» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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she assesed the situation. The rest of the siblings ran behind her, their eyes all mirroring their wolves.

“About time you all got here, I’ve been waiting for hours.” I said, rolling my eyes and smirking at them all.

“We can never win with you and your powers!” Libby growled softly, her tone looked joking but her face looked lethal.

“Got that right, now mom’s made waffles. I say we eat them, calmly-” she was interrupted when they all attacked the pile of bacon that had already piled up. How she manages to make so much before we smell, her wolf said lovingly, I’ll never know.

    I drifted away from my family, knowing what I needed to do and what would need to be done. I walked behind the house and shifted into my wolf form, relishing in the feel of being in my fur, and looked att he world through new eyes. The green in the trees seemed to pop more than they did when it was just Luna looking through. The moss on the trees smelled like heaven on Earth to me as I walked forward and closed my eyes. I let myself get familiar with the scents and sounds of the world around me before I walked further into the forestation. I would bump into the other victors, eventually. Since it was Sunday, we saw to it that we would start the week on a peaceful basis. What better way to ensure peace than to go fo a nice long run? As my wolf began to pad through the forest, our feet hitting the soft Earth and leaving behind paw prints, I let down my barriers and relaxed. I knew of all the stress I would be going through throughout the week, I had been feeling like somethign horrific was going to happen at any moment, so I decided to just not think about it. Today was my day, one of the only days I would get to relax and be wolf. The forestation led to an open clearing that would lead to yet another ghetto. Technically speaking, Hell’s Gate was supposed to had been bordered up like every other ghetto.

   But, since it was Hell’s Gate and since we were victors…. we honestly didn’t give a shit. A tigress burst from the forestation next to me, running straight into the clearing and leaping into the vast selection of lilies. She rolled around and lifted her belly to the sun and relished in the feel of her fur. I heard a caw from the sky and looked up to see Evangeline in her eagle form, strong and proud and sailing through the air. Soon, all the victors ran into the clearing, creating one huge puppy pile; until the only one left out of it was me. A bear chuffed and we saw Ursula look at us, her paw on her nose and a playful look in her eyes. We didn’t talk through the link, not like this. Not on Sunday’s. Today we would be as animal and free as we could be. I lolled my tongue out and ran to the pile, leaping and soaring through the air to land on them all and howled in happiness as the animalistic groans grew louder and louder; surrounding me with love and hope.

When I awoke the next day it was with a pep in my step, ready to face the world and all who opposed me. I even took the time to blow dry my hair. Then I pouted in the mirror for five minutes at the huge fluff of hair I had created. I grumbled and contemplated wetting it again just so I could slick it into a ponytail.

“Hye, Luna...Oh.” Cara said, bouncing in my room only to stop and put her hand over her mouth at my apperance. I threw her a murderous look and snarled at her cute little bun. MY hair would never fit into a bun in this state, it would never fit into ANY thing in this state.

“Do you… do you want my help, or-”


“Yeah, gotcha.” She left, but only in a group of giggles that made me send a flicker of heat to her thigh. She yelped and I snorted, then looked back at the mirror. I bit my lip and conjured a thick green head band. I’d make this work. I looked at my dark rinse skinny jeans and green baby doll top and sighed deeply. If anyone said anything, I could always make sure they had no hair.

I pulled my helmet off and unzipped my leather jacket, putting them both into their compartments before taking out my books and walking into the school. Izzy sidled next to me and cocked a brow at my hair and hand band but looked away and hummed to herself. My eyes flicked above her head and I saw the shifter watching her with his eyes intently, all while his girlfriend, her twin, was talking animatedly to him. My lips quirked and I fought the urge to touch her to see what the future would hold. She’d made me promise years ago that I wouldn’t go ‘That’s So Raven’ on her. And, well, when anybody refers to something like that it’s hard not to meet their request. That and she kinda sorta had me tackled and in a chokehold. One that, I like to tell myself, I could’ve gotten out of. I looked back to her and realized something that made me stop in my tracks. I eyed her outfit and looked at her with wide eyes, almost dropping my books. She had on her power outfit, and her fingers were squeezed tight around her books. She smiled but it was a tense and twitchy one that didn’t really reach her eyes.

“Oh, you gotta tell me who it is!” I squealed, getting closer to her in an attempt to make the conversation more personal. Her eyes flared  and my wolf growled slightly in approval and took the hint, making me give her a little bit more space.

“You know that’s not how I operate, Luna.” She said tightly and my eyes widened.

“Whoever the fuck pissed you off that much deserves it.” I said after a while and started to walk, knowing that she probably wouldn’t follow me today.

Izzy had a reputation that she wasn’t ashamed of hiding and made sure that everyone knew what she was capable of. At a young age, we had become friends. The pigtails and freckles threw me off from the strong look that was in her eyes, even back then. When the humans found out about us, her family and a select few others didn’t freak. If anything, they were the only humans we really bonded with. When I met with the other victors they sought to separate us, but she was my best friend and I wanted to make sure she would be protected. The humans that fought by us and for us were often singled out by the human community and could never really be accepted by the were community. I took her and her family under my wing, and in turn they had the protection and loyalty of the victors. That came with a few perks. All of the McReery children were trained as the packs were trained, to portect theirself from any foe human or not.

When the humans at the school discovered that, not only Izzy but the whole family had been trained and were close friends with the shifters, they sought to make their lives hard. Izzy grew to be tough, fighting for her family at every turn and never listening to the harsh words and judgement that was tossed her way. To this day, she still socks people in the mouth if they even so much as look like they’re about to say something idiotic about her family or friends. I turned and looked back and saw her looking at her twin… well her twin and the shifter. I sighed deeply and focused slightly. I could see the invisible line that entwined them together and smiled softly. They were mates, the line a clear blue indicating that they were true soul mates. I looked to the odd couple and cocked my head when I saw the string that twined the shifter with Bella. It was pale orange, they were something and were meant to be in each other’s lives. Just not the way Bella had wished.

Bella had always been the difficult one. She participated and was enthused when we trained together and we used to be friends. She just idolized looks and boys more than loyalty and love. Once she finished training, it was like she put make up and an airy smile over everything she had become. She didn’t want to have the responsibility that came with being on our side of things, and nobody blamed her. And she knew they didn’t.

“Oy, you!” I heard someone yell and looked up and away from the link, willing the power away, to see Anna charging at me.

“Where’s your brother, your stupid idiotic brother!?” She asked, pointing her finger and glaring at me.

“If you don’t know, I don’t know.” That was a lie, a butter thick lie, but I wasn’t going to tell her. She’d have to tap in to him and see, something I knew she didn’t want to do.

“Do you really wanna test me right now, Rosa? Is that something you think would be smart?” She growled, her wolf shimmering in her blue eyes. I hugged my books closer to my body and shrugged loosely.

“You don’t look like much, I’m sure I could take you.” I said cheerily, adding a small little smile at the end. She snarled and punched me in the gut, making me drop my books and fly into the stairs. Something cracked, I heard it, but all the pain seemed to be in my gut.

“Where. Is. He?” She snarled softly, her eyes going completely amber.

“Now see,” I groaned, standing up and rubbing my sore abdomen “ya didn’t have to do that.” I whined, my eyes going amber too.

“I don’t want to do this with you wolf, I just want to know where he is.” She growled at me, it coming out in a roar instead of how she probably meant to say it.

“Do it yourself!” I yelled, my rage lashing out and shutting her up. I was more dominant, and my rage was too potent even if I wasn’t angry. It shut everyone up actually, and made everyone look down.

“You are Luna, you are Alpha! You are Omega! You are the best of both worlds and people should fear you, and they do Anna! They fear your strength because you are the first anomaly of the new race. Born of Alpha, blood of Omega, and mate to Alpha. Take pride in that, do not put one side of you down simply because you believe it isn’t strong. Let it grow. Jesse is Alpha, yes, he is more dominant yes, but do you know what else he is?” She looked up then, tears shimmering in her eyes as she shook her head. This was what I wanted, this was the girl I should’ve seen ten years ago instead of the way too tough one. I stepped closer and put my hand on her cheek, a soothing touch. She shuddered in a breath and leaned into the hand. I smiled and used my magick. It wasn’t me that held her cheek, it was Jesse. His eyes were shocked and tired, but more than ever they were relieved. Her blue eyes locked onto his and it happened, what I’d been working towards for ten fucking years.

The link between them connected and snapped, blue met green and mixed to make the brightest thickest link I’d ever seen. Vulnerability met strength, and courage met fear. They completed each other, and I watched as their souls filled each others; giving what the other needed to be strong.

“He’s your

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