» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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simply, his eyes such a dark amber I couldn’t tell if they were truly black.

“She’s my mate, Jesse, no one would stop you from going to Anna.” With a snarl the blades were pressed harder.

“Don’t bring my mate into this, you fuck.”

“Let me go to mine, I can soothe her better than any of you ever could.” His temper was running thin, I saw it by the tick in his jaw.

“You’ve hurt her.” Lina hissed, moving to stand behind her brother, water flew acorss her fists. If this didn’t stop any time soon there would be an elemental breakdown that I wasn’t willing to have right now.

“I know that, but I can’t fix that because you pig headed wolves won’t let me.” He snarled, his fangs out and ready to do damage.

“Out of my house. Now.” Jesse growled, pushing his element away and walking from the table.

“Is it so hard to ask for one calm dinner with guests?”

With a resigned sigh I tucked my knees in to my chest and basked in the night air. It was calming to me, to smell the night and the mix of flowers and oceans. Laying my head on my knees I thought of how perfect it would have been to sleep like this. Closing my eyes I had begun to drift off, thinking how perfect it would’ve been to just fall asleep in the forestation behind my house.

Then I heard the scream.

My eyes popped open, turning from green to red instantly. I shot up and ran to the house, not able to find the source but knowing it was near. Then it sounded again, frantic and more shrill; as if it were right near my ear. I winced before dead panic filled my body and color flew from my face.


Without thinking I climbed the back of my house and jumped into my window, running out the door and toward Libby’s room. I was late, Jesse alrey had her pinned by her shoulders to the bed and Alissa was holding her feet. Dad stood over her tapping her face softly and occasionally, speaking soft words to her. Mom made sure that her mouth was closed; she was having a seizure.

“No.” I whispered, walking to the bed and dropping on my knees in front of her shaking body.

“The doctor said it would come back.” Lina whispered softly, tears streaming down her face as she watched her sister thrive in pain.

“It wasn’t supposed to! This wasn’t supposed to happen again!” I growled, knowing not to touch her. She would shift in to her fur form, and trying to keep a wolf still was hard enough; especially if it was having a seizure.

“We had to accept it, we had to at least know that it was a possibility.” Dad whispered, not stopping in his tapping. Her eyes remained close, but if they were open they would be bloodshot and tearing.

“Sleep now, Elizabeth. Sleep and relax, when you wake up it will be better.” I said softly, encircling her calf with my hand. She stopped moving instantly, she released a big breath and then seconds later soft snoring filled the room.

“Oh God.” Mom said shakily, barely stopping herself from sobbing.

“She wasn’t supposed to… it’s not….” Alissa said, stading as her face turned read and she tugged on the end of her hair. Jesse stood and encircled his twin, right before she broke down into his shoulder.

“I have to go.” I said, my rage causing flames to lick at my skin.

“What if she-”

“She won’t. For tonight she’ll sleep. She won’t remember the seizure or the pain, she’ll have dreamt of a picnic and a sleep under the stars.” I said, smiling softly at my baby sister trying my damndest to send away the rage and the flames. Turning away from my family I walked out her room, closing the door softly, and made my way to Eternal.

With a stony glare I sat in front of the Gods, keeping my rage checked and my face blank. If I let my temper get the best of me, they’d dismiss me as being emotional; I hated when they did that.

“What have we done to wrong you now, Luna.” Felis said dryly, her leg propped up on the arm of her throne. Its dangling mocked me.

“My sister.” I said softly, my voice slightly hoarse and my fangs slurring it slightly.

“My sister is getting bad again.” My eyes watched them all, watched as nothing changed and watched as their expressions all remained the same.

“And, what can we do about that?” Urse asked, a brown brow arching to her hairline.

“You said that wouldn’t happen. You said she was fixed.”

“No, no love. We said that it was handled.” A growl rumbled in my chest that I quieted almost instantly.

“You cannot do this, not now of all times.”

“We understand-”

“No. You don’t. You understand nothing. It’s been centuried since you walked the Eart, centuries since you’ve had siblings and children that you are related to by blood. You don’t understand shit on how this works.”

“Language.” Mother moon said softly, watching me with anxious eyes.

“Fix her, permenantly.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Ave said haughtily with a small smirk “we do not have to listen to you. We are gods, you are nothing but a mere-”

“Demigod.” They silenced then, reality setting in.

“I represent your children, the one you sent out to fight your wars, the one you sent out to do your dirty work. Elizabeth… she’s my sister. She’s not related to you, not by any standards, but she is my flesh and blood and I’m yours. I am risking my life for you, fighting for you. I don’t know what else I can give you, I’ve given you all of my life I’ve given you all that I can. All I ask is that you take this away from her, take the sickness away for good.” I had calmed slightly and I saw that I’d reached them on some level.

“We are Gods, Luna. We do have that power, but doing something like that… that disturbs the balance.” Leotis said softly, his gold eyes the picture of sincerity and regret.

“What do I have to give, what do I have to do. It’s a give and take relationship, right?”


“So what has to happen? Curing her is a good thing, so something bad has to happen for it to work, right?” They were silent as they thought.

“Yes, something of the same has to happen to restore balance. A flower doesn’t get watered, it dies. Cause and effect.”

“What do I need to do. What needs to happen.”

“Elizabeth Anne has cancer, after ten painful years of chemo and the doctors trying all they could she would die. Taking that away means none of that happens, means the people hired to help don’t get jobs they become unemployed and homeless.” Felis said, sitting up straight and watching me closely.

“Ok, so they need to be hired.”

“She has a rare case of cancer, only a certain few can do it.” Dawning shined on me and tears hit my eyes.

“Somebody else has to suffer.”

“It has to be transferred. If we were to take it from your sister, another person would be diagnosed with it.” Mother Moon said, watching me knowingly. She knew I couldn’t do that, I couldn’t let some innocent get hurt because of my selfishness. That wasn’t what I did, I fought for the innocent, not sacrificed them. I clenched my teeth and fists, forcing the flame to stay down and for my rage to stay under the surface.

“It is only right, the only way to keep the balance.” Urse said softly, looking down her nose at me. I wanted to scream, and kick, and cry. I wanted to not be able to feel all these emotions at once, I wanted to not have to think about the welfare of the innocent over my sister. She was innocent! She was in the group I was supposed to protect. Piss poor job at it. I closed my eyes and zoned them out. She needed to be safe, I wouldn’t give up. The innocents needed to be safe. The only thing I could picture in my mind was a small girl with pigtails and glasses and freckles. Izzy. They wouldn’t give it to any random innocent, they would give it to the person that could deal with it the best; Izzy. Fuck. That. The image in my head twisted and turned as I thought of what I could do. It landed on an image and I didn’t hesitate.

A small girl that wore her hair in one ponytail and freckles decorated her face, they framed her green eyes. Her smile as mischievous, a smirk and a smile mixed in one. Her eyes, green like emerald, looked like they aged her by a couple decades. She giggled, her body shook and my eyes were brought back to her hair; vibrant red. I knew that under her shirt would a circle around her belly button representing the elements. I opened my eyes, emerald green, and smiled my smirk/smile.

“Fine. Transfer it, but I choose the person.” I said, surprising them all. Mother Moon looked disgruntled by my words and shifted uncomfortably in her throne.

“Who shall we transfer it to?” Leo asked, stepping off his throne and walking toward me.

“Me.” His steps faltered and his brow crinkled. Mother Moon snarled and her eyes turned obsidian. It was slightly frightening, but I wouldn’t be deterred.

“I’m strong enough to handle it.”

“Not happening, little miss.”

“What about a vote, those that want to save an innocent by putting the disease into someone strong enough to handle it.” Unsure the Gods raised their hands and I did too, smiling cheekily at Mother Moon. She lost. Leo advanced to me until he stood directly in front of me, close enough to see the flecks of brown and green in his golden eyes.

“You’re sure about this, right little one?” He asked, bringing a tiny version of my sister sleeping between us. I gulped and nodded, he returned it and reached two fingers inside of the hologram and grabbed something. When he pulled his fingers out he held a small ball of black between his pointer finger and thumb.

“Be strong, little one, you have quite a journey ahead of you.” He said before putting the black ball into my belly button. Stars exploded in front of me. I vaguely remember screaming before I passed out.

I woke with strong arms around my stomach and sweat coming from every pore on my body. I blinked awake, a headache already wrecking my head.

“I smell the sickness on you.” Ander said, a growl under the deep sadness.

“What did you do?” He asked, kissing the back of my neck, which I knew took a lot of effort. I could smell the sickness wafting off of me and it made me want to gag.

“What was right.” It came out groggy and scratchy, but it was words. He whined softly and squeezed me closer to his body. I held in the whimper and grit my teeth.

“Why.” It was a question, he knew why, it was a statement to the Gds. I swallowed and closed my eyes, not wanting to get up just yet. Or ever, really. My bones ached more than I would ever admit to as I lifted my arm to lift his. I don’t think I’d ever been this weak. As a baby I was stronger than this. This was just feeble, pathetic.

“Help me down stairs.” I said through the pack link and he nodded, pushing and pulling gently. I fought to not whimper or growl in pain. It was a slow process, but I finally got downstairs; my lip was close to being mutilated after how many times I bit into it. My family was laughing and happy, they could smell the change in Libby, see the change. She was more confident, brighter almost, and her smile reached her eyes. They saw me and horror filled their eyes, Lina dropped her glass of milk

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