» Fiction » Daughter Nature, H. Elizabeth [the best electronic book reader TXT] 📗

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just don’t think that “liking” and “OMG I totally like you too!!!!” qualifies as a legit relationship. But hey, whatever suits your fancy, I guess.
I get on my huge sweater and a beanie - today is going to be a lazy day for me. I am so tired after sleeping for twelve hours every day, and last night only getting maybe seven. I can barely put on mascara because I’m so tired. I had to wake up even earlier to write in my journal because I refused to do it last night. I won’t be surprised if I come back in about seven hours and see every word spelled wrong.
But off to school I must go.

The voice startles me and wakes me up. It’s the middle - aged bus driver, Randy.
“We’re here. Now get off,” he says irritably, pointing towards the door of the bus.
“Sorry,” I grumble. I’m slightly embarrassed - falling asleep on the bus isn’t exactly normal. I trudge off of the bus and pull my white beanie closer to my forehead, and think to myself, "My gosh, mom, did you have to make it so cold today?"
I make it to the cafeteria, open it with a bobby pin, and find the five other kids sitting against our wall. It’s weird to think only a few weeks ago, it was just Blair, Bentley, Vidette and me. Now it’s us plus Alastor - and now Dylan. But I won’t complain for now. Even through I’m totally grossed out by Vidylan I’m going to be a good friend and be happy for her.
“Someone looks excited this morning,” Bentley says, almost laughing to me as I slowly make my way towards them.
I reply to this with a grumpy, “Shutup, Bent.” He laughs.
Blair looks up from algebra homework and gasps. “Geez girl, you look like a mascara bottle exploded on your face!” She hastily pulls out a mirror of Vidette’s backpack - which is always filled with every beauty product you could think of; from a curler to blush to a new change of clothes - and shows me my reflection. I gasp, too.
I see myself with black makeup smeared underneath my eyes. I quickly glance at my fingers - black. I groan. “I must’ve smeared it while I was asleep on the bus…”
Alastor howls with laughter. “You fell asleep?!”
I nod with a smirk on my face. “Yup. I did it on purpose. Raccoon eyes are the new thing,” I say quickly, very agitated. I look to Blair. “Please come to the bathroom with me?” She nods and gets up.
We walk into the bathroom and as I turn on the sink, Blair says to me, “So, I’m gonna go to formal with Bent.” She snorts. “Vidette made me.”
I laugh. “Ha! I’m so sorry. Have fun with that.”
“And one other thing…”
I’m rubbing soap onto my face, waiting for her to finish after an awkward pause.
She inhales. “Alastor told me to tell you he wants you to ask him.”
I open my eyes to look at her, and immediately regret it. Soap penetrates in my eyes. “AAAARGH!” I yell, trying to get clean water back into my eye sockets. After a few seconds, I say with my eyes still squinted (and now red), “WHAT?!”
Blair grimaces (from what I can see) and shrugs. “Yeah, he’s really into you. I thought it was pretty obvious.”
I still can’t believe what she’s telling me. “Well I didn’t know!”
“That’s because you’re just really awkward.”
I do my best to shoot her daggers with my eyes shut. “He legitimately told you to tell me this?”
She nods. “Yeah, pretty much. But you should come!” I snort. “Seriously,” she continues. “The rest of us are going… I mean what are you going to do the night of the dance? Sit by yourself knitting? C’mon, Abilene.”
“No,” I say. “I’ll sit at home with Ken.”
“Like that’s any better.”
“Better than going to a stupid dance and having to buy a dress and all that crap.”
“Who knows, you might just enjoy yourself.”
I huff. “I’ll think about it. But I’m not making any promises. And even if I did, it’s not a DATE - I’m asking him so… I won’t be alone, okay?”

I run after my brother as he tries to find my mom.
“MOM! MOM! MOM!” he yells over and over. I’m running out of breath, so I just stop and watch his gangly body run. I’ll explain it to Mom later. But my mind goes back to my current situation, and so I go to my room to think.
I still don’t know if Blair was telling the truth or not - sometimes she just likes to mess with people’s emotions. She’s done it before, so why not now? I lay back onto my pillow and inhale deeply. If, to say, Alastor DID have a… I shiver. I don’t wanna think about it. He’s one of my best friends! That’s just weird. I mean, what if I DO ask him to Formal and he takes it the wrong way? That would be freakishly awkward. But the thing is with Alastor, is if Blair is right, why didn’t Vidette tell me or anything? Because she totally gets me and my severe awkwardness around people - especially guys. I could never take it. Yuck.
I sit up and walk over to my mirror. I observe myself carefully. My hair, my eyes, my somewhat pointed nose I’ve always despised. I sigh. “She’s telling the truth.” I hear myself think. (For some reason, it seems that my thought control themselves.)
“But I don’t like him,” I think back to myself. “I just don’t feel that way.”

“Are you sure?”

I startle myself. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘ARE YOU SURE’?” I cover my mouth quick - that one was audible.
“What do YOU mean, ‘What do I mean’?” I ask myself. “Because you know exactly what I mean.”
Furious with myself, I stomp away from my mirror and face plant back into my pillows.
“No, Mind, I do not have mutual feelings for him.” After I thought that, I received sudden flashbacks of the times we’ve sat at lunch together and texted, and (as much as I hate to admit it,) how cute he is.
I reflect back on my previous statement to myself: I don’t have mutual feelings… Right? I don’t know. I’m so confused. I decide to get my mind off of this by some TV. I’m enjoying some 'Psych' when my phone vibrates. It’s Bent.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“Well, there’s kind of a situation.”
“I heard Blair is asking me to Formal.”
He sounds agitated. “Well, if it’s correct, I’m going to say no.”
“What? Why?!” I shriek.
Bent sighs. “I honestly don’t know.”
I snort. “Ya dope. This is ridiculous. Goodbye.”
I start to press the END button “WAIT, ABS!” I hear him yell.
“I’m joking.” he says.
“Hilarious. Are you finished?”
He laughs from the other end. “No seriously, though, I need to tell you something.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Well,” he starts, “It’s, um…” he sounds nervous. “It’s actually about Alastor.”
I groan. “Okay, I already know he wants me to ask him. No need to tell me again.” Like I wanted to hear it for the first time.
“No!” Bentley says sarcastically. “I woulda never guessed. But that’s not it either.”
I raise my eyebrow. “Alright, let’s hear it.”
“Well… It’s back.”
“You’re being pretty vague. Care to expand upon that statement?” I ask him irritably.
“Fine. The Aura I saw when he first got here? Yeah, it’s back, Abs.”
To be honest, my heart kind of sunk. Bentley is never wrong about discernment of character. “What?” I gasp.
“Mm-hmm.” He confirms. “Although it’s very faint, I can see it again.”
“And when did this happen?”
I don’t know what to think. “Um, alright… wow. Yeah I’ll reconsider the asking to Formal.”
“So you WERE going to ask him?!” Bentley says. Man, did he jump on that fast.
“Well, I wasn’t 100% SURE, but I was… considering it.”
“Alright. Whatever you decide, I’ll be there.”
“Thanks, Bent.”
“No problem. Bye.”
I hang up the phone. I look back at the television. 'Psych'. I reflect back on what Bentley said. I’ve never really been sure about Bentley’s whole “Aura” thing. I trust that he has a good judgement for people in general; but then again, like Shawn Spencer on the show, maybe he actually doesn’t have this whole “Aura” gift or any power at all. Maybe he’s just really good at guessing like Shawn is in the show.
But for my benefit, I really hope I’m wrong.


Images: Cover photo from Archangel Photography
Publication Date: 11-23-2012

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