» Fiction » MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗

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be unrest between people of the same blood and flesh, then what would you expect of strangers or total strangers, nothing but total anarchy; we humans create the things (in any way) that kill us. It is us who make the weapons to end other people’s lives, in defense of our

selfish interests, beliefs and territories. And since these weapons have to be sold to make a profit or recoup the money and resources we would have put or lost into production, we go to the extent of causing a buzz or confusion in people of a distant origin, hence creating differences in belief, for instance, fans of one celebrity fighting fans of another celebrity, defending that one person’s (the celebrity) interests and reputation with their lives.

With such confusion and difference created, those in power end up supplying the defense mechanism (ideologically, physically and technologically) for either opponent side to defend their (those in power) belief, which belief is just a manipulation technique used by the drivers (those in power) to get their way. And so, a hundred, thousands or millions of people end up dead and “a special few” excel in life and continue eating on the sweet fruits of hypocrisy and evil manipulation.

It is really sad, but that’s what politics is or is all about; once you can harness every move of others to better your interests and of those that you’re in reign with, anything and everything can be used to your defense, no matter how many lives are lost. If one or two political people cared about other people’s lives, wouldn’t they resign or give up their position for the best of the whole, when it is pretty clear that they have over stayed their welcome or that they have lost a following that once worshipped them like gods?

One thing is certain, if one was once so superior or so talented, after a long time of excellent ability, they never want to admit or concede to the fact that everything fades, withers or breaks down with time, and so, the more they cling to denial, the less popular they become and therefore, the more foolish they act and look “worn out bastards” in the eyes of the on-lookers or those who once worshipped them as gods.

That is why it is never good for one to blow a horn for themselves, in other words, praise themselves before others do, because to yourself

you might be a star, which is not at all bad for self esteem or confidence, but the more we boast, the more proud we will get hence ending up in the pit because of being deserted by others. Though you should never let the world put you down with their words or misdoings unto you, it is never wise to boast about your prowess before it is proven a fact by the rest of the world, outside your own comfortable zone, because where there’s more than two or one mind, there is a lot of thinking or creativity that can happen to justify validity in anything.

Always let your good actions exalt you above or over others, but never let it too, get over your head, because, once you do, you become a lie itself since you’re living a lie thus living outside your real self, and so, you end up a hypocrite.

Nobody is that much different from another, but what really differentiates us is that some people are more of liars whereas others are just truthful or close to that, hence, some people live a lie the whole of their unstable lives, and those who are true to themselves and others live in the real world where reality prevails and makes them stronger instead of breaking them. Therefore, such people are not living a lie and are happy and complete in their lives, despite of the evils and hardships that the world presents along their way. But trust me and the world that we are living in, living a lie will break you in every step you take. You may pretend with a sweet smile or fun, but deep down your heart you know it’s all fake, and therefore a lie.


Money: for doom or glory?

Money, a medium of exchange world over; almost, whatever you want in this world today, if you don’t have the money, boy, you are wasted and nothing. That’s the order of the day today, and unfortunately to say, humans too have become commodities to be bought just like you would buy eggs, scrap or a TV set.

It is really amazing and so sad at the same time. Humans are being bought at their own accord and will, though in other cases, human trafficking is the dark side of it all.

Women are steady becoming an ideal commodity for every man who has the money these days, in other words, once you’re broke or just starting out and are still shaky in your finances or pockets, boy, you’re just scrap and you don’t deserve her attention. I’ve been a victim many times before and I can tell you my friend, it really hurts to see your fellow human-being or the person you truly love treat you like trash just because you don’t have the ideal financial status.

It’s really a jumble in this damn world, but if you look at it all clearly, it’s all human false desires and worldly lies that have blinded people into becoming so selfish, mean and ruthless to others. These days you don’t have to go to the street to buy a prostitute for a romp, that beautiful “seemingly decent and innocent girl,” well dressed and smelling so beautifully and fresh, seated next to you anywhere you may be, can give you a good night sleep or a fine one night stand if you’re fast, soft and patient with her, and most importantly, if you have the dime to keep her believing in the possibility of selling you what she got, on a price she decides.

I bet you, you will get a lot of prices come your way, but just don’t forget to guard your wallet, pocket or bank account well, because boy, everything comes and goes, so don’t think that, that money won’t run out someday and that she will stay thereafter, don’t kid yourself brother, just play your cards professionally and never lose money!

Money moves the world, so get up and work creatively for it, because you won’t earn anybody’s respect, not even from those you truly love, and some even being your own flesh and blood, if you have nothing to show (in terms of finances).

Everybody will or loves one who has something to offer or show, so if you’re a “poor bastard” as they may term you to be “for the moment,” you can never get anybody’s attention. But as I’ve written or said, “for the moment,” if you’re let down now because you’re still crawling, don’t let them have the last laugh, no child born ever stays a child or never advances from crawling to walking; even when impaired physically, they will show a sign of advancing from childhood to adulthood.

You might be “scrap” to them right now, but even scrap can be recycled and a very worthy commodity on the market is made. So don’t despair; let the foolish and blind talk or sneer you now, but the future holds a lot more than what any low minded fellow can ever see; only the wise always see light at the end of the tunnel, fools never do, so don’t waste your time and life arguing your case with them, they can never see the light or understand.

Money is just a non-living thing and you’re living, why should you worry about what you don’t have now, yet you can act persistently without being shy at all and have it all too? Those rich fellows you see are not any different from you or are they supernatural, they breathe and will die someday as you will, so, since the end is all the same for each and every one of us, don’t let the ignorant fools who ignore you now, just because you’re still broke, have laughter on their big mouths all the way

to the end. Get whatever you desire from your soul to your brain; something you feel you can do by just a snap of your fingers, develop it, love it and do it to your best ability, leave the rest unto God, and I promise you my dear friend, happiness and money will be yours for the taking, and in abundance.

Money has made most people in the world superficial, so fake and blind, in that they live all through their lives a very big fat lie, in other words, they are doing what they hate, and are not happy at all, all in the name of money.

Money is vital in this life today, as it has always been since its creation many centuries ago, but as a thing; just a thing that can’t think for itself: what makes you think it can make you happy? Remember that the love for money is the root to all evil. Why love? Because love is not a lightly observed experience; the love for anything can blind you and make you do the impossible or the unbelievable. So take care of how you love something; an obsessed love can lead to evil and thus destruction of one’s self.

It is okay to need money, because it is an exchange medium for everything we want to buy, but don’t love it, just need money and therefore work creatively to get what you need.

Before money there was you and me and everything that God created so beautifully, but because humans are never perfect, we thought of money and created it, and since we’re not as perfect as God, our creation has made us so evil in pursuit of happiness, which happiness in other words is God created and therefore God given. You can’t buy love or happiness. But yes, you can buy desire, in as, it’s the way the world goes or is run, but true love and happiness are never bought because they are God given.

Each and every one of us has love and happiness given freely by God, but because of being blinded by man’s creations, which are literally imperfect, we end up running after the wind out there in the world, only to gain nothing at the end of our tiring run; we never even finish last or get to the finish line, but end up confused and with many questions of why and what we were really running after.

Desire has destroyed many people, and since humans are so blinded by what they create, they forget about what God created and so they end up disappointed and lost. It is okay to have a dream, it is better to work upon it and it is great to achieve it; as those three steps go, one after the other, you can gain happiness and love that way, and the rest will be added unto you, including money.

You can never run after money, money runs
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