» Fiction » The Covenant, B.N. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

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door. Tess held her arm out to stop her. “Wait I have to tell you something…and you’re going to hate me” Tess said as she lowered her head as if ashamed. “What is it?” Delilah asked feeling worried. Tess waited until Josh left the room. “Umm…Vince is coming with us, he’s uh…giving us a ride, is that ok?” she asked with a frown. Delilah sighed and feigned a smile. “Sure it’s ok” she said trying to hide her disappointment. “Look on the bright side” Tess said. “And what’s that?” she asked. “You get go to the movies for free” she smiled. “Have fun Dill” Josh called from some where down the hall. It was his nickname for her, a little inside joke. When their great grandma was alive they used to visit her and she would always call Delilah, Dililah and Josh thought it was funny so he shortened it and had called her that ever since. They walked outside to Vince’s car. “Hey” Vince greeted as he pulled out of the driveway. “Hey” Delilah mumbled as she looked out the backseat window. Delilah didn’t necessarily like Vince. He was tall, blonde haired; blue eyed, and a total jock. He was on the football team and never let anyone forget it. Delilah stayed quite for the whole ride.
Chapter three
They arrived at the Midline theaters at five till eight, since their small town didn’t have much everyone always went to Midline, which was just one town over. Vince chose the movie which was called final combat. Delilah wasn’t that picky when it came to movies unless it was a horror movie, though she didn’t like to admit it, she got scared pretty easily. They found the screening that was playing their movie quickly. Almost all the seats were taken, forcing Delilah to seat on the other side of Vince. How awkward, Delilah thought, they’re going to be making out right next to me. As she looked up at the screen the movie came on, the medicine for her headache hadn’t done much and her week of missing sleep suddenly washed through her body. She rubbed her temples and tried to act like she didn’t notice Vince and Tess swapping saliva. Why did I agree to this? She asked herself. Oh, that’s right, because I’m a total push over. She thought to herself. While the movie tolled on Delilah scanned to see if there was an open seat, preferably without anyone making out near it. She didn’t see any available. She slouched down in her seat and looked up at the screen. It seemed that two archenemies were going to have to work together to defeat a common enemy. How predictable, she thought. She looked away, sure that the screen was making her headache worse. She also had a strange feeling, like she was being watched. She looked around and didn’t see anyone staring. It was about twenty minutes into the movie when Vince and Tess decided to take a break. Tess looked over at Delilah guiltily.
Delilah ignored her and acted like she was watching the movie. Vince wiped his mouth, which was probably sticky from Tess’s strawberry lip gloss. Delilah scrunched her face in disgust, not that she meant to. He looked over at her and smiled. His smile was lopsided and seemed to dare her to challenge him. When she did not respond he playfully elbowed her. She gave him a ‘don’t mess with me’ look. She was starting to feel grumpy from lack of sleep. He got the hint and went back to kissing Tess. Delilah was now positive that she didn’t like Vince; he was a jerk. Tess always dated jerks and then wondered why she could never have a stable relationship. After another fifteen minutes, Tess sprang up and stage whispered that she had to go to the bathroom. Delilah stayed where she was, too aggravated to follow. Tess left saying she would return with more popcorn. Vince sighed, seeming happy. He turned towards Delilah. She stared at him. “How long do you think it’ll take for her to get back?” he asked. She shrugged, wondering why he would ask such a stupid question. That’s when he laid his hand on her knee. She gave him a wide eyed stare, shocked. He leaned in, about to kiss her. “I’ve always thought you were cute, a little skinny, but still cute” he whispered, his mouth almost brushing hers. She reacted without thinking. She reached out and slapped his face. “You’re disgusting” she muttered as she stood up. He grimaced, looking like he was about to lash out at her, but she was already walking away. She stopped in the lobby and leaned against a vending machine. She was glad she never wore make up, because if she did her mascara would have been running down her cheeks. She brushed her bang out of her eyes and wiped under her eyes. She knew that she had no reason to cry but she was tired, had a headache and her lack of sleep was making her feel emotional. She turned, about to walk to the bathroom to figure out how she was getting home.
There was no way that she was going to tell Josh what happened, he would get angry and they would probably get into an argument. There was also no way that she was going to stay and ride home with Vince. She was almost to the bathroom when someone grabbed her arm. She turned; about to tell Vince to leave her alone, but her words got stuck in her throat. Pepper stood before her clad in his usual getup; dark jeans, dark shirt, and converse. His usually dark eyes were bright and mesmerizing. Delilah gently pulled away. “What do you want” she sniffed, knowing that her face was spotted red from crying. He gave her a sympathetic look. “I saw what happened” he said, stepping closer. Delilah furrowed her dark brows. Just because Vince was a jerk doesn’t make Pepper a good guy, Delilah reminded herself. He held out his hand. She stared at it blankly. His lips twitched, fighting a smile. “Come on” he said grabbing her hand, leading her back towards the screenings. “Where are we going?” she asked as he paused to see which movie he wanted to sneak into. After some deliberation he drug her into one, she didn’t get to see the name. As they took their seats near the back she realized that he had chosen a scary movie. As theatrical music began to play loudly the movie goers began to scream in unison. Delilah looked at the screen to see what everyone was screaming about. There was a child that seemed to be evil and he was viciously killing, what Delilah guessed, his mother. She put her feet up and hugged her legs, her face on her knees and turned towards Pepper. She knew he could feel her staring at him but he didn’t seem to mind. His smooth complexion seemed to glow off of the light of the movie. He flipped his shaggy hair out of his eyes, his face emotionless as the others who were watching the movie screamed again.
Her phone vibrated in her back pocket, she cringed. When she opened her phone she saw she had gotten a text from Tess asking where she was. Vince is a jerk so I’m watching a different movie, she answered. What did he do? She asked. Delilah bit her lip. I’ll tell you later, ok? She typed. Fine, Tess answered. Delilah closed her phone and stuck it in her back pocket, her arm still wrapped around her legs. She looked up to find Pepper staring. She didn’t know what to say so she closed her eyes and ignored him. Exhaustion washed over her again, this time stronger. She felt as though she could actually go to sleep and wondered if it had anything to do with Pepper’s presence. Soon she felt herself drifting off only to open her eyes when she felt Pepper’s light breathing near her face. “I don’t think the movie is that boring” he whispered near her ear. She smiled despite herself. He leaned away seeming satisfied that he put a smile on her face. She peeked up at the screen to see a different little boy running from the evil one. She watched as the good little boy and the evil one fought, flinching when the evil one bit the good one’s ear almost completely off. Near the end of the boy’s battle the good one found a weapon and stabbed the evil one, killing him. Then it showed a year later, the good boy sleeping soundly in his bed, suddenly the evil one appeared, standing over the good one and slit his throat, the screen went black and the credits began to scroll upward.
Delilah looked over at Pepper who started to stand. He didn’t seem affected by the movie at all. She stood and followed him out into the lobby. Just then her phone vibrated. She opened her phone. Tess asked her if her movie was over yet. She didn’t want to answer. Yes, she typed. Delilah began to walk towards Tess’s movie not intending to say goodbye to Pepper. Pepper grabbed her wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked. “Home” she said but it came out like a question. He slid his hand down her wrist to entwine his fingers with hers. Her heart reacted to the contact by thumping loudly. Delilah scowled at him. “Let’s go home then” he said as he pulled her towards the exit doors. Delilah tried to pull away but her weak arms seemed to be ok with leaving with some strange, maybe even dangerous, boy. “I’m not going anywhere with you” she warned. He stopped near the exit. “So you’re telling me, you would rather ride home with him than ride with me?” he seemed offended. Delilah stared at their enlaced hands then sighed. “Straight home?” she asked. He shrugged. “If that’s what you want” he answered, already leading them outside. Delilah reached for her phone with her free hand. I’ve got a ride, she told Tess. After five seconds she responded. Omg! Is that you leaving with Pepper? I can like totally see you! She typed. Delilah frowned and didn’t answer. Is he holding your hand? Omg, I totally hate you right now, I’m stuck with Vince while you get Mr. Bad boy, why is life so unfair? She asked. Delilah tried not to laugh but couldn’t hold it in. Pepper stared at her with curious eyes. She shook her head as if saying he wouldn’t understand.
He came to a stop at a 1999 black mercury cougar. “You wanna drive?” he asked, his cockiness seemed to always be enlaced in his voice. She shook her head and went to the passenger’s side. He grinned and unlocked the doors. As they pulled out of the theater Delilah’s phone vibrated. She stared at the screen. Josh was calling. She looked over at Pepper as she answered her phone. “Hey” she greeted. “Howdy” he said, his voice slightly slurred. “Are you home yet?” he asked rather loudly. Delilah could hear muffled sounds and she instantly knew he was at a bar. “I’m on my way now, tell Rob and Chase I said hi” she smiled. Rob and Chase were Josh’s best friends. “Will do” he said then hung up abruptly. She slid her phone in her pocket murmuring to herself how she hates it when he goes out. Pepper must have heard her soft complaining. “Parents?” he asked, causally. Delilah looked at him, debating if she wanted to tell him something so personal or not. “No, my mom died when I was in middle school and my dad ran out a couple of years after that” she answered. He was silent. “Sorry” he whispered.
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