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like you. They had the ability to shift between forms. Animal and man. They were very much like all of you, they had mates and they had pups. Before they were immortal, they led mortal lives. Then when the dawn of the pure human came, and I called them to their thrones, they were forced to leave their children behind in the mortal realm. Quickly my grandchildren populated and they did as they were bid to do, but the humans began to notice the difference. They noticed that they were not the strongest force in nature, that there were stronger better beings out there. They did , and reacted, as any species that was in danger would do. They fougt for their lives. At first it was a couple of deaths per year, but then they discovered the weaknesses and exploited them.

My grandchildren were strong, but not strong enough to fight a foe that had th numbers and a deadly weapon on their side. So I called upon my children to do something, anything, to help give those in the mortal realm a fighting chance. And so they did. They called on their children, the strongest of the litter, to fight. They knew that their children would be the strongest, because their children had true blood in them. Blood directly descending from Gaia. They equipped their children with the tools necessary to win the fight, and sent them into battle.  My grandchildren fought the good fight and kept the were society safe. And so it was doctrined, that if there were ever a time of need in the were nation, the children of the Gods would be called upon to keep them safe.” Gaia looked to all of us, that motherly smile still in place.

“And so it was done.”

“Hold the fuck up, lady.” I growled, steping forward ad putting my hand up “Arer you tellig me what I think you’re telling me?” A delicate brow raised and she watched me.

“What do you think I’m telling you?”

“That I’m her kid? Because my mom would have a few choice words and stretch marks to prove you wrong?”

“Ah, Molly. She was alway so strong.” A tick went off under my right eye and I grit my teeth.

“No, you’re not her pup. Little one.” I crinkled my brow and stepped back, my mind working in overdrive.

“Oh Godess.” Filly whispered and fell to her knees, cradling her abdomen. Leotis was next to her in seconds, holding her close. She looked up at him before looking to the rest of the victors.

“We’re not us. That’s what she’s saying.”

“What do you mean we’re not us? We are us, always have been. We’re the victors. You’re Felicia, he’s Leotis, and I’m LunaRosa. That’s who we are.” She shook her head and looked to Gaia.

“Holy Godess. We’re them, that’s what she’s saying Luna!” Evangeline yelled, her breathing speeding up as shepaced in a small circle.

“No, we’re not them! We’re us damn i!!!” I boomed, fire coming from my pores.

“The children of the Gods would be called upon to keep them safe, and so it was done.” Leotis whispered into Filly’s hair.



“Fucking NO! OK, I’ve been through way too much for you to sit there and tell me that I’m not me! I am LunaRosa Green, Red Luna, eldest sister, and Luna to the Engand pack!! I AM ME!!” I yelled, tears burning my eyes more than the fire coming from my finger tips.

“Are you really?” Gaia asked softly, her eyes imploring and drilling holes into mine.


“And how long have you been Red Luna for?” She asked softly, and without thinking my lips parted and I answered.

“Since the first war!” I gasped and put my hand over my mouth, my eyes widened and I fell to y knees. Gaia nodded and stood before walking to me. She placed a kiss to my forehead and whispered something and I felt something lift off my shoulders.

“LunaRosa, meet the Red Luna.”

A girl stood in front of me, her eyes vibrant and as brown as bark, her hair long and black and her skin as pale as snow. She smiled slightly and knelt in front of me, her hand raising up to stroke my cheek.

“You’re very strong, gotta give it to you.” I gasped and her smile widened.

“Sound familiar?” Mother Moon asked and we both looked up.

“That’s why she’s always sounded so mature? My wolf was, is, her?”She nodded and her eyes warmed as she looked to her daughter. My heart twisted for her, knowing that she had to be seperated from her child to protect the rest of her race must’ve been pure hell for her.

“You could be easier on her, just a little. She has’t exactly had a walk in the park up here.” The girl said, her eyes full of unshed tears but still managing to twinkle. I looked around and saw that the other victors were talking with their animal sides too.

“Luna?” My attention shifted back to the girl and she smiled tightly.

“Things are going to get harder, a lot harder, and I need you to stay strong. And I know it’s hard, I do. I was chosen before I got the chance to meet my mate, so I have no idea how you’re feeling or what you’re going through. But you need to be strong, and you need to be resilient. Your reservations are smart, even though they hurt you and him. Your pack, and your people, need you to be the best you can be for the war. It’s coming, and it’s coming sooner than any of us are ready for. We need to be prepared and I need to trust that you can handle it. Just say the word and I’ll switch to someone else. You are not indebted to anyone here and ou don’t owe anyone anything. Your happiness and stability come first.” Her eyes searched mine, serious and intense now that the emotio had gottn out of the way. A big part of me was thrilled that someone had finally considere how I felt about everything, and I wanted to snatch that opurtunity and run home with it. It was my golden ticket to everything. Ander, pups, being a proper Luna to a pack. This was what I needed.

But it wasn’t right, and with tight lipped regret I told her I could handle it. I told her that I was fine and I wasn’t as fragile as she had thought. Doubt ran through her facial expressions before she quickly swiped it away.

“Then fighting with you shall be a pleasure.” She said before standing and turning to talk to her mother. I blacked them out and thought of what a huge mistake I had just made.. Istayed that way until Gaia called our attention with a snap of her fingers.

“Now then, slight hiccup has been cured, let’s get to why I called you all here. The war. NormallyI don’t get involved in wars, chosing to stay out and let fate roll its dice, but there are too many shifters involved this time for me not to. I know you’re all wondering when the war will start and the answer is, I don’t know. I do not have the gift of foresight I gave to them. All I can tell you is when you will get the first sign that the war is coming. As, I’m sure, at least one of you noticed one God is missing a victor.” My hackles bristled and I shifted on my feet. “Belbus, he was the only one that didn’t have any pups. He was the only child that did not live like the mortals lived in the aspect of love and repopulation. That being said, it was doctrined that the children of the Gods were to fight. So he’s had to find one, one of pure blood an one of unquestionable strength. Needless to say it’s bee harder than he thought. Once that child is chosen…. training will intensify and the others you need will flock t you.”

“Others?” Ursula asked, her blonde hair serving as a curtain in front of her face.

“You didn’t think that I would let my grandchildren go in this alone. As the creator, I have a few choice creations that Ithink would do beautifully this round. The war will happen two months after the child has been found.”

“Two months? It took us ten years to be as lethal as we are. You’re dumping this weight on one shifter, a heyena at that, and giving us only two months with it. That’s not fair, or possible.” Leotis brsistled, squeezing Filly cloer to him. She put her hand on his arm to calm him, but didn’t take her eyes off of Gaia.

“I think you doubt the power of the Gods. After this long, haven’t you learned it’s never wise to do that.” She scolded softly with a kind smile.

“No, he’s right. How are we supposed to pull that kind of power out of our asses?” Evangeline asked, her feather slightly less ruffled but she still looked upset.

“You forgot that you have the aid of true blood on your side. You are all strong, that’s why you were chosen. I have absolute faith in you. It’s my son that I don’t trust. He’s never really been good at picking them.”

“Never really been good at the God thing either.” Mother Moon mumbled and I felt a slight giggle go through me but made sure it stayed quiet.

“Wait, wait, wait. Lemme make sure I got the flavor of the kool aid right. The war is coming, soon, and it could happen any minute, and we’re all supposed to rely on Belbus?” Ursula asked, crossing her arms and stepping forward. She looked lethal, about to explode.

“To all of those things yes, I do not doubt any of you. With the aid of the dark children, this war should be won.” Her smile dimmed slightly and her eyes grew serious again.

“After the war ends, after you’ve all done what needs to be done… you will all die.”

“Excuse me?” I squeaked, fear spiking my heart and stinging my eyes.

“The Red Luna will die, the tigress will die, the lion will die. All of you, once your purpose has been completed. With that I send you all home. It is time for you to sleep.”

I woke with a start, my hair wild and breathing erratical. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded with the familiar scents and colors of home. I blinked once and ran a finger through my wiley hair and took a deep breath. My wolf was sleeping and everything seemed quiet, then what was wrong. My brow furrowed and I fell back down to the comforter only to squeak and sit back up.

“Ander?” He groaned in answer but didn’t wake up. I blinked in confusion and ran my fingers through my hair, lifting it slightly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked groggily, sitting up and watching me with those blue eyes I loved so much. I shook my head with a heavy frown.

“Nothing, just a dream.” I said softly. He watched me a little longer, before his hand moved to rest over my heart.

“This isn’t just a dream. What happened?” He asked softly, scotting closer and lifting me up. He placed me on his lap and I crossed my legs and nuzzled into him. He sighed and put his chin on top of my head.

“What’s wrong?” I didn’t want to tell him. I didn’t want to tell him all we’d learned, didn’t want to tell him that I was going to die at the end of the war. I didn’t want to tell him the truth. So I told him a lie, instead.

“The dreams are just coming back. It was really bad this time.” I closed my eyes and willed it not to smell like a lie, willed myself to believe it was truth to throw him off. He stilled under me, grabbing my wrist gently in his hand. I know what he

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