» Fiction » Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗». Author Hailey A Fowler

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“Oof” sound as my knee connected with his back which made me feel a lot better about getting knocked down so easily before. I grinned down at him. He gave me a mock glare that quickly turned into an open smile that made my heart do a little flip.

“Can we start learning about the magic yet?” I asked.

Jessie's smile wavered a bit while he thought about this. “Let's just start with the basics for the magic right now okay? You use your basic magic and I'll use my simplest spells. I don't want either of us to get hurt so I'm trying to slowly get you used to things.”

I let Jessie up off the ground. “So to use my magic I just need to think what I want to move?”
“Pretty much. Like, say you saw a pine cone on the ground, to move it, simply think of it moving wherever you want it to move.” He explained.

Okay, easy enough, I thought.


Not so easy! Not so easy! Apparently it was harder than it looked. Some how, when I tried moving the pine cone Jessie told me to test my power on I ended up hitting myself smack in the forehead. Jessie almost peed his pants laughing. He told me not to focus on moving the pine cone so much as where I'm moving it too. On my second try I moved the pine cone but again it headed straight for me so this time I took off running as if being chased by a bee. The pine cone chased me a few seconds before dropping to the ground. Jessie was laughing so hard he was practically hysterical. I glared at him and walked over to face the pine cone. I concentrated really hard on my pine cone, where I wanted it to go and how hard I wanted to mind toss it. The pine cone shot up and hit Jessie right between the eyes. Jessie's eyes widened at me in shock.

“Whoa! Good job! That actually hurt, is there a red mark?” I shook my head, no, but there actually was. Where the pine cone had hit him there was a bright red welt. It took everything I had not to laugh. Served him right for teasing me all that time. I was just about to ask if we could start our fight using magic but looked around and saw it was almost dark out. When I started messing with the pine cone it was still bright and sunny out. How long had we been sitting here messing with this thing and teasing each other?

“Maybe we should head in now.” I mumbled.

Jessie smiled hearing the sadness at having to stop our practice. He ruffled my hair and grabbed my wrist, tugging slightly. “We'll go in soon but how about I give you a little night tour of my house first?”

My face heated slightly at the thought of a night walk along the lake with Jessie. I nodded not trusting my voice. I really liked Jess, he was nice, caring, smart, brave. Petty much everything that usually lead to heart break. I really didn't know anything about this man but something told me he would be a big part of my life from now on.

Jess lead me through gardens and lake side paths. His property was huge. Even with all these beautiful views, the thing I loved the most was a huge weeping willow tree that sat just between Jessie's house and the lake. To the left of the tree was a little garden. There was something about the look of the tree against the lake, the moon shining and sparkling on the water, its luminous light silhouetting the flowers in the garden. It made me happy but sad at the same time. I suddenly felt like crying. For the first time in years, I missed my mom. I never really knew her but I always felt the lack of her presence.

A tear slid down my cheek. Jessie noticed and a sad expression crossed his face. He reached over and wiped my tear away. “Rule number one in this house. No crying ladies.” He said with a slight smile. “Well I guess its a good thing we're outside then.”

Jessie laughed and patted my head. “Come on inside now, you can sleep in which ever room you want, including mine or Ella's. We wouldn't mind sleeping in a spare room. For now though, you probably want a shower and stuff right?” I nodded, I hadn't even taken a shower yet since I'd gotten here. The last time I'd taken a shower was the day of my dads funeral and frankly, I was starting to smell.

Jessie lead me inside, stopping only to grab a clean towel from the closet. He lead me to the bathroom door, said “This is the biggest bathroom in the house, enjoy.” and left me to my business.

I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror, I looked so different. I was skinnier and paler, even my stance had changed. I was beautiful..

I stripped down and looked in the mirror to see if anything else had changed. I was seriously hoping my boob's had gotten bigger. No such luck. I sighed and turned and grabbed my towel half wrapping myself when something on my shoulder caught my eye, I turned more to try and get a better look. When I saw it, I screamed, a shrill sound that I'd only ever made a few times in my life. Jessie burst into the bathroom with wide eyes looking like he'd seen a ghost. I quickly pulled up my bath towel to hide my naked self.

"Ah! out, out, get out!!" I screeched. Jessie gave me a look as if to say "Are you insane?"

"What's wrong?! Why did you scream?" He asked, concerned. I ignored, for a second that he was seeing me in only a towel and turned my back to him.

"Look!" I said. "Look what you did to me!! Moms gonna KILL me!" I pushed my towel down the back of my neck a little farther and pointed to the intricate design lacing across my neck from one shoulder to the other in thick black ink.

Jessie’s brows furrowed as he turned, closing the door behind him. I heard a loud THUMP against the door and Jessie’s booming laughter blast through the door. I kicked the door and stepped in to start my much needed (and appreciated) shower.

As I stood in my shower, brushing the puff over my arms and legs I watched the path of the puff for more of the dark tattoos. I found five more, much smaller ones. I thought about how funny it was that I was more concerned about my mom finding out about me having tattoos than I was about telling her I was a telekinetic freak who can cast spells. As I thought this I chuckled to myself. Whether I could move things or not, I was definitely a freak. The first tattoo I found was the one around my left ankle like an anklet, rose vines twisting and swirling, wrapping and tangling up in each others grasp. When I checked the other ankle it was the same pattern. The odd thing about the tattoos was that on my left ankle the roses were closed, yet to bloom, Yet the ones on my right ankle were wide open. And instead of a rose red, the flowers were an electric blue, The exact same colour as Jessie's eyes. I assumed that was because he was the one who turned me. The other three tattoos were similar. Two more were blue roses, one open one closed. These two were on both wrists. This time the closed rose was on my right side though and both had strange, fancy writing. I had been in Japanese class in grade nine so I knew a bit about their writing characters and the writing in my tattoo looked similar to Japanese hiragana but not quite right. Last but not least was the tattoo right in the centre of my chest, in plain English it said SOUL TIED in fancy writing. The writing went straight up and down rather than side to side, it was kind of pretty. I was sort of surprised at the fact it was in English, in all the books and movies I'd ever seen, when the supernatural girl found supernatural writing it was normally in Latin or Hebrew or something. How boring...

After I finished my shower I dried off and dressed in the fancy pyjamas Ella lent me. After staring at myself in the mirror for almost an hour I finally decided to get ready for bed. Before my shower I had decided on which room I would stay in. I chose the biggest one across from Jessie's. I didn't pick it because of it'd size though, I chose it because of the TV and desk that sat on either side of the queen sized bed. The desk would be perfect for writing on. I smiled as I thought this. As I arrived in front of my bedroom door, Jessie peeked his head out from behind his door and smiled.

"I hope you enjoy your room, it's yours so long as you want it."

"Thanks, it's really nice." I said, returnig his smile.

"Goodnight, have a good sleep. We'll practice more tomorrow."

I nodded, gave a little half wave and pushed open my door. I was tired from sparring with Jessie so I didn't bother even turning on the light. I left the door open a crack, took the five steps over to the bed and flopped onto it. I layed there thinking about the past few days for about five minutes before something to my right shuffled and a soft male voice mumbled.
I let out a small shreek and flung myself off the bed with a loud THUMP.

Jessie threw open the door and turned the light on.

"What ha-" he stopped as he took in the scene before him.

Jessie rolled his eyes at the imposter on my bed.
I looked up to see a boy with blue hair, blue eyes and... was that blue nail Polish?..

He was amazingly handsome though. I couldn't help but stare. The boy lazyily moved his arms behind his head, getting comfortable and grinned like the Cheshire cat.

"Hey Jess, long time no see. Cute toy, can I play with it too?" He said, looking at me with a very feline grin. His look said that he was the predetor and if I so much as twitched he'd eat me for dinner and bring me to his owner as a presant. I didn't know whether to run or sit still. So I stood up and said.

"Get out of my bed."

The boy slowly sat up, gave a long, dramatic stretch of his arms, stood up and sauntered over to Jessie.

"Let's go get caught up Jess, I guess we can leave the toy in her toy box for now, Hm?" He purred. Again, Jessie rolled his eyes but didn't say a word just walked out with the boy and into Jessie's room.

And that was all the weird I could take for one day. So I went to bed hoping and preying I wouldn't wake up to a creepy blue haired boy or maybe a alien probing my brain. That'd be just my luck now wouldn't it?

* * *

The next morning, I was lucky enough to sleep in
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