» Fiction » Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗

Book online «Blue Bloods, Shamique Morgan [the speed reading book txt] 📗». Author Shamique Morgan

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Embracing the Night: The Beginning

Legend has it that these creatures have the true blood, the pure blood. Their speed unlike any breathing being that has ever walked this earth .They roam the frost chipped night in search of their preys-their victims, one could hardly stand the violent shrieks which tried so badly to be heard at night or to find the cobble stones marred with crimson in the mornings. But they went too far when they destroyed my world………………

Winchfield ,England
1795 Winter

“Go sweet, you must run” Julian chided the child who refused to depart from her
“Mother, I won’t……” Auna said shaking her head,ting beads of tears rolling over her eyelids .She looked up into the water filled eyes of a woman in her prime, golden locks dangling over her bright emerald eyes, Dirt smudged her cheeks and the scent of smoke still clung to her body and charred clothing.Even though they were a great distance from the burning village Julian could still see The raging fire which licked at the sky , clawing its way up to the heavens .Who would have though such atrocity would befall their small village. But it had ,somehow they’d found it and they’d destroyed everything in their path ,they’d brought death to them like the black plague had in the 12th century
“Mother, what will happen to us now, what about papa???” The small girl sniffled .She too reeked of smoke. Julian turned her gaze from what had been .Their home was gone .Destroyed. She turned her eyes upon her little girl and for a mere second the face of her little boy flashed before her eyes .Khristen .She’d failed him as a mother, as his protector.
Julian placed her hands on Auna’s slim shoulders, she looked at her child’s face once more, she wouldn’t fail her .She had to live. Tears breached their barrier and ran over her eyelids .At a loss for words she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.Cupping her cheeks she managed to say with a faint smile hoping it would be cogent enough to get the little girl to leave her behind .
“Papa will be fine .We will all meet again sweet, one day”
“ now do as I say and run “She added . Auna nodded her head, she throwed her arms around her mother’s neck, somehow hoping that this was all a nightmare and that she would wake. Pulling back from her mother she turned on her heels and ran .The naked night nipped at her flesh and the angry wind tugged at unbounded raven coloured locks, blinded by her salty tear ,she stumbled to the snow coated ground .Above ,the moon moved tentatively like a shy child from behind
the clouds, emitting rays of stolen sunlight .She looked up, eyes riveted. This was a symbol ,a reminder of what this night was and what she’d lost.High pitch screams followed, embedding its lyrics in her mind a song which she would play over and over again until she destroyed every blue blood who ever lived.

Embracing The Night:Chapter One

Present day.
London ,England 2011

The Vampire lashed out at Auna with extended, claws tearing into her torso
“I’ll have your head, leech “Auna shouted her blue eyes lighting up with anger
A small smile tugged at his pale lips, his body disappearing then his face, Auna lunged forward dragging her sword through air. She stood still, poise .Anticipating the next blow. Blood flowed from the gnash on her temple .Marring her vision .She swiped a hand over her face “Where the hell was the bastard “ She took a step back only to fall flat on her back, a pale hand was locked around her throat. Menacing, glowing blue eyes peered down at her face.
“Filthy little slayer, do you think you can kill me” He hissed, tightening his hold on her throat
Her shoes dug into the cold pavement, she kicked her feet as she gaped for air, She wiggled under his hold trying to get a hold of the dagger strapped to her leg ….Unconsciousness slowly crept in like a predator hunting its prey .This was it she thought she was going to die .Auna closed her eyes and saw Khristen's face ,He flashed her a faint smile before disappearing .Suddenly reminded of what she'd lost ,what they'd taken from her she opened her eyes refusing to give up ,refusing to die .She would have her revenge .Reaching for her dagger again ,her finger caught the hilt, she slowly pulled at it until her fingers curled around the cool brass hilt.
The hot liquid hit her face .The vampire loosened his hold, Auna scrambled back from the leech a pleasant little smile curving her lips .The Vampire staggered back his eyes wide and frantic ,gasping he removed the dagger with shaking fingers and threw it to the pavement his long skeletal fingers curled around his pale throat. As if he were suddenly reminded of her presence his head snapped up only to meet her cold steel .His head landed on the pavement with a loud thud along with his body ,the vampire's mutilated body slowly lit up, Blue fire licking at his pale flesh. The fire finally died leaving a pile of ash behind and a clawing stench in the atmosphere. Auna watched silently as the pile of ash was carried off on the wind.

Embracing The Night:Chapter Two

McAllister’s flat

Auna pressed one hand against the cool mahogany door, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath..Wondering what awaited her on the other side .She opened the door to lock gaze with Grace her maid, to be honest the old woman was more of a mother than her maid. With a sigh she made her way into the room one hand covering the wound.
“Auna I don’t think your betrothed would like you going out at these hours of the night “, Grace said her wrinkled face showing concern. She folded a piece of fabric and set it neatly on the bed. A satisfactory look masking her face .Auna glanced quickly at the suitcases sitting in the far corner of the room .At any other time she'd have been grateful to escape to the wonderful city of lights ,with all its awing sights .But not at this moment ,at this moment she wanted to flee, but she had to play the role of the dutiful princess. Sighing she let her blood stained sword clatter to the ground .Looking at Grace Auna said
“Grace my betrothed does not know of my existence, so let it rest .I’m a free woman and I’ll do as I please”. Auna retorted as she made her way towards her bed, trying as best as possible to cover the blood ozzing from her wound,but it was a fruitless attempt .the blood ran over her fingers and fell to floor leaving crimson splatters .
"you're hurt..."Grace made a move to assit ,but Auna warded her off
"I'm fine , I can take care of it " She said as she peeled of her jacket assessing the damage .Grace Flinched then added
"You must remember this is apart of the treaty,you must stay here until he comes “She said, like Auna needed to be reminded.She didn't want to be reminded that she was engaged to a man who refused to acknowledge her.She didn't want to be reminded that they had taken everything from her .
“I don’t need to be reminded of what we have become, slayers and vampires don’t kindle! It has been like that for centuries ” she snapped "And further more a month has elapse and still no sign of the prince ,once I plead my case to the council they will see that this marriage is not the way to go about this " She added
“Time changes and so does tradition “She said softly before she bowed and left the room. Sighing Auna fell back on the bed,she pulled a pillow over her face and screamed. Dark curls rested against the soft white coverings while her Blue eyes were transfixed on the ceiling sighing she relaxed how on earth would she be able to exact her revenge if she got married to a leech ,groaning she closed her eyes whispering a soft prayer "God help me "


The cool breeze kissed the land like a lover would, soft ...gentle. The deciduous trees swayed in the wind, their long branches twirling like ballerinas .the knee high grass swayed back and forth and the constant sound of sea water pounding on the side of the cliff resonated through out the country side. Ceddrick loved the smell of the sea water it brought back many memories of when he was just a wee lad.
Andrew drew his attention from the large gray dog that had gone to fetch the ball and turned to his brother
“When will you return home to wed your slayer, Brother?”
Andrew asked as he squinted his eyes, the wind had suddenly picked up kicking the dust along with it
“I don’t know, probably when I’ve had my fill of wenches “
Ceddrick said before he released the arrow a smug smile plastered on his face.
“She’s rather pleasing to the eye, a perfect match for you “Andrew said as he took aim at the other target board
“Then you marry her, Andrew”
“I don’t think my wife would be happy with that “He said with a laugh, his green eyes lighting up.
“And I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night with a sword in my throat” Andrew snickered at that
“I don’t think she would go that far”
“Speaking of wives, here comes yours “ Ceddrick said as he inclined his head to the approaching female.Saris approached muttering under her breath, golden curls falling over her slender shoulders.
“Saris, love what

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