» Fiction » Daughter Nature, H. Elizabeth [the best electronic book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Daughter Nature, H. Elizabeth [the best electronic book reader TXT] 📗». Author H. Elizabeth

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New Being in School

Dear Diary, Wed. December 5
Mom's making me keep this stupid journal so she can "track" my progress with my supernatural ability. If you ask me, it's all really lame. Why can't Ken be Mother Nature? He's perfect for it and has NEVER amounted to anything before.
Maybe that's why he still lives at home...
Well so far my powers haven't been acting unusual or anything. Well, besides from the usual emotions=weather changes. Maybe one day I can make hail the size of Ken's head and use the wind to knock it at him...
Just kidding.
Well, I have to go do homework now.
Stupid High School....
I'll write later, no doubt, because of mother dear.

After I finish with the journal, I sit on my bed and think about everything that's happened in the last year.
Well, one year and one week ago, I was exactly 15. On my 15th birthday, I realized what my future WAS going to be. I had no other options.
I learned that my mom, Beverly, was Mother Nature, when I was 8. Think it's cool? No way. Whenever me and my 19 year old brother, Ken, got (or get) into trouble, we get one of the following, depending on the level of how dangerous or bad we were:
1. The BOX: A plexi-glass tube/box thing and she'd put a windstorm in the Box
2. A never-ending rain cloud that never stops raining above you for who knows how long
OR if we're really super bad-
3. A lighting bolt thrust at our butts
Don't worry, they're not big ones. Still hurt, but not terrible enough to do any damage.
Anyway, at my birthday party, Ken took the entire cake and dropped it from the second story down onto my head. I got so mad at him and I started screaming at him. Then, all of a sudden, a huge gust of wind came from outside. It was so large that it shook the entire house. All my friends were freaking out thinking that it was an earthquake.
My mom's face was filled with terror and she told me to calm down. As soon as I did, the wind stopped.
Then I knew.
I had inherited all my mom's freaky nature powers.
I'm still learning how to use them properly, of course. I haven't even had them for two full years yet.
My family is a freak show. My mom raises us by herself because my dad left after she had me. As soon as I was born, she told him what role she played in the world and told him why she had to have me.
That was too much for him. I still don't know who my dad is.
So anyway, there's this freaky Order of elders that my mom knows. They're all mystical being-type people. I'm telling you, they're really weird.
Of course, I'm not allowed to see them. Technically I'm not even allowed to even know of their existence. But I kind of have to be able to understand the reason behind why I'm alive.
My mom went to the Order a little before 18 years before I was born. At this point, she was 22 years old. They told her that the day she turned 50, her powers wouldn't work ever again. That happens to the majority of the "mystical" beings- they have to have children to keep the powers alive and keep the Earth fit for the other humans to live in. The highest and most powerful member, the Great Elder, told my mother that if she didn't have a child to keep the weather under control, the power to change the weather would fall into the hands of the most favored man in that clan, Mr. Sheleg Frost. At one point, he was pretty much training to have complete control of the Order. His great-grandpa started the clan, so, apparently, he was destined to rule the wind and air, etc...
And then my mom came along.
The Great Elder saw her morphing water in a pond when she was about nine or ten. Morphing water is super fun and easy, and the He saw that she had a greater ability for the job than Frost did. At the time, Sheleg was like twelve or something and he didn't have any ability whatsoever.
Mr. Frost had envied my mom ever since, but he had managed to fall in love with her as they grew up.
But my mom didn't feel the same way.
So when Sheleg Frost asked my mom to marry him, she said no.
He was so furious that he sucked in his breath and blew out, trapping Mom in a sheet of ice. As he was chuckling in satisfaction, Mother Nature produced the same heat that you find in the Sahara Desert into her palms and melted the ice right in front of Sheleg's face.
Whatever allies they were then shattered at that moment.
And it still is shattered.
No one, even the Order members who had been there for decades and decades, know to this day where Sheleg Frost is. I always imagine him to be like a cunning, intelligent dude with the whole get-up: white face, white hair, blue eyes, you know. But my mom says that (at least the last time she saw him,) he had dark brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. I wonder if the whole "Mr. Winter" thing is just a nickname.
I don't know what will happen if he ever comes back to the clan and sees my mom in control. I don't even want to think about what might happen if he figures out that I will someday control the clan.
Well it would be a good idea to start my homework, so I will... Christmas break is two and a half weeks away, and I can't wait! Winter means snow, wind, rain, ice and all my favorite things to make. When I get bored, I can make some snow or something and make a snow angel or a snowman.
It's rather amusing when I throw heat on snow and watch it melt to a puddle instantly.
And then freeze it into ice.

I wake up the next morning, so I'm going to start to get ready for school. Brush my hair, put on the usual makeup, and put on my skinny jeans and boots, and my favorite red coat. It looks really nice with my dark brunette hair. Sometimes I wish I was blonde, but then I figured Daughter Nature would look more down-to-earth (literally) with brunette hair, so I kept it.
Riding the bus to school is not fun.
Especially when none of your friends ride the bus to school. So every day I get into this trash can of a car and choose a place to sit. It rarely ever is gum-free. And I sit by myself for about twenty minutes, usually reading or listening to my ipod. Whatever. I don't care that much.
Ken has a later schedule than me for school, and there's no way on Earth that will get him up from his precious sleep to drive me. As for my mom? Well she can't be Mother Nature all the time. After all, she is still human.
A freaky human, just like her kids, but a human's a human.
My brother can see glimpses of the future. It's not all obvious like in all the movies where they make a stupid face or like gasp or whatever. Nah it just looks like he's staring into space. It's hard to tell whether he's seeing something or just zoning out because it happens all the time.
I worry about that kid.
Anyway he's a senior so it's not like he's going to stop and care about my little problem - that is, unless it's in one of his visions. If he sees it, he cares because then he knows it WILL happen.
So finally the bus gets to school and I head for the spot me and my friends hang out at before school. We're actually really not supposed to be in there, but I have my ways. It's inside the school, in the cafeteria. We always sit behind this wall by where the bathrooms are. I always carry around a bobby pin. Always. All the doors at school can be opened by a bobby pin. I think it's really funny, because what if a serial killer comes to the school, and it's like, all he has to do is find a bobby pin to get in.
I open the back door of the school, and to the left is the cafeteria doors. I always need to be extra quiet because teachers always snoop around the school. But our hang out place is totally out of sight because this door is the only one for the cafeteria.
I head for the spot and, of course, there are my three best friends.
The first one is Vidette Valentine. If I'm going to have to be a freak with superhuman powers, why should I hang out with people that aren't as awesome as I am or will understand what I'm going through? So I've met up with Vidette and we've been best friends since we met in fifth grade.
Vidette is Cupid's daughter.
And no, "cupid" is not a baby. He's a grown man with a wife and a daughter. The freak clan involves every mystical being that has ever been brought up. Cupid, Mother Nature, even Medusa's many great-'s granddaughter. But she's nice and her hair isn't made up of snakes; they're dreadlocks. But still, every one who is involved in the clan has some sort of power.
And of course, since Vidette is pretty much the icon of love, she is the world's most gorgeous girl. Long, curly blonde hair; big, sea green eyes; you get my point. Beautiful. It's fun to have her around because if any of our friends like some one else, all she has to do is this weird process that makes the other person fall in love with them. She closes her eyes and her mind is locked on the one who has the crush, and she places this mental love arrow in their eyes. When they make eye contact with the person they admire, (ONLY the person they admire; it's not the first person you see,) the two will instantly fall in love. But it doesn't last forever. It just puts the feelings there; but like most feelings, they can get lost after a period of time. If the person Vidette placed the love arrow in doesn't love the other person anymore, the connection is lost and the arrow disappears. She can only use one arrow at a time, though. The only downer of Vidette being my best friend is that when I tell her I have a crush, she uses one of her arrows. It's never appreciated.
So the next one in our little foursome is Bentley Farley. We're very similar, because he helps control the weather, too. His father is Chione (the Greek goddess of snow)'s grandson. So he's the one that I go too when I can't do something or I'm confused how to do, or whatever. He's like my brother. He's only about three months older than I am, so we've grown up together. Back when we were like ten, we looked so much alike that people actually thought we were siblings. But then a few years later, he shot up in height and he finally got some meat on his bones that people don't say that anymore.. He has brown eyes, I have green. He's 5'11, and I'm

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