» Fiction » MY HATCH POCKET JOURNAL, BILLY COY [mobi reader TXT] 📗

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and live a significant life, which is not a lie as most people live.
So my dear over-lookers, be humble and chase your dreams too, against all odds, God is watching and he’s keeping treasure beneath your skin; never give up on success; failure is just a label and success is an everlasting symbol of hope. To all my over-lookers, you thought I would stay broke and a no body forever, well, I guess you were so foolish not to be able to tell what treasure lay openly next to you.
Nobody is “a no body,” it’s those who think that are superior than death that live a lie believing everybody else with a broken appearance is dead. But never think that a wise contender would show all his skills to his opponent in one fight, there must always be a weight of completion left to shut up doubters, and that always comes last over everything, because nothing is as beautiful as having the last laugh.
I remember the way you bullied me just because I was humble. You really stirred up my strength with your ignorance. Silly you, you thought you were grinding me so deep into oblivion, but the more your light-weight sat on my head, the more skillful and tactical I got in the game of winning and proving the “just acting successes” totally wrong. Yes, you were just acting to be successful, and made me look or be a failure just because you were living a lie yourselves; a lie that you couldn’t admit; truth be told, you very well knew that you were living a lie, that’s why you always envied me for being true to myself and life.
How amazing it is, when all you thought was a sure deal turns
out to be a total disappointment; hey fellows, I thought that by

the time I reach the top you would be over the top, oh, sorry for the burden, I guess none of us ever knows when all that was blind would come crashing down. I hope next time when climbing the leader you don’t shun the ground you’re from, because at the end of the day, that’s where we all shall end up: in the grave, where we know nothing of this world’s treasures, pleasure and desires.
It’s really funny, on this world we’re all different, but in the ground we all waste away as if we never even existed. I look at the world and its misguiding or misdoings and I smile, because it all one day perishes away in thin air, never to be known again, even when known, invisibility reigns on forever.
Those of you who tortured my life and are still high up, I pray
you change your ways, because God still loves you to be able to give you a chance to be alive: that time alive is for you to change your selfish and mean ways towards people who may seem of no or low significance to you.
Many miles away from you I never feel your effect, but I am so glad you were just another lesson in my life, because surely, I learnt a lot about what foolishness can do to a man. Life goes on with or without you or me, so I guess we should live it to the full and in a right way, because at the end of the day we all strive for freedom, happiness and love. Not a single material thing in this world can complete us, but love and happiness is what our weak and so vulnerable fresh needs to survive, without it we live a lie, without knowing, and stress consumes us slowly by slowly till we can’t breathe no more, and all we toiled so hard for just goes to waste in a flash.
To all who said or thought I was living a lie when I pursued my dreams so aggressively and with no fear or weakness, I hope you’re complete and happy now, because as for me, I am, and I am living my dreams, not doing what I hate to do!

NOTE: if you have been in the same shoes I have, this letter goes to all those who over-look others, expecting nothing out of them in this life or world. If you’re chasing your dreams, never give up no matter the discouragement or big-mouths, dreams come true, every one of us is just a human-being as the other, and who said those who talk against your dream know any better what the future holds, they’re just as green about it as you’re, but at least you have a goal you want to achieve in future, so don’t stop now, go for it till the end!

At Bob’s work place: a News center. Lisa walks in and walks up to him.

(Looking so agitated)
How could you, you bloody bastard!

Bob gets up, knees shaky, eyes wide open, wondering what has got into his very good friend Lisa.

Bob (Stuttering) Lisa dear…

(Yelling uncontrollably) Just look at you!

She jeers looking at him in despise (Bob’s workmates are gathered around). Bob looks really scared and embarrassed: he’s all shaky and sweaty.

Lisa - continues
How on earth in my right mind could I
love such a low life like you!

Bob is now really set aback and looking beaten: his eyes looking weary and arms hanging loosely down.

Lisa, please calm down.

He tries to calm her down (He tries to touch on her, but she pulls away in disgust)

Calm down my ass you bum!

She pushes him hard by his chest and he falls back into his desk
(papers scatter onto the desk and on the floor).

Lisa - continues
Even being your friend I was just doing you a very good favor. How in the world

could you think I would love such a low life like you, huh?

Bob is getting back up with so much sorrow written in his eyes; he looks so small and ashamed in front of his colleagues and workmates.

Lisa - continues
One thing you should seriously know Bob, you’re no girl’s type, that’s why you’re even still a virgin at twenty seven.

Everybody around is humbled by the revelation (It was a trusted friendly told secret she didn’t have to tell; she has betrayed him)

(Teary eyes/gathering strength/shaky)
I thought you were my friend, if you didn’t love me back, at least you would have told me in private.

Oh no, I had to show the world what a shy bum you really are, a good for nothing scrap. What kind of sane man stays single and a virgin up to twenty seven. Please, give me a break, I have
a boyfriend, and he’s nowhere close to your low class or type!

She mockingly, with rolling eyes looks at him while smiling in contempt.

(Boldly but still looking so beaten)
I know I am not a perfect man for you, but at least I am trying to be happy on my own.
A lot of people have ran many races but never reach the finish line, they think they have it all, only to wake up the next morning and all they thought they had is gone. At least I still have my life and reality by my side. I’ve come to realize that you’re no lady that I always
thought you were, I guess in life we pretend way too much, it’s only when our buttons are really pushed that we show our worthlessness.

Lisa looks lost for words (she probably didn’t expect Bob to be this bold after all the insults she laid down on him).

Bob - Continues
(Tears rolling down his babyish cheek)
And since I am not a heartless cold person like you my dear, I will tell you this Lisa, your very much beloved boyfriend and best friend Jane have been having an affair for a year now. It’s what I was trying to communicate to you all this time, but you were too blind to see. And I just love you as a friend. You must have got
me totally wrong.

Lisa is so surprisingly shocked: eyes dilated and breathing fast; she’s about to burst with so much hurt and anger. Bob concludes with a pity tone towards her.

Bob - continues
All was done behind your back and so beautiful self.

Bob walks away swiftly and humble, leaving the whole crowd mumbling. Lisa looks so beaten and puzzled; she stumbles around in disbelief and finally falls down on the floor on her knees and cries the heck out of herself.

The End

Happy Moments

A soldier in my own right, and a rebel at heart…

My name is Jane. I was born in Northern Uganda, particularly in the district of Gulu. Gulu was the most devastated by the LRA rebels led my Joseph Kony. It was an insurgency that started back then in 1986 till
2007; thanks to our President Yoweri Museveni whose UPDF army never gave up on us.

I was part of the suffering; from my once happy home to the jungles of Congo. I was one of the many abductees that were taken by the LRA. Worst of all I was a woman. Being a woman subjected me to more torture than the dead could ever know. Every day that went by in those jungles I preferred death to life. It was so devastating for any woman to bear; we were made sex slaves and literally slaves of every domestic work that had to keep the rebels sustained and well taken care of. Many

girls were made pregnant at a very young age as twelve to fourteen; I
was one of those girls.

When I gave birth to my first born Peter, I knew that ever going back home would never come. And with that thought I became part and parcel of the LRA and my belief in their ideology grew strong in me, I then knew I was becoming a monster just like them with time, but I cared less because I was literally apart of them, having later given birth to three kids by two dead commanders, and I was now a wife to a third commander who too, I knew would one day never come back home from their routine vicious attacks on the innocent people of Northern Uganda; which people were of their own ethnicity.

My tears completely dried the day I gave birth to my fourth child, this time from a private soldier who had always liked me from a far but had never got a chance to have me in his chains; I was always prey awaiting for slaughter in his eyes, I always read the signs; he wanted me at any cost and he got me one day as I was coming from the well; he grabbed me from the bush he had probably hid for some time, knowing that I always went to fetch water at that time, so he had to be there earlier because there is no way
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