» Fiction » Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗». Author Hailey A Fowler

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Chapter One Goodbye

I shuddered as I looked over at my fathers open casket. Tears streamed down my cheek, laughing at me as I furiously kept trying to wipe them. This was all my fault, if only I hadn’t yelled at him, if only I had been a better daughter instead of a spoiled brat. I took the last remaining three steps toward the casket that would let me see my dad. I looked down at his face, it looked so peaceful, it looked like my dad. Nothing more nothing less, just dad. As strange as this sounds, that made it even harder to bury him, as if I were burying him alive. The funeral went quicker than I expected it to go, one hour for all the readings and speeches and stuff, and an hour and a half for the burial.

The funeral ended and my step mother took me home. Now when people hear the words Step Mother, they think "evil mother kills dad!" but no, I love my step mom and her and my father loved each other. As my mom opened the door and walked inside I prepared myself for the "lets talk sweetie" but it never came. She walked toward her room, over to the bottom of the stairs and paused to look over her shoulder.

"Night baby" she said. "We'll talk tomorrow"

As she started walking again she tossed an I love you over her shoulder and kept walking. As I went upstairs and into my room -over top my moms- I could hear her sobbing softly below. I crossed my room over to my bed and flopped face down onto it. For the millionth time, I cried, but sleep never came. All night, all I could do was think, about our last argument, the last things we said to each other.. The last things we yelled at each other.

"I Hate you!" I yelled. "Why can't you just let me do what I want for once?!"

"Because you're eighteen years old and can't think for yourself yet!" Was his reply.

I ran out the door and proved exactly what he'd just said. I tried to run away, only, dad chased me. Right into traffic. I swear that car came out of no where. I couldn't tear my eyes away. I looked right into his eyes and listened to the horrible silent, "Why?" I could hear his voice playing in my head, asking, "Why would this happen to me? Haven't I been a good person? Haven't I tried hard in life?" I only wish I could have told him how good a person he really was, how much he meant to me. I love you dad...

I looked over at the window, out into the early morning darkness, only just starting to lighten. I wished my life could just fade away, wished it could all end and take me out of this tragedy.
This is not my life. I had to leave, if I didn't leave now, my poor step mom would die too... Just like my dad... My real mom. No more, I wouldn't let this happen again. I grabbed my school bag by the end of my bed and dumped all the contents on the floor, searching the mess until I found a pen and some paper.

I'm so sorry I have to do this to you right now, this is such a bad time. I have to leave mom.. This is all my fault, everything is my fault and I love you too much to let anything happen to you, so I'm leaving, I'll leave you messages now and then so you know I'm okay. Please don't worry or try to stop me, I'm 18 now so I have the right to go... I love you mom, so much..

I placed the note on my pillow and grabbed my bag from the floor. I wasn't too sure what to pack, cellphone and wallet for sure. I had nowhere to go so I'd be living on the streets. I'd rather that anyways, there would be no one around I could hurt. I packed light since it was a small bag and I'd be carrying it around. I grabbed a pair of old jeans and some thick sweat pants. I was going to stop there for bottoms but I figured I should bring some shorts.. Just in case. I stuck to the same system with tops, long sleeved, T-shirt and tank top. Instead of folding all of the cloths, I rolled them up into long tubes that way I'd still have a little room for a few more things. I grabbed my toothpaste and fordable travel toothbrush and put them in the front pouch along with a comb. Probably not the most important things but if I was going to survive on the streets I'd need teeth and if I wanted to not completely hate myself -too late-
I'd need a comb. At least that’s what I told myself. I had almost walked right past my travel size shampoo and conditioner but realized my mistake when I reached for my toothpaste and saw the little bottle of conditioner in the corner of my eye. I grabbed a few pairs of socks varying in length and sat on my bed trying to go over my mental "what I need" list. Cloths... Check.. Important cosmetics... Check.. There was only one more thing. I reached over to the picture frame beside my bed and took out the picture of my dad, step mom and myself, folded it and put it in my pocket.

"I think that’s it" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed a few hair elastics, put one in my long blonde hair, the other two on my wrist and slipped on my hoody and jacket. I tossed one last look around the room and grabbed my bag, walking over to the window.

"Bye mom.. I love you" I mumbled, swinging my bag over my shoulder. I opened my window, grabbed the ledge and hoisted myself up and over, not stopping to ponder the hight. My bedroom was on the second floor but it was a relatively small house, my window was up about an eight foot drop. I landed on my feet and dropped to my butt so the impact wouldn't shoot pain up my legs. I was surprised when it actually worked.

On the way through the window though, my bag had snagged the vase of flowers on the ledge and knocked it down with a thump. My moms light turned on. I ran over to the closest bush and hid behind it, listening and watching.

"Tay, honey?" mom called. "Is everything okay up there?" When I didn't answer she repeated "Taylor?"

I saw the light in my bedroom turn on and my mom's dark figure pass the window. "Baby?" "Tay?!" "Taylor!!" Through each name, her voice went an octave higher. By the time she screamed my name I had taken that as my que to leave and was already through the backyard gate and into the forest. I wasn't too sure where I was going so I decided I would walk the fifteen minutes to town and the 5th alley I found would be the one I stayed in.

Guess I was wrong...

I got to an alley just fine. When you live in the “Good” side Vancouver B.C all your life, you forget sometimes how bad the drug addict's and homeless people are on the city streets. I live fifteen minutes to the main part of the city. Technically I am in the city but where I live has nothing but a theatre, a grocery store, a couple of wedding stores and a bunch of apartment buildings. I love my city but the part I live in... Or lived in, was really crappy. So when I got to the city and walked down an alley, I realized I'd completely forgotten about what kind of people already lived on these streets.

After walking around for a good four hours with no luck I figured I should stop for something to eat. I walked for another ten minutes keeping my eye out for any familiar restaurant when a tall, dark haired man stopped me.

"Hey there sweetheart, are you lost?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned.
"Oh no, I'm fine thanks I'm just looking for a good place to stop for dinner. You know of any?"
I replied.

The man lifted a hand to scratch the back of his head in thought, then pointed to the left.
"There's a place just down the road from here called bill's grill, its a great place and the prices aren't too bad. Think you can find it? If not, I can walk you over there.”

"I think I can find it if you have a few instructions on how to get there, thanks."

I followed the mans instructions for only three minutes before seeing the big sign. It said bill's grill and sported a duck holding his bill and using it to flip a Burger on a small grill. Creative. Not.

When I stepped inside the first things I noticed were the people. From the outside it looked like a place where you'd see families stopping by after a big shopping spree. Or teens claiming the restraint as their hangout. But when I walked in I saw a few families, but mostly all wealthy. Other customers were either businessmen or rich people. I took in my surroundings, with the bright yellow booth seats and almost neon red walls and carpets. This was definitely not somewhere I'd expect to see these kinds of people. Could the food be that good? Did the Guy send me somewhere that's going to cost me a fortune??

I walked to the bench beside the "Please wait to be seated" sign and bent to sit. Just as my butt hit the chair a young lady with fire red hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen, walked out of the kitchen door and smiled down at me.

"Hi honey, for one?" she asked, her voice soft and high pitched, tinkling like a bell.
I nodded and asked “Is this place going to cost me a fortune?” then I realized what I asked, stammered an apology and said I must have sounded stupid. When I looked up though, she was only smiling kindly.

“Don't worry hon, we hear that a lot. No, we're cheep but our food is great, everyone loves it here, right now all the businessmen and woman are in before heading off to work, but we get a mixed crowed, some rich” she gestured around the room. “And some... well ..”

Did she just glance at me from the corner of her eye? Great, now I'm getting paranoid. I followed the waitress over to a table with two seats in the centre of the dining area. When she leaned over to place a menu on the table in front of me I read her name tag. Ella.

“Thank you Ella.” I said with a slight smile.

“No problem hon, I'll be back to take your order in a minute.” She smiled a big toothy grin that lit up her entire face.

Ella leaned in and whispered “On the house Taylor.. your going to need it” As I gaped at her with wide eyes for knowing my name, she stood back up, grinned and strode away.

Had I told her my name?

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