» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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her mouth. Slowly the conversation built up again until everyone was laughing and talking again. I couldn’t help but notice how Masons’ eyes never strayed too far from her after that, and that was the thought I pinged into her head before focusing on my meal.


I had stepped out to get air and to rest my body. I’d been laughing for a solid ten minutes before I decided to go in the backyard to cool myself off. Jesse had tried to do a split, under my goading of course, and had winded up doing nothing but severely bruising a few choice areas and having a slightly more high pitched voice. I still occasionally chuckled even as the night air circled around my body. I didn’t bother putting on shoes or anything, the damp night soil gave balance to the earth element inside of me. I heard him step behind me, but made no move  to acknowledge him fully yet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, angling my face toward the moon and basking in the glow it provided.

“You look beautiful tonight, if I haven’t told you that yet.” He said softly, closer than I had thought but my body savored his closeness. I smiled softly but didn’t open my eyes.

“No. You haven’t told me that tonight. Thank you.” I was calmer, and nicer, when I basked in the moon. Mother Moons’ gift to everyone I’d guessed.

“It’s nice out tonight, not too cold or too hot.”

“Just right.” I finished for him, finally opening my eyes and turning around to face him. He stood there with his hands tucked into his jean pockets, the sleeves of his hoodies pulled up to his elbows and allowing me a view of his forearms.

“Why’d you follow me?” I whispered, not wanting everything to break.

“I don’t know, figured you’d probably find yourself in trouble if I didn’t.” He said with a smirk that did unspeakable things to my heart. I shook my head and looked down at the ground.

“I seem to have a knack for that, don’t I?”

“Ya think?” We shared a laugh, our voices mending together in the night air before there was quiet again. The night swirled around me, but I didn’t care. I was lost in the sea blue of his eyes and wouldn’t be able to save myself, not this time. I took a step forward and relished in the fact that he matched my movement and we landed closer than I had anticipated. I looked up then, never wanting to lose sight of those beautiful eyes. I felt his warmth encircle around me as he slowly wrapped one arm around my waist and the other cupped the back of my head. Perfect, my wolf thought serenely as lost in the moment as I was, this is perfect. Slowly he leaned down, not closing his eyes and I wouldn’t dare, his lips getting closer and closer to mine. My heart thumped loudly and I knew he could hear it, I knew he could feel it because I felt his. They beat together and for a moment, one blissful moment of absolute brilliance, I saw everything that we could have and everything I’d ever wanted…. Then it smelled of pie. The thickness of the night air seemed to lessen and the fog that had surrounded us cleared away and I squeezed my eyes shut. With each shattering second that his hands remained on my body I felt my heart tear, and as soon as his hands were off I felt it rip even more than it had before. I opened them and looked up into his icy eyes and fought back a wince.

“Smells like dessert.” I said, and without a second glance or even a blink I walked around him and back into my house.



I’d awoken with some pep in my step, ready to face the problems that the demon troop were sure to throw upon us. They’d said that there would be no more problems, and that they’d be on their best behavior. But when the sun goes down and all is said and done, demons are demons and cannot be trusted. Something I knew even before I watched Supernatural. I threw my hair up in a ponytail, slid on a grey camisole and dark grey skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror before putting my sneakers on and contemplated putting something on my face to hide the freckles that had glued themselves onto my face without my permission. I decided against it, knowing that it would do nothing but make my fast pasty and gross. Yuck, my wolf shuddered and I had to agree. Putting makeup on your face and calling yourself pretty was like putting mud over shit and expecting it not to stink; it didn’t work. I slipped on my sneakers, grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

“Luna, don’t forget you’re carpooling today!” My father yelled from his door at the other end of the hallway. MY shoulders slumped and I sighed softly and under my breath, careful to angle myself so that he wouldn’t hear it.

“Yes, daddy.” I said softly before jogging down the stairs. I picked up an apple from the kitchen and nodded to my mother before picking up the keys to the station wagon. Kill me now.

Before going to the human towns I gathered up the kiddies of Hell’s Gate, doing my best to keep a smile on my face. When Marie Anne, David, and Maddock passed I couldn’t help but stick my tongue out. The triplets that Sarah had were too adorable and all identical to each other that it hurt to stare at them for too long without getting confused. David and Maddock were too adorable for words and were sure to be lady killers when their time came. Marie Anne, Annie for short, was her sister incarnate but surprisingly I loved her like she was my own sister. And that was saying something. They scrunched their faces up at me and I snorted at them before pointing to the inside of the station wagon. David and Annie hopped into the car, their red hair shining in the light. Maddock looked at me, his eyes pure amber, and cocked his head. I grabbed his chin and peered into his eyes, willing my wolf to come out.

“You’re maturing fast little one.” She said appreciatively, my lips stretching into a motherly smile. He smiled back brilliantly before his eyes bled back to their original blue.

“Thanks Looney.” I stood and ruffled his hair as he stepped into the car.

“No problem Maddy.” I replied and looked around, sensing something different. A small blur zoomed past me and I barely held in my shriek, the blur zoomed past again before I caught her by her collar and lifted her.

“Hey!” She squeaked, her blonde mess of her hair hanging around her face as she pouted at me. “Put me down!”

“Where’s your brother?” I asked, sniffing her and scenting him on her.

“I’m not telling you anything until you set me down!” She squeaked down and I looked at her before raising a brow.

“You’re impossible, ya know that! Bloody impossible!” The side of my mouth lifted in a smirk as I still watched her.

“You could’ve poofed from my hand at any time, remember?” Her eyes widened and she blushed before looking gloomy. I stood there, holding her in one hand while she dangled there by her shirt pouting.

“Your brother?”

“Why do you even want to know?”

“Why can’t I know?”

“Because I’m his sister and I ain’t telling you that he’s still sleeping!” I smiled and dropped her, she balanced herself immediately and glared up at me until she realized what she’d done. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth and shook her head.

“I mean… he’s in venezuela! Yeah, venezuela.” I shook my head and pointed inside the car. She pouted but went in, mumbling a shut up to the other shifter kids. I poked my head in the car and sniffed, making sure every shifter child was here. When I was satisfied I closed the door and walked to the driver seat.

“Y’all know the rules, right?” I asked while buckling myself in and starting the car.

“No screaming, chewing gum, crumbling paper, moving too much in our seats. And most importantly, no screaming.” I smiled as they all said the same rules they’d been repeating every Thursday for two years now.

“Let’s go.”



After driving them all to school I parked the car and pulled my bag out, glaring at any human or shifter who dared look at my ride today.

“Whoa, my grandma just called. She wants her car back.” Izzy said, putting her hand on her stomach as she shook with uncontrollable laughter. I glared at her until I realized it was pointless. Izzy McReery wasn’t one to be scared by a mere glare… or growl… or snarl… or roar. She wasn’t scared by much.

“I hate you. So much.” I said simply before walking away from the car, without waiting for her. She laughed before running to catch up to me, she walked backwards still smirking and throwing looks between me and the wagon.


“Why do you ask every thursday? The answer is never gonna change!” I yelled, catching attention before they quickly looked away at Izzy’s laughter. She wrapped her arms around her torso and bent over, slapping her knee.

“I know!!! Oh God, I can’t breathe!!” She yelled before falling to her knees, her face red as a tomato. I threw one last glare at her before stomping around her which only made the laughter louder.

“Hate her. So much.” I growled as I stormed into the school.

Chapter 12

I had several classes with the demon troop, specifically Abaddon, and was forced to act normal and detached instead of ensuring that they were all safe. My foot constantly tapped on the floor as I watched them with every breath i took. They appeared as if they didn’t notice, but I knew they did I felt the anger and cautiousness flying off them in waves. It made me smile with each wave. By the time i taught my chorus class I’d had it with the demons. And of course, ask and ye shall recieve. I had four new students in my class, three succubi and one incubus. I held in my groan and slammed my books down on the table, gaining the attention of everyone.

“Welcome to chorus.” I said, with a huge smile appearing to be anything but pissed “To our newcomers.” My students, though human, were very perceptive and knew I wasn’t too fond of the new kids. One of them, a blonde bombshell, decided to have a staring contest with me. Not. Fucking. Smart. I was a wolf, I could play the staring game all day and never get tired. She seemed to remember and looked down at her pastel pink nails.

“Why don’t we let y’all introduce yourselves.” I said cheerily and sat in my wooden chair, propping my feet up on the desk adn watching them all. A red head stood up, chewing what smelled like mint gum.

“Hi, I’m Raquelle and I’m a transfer from St. Johns highschool a couple of towns over. My dad thought the change in atmosphere would be… good for

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