» Fiction » The Covenant, B.N. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

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visited shop on Main Street, and on weekends there are so many customers that Mr. Pent sometimes had five staff members on the job, which is a lot for a candle shop. Delilah waved to Tess as she backed out and headed for home.
She had an hour until she needed to be at work. She had a snack, did her homework then decided to get ready. She put on her work uniform which consisted of slacks and they were allowed to wear a blouse, it was either that or wear the white collared shirts the boys wore. She decided to wear her dark navy colored blouse, and then she slid on her black flats. She brushed her teeth, adjusted her hair and made her way to her car. She got to the shop ten minutes early. Mr. Pent was arguing with his wife, Velma, about something when she walked in.
Mr. Pent was a rather tall man, around fifty and he had the wrinkles to prove it. He was pale with ruddy spots here and there along his skin, he was balding and the hair he did have was brown, though he was grumpy most of the time he had a soft spot for Delilah and didn’t yell at her as much as he yelled at everyone else. Velma Pent seemed the opposite of Mr. Pent. She was also around fifty but she had seemed to have aged softly and her skin looked baby-soft. She had long light brown hair but the texture was wispy. She was even tempered and didn’t pay her husband’s argumentative ways any mind. They seemed to even each other out, most of the time.
As Delilah clocked in and began dusting the older candles on the shelves someone lightly tugged on her ponytail. She turned to see who it was. She smiled. It was only Jake. He was about her height, had short brown hair, with dark brown eyes to match, he always had a tan and a smile no matter what the season. And he was interested. Delilah couldn’t deny that she did like him…a little, but she always turned him down when he asked her out. She thought it would be awkward for them since they worked together; at least that’s what she told him. “Hey Jake” she greeted with a warm smile. “Hi” he grinned, dusting the candles she couldn’t reach. “So what did you do this weekend?” Delilah asked, making conversation. “Went to the movies…with Chelsea” he said in a matter of fact tone. Delilah thought that over, and then smiled. “I went to the movies too, with Tess” she said. He stopped dusting, staring at her face. “I saw you there, but not with Tess” he stated. Delilah flushed and looked away. “Who was that boy you were with?” Jake asked slowly. Delilah picked up a jarred candle and stared at it. “You must be talking about Pepper” she murmured, not looking up from the candle. “Pepper” Jake said as if trying the name out. “Yeah, he gave me a ride home when Tess’s date kind of tried to kiss me” she mumbled, placing the candle back in its place. To Delilah’s surprise Jake started laughing. She looked over at him. “What?” she demanded. “Nothing, I just think it’s funny” he said, his laugh fading. “What’s so funny about it?” she asked feeling defensive. “Think about it, Tess goes on a date and her date ends up trying to kiss you…then you end up leaving with a whole other dude entirely, I knew you had something alluring about you but I never thought you would attract boys of all stereotypes” he smiled, clearly pointing out that he was not the only one who was attracted to her. Delilah blushed then smiled to hide her blush.
“I don’t pay you to socialize!” Mr. Pent growled from another aisle. Delilah and Jake both jumped at the sound of his voice then grinned at each other and parted ways. Jake went to the cash register while Delilah went towards the back to restock most of the selves. Four hours and thirty minutes later, Delilah made her way to the small parking lot behind the shop. Jake had already left and Mr. Pent was still in the shop arguing with Velma because she dropped a candle. That was the worst thing a person could possibly do as far as Mr. Pent was concerned, and once he got worked up he basically went into a rage; all over one busted up jarred candle. Delilah hurried to her car, she hated going to her car while it was so dark, anyone could be out there. She unlocked her door and climbed in, blocking out the whistling cold wind. She shivered as she started her car and made her way home, the heat on high.
“Hey Dill” Josh greeted as Delilah walked in; he was lounging on the living room couch in sweats and a pair of her purple fuzzy socks, watching TV. “Hey” she mumbled as she shivered, making her way to the bathroom. “Cold out there?” he smiled as she passed him. “Yep” she grumbled. She was just walking in the bathroom when she asked “Are those my socks?” She heard him laugh. “Yep” he answered. She closed the bathroom door. “That’s what I thought” she said, mostly to herself.
After her bath and blow drying her hair, Delilah decided to call Tess before she went to bed. She answered on the first ring. “How was work?” she asked skipping a greeting like she always did. “Fine I guess” Delilah shrugged as if Tess could see her. “Guess who I just saw at the gas station” Tess said her voice spilling with excitement. “Who?” Delilah asked, not feeling like guessing. “Jake Cladler, he said he had heard what had happened and asked who my date was…do you care to explain?” Tess said, her voice sounding like a teacher lecturing a misbehaving student. Delilah sighed, not feeling like explaining. “He said he saw me with Pepper at the movies and wanted to know why I was with him so I kind of told him a shorter version of what happened…what I want to know is why he asked who your date was” Delilah said her words trailing off into thought. “So Jake’s got the hot’s for you too, my gosh I want to know what it is about you that attracts all the good looking ones…no offense, do you think if I lose a couple pounds and act all innocent they’ll want me too?” Tess said ignoring Delilah. Delilah frowned. “I can’t help I’m skinny and I don’t act innocent!” Delilah said feeling offended. “I know Dee, it’s not an act…sorry if I hurt your feelings you know how I can get sometimes” Tess apologized. “It’s ok” Delilah said, looking at her walls. “See you at school” Tess said her voice lowered. “Yep” Delilah answered, as they hung up at the same time.
Delilah crawled under the covers but kept her lamp on; she felt on edge and didn’t feel safe without the light. “Night, Dilly” Josh said, poking his head in her room. “Night, oh and stop stealing my socks” she warned as she heard him make his way to his room. He laughed. She rolled over on her side and closed her eyes. She was surprised how easily she fell asleep.
Delilah knew she had to be dreaming. She had heard something rustle around in her room so she sat up, squinting her eyes until they adjusted. Her lamp was still on and her door was closed just like they had been before she went to bed. But something wasn’t right. Maybe it was the dark figure standing at her dresser digging through her stuff, his back to her. She was about to scream until she recognized the familiar build of the intruder. He was dressed in dark clothes. “Pepper?” she asked, her voice sounding squeaky from sleep. The intruder turned towards her. His dark smoky eyes were gentle, but his smile was that of a villain. He put his index finger to his lips, a sign that she should be quiet. Delilah felt her face scrunch up in confusion. Was she dreaming or was Pepper just crazy enough to sneak into her bedroom? She had trouble deciding which seemed more likely. She had to admit that she didn’t feel like she was asleep. She had no clue what to do so she rubbed her eyes a couple of times. He was still there. She eyed him as he walked towards her; she sucked in a breath, prepared to scream for Josh if he tried anything. He sat near where her feet were. She slid them up, hugging her legs. He looked around her room then rested his dark eyes on her. Her chin was resting on her knees and she was too shocked to say anything. He moved closer towards her. She felt as if her heart was going to bust right out of her chest. Suddenly he was face to face with her, his chest against her legs. She leaned her face away, trying to let out a scream but she could only manage a whimper. His eyes held hers in a lively glaze. She felt her face redden and her heart began to thump loudly against her legs. He leaned in, his eyes never leaving hers. Her eyes widened and she prayed she was dreaming. He reached around her and as he did so he put his lips to her ear. “You look tired” he whispered. Delilah trembled, was he implying that she wasn’t asleep? She heard a click then her room went dark, he had cut off her lamp. Suddenly he backed away leaving Delilah wide eyed and breathing heavily. After her heart calmed she rested her chin on her knees and rocked back and forth, trying hard not to think. She didn’t dare cut the light back on, too scared to see what was in her room. She rocked back and forth for a long time, until her eyes burned and she found herself dosing off.
Chapter five
“Dill, wake up…your alarm is getting on my nerves” Josh said as he shook Delilah. She opened her eyes, to show him she heard him. He clicked her alarm clock off and left the room without a word. They usually didn’t talk to each other in the mornings; they both hated getting up early and talking or any noise for that matter when they just got out of bed. Her mom use to call her and Josh grumpy old bears in the mornings. It usually wore off of Delilah by the time she got to school. She stretched, noticing that she was on her stomach. That’s when she remembered what happened. She lurched out of bed and looked around. She noticed it was too bright in her room; she glanced to her left and saw that her lamp was still on. Not that it calmed her any. She sat there for a minute as exhaustion washed over her. She didn’t want to go to school today and she definitely didn’t want to see Pepper. She felt fear wash over her as soon as she thought of him. She pulled the covers off of herself, ignoring the coldness she felt and patted barefoot down the hallway, to stop at Josh’s door. She knocked, making her presence known like she always did. “What?” she heard him mumble grumpily. She cracked the door and she could see he was huddled under the covers with two pillows over his head. “I’m not going to school today” she informed, not meaning to use her fake sick voice. It took him around twenty seconds to respond. “Kay” he managed to mumble from under his pillows. She closed the door and made her way to her room. Before
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