» Fiction » The Covenant, B.N. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Covenant, B.N. [epub ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author B.N.

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“Its ok” she mumbled, looking out the window. He paused, thinking. “I thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend” he accused. Delilah looked over at him then grinned devilishly. She wondered if she should tease him and say that she lived with her boyfriend but her smile faded and she felt too tired to tease. “I don’t, I live with my older brother. Turn left on Iverson” she said as she directed him to her house. He obeyed. “How old is he?” he asked. “Keep straight, he’s twenty one” she answered. “And your sixteen?” he asked. Delilah looked out the window. “No, I’m seventeen” she answered. “How old are you?” she asked, still staring out the window. “Seventeen” he said sounding bored with her question. “Left” she ordered as they came to another stop sign. “So, it’s just you two that live at your house?” he asked. Delilah could see what he was getting at. “Yes” she answered, her voice guarded. He looked over at her, waiting. “What?” she asked. “Which house?” he asked a smile about to show. Delilah flushed. “Third one on the left” she muttered.
She got out and, as she expected, he followed. She went to the side door, which was the one she used the most. Delilah could feel Pepper’s eyes on her back as she tried to unlock the door. It was deathly cold and she wanted nothing more than to lie down in her warm bed. She heard Pepper draw nearer. She turned to face him. She sucked in a chilling breath. He had come very close to her; the only thing that separated them was a tiny inch of cold air. He stared down at her, his dark gray eyes piercing, causing her heart to beat wildly. She backed away, against the door. He smiled wickedly, stepping closer as he did so. “Thanks for the ride” she whispered, her hand feeling for the door knob. Again there was only a slither of cold air between them as Delilah’s hand fumbled for the door knob. “You’re welcome” he said, his cocky voice lowered. She sighed when her fingertips came in contact with the knob. He leaned in, his eyes locking with hers, refusing to let her get distracted. She turned the door knob and took a step back, into the house. Pepper grinned. “Goodnight” Delilah breathed, trying to calm her thrumming heart. “Not going to invite me in?” he asked, his smile widening. She shook her head. “My brother would kill you” she said a smile forming at the idea of Josh clabbering Pepper. “I think I would survive” he said, stepping closer. Delilah pulled the keys out of the door knob. “Goodnight, Pepper James” Delilah said, her smile wavering. As she started to close the door, he stopped her. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked. “What?” she frowned, wondering what she had forgotten.
He locked eyes with her again, leaning in ever so slowly. Her pulse raced as she stared into his dark eyes. Then, as their lips were about to brush Delilah leaned away. “No one can always have what they want” she whispered. He smiled wickedly at her and started to walk away. “Good thing I’m not just anyone” he said over his shoulder. She leaned in the door jamb and watched him leave. She brushed her fingers over her lips, where just a second ago he had almost kissed. “That’s for sure” she murmured, then she turned to go in the house.
Chancellor, Florida
Gabriel stirred in his sleep. He was dreaming of her again. He knew that there was a chance that he wasn’t sleeping, that he had unintentionally summoned himself to her. He couldn’t seem to control himself anymore, ever since he left them. He shook his head attempting to shake away the bad thoughts. He stared down at the sleeping girl. She rolled from her side onto her back, restless. She looked so fragile to him. He sat on the edge of her bed, watching. He knew he was the reason that she was antsy, but he also knew his presence wouldn’t cause so strong of an effect. Someone else had to be convening in her sleep. He looked around the girl’s small bedroom. He saw nothing. Just then she sighed and turned on her other side. Her hair was splayed out across her pillow, resembling spilled ink. That’s when he noticed it. He hadn’t taken notice to it before but now he felt it. He leaned closer towards the sleeping girl, her dark brows pulled together as if she could sense him. She smelt faintly of vanilla and lavender and something else. Gabriel’s eyes widened. She couldn’t be pure, not after all this time he had been searching. How could he have found her so easily? Suddenly he heard a door close from somewhere in the girl’s house. She stirred, then to his surprise, sat up, blinking rapidly and rubbing her eyes. He could have swore that she was looking at him but it was dark in her room and the only light was the light coming from the cracks under her door. She froze then suddenly reached out to turn on her lamp. He wished himself away, returning to his bed in Florida. He had finally found her and now that he had, he had to go to her. He sat up in bed turning on his lamp. Suddenly it became clear, why she was so restless, why he had felt another presence. They had already found her, probably before he had. It didn’t matter, what mattered was that he get to her before it was too late. Her life depended on it.
“Dilly, wake up, I’m home!” Josh called from down the hall. Delilah knew she had wakened before he had even came in the house. She didn’t remember her dream that well but she was sure she had had one. She forced herself to remember but suddenly her whole recollection of the dream disappeared. She frowned as she got out of bed. She was undoubtedly tired, especially from talking on the phone with Tess. Tess had seemed too interested in what had happened and wanted every little detail. She told Delilah that she knew that her and Pepper had kissed. When Delilah said they hadn’t she seemed disappointed and suddenly got bored with the conversation until Delilah told her what happened with her and Vince. She apologized and said she had to go so she could give Vince a piece of her mind. Delilah opened her bedroom door and went to her brother. “I told Robbie and Chase you said hi and you know what those bastards said?” Josh asked his voice slurred, he was leaning against the wall at the top of the hallway. “What?” Delilah said as she hooked her arm around his torso and led him to his room, which was at the end of the hall across from the bathroom. “They asked when you were turning eighteen and we got into a fight and the son’s a’ bitches kicked us out! Can you believe that… but then they said sorry and took me to a different bar and bought me some drinks, I love those guys” he informed, his voice muffled because he was talking into Delilah’s hair. She could smell the alcohol radiating off of him. He was pretty heavy and Delilah’s tiny frame struggled to keep him up. “I’m sure you do” she said, her voice strained from his weight. Finally she got him to his room and dumped him on his bed. She went to the bathroom to get the trash bin and a poured him a glass of water. She laid the bin near his face which was hanging off the edge of his bed. She put the glass down on his night stand to go get him some Tylenol. When she returned he was asleep, she laid the bottle next to his water and she walked out of his room without another word.
She had grown use to him coming in late and didn’t really mind it. He was twenty one after all; he was a good brother and deserved to have fun. Not all twenty one year olds have to look after their baby sister so he should be able to go out when ever he wants, she thought to herself as she went to the kitchen and poured herself some orange juice. The tanginess made her jaw lock up. She finished her juice, placing the glass in the sink, and then went to the living room. She turned on the TV and curled up on the couch, covering herself with the fleece blanket that was on the back of the couch. She stared at the TV not really noticing what she was watching. After a while she finally dozed off, hoping she would stay asleep.
Chapter four
It was Monday, Delilah had to work today. She worked at the local candle shop on Main Street stocking shelves and working at the cash register. It didn’t pay much but it put gas in her car and allowed her to buy house necessities, which Josh always failed to do. She had finally gotten some sleep over the weekend and felt a little better. Josh seemed worried when she had slept the whole Saturday away but she told him she was just tired. He seemed suspicious but didn’t say anything else about it. “…I cant believe that he actually tried to lie about, I mean come on, if your guilty then just admit it instead of making yourself look like a jackass” Tess was saying as they made their way to Mr. Gale’s classroom. Delilah was sure Tess was still talking about Vince and had started tuning her out since lunch. Delilah sometimes had to tune Tess out if she wanted to keep her sanity. The girl’s walked in and took their assigned seats. Pepper walked in just as the bell rang, as he usually did. He took his seat beside her, instantly slouching in his chair. “How was the rest of your weekend?” he asked, not looking at her. She shrugged then wondered if he had even saw the gesture. “Hmm, sounds boring” he said, tilting his head to see her reaction to his rudeness. She eyed him and decided not to respond, knowing he would like to see her get agitated. “What are you doing tonight?” he asked suddenly. She tightened her ponytail. “It’s Monday” she stated. “I know and that doesn’t answer my question” he said, staring at her. “I’m working” she answered. He paused, thinking. “Where do you work?” his question sounded more like a demand. Delilah began to copy notes as Mr. Gale walked in. “Why do you want to know?” she asked after writing a couple lines. He shrugged. “Just curious” he answered nonchalantly. She didn’t trust the innocent tone in his voice. She could think of a million things that Pepper could do to get her fired if he found out where she worked. “I’m sure you are” she said as she began copying again. Pepper didn’t respond, he seemed to have more important things on his mind. They didn’t talk for the rest of the class.
On her way to her car Tess stopped her. “Do you think you could come over later?” she asked. Delilah pursed her lips. “If I get off of work early, but probably not, Mr. Pent has been extra grumpy lately and he’ll probably make me stay late” she explained. “What time does it close?” she asked. “Eight thirty, but he always makes us stay at least an hour later to restock the shelves and write what needs to be shipped in” Delilah answered as she unlocked her car. “What the hell kind of candle shop is he running?” Tess asked. Delilah laughed. “A popular one” she answered, getting in her car. In fact it was the most
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