» Fiction » The Covenant, B.N. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

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head. “How could he be dead…stupid, who would kill him?” Mitch asked in an agitated tone. Peter paused, thinking. “Maybe it found out, and killed him” he whispered. Mitch and Jess stared at each other. It was a possibility. “I think we should give him some time, Pepper’s never let us down before” Jess reasoned. Mitch stood, heading for the door. “There’s always a first for everything” he said then exited swiftly, slamming the door behind him. “I hate that son of ah bitch” Jess spat. Peter bowed his head. “But he’s are brother…he’s part of the brethren” Peter mumbled. “The day he’s my brother is the day…we burn in hell” Jess said, his voice gruff. “I have a feeling that day is coming sooner than later” Peter whispered, lost in thought. “We can’t back out now” Jess whispered, mostly to himself.
Chapter seven
Friday came without incident and Delilah was glad she had not had any more dreams, or whatever they were. Pepper had not talked much for the rest of the week and Delilah was becoming more suspicious. “We should do something tonight” Tess suggested as they walked to their cars. Delilah shook her head. “I feel like staying in tonight, sorry” Delilah answered. “What a party-pooper, guess I’ll have to find someone else to hang out with” Tess shrugged, walking off towards her car. Delilah wasn’t that surprised when she found Pepper standing next to her car. She waited for him to say something and when he said nothing she felt uncomfortable. “Um…hi” she mumbled. He smiled at her like she had just said something funny. “Hi” he said back, slightly smiling. She fidgeted with her keys then went to unlock her door.
As she opened the driver side door he leaned against it, making it slam shut. She looked over at him. “Don’t you think that’s kind of rude?” she asked, her eyebrows pulling together. He shrugged then came closer towards her. “What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked, changing the subject. This surprised her. Was he actually asking her out? She eyed him and noticed he had moved considerably closer. “Has your mama never taught you about personal space?” she asked, backing her face away from his. He shrugged. “No, my mama never taught me that” he teased. This sparked her interest. “So, you live with your mom?” she asked, trying to sound causal. He leaned in and brushed her hair behind her ear. “That, my darling; is none of your business” he answered, his tone half teasing. She fought herself to not seem like a pouting child. “That’s not fair, you get to know everything about me and I know nothing about you” she said pulling away when he tried to touch her face. “You’re right, I haven’t been very fair, but if you go out with me tomorrow maybe you could force me to tell you about myself” he suggested. She shook her head. “You would have to meet my brother and there’s no way I’m going through that” she admitted, looking at her feet. “Is that all that’s stopping you? Piece of cake, I’ll come over around eight” he smiled then started to walk off. She opened her door. “Sure I’ll go out with you and while we’re at it, let’s just go get ourselves killed by my brother” she mumbled sarcastically to herself. She heard him laugh.
She pulled into the driveway, noticing there was a truck right behind Josh’s. She walked in and found Josh in the living room, he wasn’t alone. “Dill this is Gabriel, Gabe this is my little sister Delilah” Josh said cheerfully. Delilah stared at the stranger and found herself blushing. He was broad shouldered, he had flaxen blonde hair that was splayed out across his forehead and he had dark blue eyes that seemed to be staring straight through her. She gave a weak smile. “Hey” she greeted weakly. He smiled, his dark eyes lighting. “Hey” he said, and then he stood. “Well, I’ve got to get going, see you around” he said staring at her, though she was sure he was talking to Josh. “Yup” Josh said, changing the channel with the remote. Delilah sat as she heard Gabriel leave. “Who’s that anyway?” Delilah asked, trying not to sound too interested. “He works with me now, he just stared last week” Josh said with disinterest. Delilah thought he looked around her age give a year or two. “He doesn’t go to school?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing. Josh shrugged. “I don’t know” he answered, still flipping through channels.
Delilah sighed then decided to tell Josh about Pepper now. She wanted to get this over with. “Umm…Josh?” she asked, looking down at her hands that were in her lap. “Yeah?” he answered, looking over at her. “Is it ok if I go out tomorrow?” she asked, not looking up at him. “Sure, where are you and Tess going?” he asked. Delilah clasped her hands together. “I’m…not going out with Tess” she mumbled. He paused. “If you’re not going out with Tess, then who are you going out with?” he asked, his voice sounding surprised. She sucked in a breath before she spoke. “This boy at school” she whispered. “Who…is it Jake?” he asked. She shook her head, slightly aggravated by his assumption. “No, his name is Pepper…Pepper James, you don’t know him” she whispered. They sat there for a while; the only noise in the whole house was the TV. He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Fine” he muttered. She smiled at him then went to her room.
Later that night Delilah tried to force herself to sleep but it wasn’t working. Her mind was at work trying to figure out why she had said yes to Pepper, where they were going to go on the date, and what she was going to wear? In the very back of her mind a tiny voice told her that she should call off the date and stay far as possible from Pepper but she ignored the voice and continued to worry over things such as her hair. When she finally started dozing off the voice had seemed to grow louder. He’s trouble, he’s dangerous… he can only hurt me. Delilah forced the thoughts out of her head and closed her eyes. “I’ll give him a shot and if I don’t like what I see I’ll stay away from him” she mumbled to herself sleepily. The only problem was she had tried to stay away from him before but that had seemed to make things worse. She sighed heavily, not wanting to think about it and fell asleep.
Chapter eight
It was almost eight and Delilah had went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror over five times already. She was nervous and she couldn’t deny it. She looked down at herself, scrutinizing her outfit. She had on a cream colored long sleeved V-neck with a cranberry colored jersey cardigan, dark skinny jeans, light brown slouch boots and to top it all off, a cream colored beanie. Josh watched her pace from the living room. “You must really like him” Josh implied. Delilah stopped mid-pace and frowned. “I do not!” she shrieked, then blushed from her out burst. Josh grinned from where he sat. “A little touchy, are we?” he asked in a teasing tone. She looked down at her boots and clasped her hands together. “No” she mumbled, trying to avoid his eyes. “Dill, aren’t you suppose to like a guy first before you go out with him?” he asked jokingly. She was about to answer when the door bell saved her. Delilah’s stomach fluttered and she felt jittery as she walked to the front door.
She opened the door with a shaky hand. And there he was, his smoky gray eyes were warm and there was a small smile on his face. Delilah grinned, despite herself. “Hi” she smiled, inviting him in. “Hi” he smiled back, walking into the living room. She eyed him as he walked over to Josh, who stood and shook hands with him. He was wearing a white V-neck with a brownish colored V-neck cardigan, dark fitted jeans and dark brown ankle boots. She stood by the door, in a slight daze, while Josh and Pepper talked. A couple of seconds later Pepper was leading her out the door. Once outside, Pepper wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. Which at the moment, she didn’t mind, since she didn’t have on a jacket. “I forgot my jacket” she said, pulling away, about to go back in the house to get it. He pulled her back to him. “You can use mine, it’s in the car” he said, opening the car door for her. She got in; a little surprised by the way he was acting. She found his jacket and covered up with it, breathing in his scent. He got in and moments later they were off. “You know, your brother’s not that scary” he said, looking over at her. She shrugged. “Bring me home late and let’s see what you think then” she said, a small smile appearing. He laughed.
Delilah noticed when they were on the outskirts of town. “Where are we going?” she asked. He shrugged. “I have to make a stop first” he said. Though she didn’t ask, she wanted to know why and where did they have to stop. Soon they pulled up at a bar with a small neon sign in the front; Wales. He got out and went around to her side to open the door for her, which surprised her again. She left his jacket in the car and followed him inside. The bar was warm and dimly lit. There weren’t many people and the ones who were there looked like locals. He went towards the bar and she followed. He slapped the counter twice. The bar tender, a big tattooed bald man, turned around with a grimace on his face. “Hey, Louie” Pepper smiled. “How’s it going?” Louie said, eyeing Delilah. She gave him a small smile, if he saw it he didn’t respond to it in any way. “I was looking for Mitch, is he in the back?” Pepper asked. Louie nodded as someone at the other end of the bar called for his attention. He went back to work without even another glance at them.
Pepper turned towards Delilah, who was looking around the bar with wide eyes. He smiled. “You’re so damn adorable, you know that?” he said, touching the tip of her nose. She frowned causing him to smile again. He then grabbed her waist and lifted her up on a bar stool. “I’ll be right back” he said walking off towards the back of the bar that led to a dark hallway. Moments after he disappeared, a man in his early twenties appeared and came to sit next to her. He had short bleach blonde hair and she noticed he had a giant tattoo on his arm of a naked woman on a motorcycle. She adverted her eyes to the bar’s counter where there were names that people carved into the wood. She could feel him staring at her so she looked up. He grinned lazily, which indicated that he was drunk out of his mind. “Can I get you a drink?” he asked, leaning in. Delilah felt uncomfortable by his closeness and backed her face away from his.
“Umm, I’m underage” she answered, though she was sure he knew she was. His grin widened and he winked. “Really? Could’ve fooled me” he smiled drunkenly. Delilah grew more uncomfortable. She looked back down at the bar. “No one has to know” he stage whispered. “Know what?” she asked, slightly confused and not liking where she thought the conversation was going. He placed his hand on her knee. She felt as if she were going
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