nothing took.  Since then I have dated several men, none of them made me want to stay with them.  I didn't fall in love and maybe my standards are too high.  I'm 35 and I guess I feel its time to try to settle down.  Could I continue this way and put all my efforts and energy into my law practice?  Am I panicking because my biological clock is ticking loudly?  Oh, I don't know.  Now what do I do about Sid?  Did I really tell him that I loved him?  I can't for the life of figure out why I said that.  Probably it was it out of embarrassment waking in his bed and trying, in my mind, to justify the situation?  He certainly didn't make any advances.  He certainly didn’t do anything to force himself on me. He was the perfect gentleman.  I think that my taking his hand and then going to his apartment surprised him as much as it did me.  If anyone is responsible for what happened it’s me.  I loved the fact that he tried to dry my eyes with his kisses.  He seems like a very gentle man.  We do seem to have an ability to understand each other.  But I certainly don’t really know him and he doesn’t he really know me.  And most of all, do I love him?   Can anyone really be in love after knowing someone less than two days?

                                                      Chapter 8

"Sid, I want to talk to you about last night."  "I think that that would be a good idea.  I think that we both need to talk."  "Do I hear some apprehension in you voice", says Heidi! "No! No! No! No! Absolutely not.  Talking is good.  "OK! Let’s do this...I'll be out of my office all afternoon with a deposition in mid-town.  Why don't you meet me at my apartment building at 5:30?  I should be finished and home by then.  If I'm not, they won't let you into the building unless I'm home and have given the security people your name, there's a small park across the street.  Wait there and I'll look for you there.  Oh! You don't know my address do you?  It's 7642 Columbus Ave, that's just of f 76th Street. It’s just a few blocks north of Lincoln Center."  "OK! I know the area, I'll see you then"  "Look, if you don't mind eating later than usual, I'll cook for us.  I've got to run.  Maybe tonight we can find out more about each other and have a good home cooked meal.”

Just as Sid's cab pulled up at Heidi's building, she had just arrived herself. “How’s that for timing” she said.  She had a big smile on her face.  They walked into the building together.  Hi, Jacob how's the wife and family, Heidi asked the security guard sitting behind a desk in the vestibule of the lobby.  They're fine Miss Heidi, thanks for asking.  Heidi and Sid entered the elevator and ascended to the 14th floor.  Heidi opened the door and said "welcome to my humble abode."  Make your self at home and I'll be right back", as she disappeared around the corner.  Sid took in the room. 
Immediately as one entered the apartment on the left was a small kitchen, just to the right was a table and four chairs (the dining room he assumed.)  Just ahead, passed the hallway that Heidi had disappeared into was a fairly large living room.  The furniture was rather new looking, sort of modern, but in very good taste.  On what look like an entertainment center was a small TV with the usual audio gear.  The large windows at the end of the room gave one a beautiful view of the Hudson and the lights of New Jersey. A doorway to the left of the windows looked like it led out to a small balcony. 
He was looking through Heidi's collection of CD's when she suddenly reappeared.  “Anything there interest you?” she asked.  I think if you looked through my collection, you'd find many of these same artists", answered Sid.  As he looked at her, he noticed that she had changed out of her lawyer business garb and was dressed in a pair of shorts and a sloppy sweat shirt.  "When I'm home", she said "I dress for comfort."  "Come into the kitchen, well squeeze into the kitchen with me while I prepare our feast."  Within minutes pots were boiling vegetables were being prepared and she even had filled two glasses with a white wine.  "I love to cook and even in this postage stamp kitchen, I can make some, well, what I consider great food.  My Mom taught me well."  As he sipped his wine he imagined that a whirlwind could not work and move as fast as she did in that minuscule space.  "That smells delicious" said Sid.  "In that drawer, there, you'll find some silverware."  Would you mind setting the table, out there?"  Sid set the table.  Then he walked over to the music paraphernalia and put a CD in the slot.  He set the volume low and soft music ensued. 
Returning toward the kitchen he saw Heidi bring out two steaming bowls of something.  He sat down.  "Sit, she said, eat and then we'll talk."  The soup was a mélange of fresh lightly cooked vegetables with a tasty broth.  How did she do this so fast? He thought.  "This soup is did you do this so fast."  I have magic in my hands", she laughed.  I hope you like salmon, Sid; fish is the easiest and fastest main course to prepare."  Sid answered, "If the fish et al is as good as this soup, I'm sure I'll love it."  As Sid ate, he thought, how did I get so lucky.  Here is this beautiful woman, who can cook up a storm.  Who told me she loved me and makes feel at home with her.  Something has to be wrong.  Or at least, I'm in the wrong dream.  Heidi looked at Sid.  I wonder if I'm coming too strong.  I do like him and I did say to him, was it just this morning that I love him.   Does her really like the food or is he just being polite.  He's a man who I know, eats at some the best restaurants in New York and while, I do consider myself a good cook, I'm not up to the level of professionals.  We have to talk...should I lay it all out for him, or do I wait for him to make the first move?  Am I setting myself up for a great big fall?

Sid says "I'll wash and you can dry...since you know where everything goes."  "Wow", says Heidi, I've got a dish washer and I didn't even have to pay for it."  'That's and interesting way to put it," says Sid.  And how do you know you won't have to pay for it?"  Now what did he mean by that...."why did you say that?"  "Aha, you have now met my dull dry humor"  "It’s just my basic ironic self."  "I see we have started our talk," says Heidi. I thought we'd sit down sip some brandy, relax and get into it."  "You're wish is my command, dear lady," says Sid.

They sit on the couch.  "Shall we flip to see who starts"?  I see Sid, more of your humor?  "I guess."  OK, I'll call heads and tails, woman's prerogative."   "You’re on!" "Let me start with last night.  As I think I told you, I'd never gone to a man's house, and made love before.  Especially one that I've only known for two days  I don't know if you believe me or not, but when you really get to know I hope you
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