» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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Chapter 18


e munched on the slightly spicy wings and nibbled on the fries before diving into the chicken ceaser salad she’d also bought and picking up a mozzerella stick. She had an unsatiable appetite and was always hungrry. She gorged on most of the food bar until they’d asked her, not very politely either, to go sit down and eat the fifty dollars worth of school food she’d engorged herself. She had every intention of eating it all and sent anybody who dared to come near it a snarl.

“Ummmmmm, Lilia?” My head shot up and I swallowed the lump of food in my mouth before gulping down some water. Libby looked at me with wide doe eyes, watching me carefully and looking at all the food near me.

“I wanted to sit down, but I didn’t want to distract you from your feast. Lina told me you almost stabbed her hand when she got near your pizza slice.”

“That’s not fair,” I pouted “it had pepperoni on it and she already had a slice.”

“You had a buffet!” Lina jokingly snarled from her, smart, position at the opposite end of the table. Jesse snorted while he eyed my mozzerella sticks. I sent him a warning stare before popping a tater tot in my mouth. My eyes immediately shifted to the door as the possesed walked in, looking more vibrant than she did when we had our altercation. She fed, and that was not something I'd let slide so easily. With a growl I stood up and walked to the victors table, my eyes struggling to stay brown chocolate.

"What happened, did Anna touch your fries?" Leotis asked chuckling as he took in my eyes.

"There's a possessed." I snarled, my canines begging to elongate and rip innto demon soaked skin.

"Like, here?" Filly asked as she stood up, her eyes blazing light orange.

"Where the fuck else would it be?" My mouth blurted out and shock flew through me. I had said that, me. The girl that had been permenantly placed on passenger mode. Lilia crinkled her brow before shaking her head slightly and getting back to the topic at hand.

"Who?" Evangeline asked, looking every bit as dangerous as she was. My mouth opened to talk before a loud howl filled the room. Dread filled me as I turned around and saw Anna crouched down in front of a pale looking Jesses. Her eyes were as amber as aged cognac and canines were exteneded to their full length. She stared at the possessed who stood with her hand on her cocked hip and her head held high.

"Fun's over now, pup, it's time I had what I wanted." The voice, shockingly clear, brought a gasp out of my throat. She was in charge, fully. The possessed was still inside of her, I could smell it, but she'd managed to take control and push the possessed part of her down deep enough so that she could come out.

"She'ls stronger than I thought." Leotis whispered, walking around me and leading the band of victors to what, very well, would end badly if we didn't intervene.

    Vanessa stood there, her eyes shining with pride and enough clarity to knock me off my ass in shock. She looked at me and winked, she knew why I was shocked. The possessed had been determined to devour her, and had sapped all the humanity out and replaced it with the evil that the possessed always seemed to have. She was dealing with a really old demon, from the beginning of the balance. A human, a submissive at that, should not have been able to live in the habitat that the possessed would have created inside a body.

"You... umm... how are you even standing?" Filly asked, her cat eyes wide and observant. Scared yet so curious t understand it was killing her to stay in one spot. Her eyebrow raised in questionand her lip lifted in a smirk that defied the questioning.

"I'm here to take back what was rightfully mine. I'm strong enough to take it now." the last part was directed at Anna and she knew it. From her crouched stance she snarled, looking too close to shifting for comfort.

"Not on your life, bitch." Lina responded, air whipping around her and creating her own little hurricane.

"Funny, coming from you. Stand back, and let me take what's rightfully mine." There was bit too much cockiness in her tone and it called to me, this time I focused on what was happening. Something was calling to me, pulling on my emotions and making me come to the surface.

"If you thought that we were just gonna let that happen," I snarled, shifting closer to my wounded brother "you're a hell of a lot stupider than I thought."

"It's more stupid, you irrelevant cunt. Move out the way."

“Ander, calm your sister down. We don’t need her tearing anyone apart.” Veronica’s mouth quirked in slight amusement, but mainly agitation.

“If she wouldn’t have taken him int he first place we wouldn’t be in this position. Now, would we?” Her head cocked to thside and her black hair slid wit her.

“You’re in complete control aren’t you?” The words slipped from my mouth and I knew it was Lilia slowly coming back into control.

“Absolute. You think I would take something on if I couldn’t handle it? I’m not and idiota, nor am I foolish. I know the power of the demon inside of me. I just don’t care, he is mine.” Anna snarled and lost it, she leapt and shifted, too quickly for anybody to notice. My body geared up to shift, but I didn’t have to. Ander shifted and stepped in front of her growling and quivering form. With a snarl he quieted her down but she didn’t calm down completely. She was still a Luna, Ander was an Alpha but he was an unmated one.

“Ander-” He flicked his tail in my direction but didn’t look away. I sighed and looked at Veronica.

“What do you want, possessed?”

“That’s kinda harsh, ain’t it puppy?” My teeth gritted and I shook off the tingles that was starting to arise. The possesed was getting too close to me, she was hitting me way too hard. My wolf was enraged that Jesse was injured and he was reacting to Anna, who Ander was tied too. I was too linked to everything, my surroundings were threatening to suffocate me but I kept on moving.

“Lilia, I think you should back off of this. Go eat your cinnamon sticks.” Tabby whispered through the mind link, her presence behind me unsure and ready to attack or protect.

“She’s a little too far gone Tabby.” I whispered back, struggling to get the reigns over my body back.

“Look, we’re dragging way too much human attention. I’m pretty sure half of the female population in this room that’s non-shifter just feinted and a posse of males went to the principle. Anna, shift back and you too Ander. Lilia-”

“You don’t have dictation over my species Leotis, you’d do best not to forget that. You’d also be best to not piss me off. All it takes, at this point, is a single note and I’ll have my wolves doing my bidding.” Leotis read the threat wisely and stepped back, not wanting to risk it. Veronca looked slightly unsettled and the confident smirk was replaced with an unsurwe smile.

“What do you mean? What does she mean by that?” She asked and Lilia lightened up, just enough for me to take control.

“Oh, you didn’t know?” My eyes twinkled with mischeif and and I cocked my hip and crossed my arms..

“I thought with your limitless knowledge of who we are thanks to your little demonic pet, you would’ve known better and advanced based on your knowledge. Guess, I was wrong huh? The only way to know what I meant would be to call out your demonic half… and witht he principal advancing quickly along with quite a few authority figures… I doubt you wanna do that.” Anna got my hint and shifted back, her hair still wild and fluffy showing that her wolf was still very much in charge. Ander looked at me and, without averting my eyes from Veronica, I nodded slightly. He’d already gotten caught once while in wolf form, he didn’t need to go twice. He shifted back and quickly went to stand next to me, his muscles bulged and ready for a fight. I could tell my eyes were still read, so I knew his eyes were still their strange dark green.

“Make your move, honey, we ahven’t got long.” Mason teleported to us, a vampire perk that he made sure to tease us about.

“You need to get out, the skins are demanding your head… like literally. Marcella is trying to stall them, but we haven’t much time.” I looked at Veronica and saw her nibbling her lip.

“Make your decision. Mason take the youngest back to the house. Tell my mother to gather the victor families and gather them for a meeting. We’ll be there soon.” He noded and went to Libby, Lina, and Aubrey.

“You know how it feels right?” Aubrey was the only one that nodded, Lina wrapped her arm around Libby and held onto Mason’s hand.

“You better cme back home, I don’t care if you have to kill it. Don’t let them take you.” Lina growled at me, before turning into Mason’s side and waiting to be teleported.

“I’ll come back for you.” Mason said before teleporting.

“You’ll take me with you.” Veronica said, stepping toward me. Ander growled out a low warning sound.

“We don’t need you, you are in no position to bargain.” Filly said, stepping forward.

“Oh but you do,” the possessed took over “The One has been found, soon more mystics will come in. Your Gaia has sent for us, the body I’m in wanted this.” Their scent grew stronger, they were shutting down class rooms and making sure all the skins were safe.

“So, you see, I am in a position to bargain. You need me, as much as I need you. I suggest you take me with you. They’ll run blood tests and they’ll see I’m not human. A piece to the jigsaw is lost…. you can’t complete the puzzle-”

“We can’t win.” Jesse snarled, his wound healed and the blood dried on his neck, he still looked lethal.

“That’s right, baby. Is it finally sinking in for all of you?” She looked confident, but her feautures were dark and distorted. My fingers twitched, hoping to wipe that confident look off of her stupid possessed face. Cella popped in, her head in a tight ponytail and her features ready.

“Who needs to be popped out, they’re close. I can’t keep them off for much longer.” She analyzed the situation before glaring at the possessed.

“Who let you out?”

“The same person that let your mom out.”

“Does this bitch need to be popped, because my brother can do that.” Cella hissed, her fists balling up at the mention of her mother.

“The victors can take care of themselves, take he rest of my siblings home.” Cella nodded before glaring at the possessed and taking hold of Jesse, Alissa, and Cara. The scent was getting stronger, I could almost taste the anticipation wafting off of them in waves.

“Make your decision honey cakes, we don’t have long.” I cursed under my breath and grabbed her by her arm before popping out. Ander and Anna would be taken care of, I just needed to keep my family safe and watch the threat.

“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck!!” Leotis snarled, the ground quaking under his feet.

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