» Fiction » Daughter Nature, H. Elizabeth [the best electronic book reader TXT] 📗

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me off- all because I attempted to cheat.
“Game’s over,” Mom said earlier.
Ken, however, continued to tease me about it the rest of the day.
I’m over it now though. I’m done with training for today, and that’s good enough for me.

“Want some hot cocoa, kids?” Mom yells down to the basement, where Ken, Bentley and I are playing a game of billiards.
“Sure, mom!” Ken hollers back. He’s leaning over the table with his stick aimed at the cue ball.
“Don’t screw this shot up, Kenny,” Bent teases, “Or you owe me ten bucks.”
I roll my eyes. That’s one of Bent’s specialties- betting. Not like he gambles or anything, but if a challenge comes up, he puts in his two cents.
“I wouldn’t be super cocky right now,” my brother laughs as he hits the cue ball, sending a stripe into the corner pocket and standing up. “I can see the future, remember?”
“See what you can, man,” Bent responds. “It still takes talent to make a shot.”
“Then how did I just WIN?”
Ken growls. “Either way, luck or skill, I believe you owe me ten dollars, little boy!”
Bentley snorts, but reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a five. “It’s all I got on me, bro.”
“Whatever, I’ll take it!” Ken laughs.
I already gave Bentley my ten bucks. I lost almost fifteen minutes earlier.
We hear my mom coming down the basement stairs carrying a tray with three jugs of hot chocolate on top. She places it on the coffee table in front of where I’m sitting and goes back upstairs.
“Thanks, mom!” I shout at her as she leaves.
The boys come over to take their jugs and sit on the old sofa beside the chair I’m in.
“So,” Ken says as he pulls the cocoa to his lips. “I heard that there’s some love in the air.”
I give him a quizzical look, thinking he's talking about his OWN life. “What the heck, Ken?!”
“No, your little Cupid friend! Aimee was telling me that Vidette shot an arrow… for herself.”
I choke on my hot chocolate. Vidette’s older sister, Aimee, is a few months younger than Ken is. They’re dating. It’s kind of gross watching them together, but if it gets him any closer to moving out of the house, I’m all for it. “Vidette shot one-”
“For her?” Bentley finishes.
This is truly surprising. The last time Vi had a crush was several years back in the seventh grade. I was twelve, Vi just turned thirteen. The guy’s name was Zac. Vidette had a freakishly large crush on him and shot him with one of her arrows. They “went out” - middle school dating doesn’t count if it’s only holding hands at lunch, in my opinion - for a week. She learned that Zack, as cute as he was, was a complete jerk. Even with a love arrow, he still talked about other girls to Vi. She was so upset and broke the arrow connection.
That week he found himself a new girlfriend. Vidette Valentine had been single and most certainly not ready to mingle for years.
So, the news from Aimee that she’s put the spell on someone else for her own sake is really surprising.
“Who’d she shoot?” Bentley asks.
Ken shrugs. “Beats me, Aimee doesn’t know. Heck, she works during school and is with me most of the time after! I don’t even think she talks to Vidette much.”
“Hey here’s a thought,” I say, “why don’t you get a job yourself? Or actually plan on graduating this year so I won’t have to put up with you all the time?”
My brother glares at me while Bentley chuckles.
“Hey cut the man some slack, Abilene!” Bentley tells me. “It’s not his fault there’s not any stores with a help wanted sign for a physic- I mean that’s all he’s good for, after all.”
I howl with laughter as Ken thumps Bentley on the head.
“But seriously,” I say as I catch my breath from laughing, “I wonder who Vi is crushing on?”
“Don’t know. She’s secretive about that sort of thing.” Bentley states in a very peculiar tone of voice. He takes a sip from the cocoa. “I sort of remember her saying something about a guy in her... Um… perhaps calculus class or something?”
“Well what did she say about this guy?”
Bent makes a weird face and shrugs. “I don’t recall.”
I give him my best glare and continue to stare at him, trying to make him feel uncomfortable. He knows what Vi said. He knows that I know and is trying to avoid eye contact.
“Bentley Nicholas Farley,” I say monotone. “Tell me right now what Vidette said.”
He gives me a quick glance from sipping his hot chocolate and breathes heavy. “FINE.” He says grumpily.
I smile and clap for myself. Why shouldn’t I? I won.
“So she was saying how this kid in her English class-”
“Does the child have a name?” I ask sarcastically.
“Dylan. Dylan Sykes,” he answers. “She was saying how he transferred into her class because he broke his leg during season.”
Sykes. Of course it would be Sykes. Quarterback of our school’s Junior Varsity football team, he’s really popular- not to mention totally gorgeous. If Vidette would fall for anyone, it would be Dylan.
“She was telling me how he sits right next to her and that they did a partner project together and now I guess she shot an arrow through his head.”
I force a smile and hope I look like I'm excited about the news. Although in actuality I’m really hurt that she wouldn’t tell me this.

After Bentley leaves, I march straight down the hall to Ken's room. "WHY," I start to yell as I'm barely through the door, "did you not tell me about Vidette earlier?!"
“Well, I’m sorry, Abby, that you two are best friends and that I thought you told each other everything! I totally thought you would’ve already known by now!”
“Well, when did you find this out?”
“Aimee told me a few days ago!”
I can feel anger inside. “A few DAYS ago? Why didn’t I know about this?”
“Maybe she’s turning on ya,” Ken laughs.
I shoot him a death glance.
“Yeah, you should be sorry,” I mumble. My head is spinning. I just don’t understand this. Vi and I tell each other everything… Don’t we? I know I tell her if I have a crush or if something cool happens to me… Why wouldn’t she mention this to me. In my rage of thought, I suddenly realize that there's snow falling around me. "Crap..." I mumble to myself; all th while Ken is smiling sarcastically at me. I concentrate of stopping the snowfall and then sit down on Ken's bedroom floor.
“Hey, I think you’re getting way too caught up over this,” my brother tells me. “I doubt she’s doing this purposefully. I doubt Blair knows. Maybe she just wanted a guy’s suggestion or something.”
That statement gets me thinking again. I wonder if she’s told Blair or not. Maybe I am getting too worked up. I sit down on Ken’s bed and take a deep breath. “So… how are you and Aimee, I guess?”
He smiles. “We’re doing good. She’s the only girl who thinks I’m not screwed up because I live at home.”
I feel slightly guilty. My mom and I always nag him about this, and all of his friends who actually graduated last year laugh at him because his GPA wasn’t high enough to pass high school. “Sorry,” I say quietly. “It’s not your fault, I guess.”
He laughs. “Thanks, but it kinda is. It’s not a huge shock I never tried. I never tried because I didn’t have anything planned out for my life. You, on the other hand, have basically your entire future planned out for you. You’re going to do great things, Abby.”
“I didn’t ask for this, though.” I inhale deeply. “I really wish I could just be a normal person - not in control of anything except for myself. I don’t know if I’ll even be prepared enough to be accepted into the Order-”
“Hey,” he interrupts. “You will.”
“How do you know?”
“I can see the future, remember kid?” I grin at him. “And besides,” he says, sprawling out on his bed, “If it doesn’t work out, you’ll always have me to fall back on. I’ll still be at home though, according to you and Mom.”
“Oh, grow up!” I laugh as I pick up a pillow, chucking it at him. I get up to leave his room and chuckle to myself. My brother - my insane, dumb, kind, older brother Ken - the physic. A Formal Problem

Dear Journal, Monday, January 8th

First off- SO grateful Mom didn’t make me write in this stupid thing for the whole Break! But now, I guess, she’s forcing me to write an extra - long entry to make up for the past few weeks. (a.k.a, PREPARE FOR EPIC BOREDOM.)
Hmm, where do I start? Well concerning my normal, non - mystical life, guess who got a boyfriend three days after my last entry? Yup - Vidette Valentine. Yeah, she’s now dating Dylan Sykes. So we’ve had to put up with their yucky romance crap during lunches because he sits with the team of misfits now. Alastor, Blair and I usually make faces when they cuddle or something gross like that. Bentley, on the other hand, is freakishly stoked Vidette and Dylan are “together”. Alastor texted me over the break and said, “Hey, let’s call them ‘Vidylan’! I thought it was funny… But anyways Bent has been just a little too cheerful than normal. He’s probably just stoked that he’s doing most of the weather controlling for now.
Another thing that Vidette has droned on and on about all break was our school’s winter formal dance coming up. Yuck. But she’s trying to convince me to ask some guy to the dance so “Vidylan” won’t have to go with Dylan’s friends. If you ask me, the whole thing is rather lame, but I am definitely not going. I think I remember Blair saying she’ll take Bentley just to make Vi stop complaining.
As for my majestical, inhumane lifestyle, it’s going good - the training, that is. Since the last time I did a journal entry, I can successfully conjure up a snowball that doesn’t explode randomly! So I’m pretty proud of myself for that. As spring becomes closer, I’m going to have to melt all the snow on the ground, which is kind of a challenge to melt it away evenly. To melt a foot by foot square is easy as heck, but all the snow in the world? I don’t think so.
Well, it’s now about twenty minutes until the bus comes, so I’d better get ready for school.

I put down the journal and shiver. Vidette… I still can’t believe Dylan Sykes asked her out. Not like a relationship as a sophomore REALLY counts. I mean to some people it most certainly does. I

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