» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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squeezed tighter.

“I gave it to Lilith, Abby heart, not to the rest of you. And that was reserved to us, not the humans. Don’t touch them.” I snarled, to which Abaddon huffed to and her nostrils flared.

“You want to get on my bad side, today of all days, bitch?” Ander snarled at the name and my wolf purred in glory.

“I don’t see why not, I get on your nerves every other day. Why should this day be special?” I raised an eyebrow and geared myself for a fight, a proper one. With a snarl she ran at me and I broke out of Ander’s arms to meet her half way, my claws out and my fangs down. She moved to punch me, but I grabbed her hand and twisted, making her yelp before she bought her other hand to my throat and lifted me; her eyes a deep obsidian, she was too far gone for anybody to stop her now. With a howl I kicked her in her stomach, getting no relief from the grimace I got in return. Her hands squeezed around my throat, cutting off my air flow and I threw up a migck barrier; nobody could get in to stop this, this needed to end now but my way.

“He had to be killed.” I choked out, my hand reaching up to grab her wrist and squeeze.

“Fitting, I was just going to say the same about you.” She said calmly, her voice slimey with anger and hatred; but most importantly depression. She missed her mate, her other half, something that demons were rare to do. They didn’t know the true meaning of love, just knew of it. They despised it, but she’d fallen and she’d mated. And I’d taken away what was hers.

When I was little, I used to admire the animal kingdom. The idea of this harsh ecosystem did something to my younger self, the self that craved vengenance and to whom anger was a constant companion. The animal kingdom was always hard and cruel to some animals, making them survive in harsh terrain and weather and making their habitats almost impossible to nurture young. My younger slef craved the violence, craved the harsh kiss of death that was always seen in nature. It wasn’t until I’d gotten older, until I’d been with the victors for a year or two that I started to see the true cruelty of nature. I’d always focused on the harsh reality that nature offered, but never the consequences of these actions. In th nature, it was eat or be eaten; it was also avenge or be avenged. I couldn’t be upset with Abaddon, I couldn’t even force myself to summon my rge on her. She was simply avenging, she was surviving withh the grief that I had forced onto her.

“I killed him,” a silent snarl came from her lips “and you have every right to kill me, avenge what was yours.” Her fingers tightened around my neck and I willed my claws away, pushing my fangs back into my gums. I heard Ander growl and snarl as his wolf clawed at the barrier.

“But you won’t.” I looked in her eyes, completely black, and noted the wetness that was pooling.

“Because for him, for him you were changing. You knew you wouldn’t be excepted there, in the land of hatred, you knew your love would never be as real as you wanted it to be. You were changing for him, and then I took him from you. You weren’t chosen to come, you wanted to come; you wanted to fix what I’d done.” Her lip trembled and her arm shook slightly.

“No, no. That’s not it, is it. You weren’t coming to kill me, you came for something else.” Suddenly I understood. She loved him, with understanding warming my heart I smiled softly.

“You love him, that love that you have is eternal; never mind that everybody thinks you can’t love. You did. You do. You came to change, because that’s what you promise him. You came to show that you loved as strongly as any human or shifter could.” With a sob she dropped me and dropped to the floor on her knees. She gripped the cement, a silent cry ripping from her lips and air coming from her lungs.

“You couldn’t… you couldn’t not come up here.”

“You were young! You didn’t understand, you could never understand! None of them ever did, we were going to get out! We were so close and then you- you took him! You didn’t feel the pain, none of them did none of them could! And you-” She put her hand on her abdomen and cried harder, screaming out her fury. I hadn’t even realized that I’d dropped the barrier until there was a huge wolf between me and Abaddon that was snarling.


“No, wolf, you crossed the line this time!” He yelled in the pack link, making me wince and step back. The wolf only lowered to the ground and circled Abaddon as she sobbed.

“Leave her alone!” I yelled, walking behind him and moving to stand in front of him to defend her. He growled and stepped to block my path.

“You’ve done enough.” He growled, not looking away from his prey. My ears twitched as a sound caught my ears. It was a slight humming, my brow furrowed before I realized where it was coming from.

“Ander, your chip. Calm down, or they’re going to lock on you and zap you before they retrieve you.” He huffed away my statement, circling his prey and snarling viciously.

“Wolf, take your mate’s advice-” Leotis started before he was cut off with a loud growl in his direction.

“You’re going to get-” Another growl.

“Ander!” He let out a whine and I watched as my mate crumbled in pain.

I sat in the precinct, my foot bouncing and my fingers in between my thighs to stop them from choking someone. After Ander had been zapped, the police came to pick him up and I’d been...contained. I use contain, rather than held in an atmospheric bubble so I couldn’t scratch their eyes out. I grit my teeth as I try to shake off the magic that the other victors had on me. They wouldn’t lift it until I proved I was calm, any other day I could act the part. But not today, not when my mate sat in a cage.

“Green?” I stood at my name and bristled at the look that was thrown my way, my wolf growled internally and I blinked to keep myself stable.

“We can’t release him unless you’re family.” The man drawled, looking me in the eye instead of at his clipboard. I narrowed mine slightly and grit my teeth at the lie.

“Is that really the answer you wanna give me?” I asked, tapping my nose and smirking slightly. Letting him think he was dominant was amusing to me, not necessary to the wolf.

“Fine, we won’t release him unless you’re family. Judging by your last name, I’m gonna assume you’re not.” I sighed and licked my aching canine, it begged to sink in to him.

“His mother is literally two minutes away, can’t you just let him out of the cage?” A little bit of helplessness seeped into my voice and the human smiled, a slow steady smile.

“Sorry, not allowed to uncage all detainees.” He put emphasis on the last word and it made my hackles rise.


“Surely, there’s something you can do?” Filly said, sidling up next to me and throwing on her most charming smile.

“Only. Family. Darlin’. Can’t do anything for ya, ‘til his mom comes in.”

“I’m here! I’m here! Now release my son or so help me, I will-”

“Just let him go.” Drew drawled, his wolf lurking behind those eyes.

“Gladly.” The man said, walking behind the door to where the shifters were held in the strong cages. We all followed him, steeling ourselves for the amount of rage we would smell going in to the back.

Chapter 15


Snarls erupted as we followed the officer down the narrow hall. They didn’t like the smell of the human, I couldn’t help but hear their thoughts. They were loud; and rabid. They wanted to rip the skins off his bones and tear his throat out, tendon by tendon and watch him bleed. A small part of me shivered in disgust. But I had to be strong, so I did what I, as the Red Luna, was bade to do. I calmed them. I ruffled my hair and let my scent waft trough through the ventilation. Soon hatred and rage was filled with a calm sense of retribution. As if I had personally done all the things that they wanted to do for them; as if I was the one who’d tortured the man and had exacted revenge for them. Filly did the same, instead just fanning herself and letting her scent go through the air. The snarls and roars quieted as we walked down to the last cell. I read the sign above the door. CAUTION: HIGHLY DANGEROUS, EASILY IRRITATED. I snorted and raised a brow as the officer turned around.

“I think you’ve got the wrong wolf.” I said softly, pointing to the sign.

“Tell that to the three officials he almost took a bite out of.” The officer said, taking his keys and unlocking the heavy metal door.

“Are you cock suckers finally ready to let me go?” I heard him snarl as the snap of metal went of, the sound of a chain being pulled to its extant.

“You’ve been released.” The officer grunted and moved out of the way. Sarah would’ve damn near trampled hi if he hadn’t moved.

“Oh God, baby are you Ok?” She fussed over him and I stepped in, Filly alongside me, watching as she hugged him as hard as she could.

“This is his first offense, he’ll be on lock for only two days. Next time it’s a week. After that… well, we don’t keep puppies who aren’t well trained.” The officer grunted, eyeing the family. Sarah’s anger whipped out at me like a leather whip. I clenched my teeth at the feeling and blew out a deep breath.

“Yeah, we get it. It won’t happen again.” I said, backing up so that Sarah, now tight lipped and bush browed, could pass with her son in her arms, and throwing th officer a shut up look.

“See that it won’t Red, see that it won’t.”

I was honestly surprised that I didn’t get ripped into as soon as we got out of the police precinct. It was probably because Sarah didn’t feel as comfortable in front of the humans as she used to. Not that I blamed her, I would feel uncomfortable around them as well if I’d grown up with them as friends, then having them become enemies. We drove in silence back to the ghetto, with only the smell of permeable anger in the air. Sarah clenched the steering wheel tighter than necassary to park and just ended up doing a wicked drift into the driveway. She opened the door quickly and slammed it closed, most likely denting the poor little honda.

“Get out of the car, Luna.” She said softly, walking toward the middle of the culd-de-sac. My eyes widened and I watched her stiff stance and shook my head.


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