» Fiction » Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗». Author Shamique Morgan

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/> Ethan smiled at his cousin then nodded.

‘I’ll fill you in on any new information. I also fear whosoever has done this is someone on the inside. No one else knew of this arrangement except the slayers and our people.” Ethan stood to take his leave ,then added “also take precaution something isn’t right..i think you and your wife should stay elsewhere for the time being”

“thank you for your concern,i’ll take that into mind” “ Andrew said with a smile Ethan bid his farewell and traced .Ethan sank further into the plush leather chair he was sitting in he ran his hand over his faced he took a deep breath and sighed.

Where were his brother and the slayer princess? The only logic he could draw from this was, someone didn’t want the two kingdoms to be united or......they wanted the council

Either way what Ethan said would be completely true. it had to be someone on the inside responsible for this and if their aim was at the royal family there was a possibility that his wife and unborn child were in danger. And he wasn’t planning on losing either of them.

Auna heard the faint errie laughter of children ,it resonated throughout the darkness,the sound intensified then it was abruptly cut off. Suddenly she saw a little boy with a mop of golden curls and eyes as green as laurel emerging from the darkness. He turned his sun kissed face to gaze upon her. Tears began to form and she felt as the tiny beads slowly crawled down her cheeks. She knew exactly who he was, how could she ever forget that face. He pointed a finger in her direction and asked

“are you my awa?” she felt her throat tightened ,felt how it constricted at the years of pain

“yes” she said as she knelt down to his level “I am your awa”

He pouted his lips and she watched as his little eyes moistened she touched his cheeks and he batted away her hand

“you killed me!!!!” he screamed as he ran off fading into the darkness she ran after him but the only thing she could see was darkness

“Khristen!!!!!” she called the only thing she heard after was a piercing scream. Her eyes filled with tears like a saturated cloud and she felt as the warm liquid poured over her eyelid the darkness was then replaced by red and a eerie little voice whispering

“you killed killed me awa ”

“Get up lass” Ceddirck said as he touched her gently on the shoulder

“what.....??” she asked groggily as she sat up and wipped her tear stained face,he quirked a suspicious eyebrow at her

“We’re here “he said.

He’d wondered what she dreamt about he’d heard her calling for someone called khristen and he’d wandered who he was ,a relative ...or lover and for some reason that thought had irritated him deeply She jumped down from the cart and he followed after her.

“Thank you” she said with a faint smile creasing her lips

“It’s nothing hope you and your husband will be fine”the old elf said . before disappearing around the winding path

“He’s not my Husband “she whispered to herself

“I don’t think he can hear you now pet” her head snapped up and she scowled at him

“As if I’m not aware of the obvious” she retorted

“we aren’t going to make any progress are we?” He asked as he locked gaze with her searching for an answer which he already knew

“Well that depends on you and as far as this conversation is concerned, it ends here.I believe you made it pretty clear that we go separate ways once we got to the town”

“I’ve changed my mind it would be highly stupid if we split up ,considering that both our lives are at risk “

“And when had you come to that marvellous conclusion? “She asked as she clapped her hands and flashed him an artificial smile

“I could do without the sarcasm, lass” Folding her hand across her chest ,s he scoffed and looked him dead in the eye .She can't beleive this ,she should be throwing a tantrum at this moment refusing his request ,but childish antics would get them nowhere ,instead she sighed and asked “how do you suppose we get to paris ?”

Embracing the Night: Chapter Eight

Pacing back and forth Arthur ran his fingers through his midnight colored hair .Stopping for a brief moment he turned to Olivia and Brooke who watched him attentively, they were waiting for him to digest the news he'd just received .

"Are you sure"

He asked ,a strand of hair dangled over his coffee coloured eyes ,that's the only thing that set him apart form his daughter his dark eyes were such a contrast when compared to Auna's .

"Yes,I'm positive.I'd know the man anywhere “Brooke said through gritted teeth as she lowered her head .She clenched and unclenched her fist trying to push back the thoughts which plagued her ,If Rafael laid a hand on her sister ,he'd regret it she would personally see to it .

"Booke ,Brooke" Olivia said pulling her from her thoughts ,her brows furrowed as she looked into her friends face

"Are you alright ?" She asked as she laid a hand on her shoulder

"I'll be fine "she wispered Walking over to her ,Arthur stooped to her level and placed a hand on her knee
"I know this is hard for you Brooke-ann ,but love we can''t break down .Not now , your sister needs us .We must be strong " He said as she squeezed her hand his eyes softened and she could tell he was torn inside ,Auna and her were the closest thing he had to a family .

"Yes Father "She smiled ,he returned the smile and gave her hand a final sqeeze "That's my girl
Standing he said

"Send Asher to deliver this message ,we need to inform the vampires of this ,seeing that one of their kind caused this predicament"

Nodding she and Olivia stood to take their leave ,when he added "Brooke I think it's wise if you stayed clear of this mess ,until this blows over "

Nodding she said

"Yes father "Before closing the door behind her . She knew arguing with the man at tris moment was pointless ,seeing that her sister was missing their father would not risk her life ,but how could she sit in the dark while her sister was out there ,she could be injured or dead .Forcing back the tears she glanced over at Liv who was completely relaxed

"Aren't you going to ask why I agreed ?"

She glanced over at Brooke ,a warm smile graced her lips

"I know you better than that ,you're much like Auna you won't sit by idlly while the one you love is in danger "

"So what do we do now ?" She asked as they walked the hall way which had pictures of ancestors hanging form the walls

"Follow up on our new lead" she grinned

Ward Macalister tossed his head back as he downed the last bit of wine from his glass .His time would soon be up and then ,then he'd join his beautiful wife .

"Cheers Arianna "He said as he held up his empty glass. He brought the glass to his lips once more utterly oblivious of the fact that it was empty ,realizing that it was empty he growling and tossed it across the room the glass broke and splintered into tiny shards on impact .He grabbed for the bottle bringing it to his lips .

"You were a beaut " He said as he looked at the portrait of his wife ,her unruly fiery curls were let loose ,her emerald eyes were filled with love as she stared down at their new born daughter whom she cradled in her arms .Both their sons stood on either side of her ,they resembled him more than they did her .Sighing he ran his fingers through thinning grey hair.

"She was a good mother "Evaline said as she strode into her father's study closing the door behind her

"Where have you been ?"He asked as he started through the window ,before he brought the bottle back to his lips again

"Father you shouldn't be drinking " she said , now blocking his view

"I asked a question ,where have you been these past days ?" His eyes narrowed at the young woman who was the spitting image of the woman he loved ,His daughter was so much like his wife ,beautiful and utterly stubborn .

"I was busy ,I went away on errands .Now please give me the bottle" She said as she held out her hand waiting for him to hand it to her .She always knew how to manipulate the man ,he sighed before relinquishing the one thing which was relieving his pain .

"Your brother is missing "He said on a breath the poor man seem tired and the bags under his eyes were a testament of that .It seemed as if he were waiting on death to take is last breath .Rolling her eyes she set the bottle on the table before saying

"He probably got cold feet and ran off ,you know how he is .Marriage has never been an option for brother "

He scowled before adding

"He has a duty to his people .How do you think I feel ,knowing that both my sons refuse to take up the responsiblity which is rightfully theirs "

"I understand father but why not make me head of the coucil" She inquired

He slammed his fist against his desk

"No!,what do you ,a woman know about runnig a nation ? the Kali must be a male heir ,Now leave me be "He said reaching for the bottle again

Casting her father a smile she nodded and mumbled

"As you wish father " before she left .If only the old fool knew what she was brewing ,he would see what a woman was capable of doing .She hung on to that thought as she let a warm feeling fill her ,soon and vey soon her father will see that she is more than fit to rule as Kali.

Making her way down the ancient corridors of the palace she saw

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