» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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my complexion.” She said and I raised a brow as she chortled at the name of her high school. Slippery slope darlin’. I looked to the blonde and she stood, not afraid.

“My name is… Lily,” blood drained from my face as I sat up slightly “and I transferred with Raquelle. My mom and her dad are kinda like… together.” She smiled and sat back down, crossing her legs and sending me a victorious smile. I didn’t care about the other succubus or the incubus, my focus was on Lily, or Lilith.

“Fuckers sent Lilith up here.” I growled to the other victors, barely holding on to my anger.

“You need to breath Looney, we sent her down there once we can do it again.” Leo said, sounding distracted. I closed the mental link and focused on the sheets in front of me.

“Well umm… you guys came just in time because we’re starting a new unit.” I looked at their faces, then paid attention to the sex scukers. “On sensual and sexual songs.” I listened while the guys hooted and hollered. Lily kept looking at me, her nails tapping the desk as a small smile went to her face.

“You’re not allowed to cause any problems, hun, did you forget about that?” Her face turned terse for a second and those green eyes flashed red before she simply pursed her lips and continued tapping.

“Let’s begin.”

After a very fun half hour of torturing the humans, and lets not forget to mention, riling up the sex suckers I finally turned my attention to them. Their faces showed nothing but I felt all the animosity wafting off of them. It made me and my wolf proud.

“Lily,” I crooned softly, folding my hands primly on top of the desk “why don’t you sing a song from the Rocky Horror Story?” I’d learned a thing or two from my mother, asking a question without really asking it was one of them. She stood, gracefully of course, and smiled at me.

“Of course Ms. Green. What song from the musical?”

“Touch me. Do motions as you will.” I said softly and watched as fury lit her eyes to fire red.

“But of course.” I clicked the radio, having thought about this brand of torture for quite some time, and sat back smugly waiting for her to make a move.

“I was feeling done in, couldn’t win, I’d only ever kissed before.”

“You mean she?”

“Uh huh.” Red head and the brunette came in, their eyes angry but cautious.

“I felt there’s no use getting into heavy sweating, it only leads to trouble and...bad fretting.” She ran her hand up the front of her body, lifting her shirt slightly before looking at the class.

“Now all I want to know, is how to go. I’ve tasted blood and I want more.”

“More, more, more.”

“I’ll put up no resistance, I want to stay the distance. I’ve got an itch to scratch, I need assistance. Toucha, toucha, toucha touch me! I wanna be dirty! Thrill me chill me fulfill me! Creature of the night.” She walked to where the guys sat, panting after her.

“If anything shows, while you pose, I’ll oil you up and drop you down.”

“Down, down, down.”

“And that’s just one small fraction, of the main attraction.

“Oh!” Red moaned.

“I need a friendly man.”

“Uh!” The other one moaned.

“And I need action. Toucha, toucha, touch me! I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfill me!”

“Toucha, toucha, toucha touch me! I wanna be dirty!”

“Thrill me chill me fulfill me, creature of the night!”

“Oh! Toucha, toucha, toucha me! Oh, I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfill me! Creature of the night!” Voices were heard around the room and the secual tension bubbled around the room. They all looked at me, victorious until it got to be too much. Their faces turned uncomfortable and I smiled, they had no way of feeding. It was like not having eaten for a whole year, then being surrounded by a Christmas feast. I’d be the hell of cramp in your stomach after you even ate a little bit. And they knew that.

“Creature of the night!” Lily sang, raising her hands in the air. The class clapped in uproar and whistled. I rolled my eyes and barely stopped myself from smiling.

“Well done you, who knew we had a song bug in our class?” I said while standing, crossing my arms softly and attempting to look as nonthreatening as possible.

“Thanks.” She grumbled before sitting down. The bell rang and the students walked out, all managing to talk to Lilith before leaving. It was just us five in the room now and they all looked extremely uncomfortable.

“If I were you, Lily,” I sneered her name before picking up my bookbag “I’d keep a low profile and try not to stir too many. It’d be a shame if you were to slip. I’d have no choice but to severely penalize’d be a shame. A real shame.” I said in a motherly tone before walking out, a confident sway in my hips and a smirk on my lips.

I was walking to lunch when I felt it, a tug from Ander’s end. My brow furrowed and I hurried to the lunch room. He never tugged, and if he did it was never that forceful. I opened the cafe doors and saw why he tugged, his sisters’ face was full of anger as she stared down Veronica. I looked in the middle fo the two and wasn’t surprised to see my brother standing there with a fierce frown on his face. It wasn’t a huge secret that him and Veronica had dated, wasn’t a huge surprise that Veronica had always wanted him. What came as a surprise to all of Freshfield High was that she had the balls to continuously test Anna’s patience by singing and flaunting the relationship. Anna had been a good sport, listening to the songs and supressing the anger that bubbled inside her but I knew, even without seeing her fate lines, that the rope she clung to was tethering. And, today, it looked like that rope had finally cut.

“Not today Jesse, take your toy and go play somewhere else.” I heard Anna growl and quickly moved to stand beside Ander, my hand resting on his tensed arm. He calmed and nodded at me without looking down.

“Excuse me, chica, if anyone’s the toy here it’s you. He’s been with me for a month now, while you’ve held the foolish idea that he was devoted to you. He’s been playing you like a pro, and I’ve grown sick of it.” MY brow raised and I sniffed, my hackles immediately rising. There was no lie in what she’d said.

“Jesse…” Anna said softly under her breath, I felt her omega power rising and knew what would happen if it was unleashed.

“Anna… I’m sorry.” At that Veronica smiled a wide smile, her red painted lips splitting and showing her tiny white teeth. Anna’s fists clenched and her eyes flashed green, it was then a domino effect. Because her eyes flashed, Ander’s eyes flashed… and because his eyes flashed, so did mine.

“Fuck.” I growled and threw my body in front of Ander’s, the only way to ensure he wouldn’t do something retarded like rip Veronica to shreds… and to make sure that he’d be able to hold me back if I were to do the same thing. At the sight of Anna’s green eyes Veronica smirked and began to sing.

“I’m in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top, she’s got a body like an hourglass it’s ticking like a clock. It’s a matter of time before we all run out, when I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth. I waited eight long months, she finally set him free, I told him I couldn’t lie he was the only one for me. Two weeks and we had caught on fire, she’s got it out for me but I wear the biggest smile.” She took a brave step forward, putting a hand on Anna’s shoulder. Jesse’s eyes bugged out and he wrapped his arms around his idiotic girlfriends waste and quickly pulled her away.

“Oh, I never meant to brag but I got him where i want him now. It was never my intention to brag, to steal it all away from you now. But, god, does it feel so good, ‘cuz I got him where I want him now. And if you could then you know you would, ‘cuz God it just feels so.” Quicker than even I could progress she was inflamed, literally. Because she was a twin she was an elemental, one of the things we’d figured out, and she was a threat because she was a double elemental. She harvested both fire and air inside of her and she wasn’t as trained as I was. Right now, she was a loose cannon.

“Second chances they don’t ever matter, people never change,” a fire ball was thrown at Veronica’s feet “you’re just a whore and nothing more, I’m sorry that’ll never change.” Another fireball then she looked to Jesse. “And about forgiveness, we’re both supposed to have exchanged. I’m sorry honey but I passed it up, no look this way.” She walked toward Veronica and Jesse, her hands flaming and wind flying all throughout the lunch room made her look lethal.

“There’s a million other girls who do it just like you, looking as innocent as possible to get to who. They want and what they like, it’s easy if you do it right. Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse! Oh, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now. Oh it was never my intention to brag, to steal it all away from you now. But God does it feel so good, ‘cuz I got him where I want him now. And if you could then you know you would, cuz it just feels so… it just feels so good.” A lethal smirk formed on her face as she stepped closer to Veronica and made a fist. The breath caught in Veronica’s throat and I paled. She was taking the air from her lungs.

“I watch his wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you, just watch my wildest dreams come true. Not one of them involving!!” She let go and Veronica fell to her knees, her face red and her eyes watery. All was quiet and slowly, Anna’s flames went down and the cool blue seeped back into her eyes. I felt the heartbreak and sorrow flow from her pores and knew she was crying.

“I said not today Jesse… not today.” With that she turned away and wiped the single tear from her cheek before storming out of the cafe. I didn’t have to look behind me to know Ander sent Jesse a dirty look before going after her. All was silent until Alissa came in with a huge smile.

“Boy am I… what got up all your butt’s?”

It was awkward to say the least, afterwards in the cafe. The skins shot us anxious looks, and the rest of the victors sent me pitying glances. I, however, kept looking at Jesse with a frown. He’d told me he’d broken it off with Veronica, seen the stupidity in his choice and knew that Anna was his. Now, here we are, a week later with my heart going out to Anna.

“Well, if you think about it,” Libby started, tucking a tiny tuft of auburn hair behind her ear and smiling cheek to cheek “now it’s officially over, and everything can go back to how it was supposed to go.” She said cheerily, her cheeks chubby and bright.

“Who even asked you to speak, you’re making my stomach turn and your brother feel bad. Just shut up.” Veronica said and my wolf came out. Hell no. I stood and slammed my tray down on the table and stood, my finger pointing at Veronica.

“Alright listen here, pinche puta, I’ve sat by and watch as you

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