» Fiction » PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗

Book online «PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗». Author Kenneth L. Ehrenthal

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will find out that that is the truth.  I've been thinking about that all day.  I went through my deposition on automatic.  I considered, especially, when I started to cry, whether it was from embarrassment or happiness.  And I've come to a tentative conclusion.  It was both.  When I told you I loved you that was the first feeling I had.  Then I felt embarrassed because I didn't know or at least first consider your feelings.  I expect you were stunned, as I would have been if the reverse were true.  Something in me and you made some mysterious connection.  At least that is what I felt, at that moment.  And I honestly must say now, that I still feel it.  I don't know why...well that's not quite true, I do know something.  I've learned during my practice to read people.  I believe that I've read you quite correctly.  But, at this moment in time, and considering your feelings, if you do not see any hope of continuing this relationship, please tell me now.  If you string me along the deeper my feelings grow, I will only be devastated more.  Better end it now and we can remain colleagues and friends." 
Sid sat for, what must have felt liked an age, to Heidi.  He began "you are absolutely right your words did stun me. As you, I've never invited any women to my house after only knowing her for one or two or even ten times.  While sometimes I wish I was one of those guys that can flit from one woman to another, I'm not that guy.    And Heidi, I do feel a psychic connection with you.  Your honesty and warmth sometimes consumes me.  Each time I see you and talk to you my heart starts beating faster.  Do I love you?  I've searched inside myself and honestly, and it's not that I don't, It's just that I’m still sorting out my feelings.  If I had to answer now...I would say, yes, I think and feel that I am."  Heidi moved closer to Sid and wrapped her arms around him.  She kissed him on the cheek and then brushed his lips with her's.  "There is so much we don't know about each other" she said.  Sid laughed..."I propose we spend a lot of time together filling that gap, what do you say?  "Oh yes Sid." 

"We never did spend any time talking about Sal Martuccio."  Heidi frowns.  "Do you really want to talk about Sal now" Not really, ley's save some time this weekend for business."  "Yeah, we’ll save it for the weekend."  Sid do you realize this will be our first weekend together"   Ya know Heidi, I know we have only spent part of three days together and not all days, and I feel as though we have spent a life time together.  By the way, that is NOT my ironic humor, just how I feel about you."  I think I do too, Sid.  They lean back and feel the music enter their consciousness.  Sid's hand slowly travels up and down Heidi's arm."  That feels so good Sid."  Just lean back and enjoy it."  Sid looks at his watch.  It's 1:15.  "Heidi" he says.  "I think I'm going to leave."  "Why is that Sid, I thought you felt comfortable here with me." "Sweetheart, that has nothing to do with it."  "I think rationally that we don't want to let this, hopefully, become just physical."  But I want you to know that is let my feelings overcome my mind, I'd grab you and take you right here on the couch."  While I feel like ravaging you right here too, I think your right."  "I'll walk you down stairs. No please don't, I'll feel that you are safer here.
                                                      Chapter 9

The Hudson Line is the easiest way to get to Ossining-on-Hudson, "Home" of Sing Sing, the New York downstate maximum security prison.  Sid had called to get an invite from Mr. Royster...prisoners are allow to refuse visitors.  Why is it, that whenever one goes to a prison, with its imposing gray walls and iron gates, the days are cloudy, and or rainy and forbidding?  Well today was sunny the temperature was about 75 and a nice breeze was coming in off the river. A small iron with a bell stood beside the main gate.  After ringing the door clanked open and a guard with some sort of automatic weapon appeared.  "State your business".  Sid answered, "I'm Sidney Lowenthal and I have an appointment to see a prisoner here Mohammed Royster."  He picked the telephone instrument off the wall it was attached to and said, "There's a Sidney Lowenthal to see Royster."  He hung up the phone.  "Wait here he said.  He left the room and I heard a lock snap in place.
Several minutes later the guard returned with an older very well groomed older man.  He held out his hand which Sid took.  It as a firm shake.  "Hi", he said, I'm associate warden Hank Keller, Com’ on in.  He handed Sid a visitors pass to attach to his jacket pocket.  "Mr. Royster will be brought to in a few minutes.  Before we go in, could we search you"?  Sid gets searched.  "One can't be too careful, can we?"     He's led to a small room after walking, to him, at least a mile.  It was a small room, window in the door.  There was a bolted down metal table and two bolted down chairs.  The room was painted glowingly yellow.  Shuffling sounds enter the room and the door opens.
Mohammed Royster is shackled both hands and feet.  He shuffles over and sits down.  Mohammed is not what Sid expected.  He is tall, at least 6'3" and even with a shirt on Sid could count his muscles.  He has an open face and a small tattoo on one cheek.  He looks to be no more than 30.  Sid rises to reach across the table to shake hands and Royster slides his hands so that the touch Sid's.  Mohammed stares at Sid.  Utter silence.  "Well says Sid, "My name is Sidney Lowenthal and I am an attorney."  Your defense attorney from Legal Aid brought me your case and after reading it, I concluded that you were framed.  "All of a sudden, after I've been in this hell hole for over three years somebody figured out that I didn't do it.  Well I guess it could have been ten years later. When do I get out.”?” Slow down," Said Sid.  "It's not that easy.  We have a lot of work to do, just to get the courts to allow us to re-open the case.  This could take a year or more.  You mean now that they know I didn't do it they can still keep me here."  Well, they won't want to see that.  To them the case is closed and justice was served."   "I’m going to need you to do a lot of thinking to make this work.  I'm going to visit you here as often as I need you input and I have an assignment, now, for you. I want to write down as much of what exactly happened to you from the time you were arrested to the end of the trial.  Try to leave nothing, no matter how trivial it may seem.  I'll be back in a week to see you and go over everything you have written and maybe we can even spark events that you forgot to write down.  This is very important!"  'Is there anything now that you would like to say?"  Thank you, I guess.  Sid stands, touches Mohammed on the shoulder and raps on the door. 

                                 Chapter 10
"Hi, sweetheart, it's Sid."  "Yes", she says. "I'd know that voice anywhere."  "I have a favor to ask."  My ex called and she has to go away on her business and she asked me to change my dates to see my kids to this week.  I'll have to break our date tonight."  "Sid, I'd love to meet your kids, if you think it'll be alright, it is certainly alright with me."  Mark and Anna are both teenagers, Mark 16 and Anna 13.  "Yes," said Sid, this might be a good time to introduce my kids to my best girl."  "You know Sid; I'm really flattered that you want them to meet me.  That would be wonderful. 
Heidi is in the "kitchen" when the door bell rings.  Sid opens the door and Mark and Ann enter.  Both have their backpacks on and take them off as they enter.  They are morose. “We really could have stayed home alone" says Ann, Mark’s old enough to watch us."  Your mother is going to be away for two day and we both did not want you home or anywhere alone.  Ann says sulk-ally, "I could have gone to my girl friends and Mark could have found a place to stay."  Sid as neutrally as he can says, "Well why don't we all make the best of it.  I've cleared my calendar and you've got me for two days, let's try to make the best of it."  Noticing Heidi, Mark says, "Who's that?"  "That my dear son is Heidi", smiles Sid.  What is SHE doing here?” says Ann.  "Well", says Sid, I could tell you that I hired a cook for our two day stay here so that we don't have to feast on take-out, but that wouldn't be true.  Heidi is a good friend of mine."  "Oh! She’s your girl friend", frowns Mark.  "You could say that", smiles Sid.  "Heidi, who was holding back and watching the interaction between Sid and the kids, walks over.  "Hi Mark and Ann, your father has told me a lot about you."  "I'll bet" they chorus.  "I've made some burgers and fries; I hope your both hungry?"  Mark says to Ann, sotto voce, "I bet they're tofu burgers, she look like a vegan."  Sid over hearing, "No they're 100% prime beef and the potatoes come from Idaho and the oil they were cooked in was pure extra-virgin olive." Under apparent duress the "kids" walk to the table which has been set up for lunch.  Heidi serves the burgers and fries and they all sit down."  I remember that both of you prefer Coke over Pepsi, so there are cans in the fridge if you want."  The burgers and fries disappear, but the conversation is very awkward, Sid really doesn't know how to talk to kids apparently especially his own.  The dinner ends and Mark put on the TV and Ann seems to disappear into her cell phone.  Sid and Heidi do the dishes. 
Quietly, "That was one of the most uncomfortable meals I have ever had says Heidi," Sid nods.  Sid and Heidi sit on the bed at the far end of the room.  They watch the action or rather inaction around the TV.  Both kids are lying at each end of a couch deeply engrossed in whatever they are watching. "Let's take a walk", says Sid, then we'll find a cab to get you home."  "Good idea", say's Heidi. Then we can talk undisturbed."  The walk around Greenwich Village and after about an hour they find a cab and Heidi goes home.  Coming back he finds the kids still on the couch.  OK guys, time for bed.  Underneath his bed Sid pulls out two air mattresses and two sleeping bags.  After the usual argument about bed time, both kids finally bed down.
As they lay down Sid asks, "You have anything to tell me about how you guys are doing or any questions."  Ann asks, "Are you and that woman serious?"  What exactly do you mean by serious?  You know dad, are you sleeping with her?"  That's a very personal question you're
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