» Fiction » Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Reborn, Hailey A Fowler [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗». Author Hailey A Fowler

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her tea cup. Great, now I felt stupid and mean, I should have not pried so much.

“I'm sorry.. I-”

“Don't worry about it” Jessie said, cutting me off. “What'a ya say we start teaching you how to use your new powers?”

“That'd be awesome!” I said, a little to enthusiastically. Jessie smiled “As scary as all this is, it can be kind of cool to think there's real magic out there. If you really think about it though even most magic can be explained away by science. Lets head outside and do some practising. Meet me out there in twenty minutes girls.” Jessie said and walked down the hall, into his room.

“Ella? Is he going to be okay?” Ella stopped sipping her tea and looked up at me “Hm?” she asked.
“I mean, look at him, he looks so worn out. I feel bad, It's my fault, if I'd just stayed home instead of running away like a brat..”

“Jeez Tay.. Stop blaming yourself for everything. Trust me, it isn't you, yeah he stayed up taking care of you so he's a bit tired but he's actually like this a lot. I think the feeling of almost losing you reminded him of mom and his dad. Mom took off to live out in the forest with my dad. I think that miffed him a little but he still loves her. Jessie lived with, and protected mom pretty much his whole life. I think not having her around probably hurts.”

“Does it bother you that your parents are gone?” I asked.

“Well to be perfectly honest it kind of does bother me but not for the same reason as it bothers Jess. I never really got to know them, Jessie pretty much raised me. We go talk to them now and then and mom does love us, my dad too but they were safest just to leave.”

I only nodded.

A slight bang sounded followed by a string of, very creative, profanity. Ella lifted a brow toward Jessie's closed bedroom door. I smiled and held up my index finger.

“I'll go check on him.”

As I got closer to the door I could hear Jessie grumbling to himself about how he hated chairs and that they were useless.

“Your just mad 'cause it outsmarted you.” I said as I entered the room.

Jessie grinned. “And your sneaking into my room, because?..”

“I wasn't sneaking, I walked in normally, I didn't even try to close the door quietly. Sneaking suggests that I was trying to be quiet to hide my entrance, which really.. I did no such thing.”

“Alright then” Jessie chuckled. “Is there something you need?”

“Nope just making sure you didn't kill yourself. Curiosity satisfied, I now know that you weren't killing yourself but were being killed by a chair.”

Jessie put on his best beaten-down-kitten face “It was horrible, It almost killed me. It grabbed my leg and tried to trip me, hoping it would smash my pretty head in on the floor and almost breaking my poor toe in the process.”

“Wow your pretty dramatic, aren't ya?”

“You've no idea darling.” He said with a wink.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at that. Why was smiling so easy around him? I’d only just met this man and he was already starting to feel like a best friend, Ella too. I sat down on the end of his bed and glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

“Jessie, did it bother you to have to raise your sister?” I blurted without really realizing. I quickly looked up at him to make sure I hadn’t hurt his feelings. His face was an unreadable mask.

“Not really.” He said. “I kind of enjoyed it. Ella was a good girl, always happy and kind and extremely smart. She was someone you couldn’t help but want to be around and its not like I was young or anything, on the contrary considering my age.”

“I know, I didn’t mean your age…”

“I know what you meant Tay and honestly, I’m not mad at my mom either. She had to do what she had to do.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry, I’m being nosey.”

Jessie shook his head “It’s okay I don’t mind, we’re bound now so you might as well know these things.”

For some reason, that made me angry. So he feels obligated to tell me then?

“Don’t worry, I won’t be asking you these things again. I'll be outside.” I snapped. Jessie looked up confused. .

"Taylor, I didn't mean..."

"Don't worry about it." I said and stormed out. I only got to the living room before I realized that I honestly had no idea where "outside" was. Jessie's house was huge I'd only seen probably a quarter of it and even that quarter was big. Jessie's room was twice the size of my room. He had two bathrooms upstairs and I hadn't even seen downstairs. His living room had to be one of the biggest I'd ever seen, it had to be big enough to hold at least 40 people comfortably. The kitchen and furniture were new and modern looking.

The kitchen was so clean it looked as if it'd never even been used, though I knew it had been, considering Jess had just used it multiple times and was an amazing cook. I was a sucker for a guy who could cook...

The chairs and couches in the living room had not even a crease in the fabric. Did he not spend much time at home or what?

As if she had read my mind, Ella popped up out of seamlingly, nowhere. Making me jump a little.
Ella laughed .“Creepy, huh? Way too clean for me, I swear Jessie's OCD. I don't know how he does it, I'm way more at home in a pig sty of a house. You should see my house, there's laundry and stuff everywhere... I mean sometimes it bugs me but only if it piles up really bad, I like it when things are just a bit scattered. Just so it feels like a home rather then a hospital, ya know?” She leaned against the back of the couch staring at a picture of her as a teenager on the side table.

“I figured you'd get lost so I came to make sure you made it to the back yard. Ready to start training?” She said with a wink. I nodded and took her hand as she turned and went back the way she'd come.
Chapter Four Training

Ella and I arrived outside to find Jessie already there and waiting for us. He had changed to jeans and a snugly fit muscle shirt. Man he was cute... He was looking out at the lake that sat just behind his house. I looked up at the house. It was my first time seeing it from the outside. Upon taking me here Jessie had carried me inside himself because I'd been unconscious. The side of the house facing the lake had a huge balcony with a sliding glass door leading inside. I thought back and remembered seeing a sliding glass door in Jessie's room off in the corner. So that's where that goes. The house looked oddly smaller on the outside than it did on the inside but it was definitely still huge. It looked like a giant cabin hidden off in the woods; rustic but modern at the same time. I'd give anything to live in a house like that. I looked back at Jessie, who'd moved from the hammock he'd been sitting in to stand near us.
“My mom knows where I am right? I mean, you guys know her, so I assume you told her I'm okay?” I asked.

Ella smiled, “Of course sweetie, I told her we had you as soon as Jessie brought you home from the alley. She doesn't know he changed you though. We thought it best you told her. Unless you preferred we did.”

I shook my head “No, your right, I'll tell her once I know a little more and have a better explanation for her.”

“Alright, lets get started.” Jessie said. “So Taylor, we're going to teach you a bunch of different stuff but for today we'll just start on the basics. I'd like you to know first though that if you're in a situation that's too much for you, always run, never try to take on someone that's too much for you. Your ego isn't worth your life. Okay?” When I nodded he continued. “First I'd like you to learn a little about avoidance.”

At that, Ella strode over and stood in front of Jessie, facing him. She gave me a slight but mischievous smile. In a flash and without warning Jessie dove forward and grabbed Ella's wrist twisting it behind her back as if to put it in an arm lock but before he could even get her arm into position Ella twisted around lightning fast, twirling like a dance move she somehow got hold of Jessie's wrist and flipped him right over her shoulder. He lay on the ground smiling up at her. Ella looked down at him.

“And so the student surpasses the teacher; with only eighteen years of lessons too. What a shame...” She bragged. Jessie rolled his eyes. “We've only just gotten started kiddo, have we not?”

Ella and Jessie sparred around showing me tricks and giving me pointers on holds and dodges. After half an hour of Ella clearly kicking Jessie's butt he stopped the wrestling match and grabbed my wrist.

“Ready for a try?” He said with a grin. I shook my head fast whipping my hair from side to side.
Jessie laughed and patted my hair affectionately. “Careful girly, wouldn't want you to get whiplash swinging your head around like that. We'll just tussle a bit, practice is always easiest when its fun.”

When I was younger I would always play fight with the boys in my neighbourhood. I tried to just pretend this was just like that but when we started to tussle it was just to different. Jessie put a leg behind mine and tripped me sending me to the ground on my butt. I blushed, feeling like I should have seen this coming. It felt silly, play fighting at the age of eight-teen. Jessie bent down to a squat position in front of me, offering his hand. My heart sped up a little at this. In the play fights I had when I was younger, if one of the boys knocked me down they would laugh and tease me. Jessie was so kind.

I grabbed Jessie's hand as if to pull myself up. As fast as humanly possible I pulled Jessie with everything I had to the ground, flung myself up and shoved a knee between his shoulders. Jessie made an

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