» Fiction » MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗

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if a girl makes a mistake, for instance, she gets pregnant, misses her education and thus all the good opportunities that would have come her way had she followed the right path, dwindle; if she doesn’t as a mother change for the better (for God), her off-springs may follow her path of “doom” too, and then the whole family line may end up living under one curse, which was fornication committed by that young beautiful, hippy and gorgeous girl years ago in her prime; now years later, even her off- springs and even grand kids are all fornicators, adulterers and basically, sinners, hence there is no real peace in the family at all at the end of it all.

So, it is clear to see that the curse of sin didn’t start from the present time; it started in the past and it will still evolve all through that family’s life. Not until somebody comes out and changes for God and follows Jesus as his or her savior, and gives up sin, that family will continue living under the curse of sin, for instance, king David killed Bathsheba’s

husband Uriah because sinful sexual desires got into his veins, watching Bathsheba take a bath totally naked, and he yielded to them. But, because of his sin, King David suffered terribly in his later years on earth: his son Amnon raped his sister Tamar, and even later on, his son Absalom rebelled against him and also slept with his wives. It was such a terrible embarrassment, but it was all because of King David’s past misdoings; had he not killed Bathsheba’s husband and then slept with her, all the agony in his latter days on earth wouldn’t have been so cold (The Holy Bible: 2 Samuel 11:1-27). Therefore it is pretty clear to observe that whatever you do now, whether good or bad, comes right back at you in the future. So don’t be a fool and think you have got away with sin; you can run but you surely can’t hide away from God’s wrath, he’s above earth, in heaven, watching your every move. The time he’s leaving you to run in sin, he’s waiting to see if you will change to being righteous, but if you don’t, he lets the devil make that sin you’re elevating in your life eat you up, bit by bit, just like cancer or HIV/AIDS; one day you won’t wake up and eternal scorching fires of hell burning a million times more than sulfur will welcome you to everlasting thirst and agony. If you can picture that, you will understand what I mean here, if you can’t, that experience is gladly waiting for all you sinners.

This is not to scare you or get you to join any denomination or religion or belief, but as truth hurts, so will changing from your wrong comfort zone. It’s your choice to make, to choose heaven or hell, that’s one most beautiful thing about God and the way he created us, he was not a dictator when creating us whatsoever, he made us free to choose and do whatever we want, and it’s us humans who are responsible for holding ourselves or each other’s back or live in everlasting suffering and agony. Because of selfishness and not being satisfied with enough we have, we end up going farther than we ever planned to go, and what happens, hell breaks loose and consumes us just like pieces of trash.

It’s not bad to be ambitious, but it’s wrong to use sin to win over your ambition or ambitions, because in the end, you still yield wrong.

In conclusion, Jesus came to save those who are heavy with sin and can’t therefore walk no more, so don’t think you have sinned a lot that God can’t take you back as his lovely son or daughter, Jesus came to open the doors of heaven for each and every one of us, so let sin go and embrace righteousness. (The Holy Bible: proverbs 12:1-3).

Each one of us is unique in a different way, and there is no limit to that,
it’s only the level of discovery of ourselves that limits or explodes the genius in us. Everybody in this world can be a genius just as long as they focus their mind to their soul’s love; by “soul’s love” I mean that peace and joy that surpasses your body concentration when you’re doing something, in other words, when you feel so happy and relaxed when handling or doing a certain activity or work, that’s the “soul’s love” I am talking about.

It’s plain to see that as human-beings, we have a desire to excel, achieve or shine over others; that’s natural, and hence, we should use it to our advantage to achieve financial success and fame. These two entities (financial success and fame) are not bad at all if you don’t let them get over your head, in other words, you should have self control instead of allowing them to have control over you.

When we as humans allow our abilities or things outside our souls to control us, at that point we’re acting emotionally, not using our brains, and so, that spells out self destruction and distraction. And so, to achieve that shine in and outside you, that will also absorb all those

around into following your lead, you will need boldness, patience, faith and focus. Without those four contents in you, there’s no way your genius chemicals are going to flash the world, in other words, attract others’ attention. That’s why a lot of us die without ever having exposed or realized our uniqueness to the world; I should say, most of us are just cowards; we’re afraid of failure or success, yet the two are the reason why we need to be achievers.

Failure is shame and it leaves you broken and poor, but no matter how much you fail, giving up should never be an option, because nothing is impossible if you allow your brain to think creatively and your eyes to see and realize the countless opportunities that life offers to each and every one of us to prosper, even after failure has proven a curse over our lives, at every step we take. There are countless ways you can achieve your dream, so don’t cut those different options or alternatives short, just let them keep coming your way; always leave the door open for them to over flow your way. Failure is just a lesson you should always get up from, wiser and stronger, because success and fame, if you may, comes to those who always see light at the end of the tunnel before they even get there.

Remember one thing my friend, nobody can see you in the dark or in oblivion, so, as long as you still breathe, know that the lord is watching over you and so, you can still get to the end of the tunnel where you will shine and the whole world will be marveled. Strive to shine; if necessary, always outshine the rest of the crowd, because most of the time, it’s the rest of the crowd that’s over shadowing you or keeping you from the “treasure” that comes out of “creative hard work” first, and then the rest will be added unto you. And please, note that, not until you stand out of the crowd, the genius in you will never reveal itself to the world or to you. It takes a creative and focused person to jump out of quick sand or mud, before he or she is swallowed up into oblivion eternally.

People who out shine others are not so special or different from you; as a believer in Christ (Jesus) or God in general, I should say, the humble, faithful and God fearing are blessed. And we all know or should know that a blessing makes each one of us special to ourselves and to the world. And so, don’t ever think that that person who’s on top and leaving his or her dreams is any different from you or is so special. It’s the blessing upon them that came as a result of focus, discipline, patience, faith, boldness and perseverance that they practiced and it became part of their lives. And so, the genius in them revealed itself to them and then to the world. By working that genius, the rest was or is added unto them: success, happiness, wealth, respect, honor and many other aspects that make or made them special in the eyes of the world, hence making them famous and financially stable.

So, my friends do what you can with all your power, creativity and determination and the rest will be added unto you. It’s never wealth first and then work, it's always and forever work first and then wealth will come unto you, in due time. So brothers and sisters get up now and become creative even where there seems to be no way. Make yourself a star by shining attractively and positively to the world and the fame and wealth you seek for will come unto you. In this life, nobody will elevate you but you; and this will come about when you ideally market yourself or the product of your genius, for the world to see, realize and appreciate. And I will tell you this from experience my friend, a million people may hate you or your idea or product, but always have this in mind, the whole billions of people in the world won’t hate you. Among the many billions of people the world boasts of, at least five hundred million will be your die-hard fans. So never give up if a few fellows’ approval doesn’t come by; keep believing and perfecting your dreams (genius), and boy, the rest of the world will realize your persistence, creativity and love and they will be amazed and marveled, thus bringing you fame and later wealth.

Most of us give up so early in life, and that’s the main reason why many, many, many geniuses die without ever being known or their abilities celebrated and used in their life time. For everybody, that thing you can do even when you have just been woken up from deep sleep; that thing you love doing beyond worldly stars and are sure you’re the best at, that’s the genius in you. So my friend get your genius out there, don’t just sit on it. Nobody can see you clearly in the dark, so get out there in the light where you will be shaped and sharpened into a sharp razor that will pierce through every obstacle, to get to the throne of admiration and wealth. Take for instance Bill Gates and his best friend back in school, Paul Allen, they created a monster (Microsoft) out of their love for computers and programming; they saw a seemingly simple opportunity their way and acted upon it with aggression, even when they had nothing to prove to anybody, but only to themselves, that they could achieve what they were set out to achieve. With fear aside, they went ahead and grabbed the opportunity and worked tirelessly upon it and boy, the result was a beautiful monster they had created, Microsoft.

One thing that we must all know
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