» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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and leaned my hip on the threshold watching as she multitasked between keeping one bear shifter from crying, two leapord children from fighting with each other, and trying to get an eagle pup from off the top of the TV. I knew, without a single doubt, that she could manage to accomplish the main goal:peace; but it didn’t mean I would just sand back.

“Need help?” She primly answered No through the link while branching her arm out to the eagle and shifting between the two leapords. I was pretty sure the bear cub was sleeping, but with all the movement she was doing she was bound to wake him up A fussy bear shifter was not a good bear shifter.

“You’ll wake him and he’ll roar the whole house down. Let me hold him and you get Manda from the TV.”

“And of the twins?” I looked closely at the two fighting cubs and saw that they were indeed twins.

“Let them duke it out, fighting is good for pups.” I really shouldn’t have said that in a room full of were-children because they all heard me. And that began a huge fight that lasted until their parents came to pick them up.

We sat there, the two capable and mature Luna’s worn out and exhausted. We’d gotten between as many fights as we could but the younger the were the more energy and stamina they hold. I looked at the half way decently cleaned house.

“Well, at least they didn’t piss on the couch.” She mumbled after a while, it was rare she lowered herself enough to curse. I looked at her and realized how exhausted she looked and how terrible she felt. Her eyes were still slightly puffy and her normally pin straight hair was fuzzy at the ends. Earlier had taken away too much from her.

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“You needed the help, you’re not invincible.”

“Yeah, neither are you.” She looked at me then, I could see her wolf in agony in those blue eyes so identical t my mate’s.

“You’re hurting, Anna. You shouldn’t have had to do anything.” I saw the fie blaze in her eyes and knew she wasn’t completely gone.

“This is my pack Luna, you might be the deject Luna whofights her obligations at every turn and avoids her duties to this pack; but I’m not. This will be MY pack, regardless of where my idiot mate houses his dick for the night, and I will not let heartbreak or strife pull me away from those duties.” It was her wolf talking, not her and I knew that. Still didn’t make it sting any less. She was right, and I knew that. Still didn’t make my wolf any less angry. Here she was, Omega, ordering an Alpha around. I clenched my teeth where my canines had elongated and bowed my head. She would be Luna of this pack, it was her right to rank higher than me. Omega, my wolf growled but did the same bregrudgingly.

“I was simply trying to help you, Luna.” I said respectfully, keeping al the bitterness my wolf felt out of my tone. Suddenly Anna’s body sagged and tears filled her eyes.

“I didn’t mean to do that, I’m just so tired Rose.” She sobbe and put her hands in her face.

“What happened before.. Veronica?”

“Me and my mom had gotten into it again, all because of what color Marie’s hair bow was going to be!”

“But… Marie wasn’t wearing a hairbow when I picked her up this morning.”

“Because she blew a hissy fit and just deided to can the hair bow idea. Saying how she’s ‘always working so hard to make sure her children look adoraable and I come along and ruin it’.” Anna mocked her mother, trying to do a southern accent and failing badly because of her English one.

“I mean-”

“It’s not like I’m the actual Luna of the pack or anything and I’ve got to worry about a whole spiderweb full of children, not to even mention the kids that I’ll have in the future, or anything!” I stayed quiet and listened to her rant until her speech became slurred and the tears stopped falling.

“Jesse’s… well he’s a Green. We’re not really common for making the wisest decisions nd thinking sanely. But what we are known for is our love and dedication-”

“And what love and dedication does he have towards me, Rose? If fucking some other girl, some human girl, is more important than staying here and actually helping with pack affairs?” She spat venemously her wolf not liking me defending someone that hurt her.

“He’s Alpha, Anna. He will always be here for you, he’s just waiting.” With that I stoof and walked to the stairs.

“For what?”

“The exact same thing that Ander’s waiting for.” I mubled, knowing she would hear me before I walked up the stias and to sleep.

I drove my back to school, enjoying the wind traveling through my hair and erasing what little of my wolf’s anger was left.  Watching after the kids had drained her energy and her anger. She wouldn’t admit it, but she loved the kids even though they weren’t her pups. We could have that, you know she mumbled to me and I sighed deeply revving the engine to get away from the mental conversation. ME and my wolf were too completely different beings when it came to Ander. She felt that any and everytime we were near him we should accept and love him, because we were destined for each other. But me… we had a war, and nothing is fair in love and war. Yeah but- my wolf started to argue but was efficiently cut off when our nose picked up on something. Demon, my wolf snarled and panic picked up. I heard the laughter coming from the car behind me and knew they wouldn’t smell it because all the windows were closed. They dare come out when our family is so exposed? My wolf growled and I agreed. They had gotten bold in the 24 hour span we’d last met them. As I was fuming in anger I failed to sense the presence getting stronger and didn’t notice until we were hit off our bike and motor cycle. A snarl floated past my lips as I dug my nails and feet to the ground, stopping me from going any farther. I looked up and saw Azazil, Lilith, and Abaddon standing in front of me. MY ears picked up the sound of something running toward us. Pack, my wolf told me before returning her attention to the enemy.

“What the fuck was that about?” I snarled standing to full height and taking a step forward.

“We wanted to speak with you.” Abaddon said with a little sadistic smile on her face. She tackled us, my wolf spat, as if she has the right to even look at us.

“And you couldn’t wait until I got to the school?” My brother ran into Abaddon’s back, his wolf form enraged. He pinned her to the ground with his fangs bared; daring her to make one move. His twin jumped down from a tree and onto Lilith’s back, grabbing hold of her hair and pulling tight and placing a silver knife to her throat. Silver harmed all creatures of the night, Only Azazil stood without an immediate threat attached to him.

“What, I don’t get special placement?” He said, a lethal smirk playing across his face.

“I was waiting for you to ask.” I heard Libby say and bristled, but I knew she could handle herself. We all saw to it. We both looked up to see Libby in a tree with a tiny bow in hand and knew the arrow it held was laced in silver and nightshade. I looked to Azazil and raised a brow.

“What’d you wanna talk about?

“Lilith and her group need to feed.”

“”Oooh, that kinda sounds like a ‘you’ problem, doesn’t it?” I asked sickly sweet crossing my arms and cocking my head at him. He grit his teeth and his blue eyes turned black before it simmered down.

“We are on peaceful terms, Luna. I’d hate to ruin that.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you attacked my sister.” Alissa growled, pressing the knife against Lilith’s skin. We all heard it sizzle and my mouth tilted up a little. Bye bye nice Alissa, hello angry Alissa. Azazil turned his eyes to her and narrowed the,.

“I was talking to the important one here, pup.” Jesse snarled in warning and Libby tightened the string. Mom had taught her, personally, how to handle any and all weapons.

“So what, Lilith needs to feed. Why are you talking to me about it?”

“Werewolf blood is more potent than anything besides fae blood.” My wolf’s hackles raised and I saw what they wanted.

“You want me to allow you access to my wolves so you can use them for a blood bank?”

“You know as well as I do, Luna, that it’s not just blood we crave.” Lilith said, her tone sounding almost desperate. I clenched my teeth and tried to calm down enough to answer.

“I will never grant you any permission to use anybody, not just my wolves, for your own selfish reasons.”

“They get pleasure out of it too, Luna, you know that!” Lilith whined and Alissa growled, tugging harder on the blond silk she had in her hand.

“Look,” Abaddon said looking up at me “if you let them have one wolf each for one feeding the amount of times they need to feed will go down.”

“How long are you fuckers trying to stay here?” Alissa hissed and Azazil crinkled his brow.

“Do you not know who sent us here?” He asked, his tone close to being soft.

“I’m asusming the same bastard that made the lot of you.” Abaddon growled and Jesse snarled putting his teeth closer.

“Luna, we’re here to fight with you not against you. The humans that are on your side prayed for help-”

“Shouldn’t your wings be a little whiter then?” Libby asked disbelief lacing her tone, good girl.

“Humans are foolish, they pray and they pray and are dissapointed when somebody hears them and sends help but only because it isn’t the right help. Their God heard their prayers and sent for us.”

“A group of demons to help us, what makes him think we wanted you.”

“What makes you think we care what you think?” Lilith retorted, my eyes snapped to hers and my wolf popped out.

“If I were you and in your situation, I’d try to stay on my good side and shut up.” I saw the rage in her eyes but I didn’t care.

“They asked for something to give you an upper hand in the war, something that would tip the scales and place the odds in your favor.” Abaddon mumbled and I rubbed my temples.

“You’re the upper hand? The tipping point?” Libby asked, I felt her defense weakining and groaned, if she was beginning to believe them it had to be true. She had the keen ability to lie from truth and trust what was right.

“So what does that mean? Where do we go from now?” I asked, my wolf pulling back due to Libby’s rising trust.

“You scratch my back, I scratch yours.” Lilith said, the strength in her voice coming back after the revelation. Anger settled in my core and I looked around at the warriors. We were survivors, but that’s because we were trained by survivors. The shifters that would be fighting alongside us wouldn’t be trained as efficiently as we were. They’d need all the protection the victors could provide.

“Each of you get one wolf, adn you’re not to drain any of them because they still have to train.” A grateful smile appeared on Lilith’s face and I knew she would comply.

“Anything else?” Pups! My wolf yelled at me and I pouted internally. Where are the rest of the pups that were in the car.

“They ran to school.” Jesse whispered through the mind link and she noticeably calmed down her hackles settling.

“Not that I can think of right now.” Azazil said, his

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