» Fiction » Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗». Author Shamique Morgan

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didn’t know who Auna Preston was. But the fury which she’d kindle at the outrage began to subdue and the emotions which rose to surface was that of shock and surprise. It was him..but how had he...Mentally she slapped herself why did she care he was here to help her so the least she could do was accept that and be on her way ,quickly she manage to regain her composure, of those emotions she was going to show neither .Ceddrick's gaze ran over the woman who was pin to the wall by metal bonds. Like this she could send a blind man spiralling into orgasm .

“Are you quite through with your scrutiny of my visage?, if so be so kind to free me” she said as she stared at him an obvious disgust in her blue eyes .He chuckled then looked at her

‘you know most women wouldn’t mind my scrutiny” he retorted as he went about the task she demanded finally free she rubbed her wrists and countered

“Precisely . other women, and as far as I’m concerned I’m not like other women “

“I’ve realized lass “He said as he pulled her to her feet.Thor got the feeling that she resented him ,not that he could blame her ,he’d left her in a house by herself for a month not once acknowledging her ,that alone was enough to set any woman on spring .

“How do you plan on getting us out of here?’She asked from behind him, her arms were folded neatly across her bust.

“I don’t know yet ,but it will only be until a minute or two that one of these guards has figured out that I’m gone “

He said on a breath before he turned to lock gaze with her. The petite female was clad scantily, she wore a black little skirt which barely manage to cover her thighs, and that flimsy little blouse she wore from what he’d glimpsed tapered in the back to some sort of corset design .Then the question popped

“Do you always dress this scantily ?“ there was no turning back now ,so it only made sense to go with it “Why?”She asked as she stared at him warily ,a faint whisper in the back of her mind cautioning her to be careful of her response ,he shrugged

“Just a question pet, it’s either a yes or a no “She sighed and looked him dead in the eye

“I don’t owe you an explanation “she said tersely if he’d cared he would have been with her a month ago .Not that any of that mattered to her now, they’d wasted enough time as it were . Women! You ask one question and they get all defensive the only thing that really mattered was getting out of this hell hole before it was too late, so for now he would let that question drop .

Embracing The Night:Chapter Six

The persistent rap on her door was enough to wake an herd of elephants. But it was short lived seconds later Evaline’s maid bustled into the room she quickly curtsied and met the brilliant emerald gaze of her mistress.

“Your ladyship,....the um ...the prisoners have escaped” She said as she winced obviously expecting some form of heinous act to be meted out to her

She gracefully swung her legs to the side of the bed

“i see my brother wasted no time “ she said as she stood and put on the robe which laid over the chair adjacent to her bed

“Madam....are you ok” Abigail asked a puzzling look plastered over her face

“Why on earth wouldn’t i be “she asked the malicious smile running the full length of her lips

“no reasons “she said as she curtsied and left

“Let the games begin brother “She said a malevolent smile creasing her lips.

Ravencroft Coven

“I don’t know what to think anymore” Brooke said to Olivia

As she took a sip of wine which she’d been offered

“ i know that this is unusual behaviour of your sister brooke-ann but i don’t think you should worry this much”Livia said before bringing the wine glass to her lips Brooke shrugged maybe Auna finally cracked and bailed ,but that didn’t excuse the fact that her suitcases were packed .The first thing her sister did when she checked into a hotel was unpack her clothes it was like a ritual with her .

“if one is to accommodate change she must always embrace the things which come with change” she’d remember Auna saying she set the glass down on the unembellished dark brown mahogany table she looked into livia’s brown eyes and said

“I need you to scry her room liv “When witches scry they use majick to recreate something which had previously happened but liv was a what did she call it, a witch in “reform” and had brandished any idea of ever using magic

She placed her glass on the table adjacent to Brooke’s

“Fine, but only because we’re friends and Auna owes me money.” Brooke raised an eyebrow at her comment


“Pssh, no dear she’s my friend too” she laughed a she took another sip of Madeira.

Their escape had been easy ...too easy which had rouse many questions in Auna .Why hadn’t his sister appointed more guards to watch their cells?, or even older ones because obviously the guards she appointed were young ..Young enough to be her Brother. She turned her gaze to Ceddrick who was currently lying on a bed of hay his hands behind his head After they’d left the castle they jacked a ride with some peasant on this wagon .he seemed so peaceful in his sleep she stretched a hand over his face to brush back a strand of thick black hair .but pulled it back touching she said mentally .

Her eyes suddenly caught glimpse of the sword which he’d stolen from the palace .Now that could be of use she chided .The only problem she had was that she had to stretch across him to get it .Shit no task ever comes with easy strings she told herself as she stretched over him .It must have been faith ..Either way she was convinced she was a woman because sometimes she was such a bitch .The carriage had gone over a bump causing Auna to fall on his chest ,practically knocking the air from his lungs .Ceddricks s eyes flew open at the contact

“What do you think you’re doing lass ?”He asked firmly

“I...I .um”He quirked an eyebrow at her .Crap .

“That’s none of your business” she snapped making quick recovery

“You’re lying on my chest so the least you can do is give me an explanation “ he said as he searched her face waiting for an explanation.

“oh ,that fact had eluded me “she said as she gingerly moved from over him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him ,a gasp had escaped from her and her features seemed distraught ,her entire apparel went blanch .

“yes that fact indeed eluded you, along with my explanation which you seem so determine to withhold from me, now tell me what were you doing? “he asked

Auna’s eyes widen at how clipped and serious his tone had grown .Her eyes darted towards the sword. Now wishing she could maim him for manhandling her his gaze followed hers realization crawling it’s way into his mind she’d meant to kill him. No different, she’s no different from those other slayers and Rachael. If that’s how she’d meant to repay him for saving her behind then they would part ways. He released his hold on her and she scrambled back from him .Her eyes fixed on his face .

“We part ways when we reach the nearest town “he said sternly, there was no note of uncertainty in his tone, no room for debates or questions. Good she thought to herself, things were better that way. For both of them.

Embracing the Night: Chapter Seven

The Morning light poured in from the window. Brooke walked around the room then took a seat in a nearby chair

‘So here it is “Brooke said “Let's get this over with” she added

Olivia nodded her short hair bouncing atop her head

With outstretched palms Majick began to encase the room, and a scene began to form. Brooke watched her hand clamped over her mouth as tears gathered in her eyes and slowly rolled down her cheeks .A large man stood at Auna’s Back ,he dropped a hand around her throat then whispered in her ear

“Scream and I’ll kill you “

She struggled against his hold but he only tighten it, her hand shot up to her throat to pry his hand free

But it was a fruitless attempt .He reached in his pocket and pulled out a syringe. Her eyes caught glimpse of it and she tried harder to get free but all her fighting came to an end when he jammed it in her neck. Brooke shook her head ,beads of tears streaming from her eyes , the scene slowly disappeared .Olivia gasped, Her eyes had stopped wavering from a metallic grey and went back to their normal chocolate colour, she looked Brooke in the eye and asked

“Who’s the man?’”

It was only a mere whisper

“Rafael.... “

“What do you mean my brother is missing?”Andrew asked as he narrowed his eyes at his cousin

‘Like I said, I’m not quite sure of all the details of our situation as yet, as far as I’m concerned uncle’s retirement is drawing nigh and if we can’t find ceddrick by then…“Andrew cut him off by saying

“I already told father, I don’t want to be the leader of our council, it’s too much a risk for my family“

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