» Fiction » Daughter Nature, H. Elizabeth [the best electronic book reader TXT] 📗

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5'2. But he's still an amazing guy.
And then the last one in our foursome is Blair Caden. Her ancestor is Ares, the Greek god of war. She can make chaos or fights break out at any given moment. Also, she can put rage and anger in others. She can control it, but if there's one thing you never want to do, it's make Blair angry.
"Hey, guys." I say as I approach them.
They all greet me back as I sit down to join them. We usually don't do much; either do homework that we never do at home or if something about the clan or any unusual events that have to do with our powers comes up we talk about it.
Vidette is working on Geometry, Blair is sleeping, and Bentley has a look that I know is not that good.
I look at him. "What's up?"

 "There's another one," he says. Vidette and Blair both look at him.

"What do you mean?" Vidette asks him.

"Another member..."
"Of the Order?!" Blair says with shock.
Since my friends' relatives are a part of the Order and have been there for many years, they're allowed to know about it. I mean, Blair's blood line in the Order goes back even centuries before Christ's birth. My mom only joined some twenty years ago, and since her powers were at risk, the Order thought it appropriate if she had children that didn't have her abilities, they shouldn't know about it. Once they found out I had gained her powers, I was granted knowledge about it. Ken is aware of it's existance, but he doesn't know much more about it since he's considered a "Regular Mortal". 
Like I am in any way, shape, or form, NORMAL. Or IMmortal, for that matter.
"Not exactly." Bentley answers to Vidette's question.
"A new Being?" I ask.
He nods.
Beings are kids like me and my friends- we have abilities but aren't old enough to be a part of the Order for training or to individually rule a part (or element) of the world.
I slump down on the wall beside him. "Who is it this time?"
"Well," Bentley explains to us, "my dad was telling me that one of the Order members saw a boy in a graveyard. The boy looked around not seeing the member and mumbled something, kneeled down and from his palms a dark smoky thing came out of his hands. Then in the smoke a women's body came up out of the grave.
"Ew." Vidette says; her face grimacing.
Blair, on the other hand, smiles. "It seems," she says, "that one of my relatives is in town."
We all stare at her. "What do you mean?" I say.
"The kid the Elder saw? That's one of my cousins. His grandpa is Hades." She snickers. "God of the Underworld. And of the dead."

"Nearly every Being is your cousin, Blair. The Greek Gods are extensive." I say to her.
"What's his name?" Bentley asks her.
"I'm almost positive it's Alastor. "

"Well... there's more.." Bentley says.
We all look at him. "He's here. At school."
"Great." I exhale. In my opinion, there's enough freaks in this school already with the four of us around.

"Well I guess we're going to have to deal with it. Be friends with him." Vidette says.

I get to my second class of the day. Biology. And, Lo and behold, the new kid happens to sit right next to me. Of course, at first I didn't know who he was the second he walked in. All I saw was a tall, fit, dusty-blonde kid with brown eyes and a few freckles; but then I heard the teacher say his name. When I looked up, my teacher is pointing in my direction. Only then did I realize the seat on the 2-person lab bench is vacant. So, of course, my new lab partner is the Being. *Yay*.
So we're sitting there and then the teacher says we can talk. So he turns to me. "I'm sorry what was your name again?"
"Abilene. Abilene Aires." I decide to freak him out. "You know, " I start. "I have a feeling that there's something weird about you.
It's working. He starts to look uncomfortable. "I don't understand."
"Oh I do." I smile.
"What are you talking abo-"
I cut him off as I reach for my backpack and rip out a sheet of paper from a binder and a pencil. I start to sketch, and I'm almost positive I hear him mumble, "Well it's nice to meet you too..." as he turns away - but I continue to draw. I'm going to scare this kid. I nudge him and show him my drawing. It's of a stick guy in front of a poorly drawn tombstone and a ghost rising from the ground in front of it. Alastor's eyes grow wide as he snatches the paper and shoves it in his backpack. I'm laughing - until he grabs me by the collar of my jacket, yanks me off my chair, onto the ground, and under the desk. His eyes turn a yellowish color and his pupils are getting smaller. "How did you know?" He hisses, barely above a whisper.
I smile - even though I'm terrified - as I put my hands on both sides of his face. "Relax," I tell him. "I'm just like you - well kinda."
Alastor's eyes start to return to their brown state as he says, "Prove it."
I think quickly on how to win the kid's trust. "Well," I say, "What's it like outside right now?"
He looks through the window as he stands up. He then extends his arm and helps me up.
A few kids are giving me the glare. You know; the glare after the new kid grabs you outta your chair and under the desk for about a minute. That kind of glare. But it doesn't bother me.
"It's cloudy and cold." He continues; sitting in his chair. "Looks like it might rain in the next hour."
"Well you know what?" I say super quietly; a grin appearing on my face. "It's going to rain right now."
I close my eyes and focus on the clouds outside. I take a deep breath and outstretch my palms inside the enormous sleeves of my jacket. I open my eyes (still smiling) just as a clap of lightning erupts outside; and following a downpour of heavy rain.
Alastor's face is priceless. The kid is dumbfounded. "You’re... you're... one of them? I mean... us?"
"Yep." I respond. "My mom is Mother Nature."
And we continue talking for the rest of class. He tells me how he thought he would be a freak here, and how he would be a misfit, yadda yadda yadda. I tell him about Vidette, Blair, and Bentley. He's amazed. I tell him that no one must know that all of us are here and that I brought up my abilities. He promises and tells me that the clan scares even him - someone who has seen dead people for crying out loud - and he would never do anything to upset them. Because he's terrified. HA.
The school day goes on rather uneventfully - until lunchtime rolls around. I walk into the cafeteria and sit down against that same wall I always go to before school; Bentley's sitting there already while Blair and Vidette are waiting in line to buy lunch.
Poor suckers. Lunch food is (most always-except on "Taco Tuesdays"-) disgusting. Lucky for me, my mom makes me a lunch every morning. After she packs my lunch, however, she snaps her fingers and starts to make the correct weather adjustments for the day. She is, after all, Mother Nature. Or Mrs. Aires... or mom... I'm still trying to figure it out myself.
"Hey, Bent," I say as I'm sitting myself down beside him.
He puts his arm around me and asks, "So have you met the kid yet?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just wondering." He looks around the cafeteria. "What does he look like?"
I almost smile, but contain myself.
What? The kid's not half bad looking. I can smile... Just not in front of Bentley. He gets way too superstitious of new Beings that he's heard of... he's kind of judgmental.
"Well..." I start, "He's a tad shorter than you are, not as muscley as you are, kinda long blondish hair and blue eyes." I lean in a bit closer to him and whisper, "But don't ask about his ability. He'll get pissed off and he'll turn to rage."
Bentley's eyes widen a bit. "How so?"
"I brought it up and he nearly threw me on the floor. His pupils like... disappeared... and his eyes turned yellow."
"Oh wow." he says. He pulls his arm back and turns back to his love. If there's one thing in this world that Bentley would make a deal for, it's a good rack... of ribs. Or some steak. He's more like a carnivore, not a weatherman.
Blair and Vidette return back to us - but Alastor's with them. I can feel Bent's muscles tighten as he sits up straighter. I continue to eat my lunch - leftover pasta salad. It's in a plastic container, so I can heat it up. I stretch my hand over the top of it so that my palm covers the circular top and put heat in it.
I feel bad for normal humans that have to bring things like thermostats or coolers or whatever. I can just put desert heat or Antarctic cold on any food in an instant and it'll be delicious.
"Hey guys," Blair says as the threesome come to us. "Have ya'll met my cousin yet?"
I nod, my mouth full of (now heated) pasta.
Bentley stands up and puts his hand out for a handshake; as he does this, I can see Alastor's eyes get wide as he notices Bent's muscles - even though just a fraction of his arms are showing; due to his jacket that he's rolled the sleeves up, he's still monstrous. "I'm Bentley," he says. "Nice to meet ya."
"Alastor." he replies as the three sit down.
Vidette sits down on the other side of me. I can tell she hasn't been too thrilled with the thought that our new buddy talks to the departed. But, like the nice person she is, she's trying to be his friend and see past it.
"So," she says, leaning over me, Bent, and Blair to Alastor, "How is your first day going so far?"
"Pretty great, actually," he says, shooting back a smile. I'm in awe - his teeth are perfectly straight and white. I can't believe I didn't realize this is Biology. Probably because I was in shock he pulled me under the table. "I've made some new friends-" (Bentley rolls his eyes at this,) "-and my teachers seem really cool."
"And if they give you any trouble, hey, just curse their soul for the afterlife!" Blair laughs and Alastor cracks up.
They continue to laugh for a few moments until Blair looks up. Vidette is giver her a cold glare. "That's so not funny," she says.
And she means it. Rarely ever do I see her say something with her "serious face" on. At this sight, Blair suddenly stops hooting and all of a sudden has this sheepish expression. Alastor, on the other hand, seems a little perplexed.
"Wait," he says with a confused look on his face, "Why isn't that funny? It was a joke after all."
"Because you could get yourself into a flipping LOT of trouble with the Elders if you do curse a soul; or anything that will put any of the humans in danger." Vidette answers.
"It's against the Sacred Code of the Elders," Bentley adds. "If you break it, you'll be cast into the Tartarus - or so I've heard."
According to Greek Mythology (which is

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