» Fiction » Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗

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foods. After grabbing a sandwich, some energy bars and a couple bottles of water I payed and went outside to sit on the curb. I sat for about ten minutes then decided I should save my money as

best I can which meant no hotel room for me.

That night I finally decided on an alley behind a tall building, right next to an A&W restaurant that's open twenty four seven so if I needed help for any reason I wouldn't have to run far. I made a make shift bed out of some flattened cardboard boxes I found in a nearby cardboard recycling bin. I covered myself with my cloths and stuffed crumpled newspaper pieces in between my jacket and my shirt to retain some warmth.

Finally, I slept.

Exhaustion forced me into a deep, dreamless sleep. I awoke to someone shaking me.
“Get up!” The stranger yelled and threw me against the wall before I even had my eyes completely open.

I rubbed my eyes trying to see my attacker in the darkness. From the sound of his voice I knew it was a man. He put one arm across my neck and I knew I should have fought but this man was twice my size and weight. I had to do the next best thing. Play along.

“I don't have anything! I'm homeless, I have nothing but my bag-” The cold metal of a gun at my temple stopped me short.

Then I heard the metallic werr of a zipper and realized what this man really wanted. A tear slid down my cheek, why did things like this keep happening to me?

“Please don't, I have money just please don't. Not that.” I begged.

“Shut up!” He yelled and slammed the handle of his gun across my cheek. I gasped. The pain was so sharp it was blinding. I pushed at him with all the strength I had. He staggered back and I jumped to my feet. I turned and took off but only got about twenty feet before I heard the crack of a gun. The bullet pierced my side just below my shoulder. I screamed in agony and dropped to the ground clutching my chest.

“Get away from her!” It was another, more familiar voice. Jessie?

I saw a flash, the man slammed against the wall and slumped to the ground. Jessie ran over to me.

“Taylor! Taylor are you okay?” He asked, panic clear in his voice.

“He shot me Jessie” I moved my hand to show the exit wound just below my shoulder. Jessie pulled me into a hug and mumbled in my ear that I'd be okay. I felt dizzy, like the world was fading, vision darkening slightly at the edges. I had lost too much blood. I was going to die.

Jessie put a hand over the wound and used his other to stroke my hair. He mumbled something in what sounded like another language. After a few seconds he hunched over, a pained expression on his face. He pulled my shirt down below the bullet hole then pulled a small Swiss army knife out of his pocket. A stab of fear and panic ran through me, even through the haze of nothingness. Was he going to try to remove the bullet? Oh please no.

He sliced the palm of his hand.

Then with one more reassuring, mumbled “It's okay” He quickly shoved his hand to the bullet wound. I tried to yell no, ask him what the hell he was doing but I was too weak. Jessie said one more word I didn't understand. Then I felt strong. Amazing, like I could do anything. Then everything went black.

Chapter Two New Beginning


Jessie looked down at her. She was beautiful. She had been before the change too but now there was something about her that made you not want to take your eyes off her.

“Taylor” He whispered. “What were you thinking?”

He pushed the stray strands of hair from her face and replaced her now warming cloth with a new, colder one. Her hair was long and so white it was amazing, had she dyed it? He didn't think so. He knew he would miss the colour her eyes had been, dark blue, so dark they could have been violet. Now they would most likely be something different. They may match his eyes, considering they now shared a soul. They would for sure share the same tattoos. He peered over at his bedside table and checked the clock. Three thirty two AM. He was so tired but he was scared her fever would spike again, like it had earlier that day. He placed his elbows on the side of the bed and cupped his face in his hands.

At four AM it was time for her Tylenol. Her fever would start up soon though it seemed it had slowed down since when they first got back to his house. He hoped she'd wake up soon. He went to get a spoon for the liquid Tylenol and start another brew of coffee. He stepped into the kitchen and got to work on his drink.

Jessie couldn’t help letting his mind drift to that night he'd rescued Taylor. Someone had called the police after hearing the gunshots and screams and they only took minutes to arrive. Police in Vancouver were fast, they had to be in a big city like that. He had picked her up carefully knowing she would be in extreme pain still from the bullet wound and the ritual he'd done to save her life. He ran down the back of the alley, back the way he'd come. “Jessie” She'd mumbled as he put her in his truck. He couldn't help but smirk at that. Was she dreaming about him? He'd taken her to his house and laid her gently on the bed. He'd been at her side for three days now not sleeping, barely eating. He was worried.

Jessie grabbed his mug and set it beside the coffee pot. He grabbed a spoon and the liquid Tylenol from the far side of the counter and headed back to his room.

He opened the door quietly so he wouldn't wake Taylor. He stepped in and the second he did, a glass cup shot off the bedside table and flew straight for his head. Jessie moved his head ever so slightly to the left of the glass and narrowly missed a lovely shiner. Possibly a broken nose. Close call, he thought.

“I take it your awake?”


“What did you do to me Jessie? Or is that even your name?!” I shouted.

Jessie frowned and walked to the end of the bed. Where was I? Jessie’s house I assumed. Normally I'd be panicking but my gut told me Jessie wasn't a threat, and what had happened with that cup just now? Had I really done that?..

“Why would I lie about my name?” Jessie said with a chuckle. “It's not like I gave you enough information to tell anyone. I mean sure you could tell police what I look like and my first name but come on, you don't know my last name, age, nothin'. It'd only take me a day to get out of town and have a whole new ID.”

I glared at him as he spoke.

“Besides, why would you? I just saved your life. Without me you'd be dead.” He looked down at his feet.“Took half my soul to do it and you might hate me for giving you a life like this but, at least your here.”

“You should have let me die.” I mumbled.

“Taylor.. It wasn't your fault..” He began then snapped his jaw shut when he realized what he was saying.

“Jessie, what do you know that you aren’t telling me? Spill it. Now.” I must have had a scary look on my face, Jessie looked me in the eyes and took a step back.

“Please don't try and hit me with anymore cups.” He groaned.

“If you don't spit it out I'll throw the whole damn side table at you. I'd like an explanation to that too please.”

“I changed you.” He said bluntly.

“No crap.” Was my retort.

“But what exactly did you do? It's freaking me out Jessie, Why the hell can I fling things in mid air when I get mad? I'm pretty sure that's not normal. Who are you really? What did you do to me?” I was pacing now, back and forth in front of the door, in between the door and bed. A small part of me hoped I'd burn a path right into his carpet making him have to give up his damage deposit.

“I know all about you Taylor, I knew your parents, your mom and dad, your real mom. All supernaturals did, they were pretty well known-”

“Wait, supernaturals? Seriously?” I cut him off. “That is so corny, but there's more than just you?” I should deny this, everything he was saying, and I would have, if I hadn't just flung a cup at him with my mind. I had to be dreaming, or dead, maybe that rapist had really killed me, or when my dad died maybe I'd been hit too. Could this be hell then?

“I need to leave. Now.” I said. Jessie had been sitting on the edge of the bed staring at my pacing feet with his elbows on his knees and chin in his palms. When I said I should leave he practically jumped right out of his socks. He grabbed my hand just as I started turning toward the door. I froze and slowly turned to look at him, His hand was warm and soft, his eyes a luminous blue. I knew now those eyes were really that colour, there were no contacts, he was beautiful. The desperation in his eyes now was almost enough to make me look away but something else in them, something stronger, forced me to keep looking at him.

"You can't leave Taylor, I'm sorry, but you need to be near me until I can properly teach you what you need to know about your new world. As soon as you understand a little more about the risks of this life, if you so choose, later on you can go back to where ever you prefer." He explained, still gripping my wrist. Rather painfully I might add.

Some deep part of me snapped. "So tell me then! Tell me now so I can leave!"

Jessie frowned. "Taylor I think you should rest some more, you still haven't fully recovered. I can feel it, I feel.. never mind." He cut himself off.

"Ugh!" I shrieked, tossed up my arms and turned to storm over to the bed. The sudden movement of my arms brought a sharp agonizing pain ripping through

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