» Fiction » Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗». Author Shamique Morgan

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are you doing out here? “Andrew ashed, exasperated
“I’m pregnant, I’m not a fragile petal which can be crushed in the ragging wind “She said, annoyance etched in her voice, as she walked through the knee high grass. She finally approached her husband planted her two feet firmly on the ground then glared up at him
“What did I do now?” he asked as he brushed at a curl
She looked in Ceddricks’s direction and he held up his hands in surrender
“I know when my presence isn’t welcomed” He said before he bid his farewells. Things always got violent when his in-law and brother had a conversation and probably this time he might have an arrow in his jugular.Ceddrick turned and walked the distance to the end of the rocky pathway. During which he had been contemplating the idea of returning home to his wife to be, but alas a slayer was not for him even when his own brother had testified to her boundless beauty. With a ragged sigh he ran his fingers throughhis hair, He had to be in Paris by tonight ,the vampires and slayers were assembling to talk about marriage.....his marriage .He was suppose to spend the last month with her ,a custom practiced by his kind for millennia but adhering to traditions or customs was never his forte .He Laughed to himself a mere chuckle before teleporting home ,millions of thoughts running through hismind ,plucking through them all as he tried to come to an appropriate conclusion of what his bride looked like .

He shook his head he was not going to get hung up on some unknown lass, the last time he did the love of his life ran a sword through his heart, and he wasn’t going to repeat that.....not now, not ever. Other than his own internal wrestle, Something about this apartment felt different he couldn’t figure out what was wrong his innate instinct was telling him he wasn’t alone yet there was no one here .The rogues had silently watched as Ceddrick teleported into his apartment they could sense he was now aware of their presence and it was time to make it known.
“Found what you were looking for ?“Rafael asked smiling ,his dark eyes filled with malice
Ceddrick turned around to see vampires appearing from Thin air
“the rakoin, it can’t be”
“Oh yes, it is" Rafael eyed him then spat out” “ prince” his enter visage changed as his bitterness seeped from him
Ceddrick tilted his head “still bitter after so many years?” He asked as he glared at him, a smug smile plastered on his face.
“What do you think?”Rafael asked
he didn’t have time to go through this again he needed to know why he was in his house ,of all places ‘probably ,mistaken it for a brothel ‘he chuckled inwardly before getting to the point ,the real one.
“Why are you here?”He asked as looked around counting the amount of vampires present
“To prevent the council from making another mistake “
‘”Hmm, if you wish for a beating I’ll oblige’ He lunged for the closet vampire but only dragged claws straight through the air “Shit, the rakoin” how had they mastered it, only vampires loyal to the high council had that privilege. He couldn’t even sense them .There was a piercing stab in the side of his neck his hand shot up to feel a syringe. They’d all reappeared laughing and jeering
“What the hell, tranquilizer?” What did they take him for, some wild animal?
Rafael shook his head
“No, not really just something a witch whipped up for us “he grinned laugh lines crawling up to his dark eyes.
Ceddrick felt as darkness began to consume the small amount of his consciousness, it ate away until he finally blacked out.

Embracing the Night: Chapter Three


Beaumont hotel

“Where is she?”Brooke asked James as she scratched her head. Her phone clutched in one hand. He shrugged his shoulder, as he sank further down in the leather chair and placed his feet on the coffee table. He fiddled in his dark brown jacket until he fished out a cigarette placing it between his lips and lighting the end. He took a deep breath and puffed a smoke then turned his head to look at her

“She’s probably killing leeches “he said a dark strand of hair dangling over his aquamarine eyes.

“You really think this is the time, for that “She retorted as she pointed at the cigarette.

“No, but I find myself in the position where I have to “

“Where is she?”Arthur Snapped his face pulled into tight knots .Arthur was the first of slayers and so their ruler. After he’d renounced knight hood he’d taken up a new oath to slay leeches but after centuries of eradicating them he never found the pleasure he sought ,so he appealed for a treaty. sitting up with the cigarette bud between his fingers James said

"We don't know ,Brooke tried calling her but no answer"

Seconds later the vampire high council marched into the room all clad in white cloaks

“We had an agreement “The eldest said prominent veins standing out against pale white wrinkled skin .That’s the thing With the leader of the high council, after a period of time they begin to lose their immortality so that the position could be passed on,it was also a way of making sure that the Vampire kingdom remained at the top. If indeed the Leader remained alive there was a possibility that others with the intention of destroying the kingdom would seek to get information out of them and all would be loss, if they succeeded not just for their kingdom but the immortal world as well.

“Sire.”A young female said as she walked in her white robe trailing behind her

“What!”He shouted throwing pale hands into the air

”Ceddrick..he’s gone “

He rubbed his temple then let out a sigh and calmly asked
“Where is he?”

“We don’t know sire,

“Then find him and do not show your face until you do.” he commanded, he turned his wrinkled face to Arthur

“Slayer follow me, we must find the source of this problem “He said as he turned on his heels

“Find her “Arthur muttered through gritted teeth before leaving.

Embracing The Night:Chapter Four

South America

Hidden plane of Zahra

The faint smell of blood crawled its way to Auna’s nostrils .Her eyes opened slowly only to be greeted by darkness, a mere candle was providing light. She heard the jingling of keys and the chattering of men then she heard the door to the cell creak open.

“Time to go princess” a guard teased

“Go where?”Auna asked as she stared at the guard before her

He chuckled, the type which told her this was going to end badly.

“You’ll see”He said

as he yanked her to her feet pushing her along. Auna kept her cool if she tried to resist them the more they would restrain her. The faint smell of urine and other unpleasantries tickled her nostrils, hands protruded from the cells, prisoners were shouting for help, bounded by the shackles at their feet and hands .The dungeon was dark and she heard the faint clattering of plates and other metals, Screams of the tortured reverberated throughout the dark abyss ,she froze for a while .Were they going to torture her?.

the guard shoved her up the flight of stairs because of her hesitant steps , as they made their way up she saw a woman chained by her ankles and wrist ,the shackles at her hand had been attached to the ceiling ,she was stark naked like the day she was born ,her head hung and ebony coloured hair covered her face their were cut marks on her body most of them started from her cheek down to her leg as though some one just took a sharp object and dragged it along the length of her body ,Auna felt bile rise in her throat .Was she alive or dead? When they did it She shuddered and kept her head down, she heard screams and felt a cold tingling feeling run down her spine she clamped her eyes shut she couldn’t bare the sight of it or what else she would see .

They’d finally emerged from the dark dungeon, into a ball room; immortals turned their heads to glance at her. The room was illuminated by light. The marble floor glittered under the brilliant light which radiated from the golden chandeliers’, which were secure to the Ceiling.

“So this is what the council chose to be the queen?”A female said, as she made her way to Auna

“Queen?”She repeated as she met the gaze of the woman who stood before her .she had a mop of red hair which stopped at her waist line ,her eyes were almond shaped with amber iris .A real beauty some would say .

She chuckled

“So innocent.” She purred.

“Didn’t Ceddrick tell you or does he still lack that semblance of decency” she asked as she quirked an eyebrow, who was this bitch, and what was she talking about?

“I am Evaline goddess of premonition”

“And what do you want with me?’Auna asked ,Narrowing her eyes

“Simple kill you and Ceddrick, so no treaty will exist” seconds later guards arrived dragging a large male.

“Speak of the devil.” she said as she turned her head to meet Ceddrick’s gaze. Auna turned her head, just to see what he looked like ,It was something she’d often wondered about when she was at home ,when she was hindered from leaving .And for some reason she felt the hatred she had for him earlier

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