» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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mate, Anna. He’s there to protect, to pick up the pieces, and to love; and it isn’t because he’s an Alpha’s do. It’s because he-”

“Loves you.” He broke in, their eyes not leaving each others. More tears flew to her yes and she stepped closer, nudging her cheek deeper into his cheek.

“I love you, Anna. I’ve loved you since we were ten. I loved you the minute I saw how brave and strong you are, I loved you the minute you saw me for what I was and didn’t laugh or pick at me. I’ve been waiting for what feels like a lifetime, watching you pick up the responsibilities of a Luna but not picking up what you needed most. I’ve watched for ten years, pining after you and knowing that you didn’t feel the way I did and I would have to wait a little longer for that. But I was fine with that, and would you like to know why?” She nodded slowly and there was silence. They stared at each other for a minute before she smiled a watery smile and laughed an airy smile.

“Because you knew you’d have me… And you did, and you do!” Without another word they locked lips and the link pulsated, shining a brilliant blue so bright I blocked off the sight. The humans had looked up and had watched it all, some of the girls cried while the boys just watched in boredom. My eyes snapped to Izzy and I saw her gritting her teeth while she looked at the ground, she was never one for mushy stuff.

“Congratulations Luna, you finally hooked them together.” Filly said through the link.

“Now all that’s left is to fix you and your boyfriends link, and you’ll be normal.” Leotis said dryly. Without even getting ruffled I threw him a mental picture of what Filly dressed like for Halloween last year and shut down the link.






THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEARING WITH ME ON THIS!!! I've been having loads of compute problems lately, and I've been completely swamped with summer work which isn't fun. *SOBS* SAVE ME FROM ALL THE AP CLASSES, PLEASE!!! Anywhoberries, I hope this is hefty enough for y'all, I'm typing up more and more daily which is really god for my muse which has been dying under all the essays and writing assignments tht prohibit any use of werewolves, fey, Red Luna's and well... any and everything else that go bump in the night! Now, I've got a little favor to ask from all my fans out there! Like I've said, my muse has been getting a lot of critical hits from essays and all that boring non-fictional stuff, so throwing some ideas my way would be greatly appreciated! Just send me a message, or write it on my wall; now that my computer seems to be in working shape, I should be checking this daily and posting weekly with high hopes.

Never fear, though, my muse isn't completely out of the match yet. I've got  couple twists and turns up my sleeves, I just need y'all to hold on for the ride!! 

Happy Reading!! ~A

Chapter 14

The day was almost over and I’d managed to get past the disdainful glares of the teachers I didn’t do homework for… all of them, really. And I had my last class to teach, the only thing that sucked about Monday classes were that I was to teach them with Ander. After changing into my dancing clothes and putting my fluffy hair into a messy bun I stretched while the class came in. Ander was the last to join, basketball shorts and a t-shirt on, and his face was bright and carefree. I sighed in relief, happy that I wouldn’t feel like death throughout this class.

“You’re all welcome to finish up on your routines, next week we will be displaying them and you will be graded for the semester. For those that are finished, you can get started on next semester’s genre: Hip Hop.” There were a few groans but some people looked enthused.

“It shouldn’t be that hard, really. Since most of you were able to keep up with the foxtrot, salsa, and tango you should be able to perform hip hop without a problem.” Ander said, crossing his arms and leaning back on the desk that neither of us used. I nodded and stepped forward.

“Now, how many of you are finished with your projects?” All of them raised their hands and my eyes widened.

“You all must’ve been busy throughout the weekend.” Ander chuckled, making the class chortle.

“So I guess we’ll start the hip hop section early. Males with Ander, females with me.” I said before going to the half of class that I’d picked for the females. They lined up and I assessed them and pouted slightly.

“You, go to the males… you too.” They were skilled dancers and I knew they would prefer to be on the male side. As they walked over to his side, I received three boys who looked disturbed they were elected. Me and Ander walked back to the middle of the class, careful not to touch each other and looked at the class.

“We’re going to do the full dance, then we’ll break it down. When the new semester starts, you’ll have two weeks to come up with changes to the choreography. Then after that, like witht he foxtrot, you’ll be creating your own dance. Got it?” Sounds of approval met my ears and I clicked play on the radio. We went to the middle of the room, between the male and femal groups and started to dance to Grind On Me. We moved in synchrony and watched each other in the mirrors located in the front of the class. The groups cheered as we moved seductively and smoothly, until the song was over. We smiled and stopped, the music cut off and we looked at the class.

“Now, let’s break it down shall we?” Ander said, rubbing his hands together with a smile.

My spirits were lifted generally higher after that dance class. She’d expected him to be in a pissy mood, and as delighted to find him lauging and joking with the students. He even sent me a small private smile. I pressed the gas hrder on the cycle and stopped myself from squeling like a school girl. Then, suddenyl because she just loved being morose, my wolf sent a feeling of despair to me. I looked at what she was pointing in my direction and my heart crumbled. I had only been looking at the outside, not the inside. On the outside he was smiling and laughing and cheering on the class, but on the inside he and his wolf had howled in anger and pain. He’d been hurting right in front of me, and instead of me noticing I fell for the act he and his sister were all too good at playing. My wolf howled in pain and anger and I fought hard not to howl with her

“Meeting.” A thought was whispered into my head and I knew it was from Mother Moon. I grit my teeth and fought to keep bad words from my thought process. She got bitchy about suff like that, no pun intended. Hard pun intended actually, my wolf growled. I prepared myself for the blinding brutality that was Eternal.

We all arrived together,not that I expected anything less. But what I hadn’t been expectig was for us all to be dressed in white. The girls were clothed in white toga dresses, and the boys were dressed in white flowing pants and a loose cotton shirt.

“What’s with the get up?” Ursula growled, lifting the fabric up slightly o inspect it.

“No clue, Ursy, they rarely dress us up anymore.” I sighed, crossingmy arms and looking around. Vast emptiness surrounded us. So we weren’t in anyone’s domain, particularly. Which was weird to say the least.

“But when they do-” Evangeline started

“It normally means they’re expecting company.” Leotis finished, sounding a little more than tense at the situation.

“Always were the smart cookie, weren’t you?” Felicia’s voice came before they all mteriaized in front of us.

“Who could you be expecting that you dresse us up for so fancily.” I asked, my head cocking in confusion.

“Pretty sure that’s not a word.” Leo said, sounding amused..

“Well, I’m pretty sure you’r pretty sure about a lot othings there blondie. Now,who are we meeting today oh powerful ones?”

“You’re meeting-”


We all sucked in gasps and took a step back as a tiny woman walked past all of the other Gods and Godesses to stand in front of us. Her hair, deep mahogany with almost every other color running trough it was curly nd untamed and moved slightly as she analyzed us all. Her deep green eyes lit up as she smiled and pread her arms.

“Come now, enough with this Eternal brightness. Welcome to my domain.” Slowly the brightness dulled and faded to a vibrant andlush green as wewere surrounded by trees and shrubbery. We all stared in shock and awe as she sat on the groun in fron of us, not worried about her nudity, and crossed her legs elegantly.

“Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering why I asked them to summon the lot of you?” She asked gently, folding her hands primly and smiling a soft smile.

“I think you have them star struck, Mother.” Felicia said with a belittlig smile on her lips.

“Oh, is this form too much? I did try to blend with them.” She looked genuinely perturbed and that bothered me something fierce.

“This is their first time meeting you… in the flesh, as it seems, Mother.” Leo  said with a smirk before shifting into his lion form and settling down nextto her and nuzzling her leg. A soft motherly smile lfted her lips and brightened her lips as she stroked his mane lovingly.

“I am Gaia.” That sentence made me choke on the air I’d been holdig in my lungs. I put my hand on my throat and looked at her.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“Luna!” Mother Moon yelled, her eyes turning a deathly black and making my wolf cringe.

“Calm now, Lupa. If I remember correctly, you used to be a little spitfire.”

“But not to you, Mother.”

“Oh, my dear. Especially to me, and when it came to those pups of yours. If I can remember, all of you were quite touchy about your young.”

“Their what now?” Evangeline asked for all of us, her wide eyes taking in everything.

“Their young. Never let me get that close to them, guess that didn’t work that well, am I right?” She laughed a musical laugh that, to my wolf, sounded like soft rain on high leaves. She stopped laughing when she realized the tension in the domain. Understanding filled her face and she stopped petting Leo, who had gone completely still.

“Oh, they didn’t know.” She whispered, biting her lip and looking to her children.

“What don’t we know?” Filly asked lowly, watching all the Gods carefully. All was silent until Gaia sighed deeply and a breeze went over us all.

“Why any of you are in the predicament that you’re in now. I suppose I could tell you all, since they’ve neglected to.”

“Before humans, when only my true children roamed the earth, the Gods and the Godesses were

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