» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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the mate bond. It’s messing with us.” I didn’t trust myself to speak anymore, so I talked to him through the mental link. I groaned and took off my shirt, my eyes widening as I felt how damp it was. I was sweating, I never sweat. Our bodies were built self efficient, we didn’t need to sweat.

“Maybe you’re having a bad reaction to it.” He said, his eyes devouring every piece of skin that was shown to him. I hadn’t worn a sports bra, I’d worn an actual bonafide bra complete with lace and a color that wasn’t black or beige.

“I think it’s a good reaction, and that’s absolutely terrifying.” I wiped the sweat off of me and put my hair in a pony tail. I stood only in my boyshorts and bra, but there was still heat. With a growl I focused on my body and tried to read what it was telling me. I was hot and I was throbbing, I got that, but from where. I looked down and cocked my head and then blushed deeply.

“I can smell it on you.” He slowly walked forward as his eyes raked my whole body. I backed up slowly, my hands braced in front of me and my body slouched. In hindsight, that wasn’t a good idea. My breasts spilled over slightly and were more presentable. His eyes blazed amber as he watched me inch back, unease settled in my stomach. In his eyes, I was perilously close to running. I wasn’t stupid, I wasn’t going to just outright run away from a horny, aggravated wolf;  that would mean being caught and all sorts of bad things happening after that.

“Ander, think about this before you pounce.” I pleaded, trying my best to keep my voice strong and clear of weakness or fear.

“We’ve been thinking about it for awhile, now, love.” His voice was gruff, but he was still there. I couldn’t fight the both of them off, but I could try and focus on one. I let my wolf out fully and stopped backing up, I stood up straight and dug my feet in the Earth. He still walked forward and didn’t stop until I was pressed into his front and I could feel all of him on me.

“Do it.” Wait, what? His head cocked to the side and lust shone bright in those amber globes.

“Mark me as yours, and take me.” My voice was lust filled and needy, I crinkled my brow and fought against my wolf. It didn’t do any good, it just made me see the truth. We both wanted this, our body had been starved from his touch, if this didn’t happen we would be stuck in a loop. It wasn’t my wolf controlling my words, it was both of us. The playing field was levelled and we both wanted it. Ander could see it, and before I had a chance to respond he’d smashed his lips on mine and glee filled every part of my body.




                I lifted myself up and wrapped my legs around his wait, kissing him back with just as much fervor as he was to me. His hands went to my butt and he squeezed them while pulling me closer to him. I was only scantily clad in a pair of thin boyshorts and a bra, all of his clothes were on. Not for long, my wolf whispered as my claws grew. I shredded his shirt off and allowed my hands to feel all of his muscley goodness. His body was so warm, and so firm. I licked his skin and tasted the sweet caramel that I knew he’d always taste like. I inhaled him and he let me, I took my time tasting his skin and inhaling his deep sweet and smoky scent that made my wolf howl into the night for him. He kissed and licked my neck, readying the area he would bite and where his mark would rest. I moaned at the idea of it, my excitement making my panties moist and sending a waft of it up to his nose. He nipped my neck before pulling his pants down, and then we were equal. He wore boxer briefs, and the bulge in them was enough to send another wave of liquid to my pussy. He sat down, carefully cradling me in his arms and I adjusted myself so that I was sitting directly on top of his erection. He grunted, but those eyes kept watching me. He waited for me to make my move before he took over. Sharpening my claws I carefully ran them down his torso and watched as the muscles there danced under my touh. Slowly and carefully I ripped the elastic of his briefs and tore them off, watching wonder as his erection popped up. He was so ready, it almost looked painful. It stood straight up, making me wonder how much blood it took to do that, and the eins that lined it throbbed with each heartbeat that I didn’t do anything with it. We’d gotten far in our makeout sessions, but never this far. I’d felt the outline of this monster, but never felt or saw it in its actuality.

                I slowly grabbed it, unsure of how exactly how to do what I had in mind. I looked at him and saw that his face was hard but his eyes were encouraging. It was killing him not to touch me or react in ay way, he was giving me this small little piece of control. I leaned down and took him into my mouth, careful not to touch it with my fangs. I heard his intake of breath and knew that I would do this right. I sucked further, taking him deeper into my mouth. I wasn’t an idiot though, he was way too big for me to take all of him. I could feel how good it was for him through the link, and wanted him to feel as much pleasure as I could give him. I took him in until it hit the back of my throat, but quickly backed off and took a deep breath. He looked at me with wide eyes, pleasure clear in them. Without being goaded I sucked him back into my mouth, tasting his sweet skin and enjoying the feel of him in my mouth. I twirled my tongue on the underside of his cock and felt the pleasure spike up through the link. My eyes shot up to his and watched how his arms flexed in time with his jaw. Slowly I stopped and sat up, and stroked the length of him. It was almost hard to get my hand completely around but I managed.

“Take me.” He moved quickly, his lips tasting mine and his tongue exploring my mouth all while his hand grabbed and squeezed my breast. I moaned into him and wrapped my legs around his waist again, feeling his hardness pressing through the flimsy material of my underwear caused a gasp from me. He stopped and looked down at me, his eyes switching from amber to blue.

“Are you OK, we don’t have to do this.” I groaned at his sensibility and nipped at his neck, bucking my hips and watching his eyes bleed back to amber.

“This needs to happen, and today.” I all but gorlwed at him, wrapping my legs around his waist and locking him close to me. He wouldn’t escape this time, we’d waited too long already.

“God, I love you.” He whispered, kissing me before I felt his claw rip off my underwear. Air hit me and I groaned, wanting warmth and pleasure. I rubbed against him, bare now, and growled as his member was covered with his underwear.

“Patience.” He said against my lips and I nipped them, we’d been patient long enough. We needed to carry this out. I was close to demanding that he fuck me before his fingers penetrated me. I gasped and arched my back, bucking into his fingers and moaning out loud.

“You’re so tight, flower.” He snarled, pressing light kisses on my cheeks while fingering me. It wasn’t what I wanted and was barely doing what I really wanted but it did something. He only had one finger in me, but the wonders he managed to be working with it was astronomical. I bit on his ear and mewled softly, moving myself against his hand. I was growing impatient and he could sense it, his body tensed up and I felt his dick twitch.

“Please Ander.” I whispered, making him look at me. His hand stilled and his eyes perused my face, looking for any trace of a lie. I opened myself to him completely, letting own any wall that I had in place and making sure he knew it. I tore my eyes from his and bared my neck to him, leaving my arms to the side. I was submitting fully to him and I could hear his wolf howl with appreciation and love, so much so that it filled me and I closed my eyes at the sensation of it. I heard his underwear being ripped off, but I wouldn’t move until he told me to, he gave me what I needed so I’d give him what he’d need. He kissed and sucked on my neck, licking at places I never knew would be sexual. A part of me wondered how he knew all of it before he was pressed up against me and snarling. I wasn’t to think about that, not when we were about to further our relationship. He was directly linked to me in a way we had never been in before, a way that was too intimate to think about anything else that had happened before now. His dick was pressed right against my opening but he wasn’t moving.

“Look at me.” He whispered through the link, it was small but was still powerful. I looked at him and saw those beautiful blue eyes that seemed so much more all the time. He was himself, he wasn’t his wolf. This was him showing me that he was in control of this, it wasn’t his wolf. He pulled me to the surface and I looked at him.

“I haven’t been this open since I was a baby.” I said honestly, looking away quickly. His presence demanded I looked at him and he showed me through the mental link all that I meant to him. I saw us younger, my hair in its normal ponytail swaying side to side as I stormed away for one reason or the other. My scent surrounded him and I smelled purely vanilla and cinnamon, with something earthy. I saw myself glaring at him, my green eyes swirling with angers and the specs of brown in them popping. My freckles were especially apparent on my face and my nose was scrunched up. We were holding hands, as a part of a dare from the Master twins, and I hated it. He loved it, but he’d masked it. I saw myself change into a wolf, dark red and large, before running into the forest; a race. Then I saw myself in that moment. I was older than I was in the other memories, my cheekbones were sharper and my face more filled out. My eyes were big and bright, green with specs of brown, and my skin was darker but my freckles were still there. My lips were parted in pleasure and I knew they tasted like chocolate coated strawberries. He bought the memories back and looked at me.

“We’ll only go further if you want to.” His accent was more pronounced and it was an effort to keep his wolf back from the surface. I kissed him then, a real kiss. It was me, all of me, bared to him. I gave him everything, just like it was the first time we kissed.

“I want to.” I whispered against his lips and hugged him. He sighed before he

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