» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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to sleep.“I’m an animal of the night, Luna; I don’t get tired.” She told me, sending a wink before lifting my gums and looking at my teeth.

I felt the exhaustion wafting from her in waves of desperation. She groaned as she slowly got off the motorcycle, her eyes were groggy and heavy.“Told you, you should’ve gotten sleep.” I told her victoriously, doing a little jig in my head.“Shut it missy. It’s your human casing, it gets way too tired too fast.”“You were up until five, then you woke up at seven. That’s not getting tired that’s asking for a major exhaustion sandwich.”“I shouldn’t be this tired, this body wasn’t built like how it used to be built. The others, they were always so strong; butch was the word I think I remembered them using. Now, a tug can break them apart.” She grumbled, pulling the bag on her shoulders and walking toward the school. Her ever observant eyes always scannign the lot to make sure nothing could surprise her. She did hate surprises.“The Gods made them new, better this time. Tougher, thicker skin, scarier furs. Shifter version 1.9.”“Hmmph, not tough enough.” I took a sigh and didn’t respond, she was a spin off of me and was too stubborn for her own good. Trying to fight her woud be like trying to take a bone from a starving wolf… not gonna happen.“Hiya puddin’, you look like the night messed you up somethin’ fierce. Did batty put his hands on you, ‘cuz I swear-” Izzy started in her Harley Quinn accent, my eyes scanned her up and down and saw why.“Role play in drama again, Harley?” I asked, my mouth quriking up. I knew that Lilia had the same relationship with Izzy that I did. A friend of mine was a friend of hers.“You bet your bottom dollar there is, it’s hella hard trying to find something stupid for that stupid class. I look like a low class, crappy hooker.” She grumbled and fingered her green and black pleated skirt. I looked at her high top converse.“I thought Harley was more of a heel girl.” For that a girl was thrown at me and she crossed her arms over her exposed belly.“Yeah well, she’ll be a converse girl today dick head.” She scoffed and shouldered her bag and frowned. She grabbed my shoulders and peered into my eyes.“It’s complicated Izzy Girl, I’ll fill you in later when we eat.”“Izzy Girl? And no red eyes… hmmm, you’d better fill me in.” She said with a slight smile. as she walked away. The dell indicating the start off the school day rang and my skull vibrated.“Great Gaia what the hell is that, and why the sweet blue oblivian is it so loud.” Lilia hissed internally, trying to shy away from the sound. In the process I was brought forth and was welcome to a wave of pain. I grunted and she took place immediately.“Sorry, it was just a little loud.” I mentally shook and fought the urge to roll my eyes.“It’s fine, now go beore we’re late. You’re already tired, let’s not make it tired and grumpy.”


Something hit my nose, hard and rancid. Lilia stopped walking and sniffed deep, bringing the smell of death and evil in our nose. Lilia clenched her fist and grit her teeth, a move I was familiar with.“What is it? What’s that smell?”“That is the smell of evil centuries old, the smell of something far worse than any demon roaming the earth now. But why the hell is it in here, unless...:” She trailed off and I felt my eyes change.“Spirit.” As soon as the words were whispered a surge went through my body and my eyes zoomed to the source of the surge. Veronica sat with her hands folded primly, the perfct picture of innocence if her eyes hadn’t had dark circles under them and her complection was pale.“Your friend is going through too many extremes to become powerful. Too man and too unnesacary extremes.” Lilia whispered, Veronica’s head tilted to the side jerkily and too quick for my liking. Her eyes looked like they were bugging out of her head and her dark hair made her look otherwordly, and not in a good way.“Rosa, please sit down. I’d like to start class now if that’s OK.” Without looking I walked to my seat, keeping my eyes on Veronica.“We’re gonna be starting a new book for the marking period, the Crucible. You will be expected to write in your reading journal, just as we did with the Scarlet Letter. You’ll be responsible for answering the questions on time with no back talk and no lateness. Is that understood?” They all responded, except for one voice; not that I really expected her to listen. My mind ran with possibilities and fear, the possessed never came near us. The victors didn’t stand for that shit, we made that clear the first few times they attempted to overrun our region. Lilia had a hard time focusing on whatever the teacher was blabbing on about. Her nails had elongated and so had my fangs, they were slightly uncomfortable in my mouth but she dealth with it. Slowly my nails started to scratch the desk, softly enough that human ears couldn’t hear… but others could. My eyes slid to where Veronica sat and saw that her head and her eyes were focused on me and my nails. I cocked my head and smiled, my fangs white and sharp. Her jaw twitched and her eyes looked crazed.“Oh God, why is it her. Why does she have to be the crazed-demon-possesed bitch instead of a regular bitch?” I asked, internally crossing my eyes. With a slight smile and a wink, my focus was tuned to the board. My nails, still sharpened, tapped the table slowly and rhytmatically knowing she would hear it.The bell wrang before I knew it and I gathered my things slowly, knowing that the demon would too be lethargically moving. She was getting used to the new body based on how she moved as if she was a new born babe. I smiled as my eyes locked onto hers and my lip curled slightly as the faintest of snarls left my lips.“I didn’t know you cared for the humans, to so closely analyze their movements. No one else seemed to notice the differences.”“I notice when someone else is on my property. You’re basically peeing on every tree and you know it, I don’t care too kindly for that.” My voice came out silently lethal and I had to admit I would hate to be on the end of that voice.“Something tells me that you and the body you’re in aren’t agreeing.” I added, cocking my head as I saw the slight bruise marks on her arms; a sign that the human was fighting back.“Even the weak ones fight, what are you gonna do about it?” She said jokingly, the laughter at the end dark and humorless.“That weak one is under my protection”- wait, what “and no harm is to come to her.”“A little too late for that tid bit of info, don’t you think?” The demon growled, anger over being over powered hitting it.“She’s stronger than you might think, second guessing her is a bad mistake. Trust me I know.” Oh, do we know. The demon was quiet, assesing the situation.“I think you’re lying. When she performed tthe ceremony, she wanted to fight against shifters who wronged her. She wanted to be stronger.” The demon smiled and I felt my fangs get thicker, sharper. I had no idea why Lilia would be willing to go through so much for the little trouble maker.“Look, it’s either you lave peacefully or we’re forced to perform an exorcism on your ass and it will not be fun for either parties. Mainly youo, but who knows, you’re probably sick enough to like it.” We stared the demon in the eye, not backing down or giving any leeway.“Bring it on, bitch.” The demon said with that evilly broken smile before grabbing her bookbag and walking out of the vacated class room. A slight roar rose from me and my fist slammed onto the nearest desk, breaking it in half.

I storm into the cafeteria, barely able to keep the fire below my skin and to keep the flames at bay I was forced to use pain. Well, Lilia was. She dug her nails into my palm and kept it there to lock the blood in. She was pissed off and she had every right to be, as was I but her rage spoke for both of us in measures. She took note of everything that was going on in the cafeteria all at once before she allowed herself to walk towards the victor table. She was trying to make syre she had no possibility of harming a skin while she was like this. I thought I could even feel a slight ting from the tracker. That worried me. Back in the days where we were allyounger, the trackers zapped us like crazy. They worked due to our chemical balance, and that was based on the studies of the animal we shifted into. For wolves, if the amount of adrenaline in our bodies got too high it could lead to us doing stupid things, dangerous things. So, the authorities zapped us with enough force to get our heads on straight and if the adrenaline level was still too high they sent immediate-action authorities to properly handle the situation. At the beginning it was highly fucked up because the whole thing was rigged. A shifter couldn't get too excited about something without being zapped. The zap, though slight at first, is enough to anger a shifter and if a shifter is past a certain point... zapping probably would not be a good idea. Scratch that, zapping is a horrible idea."I agree with you fully on that." Lilia snarled, though calming down enough so that her claws retracted. She tensed and turned around, giving me a whiff of the scent that had sidled up behind us. Ander stood there, his tray in hand and look rather angry."You hurt her." His teeth were clenched and his eyes were a deep amber but other than that he showed maximum control."Only what needed to be done, I assure you." Lilia said kindly, her tone warming to him. He noticed the warmth and gulped before gripping his tray. "Look, whatever it is that happened just... don't hurt her actual body. Ok?" His eyes slowly bled back to their normal blue and they pleaded with her to agree."You like her." Oh, I'm gonna kick your immortal ass once I get out this body! I seethed at her, mentally kicking her and telling her to shut her shifter mouth up."She's my mate." He said quietly, his eyes averting quickly but realizing he was dominant his eyes quickly came back to mine."But you have that pretty little human one. She fights you too much and gives you too little, you can just as well be with the human." There was a slight testiness in her voice and a slight growl to it, but it was overall warm and curious."She's mine.""Which she are you referring to, Ander, because you have two of them. One has your attention and one of them desperately needs it, think about which one that is before you try and play the knight in shining armor for one of your pawns." Her voice turned hard and cold fast before she turned around and walked toward the food line."Damn, remind me never to cross you." I whispered in awe and sadness as Lilia questioned a chicken sanwhich or buffalo wings.

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