» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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“I’ll take you somewhere.” I crinkled my brow, but I wouldn’t look at him. He was the only one I could be me around, the only one I could cry around and feel safe. He and I had been through so much and it was a miracle we’d made it this far; well, that and a little thing called mate for life. We couldn’t leave each other, and I would milk that until the cows came home.

“Take me where?”

“To the place that Vixie and her little pal have been trying to get you to go.” He took my hand and pulled me up, giving it a firm squeeze before leading the way.


                As we walked through the tunnels I noticed something was wrong. It was quiet, way too quiet. I couldn’t hear the snores or the breathing or the late night talking of anyone, magick tickled my nose but it was so faint that, if I wasn’t paying attention, I would’ve missed it. Somebody was masking something, but they weren’t doing it well. He stopped in front of a blank wall and stared at the rock and mud that it was composed of.

“Peanut butter pickles.” He said, leaning in closer. I scrunched my lips and thought about sliding my hand out of his and casually walking the other way before a portal opened, shimmering baby blue. That was new, my curiosity peaked and I practically ran into it. There were lights, strobe lights, and there was music. But I didn’t see the technology available for any of it to happen. There was a mass of shifters, all dancing and singing and laughing; drinking drinks out of plastic cups from a bar that was nowhere to be found. Vixie ran through the crowd, her powder blue shifter eyes wide and her breathing fast.

“You finally made it dude, I see he had to bring you.” She nodded once at him and stopped before cocking her head. She closed her eyes and swayed lightly before popping them back open.

“Occasionally I have to check the sound spell, make sure none of it gets out.”

“You made this?!” I looked around and marveled at the sight of it. Vixie was half fey, but only half. And she’d been born from a half fey, making all of this that more fucking impossible.

“Well, I’m not in charge of what happens inside of The Cave, I’m just in charge of keeping it a secret and making sure it doesn’t DTP.” Her fangs made it hard for her to talk but she kept at it.

“You told half the shifter population here.” I said incredulously, motioning at all of the people that were dancing and having fun.

“Spreading the love man, spreading the love.” She shrugged before a polar bear cub waded its way to us.

“Loogie, I keep telling you that it’s not OK to just walk around in your bear form.” The bear chuffed and shook its head before walking away, the shifters moving apart from him and making sure that they don’t bump into him.

“Let yourself go, dude. Here you can be you, and nobody would judge.” Vixie said with a knowing smile and walking away.

“She’s right, ya know?” Ander said, taking my hand in his and walking through the rowd. I didn’t argue with him, I just watched him move. The muscles in his back and shoulders moved along his form fitting grey shirt, and his presence demanded attention. Both male and femal looked at him, assessing him as either a friend or foe. His hair, a strange mix of brown and red, was ruffled around his head, but he’d need to cut it soon. Otherwise, he’d be rocking a man bun. That’s when we’d have problems, because I would not be able to say no to a man rocking a man bun. He looked back and smirked at me.

“Guess, I’ll just have to grow it longer then.” He stopped and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body and swaying back and forth; way out of beat, but I didn’t mind.

“It’s rude to snoop through my mind sir.” I swayed my hips in time with his and put my head on his chest, wnting to really dance. I needed to shake the kinks out of my body and be free of everything.

“It makes it easier to see what you’re actually thinking in there. You keep everything so titghtly bottled, I’m not sure about anything when it comes to you.” I looked up at him then, peering into those blue eyes that had clahsed with mine so many times.

“It adds mystery to me, don’t you think.”

“I’ve had enough mystery in my life, LunaRosa, I don’t need anymore.” His voice had dropped, but his face was so close mine. I could count his stupid eyelashes that were always way more full than mine could ever be even with makeup.

“You couldn’t tell what she was thinking.” I whispered, knowing that would break this moment. He smirked and shook his head.

“Humans are easy, they display their emotions so easily; but you. You, LunaRosa, are something so very different.”

“I thought you didn’t like different.” His lips were pouty and large and I wanted nothing more than to taste them and him.

“Do it.” He whispered mentally, his lips inching ever closer. We hadn’t kissed since the night I had trained and they stepped over the boundaries, the night that him dying was real and it hit me harder than anything. That was a kiss of pain and relief, one of need and reassurance. This one wouldn’t be like that. No, she knew what she wanted and she would take it.

“Lord, almighty, the inner monologue is like watching a bad Sex and the City episode.” He groaned before swooping down and kissing me softly, his tongue intruding my mouth and massaging my tongue with his and making me moan into him.

“Hey now, no fornicating on the dance floor.” Leo said loudly, bumping into us and separating me from him. A vicious snarl tore through Ander’s mouth and iit made me quiver, just a little bit.

“Don’t fucking touch her again.” He growled, his muscles tense and ready for a fight that he probably wouldn’t win.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, puppy.” Leo chuckled darkly, drinking liquid out of his cup before winking at me.

“We’re gonna dance soon, so I suggest you get your head in the game.” I could hear Ander’s breathing grow more erratic the more Leo talked to me and stared at me.

“Back off Leo.” I growled through the mental link, knowing that he wouldn’t but hoping to have done something.

“You might want to put a leash on your puppy, Luna. I’d hate for him to piss himself.” Ander lunged and I stepped in front of Leo, my eyes a blazing red and anger polluting the once happy dance floor.

“Enough, go play with your mate since you’ve nothing better to do.” His eyes flashed red once at being dismissed so publically and so quickly. He turned around and disappeared into the crowd, muttering curses under his breath. I turned around quickly, taking Ander’s rigid face into my hands. His eyes were a bright amber, but they kept flicking from wolf amber to mysterious green. Green was never good in his case.

“Ander, please. Calm down, just breathe and forget about him.” I pressed my forehead to his head and let myself listen in. It was warbled in there, a chaotic turmoil of good and bad thoughts. All I could hear and see was his wolf practically howling for the death of the male that had dared to touch his female and had the audacity to disrespect him. I searhed for Ander, pressing myself against his body to find him but I couldn’t… which only really meant one thing. Him and his wolf were on the same page, which was eight times more lethal than if it was just his wolf. I looked in his eyes and saw complete calm mixed with fire and rage.

“Vixie!” I yelled through the pack link, knowing she’d be the only person to hear me.

“What’s wrong, Luna?”

“Read me, play the song.” Was all I said before pulling my wolf and preparing myself for whatever was about to follow.


Chapter 23


As the song played I reached out and connected with his wolf, feeling them both so closely, and tugged his attention from kill to me. Where Have You Been sounded all around us and I moved my body in time with the music. My hand trailed down my body before raising above my head while my hips slowly turned before the tempo raised. I turned and put his hands on my waist, goading him to dance with me. My butt was pressed firmly against his malehood and I started to move. I knew he would move with me, it was instinct and we’d been doing it since we were eight.  His breathing was hard in my ear but I focsused on moving, and keeping us both in line. By the time the intense beat came on, he was starting to come back to me. I could tell from the little grips and tugs he would inflict on my waist. After the song had ended we stood in that position. He wasn’t completely there, but his grip on reality was starting to come back. I felt his claws rip through my shirt and press gently on my skin. It wasn’t a threat, it was a claim. He wouldn’t officially claim me until he knew I was ready, this would only be temporary. A mark that would follow with his scent temporarily clinging to my skin so anyone would know I was his. A mate bond that would only last until I showered it off. I nodded and held onto his arms as his claws pentetrated the skiin that was there before he retracted them. There would be no blood, there was only blood if I wasn’t willing or it had been forced upon me. I felt warm, and then hot. So very very hot that I couldn’t stand the feel of my clothes on my skin, and the air around me did nothing to help. It was too energized, it was all too much. My skin had grown ten times more sensitive and I could feel everything. The way that life moved around me was so hypnotic that, I’m pretty sure, I swooned deeper into Ander.

“We’ll have to mate soon, it’s getting harder and harder to control my wolf when males touch you.” He whispered in my ear, rubbing the puncture holes he’d made on me. I nodded but wasn’t able to talk, I was still trying to fix all of my emotions that ran through my mind. My wolf reached out to his and he hissed in my ear.

“We’re leaving.” I nodded but I didn’t move, my legs weren’t capable of holding myself up. He lifted me slightly and walked out until we were in the hall, and put me down. The air was cooler out here, it wasn’t charged with any sort of energy. It still was too much. I needed to be covered with something, him.

“Luna, stop thinking dangerous thoughts.” He growled, lifting me up again and storming to the training room.

“It’s… it’s

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