» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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pressed in further to me, my nails dug into his skin as pain tore through me. He kept moving, and soon the pain turned into pleasure. I moaned and tightened my legs around his waist. He growled and closed his eyes, trying to hide his wolf from me. I bought mine to the surface and made him look at me.

“I’m with you.” I moaned, not able to keep my eyes open. His thrusts got faster and harder until he slammed into me. My moans got louder and my movements grew to be more spastic. I watched as his fngs grew and knew what was abuot to happen, he could feel it and so could I. I nodded before the pleasure that was gathering crashed into me and I yelled his name, right before his teeth sank into my neck and burning filled me.


                I was blinded by the pleasure and held on to him, barely stopping my claws from digging into his skin. My fangs came down and I bit his shoulder hard until the taste of his sweet warm blood hit my tongue. It was thick and absolutely delicious. He howled as he emptied his seed into me and squeezed my sides hard. I kissed his wound, my mark, and licked them so that they would heal. He slumped over me, careful not to put too much of his weight on me but still relaxed. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked out the haze of arousal. He kissed my cheek before sliding out of me and laying down next to me. We stared up at the ceiling, I looked at hm before pouring magick out of me and around us. Sudenly we were outside, or the illusion was that we were outside. The sky was full of stars and were in the middle of a dense forest, the smell tickling my nose and making me feel at home.

“I love you.” He whispered, holding my hand tightly. I rolled over and snuggled against him, wrapping my leg around his and resting my head on his shoulder. I didn’t want to look at my mark yet, I just wanted to revel in this moment.

“I love you too.” I said softly, enjoying his scent and everything that I had created. Slowly I fell asleep, holding him and the little piece of ecstasy I’d just enjoyed.



                I woke up in a bed and clothed, but I was still next to Ander. His arm caged me next to his body and his scent surrounded me and made my wolf pur.

“This is nice, I’ve never had this.” She whispered to me, Ander grunted and kissed the back of my neck before pulling me closer and dozing off again. I closed my eyes and willed myself to enjoy a little bit more before getting up. There was still training to do, and I didn’t have the luxury of choosing to just not do it. With more strength than I wanted to use so early in the morning, I pulled myself from his hold and sat on my knees. His eyes popped open and I couldn’t help bubt smile. Anger was clear in them, but so was the fog of sleep and haze of confusion.

“What are you doing?” His voice was rich with sleep and so deep I felt like laying back down and sleeping.

“Training.” I crawled over him and stood up, stretching my bones and feeling how good my skin felt. I quickly put on my sports bra and an under armor tank top on before pulling on workout capris. I pulled my hair into a ponytail before turning to Ander. He stood, his height almost domineering, and stalked towards me. I didn’t back up this time, I watched him come closer with willing anticipation and excitement for whatever was about to happen. His hand lifted and traced the mark on my shoulder, causing waves of pleauser to roll down my body; I shivered and he smirked.

“I like seeing my mark on you.” He kissed me briefly before turning and going to his own room. Shaking off the stirrings in my abdomen I walked quickly so I wouldn’t be late for training.



                They all looked at me as I entered the training field, knowing smiles on the females except for Zena. She only cocked her head and crinkled her brow. Leo’s eyes tracked me as I walked closer to the circle of Victor’s.

“So you finally got on with the nitty gritty.” Filly said with a soft smile, her arms folded over her chest and her hip cocked. I rolled my eyes and stretched out the kinks in my shoulder. Eva gasped softly and grabbed my arm. All of the other girls gasped as they saw what she saw and made soft cooing noises.

“Have you seen it yet?” Urse asked, her eyes shiny with what looked like tears. I resisted the urge to puke in my mouth.

“There aren’t exactly a surplus of mirrors down here.” I said dryly, trying to shke their hands off but with no such luck.

“Let me show you.” She whispered, displaying the image into my mind much like Ander had last night. It was pale blue and spiraled around a skin colored wolf paw. Around the paw, words seemed to shimmer.

“The perfect world is a world with two.” I stared at it, mesmerized before Leo cleared his throat loudly.

“Can we get on with the training?” His voice was terse and his eyes were hard. I swallowed a growl and shook off the hands. He picked up Zena and she cleared her throat before letting out a curdling scream that Eva amplified. I crossed my arms and glared at the back of Leo’s head, wondering what had him in such a funk.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He growled through the link and I backed off, not wanting to get on his bad side. I’d taken a bad beating from his mate, I didn’t want a repeat. Steeling my tongue I shook my head of the funk, and awaited as they all came down. This time they were ready, we had told them that the real stuff was going to be training in animal form, and they were excited to show their strength and strut their forms. My eyes would be looking out for a certain Omega that had the power of two and had managed to pin me even with my alpha out. An inkling of awareness spread throughout my body, a soft “look at me”. I followed it and saw Susie glaring at me.

“Keep your eyes off of her and there won’t be any problems.” A mental push followed the threatening statement. My wolf snarled and wanted to rip her face off, but I was intrigued. She was something amazing, and I was gonna figure out what it was even if it killed me. The wolves all lined up and one by one began shifting. I smirked befre walking to them, I rolled my shoulders before shifting into my wolf. A mental sigh rolled throughout me and I shook my fur out. It’d been a while since I’d been in my fur and I loved it. My nose picked up the scent of lilies and I looked to the opening and saw the Masters standing there. Mason wore a muscle tee and basketball shorts, Marcella wore a muscle tee but with compression pants. A few growls hit the air and I shifted back quickly, applying magick to myself to clothe me after shifting.

“They’re friends.”

“First you bring the human, now you’re bringing a bunch of fucking vamps and expect us to just go along with whatever the hell you say?” Lily snarled, moving from the group of cats. Fillly watched her with wide eyes before looking at me and raising a brow. Helpless ass, my wolf growled.

“I expect you all to trust me and stay in line.” My tone was strong and filed with command but it seemed to slide off of her.

“Yeah, your alpha type bullshit don’t work on me, honey.” She crossed her arms and glared at the Masters.

“So, what are you? They’re little whipping girl. They tell you to jump, you say how high? Is this ‘war’ even a real thing, or did they want you to move us so they could pick us off easier.”

“You need to watch your tongue, girl.” Cella whispered deadly, I could smell her anger rising and knew that it wouldn’t be good. As long as Mason stayed calm and kept his head, this might not be that messy for any of the parties involved.

“And you need to keep it to yourself bitch, this is our domain. We outnumber you so greatly, it’s almost a joke. Stay in your place I’ll stay in mine.” Aaaaand there went Mason’s cool.

“Shut up.” I whispered harshly, barely stopping myself from plastering my hand over her mouth.


“No, literally dude. Shut up. I want a nice calm day of training. I can’t get that with you blabbering off.”

“You’re defending them?”

“Oh my sweet lord, what is it with you guys thinking that I’m choosing one side over the other??! Like seriously, calm the fuck DOWN!” My rage slipped a little and my eyes turned red, Lily stepped back and I groaned at the sound of a nasty snarl.

“Look at what you’ve done now.” My voice wasn’t my own, it was thick and gravelly and scared me.

“Lilia, you need to calm down.” Leo said, his eyes wide and an aged cognac as he watched me. I laughed a thick hearty laugh.

“Don’t you guys get it!? Or have I just been sidling alongside you for ten years while your heads were all up your asses? My rage is my own, MY own! My rage is what shakes down mountains and makes devils cry. My rage is what has carried me all my life and you asshat’s can’t seem to comprehend that. You poke and you poke, you look at my life and think that I’m overreacting-“

“Luna.” My mother said softly, Ander growled at her but my rage had blinded me so completely that I didn’t care. I’d held it in for so long; too long.

“No, mother. I have tried for so long to help you all, I have held my tongue and fought for all of you. I have lost so much and the people around me has lost so much more. Yet, all you seem concerned about are my BAD choices. So can you all for once, just back the fuck off and trust me on this one!” Fire licked off of my skin and I had lifted off the ground a little, the ground around me shaking slightly and air whipping all around my face. Ander was crouched down, growling at the Victor’s as they stood in front of the shifters prepared to protect them. I ballled my fists up and relaxed my shoulders by rolling them. I settled down and closed my eyes, I wouldn’t let my rage consume me. They didn’t need to fear me, I’d just gotten sick of their constant questioning of my judgement.

“That was way out of line, Luna.” Tabby said calmly, her nose stuck in the air like she was so much better than me.

“You look like your mother.”

“You cow!” She snarled, getting ready to come fight me. I geared my body up and realized tthat I wanted this. My bones were aching for a good, fair fight. I wouldn’t win against an Olden, and my wolf wouldn’t let me willingly fight an omega and potentially hurt them. But I could fight a Victor, I could fuck a Victor up; I wanted nothing more than that. Leo put his hand out in front of her and eyed me carefully, I smirked and let him look his fill. Ander snarled and stalked side to side in front of me. I knew my eyes were still red, but now I had some control over it.

“Don’t. Fight me, instead.” Ander barked the loudest thing I’d eer heard

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