» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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pollute my brother with that infested thing you call a vagina but I’ll not sit by while you insult my family. Hurting Anna, as publicly as you did, is one thing, but attempting to rule over any of my family members… that’s not something I’ll allow. Shut your little ass up and be grateful I haven’t jumped over this table yet.” I said lethally, leaning closer to her face.

“You gonna let her speak to me like that?” She asked Jesse, completely ignoring me.

“Oh that’s it bitch.” I growled as I began to step on the table. Arms wrapped around my mid section and hands grabbed my own.

“Not here, you’ll get your revenge… not here.” A deep voice whispered in my ear and the fight left me, I felt magick seep into my hands. I looked to see where it came from and saw the blond blur from this morning, Vixie, smiling at me from where she sat with her friends. I looked down to see Veronica with a smirk as she crossed her arms, smugness drifting off of her. I looked to Jesse and my brow crinkled, he’d just sat there the whole time. I shook my head and let my body slump.

“That’s a good girl, wouldn’t want to mark up that reputation of yours now would we?” She asked, sticking out her bottom lip and leaning forward. It would be really easy, my wolf whispered as my eyes switched amber, to rip her throat out right now. My eyes switched back and I shook my head, not in an answer to her question but to clear the fog of rage that had settled over me. I took a deep breath and tapped the arm that held me.

“Thank you Leo. I’m good.”

“You sure?” I looked back to see his eyes had changed too. I nodded and they seeped from dark amber to there normal green. He smirked and tightened his arms.

“And if I liked you here?”

“Then-” I never got to finish the sentence because I was ripped from his arms and a snarl filled the cafe.

The skins shrieked as they saw Ander. His claws had come out, and his fangs had dropped. His eyes blazed green and he panted in rage, his hands braced outwards and caging me behind him.

“Don’t. Touch.” He growled at Leo, his hackles raised and his speech slurred slightly due to his fangs. Leo smirked and cracked his neck, his eyes turning amber and his appearance seeming to be bigger.

“Oh, little boy, if I want to touch. I’ll touch.” Leo growled and I shifted nervously. One thing I did not want to get into today, was an Alpha male fight. They were not pretty and did nothing for your skin. Ander growled visciously and crouched, I heard the snapping and shifting of bones and felt the mentality change from human to wolf. I looked to Leo and snapped my eyes amber leveling beast to beast.

“Back off Leo.” I snarled through the link, clutching my fists and pushing my anger at him.

“He wants to play, let’s play.” Leo snarled before crouching as well. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I put my hand on Anders shoulder, hoping it would relieve something. He huffed but remained crouched and in the phase of shifting.

“Ander, please.” I whispered, getting on my knees beside him. He acknowledged my presence but still watched Leo.

“He was stopping me, nothing more.”

“Touching. You.” HE growled deeply, making my wolf jump up and down in joy.

“I don’t care about him, only you. Please relax.” I bit my lip and I knew what I had to say. Don’t you fucking dare, my wolf growled.

“Think about her, she’d be disappointed if she saw you like this. Relax and go eat something.” I whispered into his ear before tapping his shoulder and standing up. I knew I wouldn’t have to say anymore. He’d do anything for her. For his human mate. But what about you, my wolf whispered in pain.

I had to have a meeting with the principal regarding the events that happened during lunch. He sat behind his desk with his meaty hands folded primly on the desk calender that was highlighted and littered with post its. He listened as I took the fall, and would take the punishment, for any and all actions of the werewolves during lunch. He smiled the smile that made me trust him and leaned back, folding his arms and watching me with hazel eyes.

“Things happen Luna, it’s not always yourself. I know about Veronica and know she is a tough cookie to bite, I even lose my temper at her… I blame nobody here Ms. Green.” I heard the truth ring throughout his words and I slumped in relief.

“There will be no punishment for anyone today, but-”

“Don’t take your leniency as a sign to run a muck.” I replied in a deep voice that he smiled at.

“I didn’t see you as a girl this week Luna.” He said opening his drawer and pulling out a kit kat and handing it to me. I smiled and opened it, enjoying the smell of chocolate and wafer.

“I was a girl, like, two days ago.” I said, breaking it apart. I handed him a piece and we sat talking. He had been way cooler about my wild side than the previous principal, he’d made me a promise: I could stay in the school, doing something productive, as long as the title Red Luna hang over my head. He made the promise to all victors, knowing that there would be onthing but hassle to try and fight us on it. Now we’d become friends, a confidant within the enemy’s walls. He let me out and told me to say hi to my mom and that his wife, Julie, wanted another shipping trip. I nodded with a soft smile on my features before exiting his office and then the school. Rain pelted againest my head and I welcomed the wetness, it made me feel free and loose. Leo kicked from the school wll and walked towards me. My wolf flashed in my eyes and I bared my teeth at him in warning before walking to my bike.

“It isn’t my fault, HE approached me, HE challeneged me. You can’t be mad at me for defending myself.” He growled, his own eyes changing.

“Don’t.. Don’t you ever fucking challenge OUR mate in front of us.”

“He overreacted, it’s not my fucking fault. We touch all the time, more than anyone-”

“Don’t make it seem like more than it is. We touch as warriors and companions. NOTHING more! You will apologize to our mate tomorrow.” We smarled, holding on tightly to our bag strap to keep from lashing out. He zoomed to me with grace and speed, grabbing my arms and managing to pin me up against one of the many trees surrounding the school.

“And if I dont? What will you do then?” I could smeel his excitement and my wolf growled at him, the lethal sound coming from my lips. She remembered all too well the last time we were pinned by him. She didn’t like it then, and sure as hell dind’t like it now.

~4 years ago~

“Got ya Looney!” Leo crowed in victory, pinning my arms down to the white mat. Everythign in this place was white, this is why I hated the Eternal, te world of the Gods’. Ever since we’d started training we were mandated to report here three times a week. I’d just met the rest of the shifters, a group of us one from each animal. I had to deal with all of them, each of them finding their own way to grate on every last nerve that I had. And I didn’t have many of them.

“Get off, asshole!” I snarled snaping to beast and tring to buck my way from under him.

“Language, Luna.” Mother Moon said carelessly, watching the battle with little to no interest.

“Tell this flea infested DICK hole to get the fuck off! He pinned me, there’s nothing more to do!”

“He hasn’t pinned you succesfully girl, now finish Leotis.” Leo said impatiently watching closely, his elbows leaning on his knees and watching intently.

“Yes sir.” He said, smirking down at me before his canines elongated and he leanes down “with pleasure.” The whisper against my skin made me stay quiet and shivered. I was going through heat, although I was an advanced wolf I was still a wolf, and I was maturing in nature’s eyes even though I had matured ten times over before I’d even turned ten. My wolf and my body was feeling things I’d only heard about and never really felt. I saw the lion pacing behind Leotis’ eyes and my wolf matched it. His head leaned down and his lips touched mine and my body sparked to life with the contact. A strength that I knew was somewhere deep down inside of me surged and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and bought his body closer to mine. I heard many sounds of surpirse but I didn’t care, my wolf didn’t care. We were being touched in a way that… we’d only been touched by one other. Mate, my wolf whispered before snapping to reality and seeing that this was not our other. She growled and bit down on his lip and took his startlement and used it against him. I moved to the ide and rolled so he was on his back and pinned his arms with my speed and strength. Forcing my canines down I nipped his neck. He laid there and watched me with wide amber eyes, the youth of a kitten still hanging there.

“Pinned, Dick.” I snarled before getting off and walking away from the hand to hand combat mat ignoring the stares that were boring into my head.


We snarled and pushed him away from us, not liking the proximity.

“I pinned you then and every day after that, don’t fuck with me. Apologize, tomorrow.”

“You’re not in the position to boss me around in anyway. We’re equals, I can act how I see fit. He was out of line, not me.”

“Think however the fuck you want, Leotis, but you will apologize.” I said before walking off into the rain and toward my bike, wanting the calming affect the rain had to come back.

I avidly ignored the twins once I got home, as hard as it was since mom had to take a night shift at the hospital she worked at and dad was catching sleep. Sarah’s litter had come over and it was a joint baby sitting system. Then, because we were two very capable very mature Luna’s-to-be we were given all the children through the ghetto. We did it, not because we had to, but because it would make it easier. For everyone except us, that is. She hated my brother and her brother and I… were the same. I took care of the food, mixing up noodles and frying the meat for spaghetti.

“Why are we eating spaghetti?” Vixie asked, tossing an apple in the air and holding it there with her fae powers. She was the daughter of Valerie and John, meaning she was half fae half shifter. She used her magick at any and all times she could.

“Because it’s easier for me.” I mumbled, pushing a strand of steam deampened hair from my face with my wrist and then stepping back.

“But it’s gross… and sloppy.” She grumbled, I watched her twirl the apple in the air and used my magick to smash it which caught her off guard. It smatter on her face and I used a finger to wipe some off her face. I stuck it in my mouth and sucked.

“So was that, but it’s yummy.” I said before walking out of the kitchen and to the living room where Anna watched over the smaller less knowledgable kids played. She tried to hide it but I saw how her face lit up everytime a baby cooed or a child tugged on her hair. I crossed my arms

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