» Fiction » You're Not the Only One With Secrets - "YNTOOWS", Lucia Roberts [top 10 inspirational books .TXT] 📗

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pissed off wolf he was, a couple feet from Him and almost over me. Vishnu was going to pounce on Him if He didn't stop yelling at me. I signaled him 'no' but forgot that he couldn't see me.

I got up quietly trying to not let Him know where I was, and how I was moving. I went to Vishnu and snapped a twig beneath his foot to let him know it was me and then climbed on his back. He shook me off as I was halfway on him. I looked at him in shock. He never does this. I don't understand. He's mine; my chosen Companion. He does what is best for me; which does NOT include getting vengeance on my Watched for doing nothing to hurt me. It's Vishnu's own fault anyways. I grabbed his fur and climbed on again. He looked in my direction and I whispered "Don't. We're leaving." Vishnu shook me off again and pushed me towards Him. "What am I supposed to do?" I hissed at Vishnu. His eyes were glued to us. He couldn't have heard me; I'm too far aw... oh shit. I was visible when I touched Vishnu. My back still to Him I rubbed a hand over my eyes which were now squeezed shut with anger and disappointment. My one time to finally see what he does when I'm not around and maybe find out who he really is and what he's hiding and it gets ruined. I glare at Vishnu for a moment before giving up and walking over to Him; only stopping when I was 2 feet away and crossed my arms. "I don't know." I said.


"I don't know why I was assigned to you. If I knew what you really were it may help. But you're not Fae so don't bother denying that." His eyes were blazing and he shivered. He was holding something back. I knew it. The simple reaction was a sure give-away.

. I don’t know what possessed me to say that. He seemed Fae. But then again, I knew in my gut that something about him was amiss. Maybe, I knew somewhere deep inside that he wasn’t and my mind spoke freely of itself. Either way, I was right. Fae are never assigned to other Fae.

"I am Fae" He said. I crossed my arms. "I'm not having this conversation here; I, damn it, not here." He said. I hopped on Vishnu and we turned towards Eava Valley.

"Come." I said to Him, not bothering to look back to see if he followed. He would. He had to.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into". I heard the yell from behind me as Vishnu and I slid into Eava Valley a half hour later.

"Damn straight I don't!" I yelled as I landed in front of Him and my wings folded behind me. "Why don't you inform me?" He looked me up and down, then glanced at Vishnu.

"No." A purr came from my throat without permission and He smirked. "Annoying isn't it, when you know something is right in front of you and you just, for some reason, can't figure it out?" He mad that watery gesture and then curled his hand into a fist as he said this. I wanted to snarl at Him and relinquish my duty to watch Him as soon as possible; but that wasn't possible. There was a reason. Fate decided for me to oversee Him so I had to. It was a compelling force I couldn't ignore.

"Well you're not Fae so don't even try to hide that anymore."

He had a blank face as he replied "And how would you know that?" He asked sarcastically.

"Does it really matter?" I lashed back.

"No, I suppose it doesn't" He said. He surprised me with His sudden agreement and I hoped I didn't let my stern face falter with the shock that rather consumed me for a moment.

"Fine. Now, since you know so much about Fae, you know there is some reason I'm to watch you so there is no use fighting me."

"I could argue that" He said as He closed the distance between us; which was less than a foot of space. There was hardly room to breathe here. I could almost feel his heart beating; we were that close. Once I took a note of my slightly heavy breathing, I realized that He is almost a good foot taller than me. I assume he was trying to be aggressive; especially after Vishnu took a step closer to me. His eyes were blue; ice blue.

"It would not be advised." I said and for a second I caught a hint of burning redwood. I heard Vishnu start to roar. I looked up at Him, slowly loosening my folded wings.

"See you around Johnny Boy" and flipped my hair in his face as I ran onto kneeling Vishnu's back and He bolted in the opposite direction. I clung to Vishnu and let all the embarrassment and shame and anger bleed from me and I just hope that Vishnu's running and the rustling of Autumn covered the tiny chiming of bells from within the trees that was the tell-tale sign for knowing that somehow, somewhere, a Faerie was crying.

Chapter 8 : More Than Just The Floor Is Ruined

Vishnu slid to a halt in front of the cabin a bit fast for what he normally does, but I didn't care how he was showing his anger. It was un-necessary especially when Vishnu was the one in the wrong. I slid down his back to the ground but kept my fistful of fur so he had to kneel down beside me; face to face. “You and I have problems.” I told him as I dragged him inside with me. I whispered the locking charm after shutting the door and then turned to him. He still stood in the middle of the living room. “Playing gargoyle won’t get you out of anything” I said as I looked at him with my arms crossed. He looked away from the fire now and to me with eyes as cold as ice.

I couldn't sympathize with him because I didn't do anything that would cause me to deserve that look from him. He glared to the floor as one might when trying to find exactly the words to say in an argument.

“Vishnu” I said; tiring of his un-responsive, un-remorsefulness. He strides over to me so our faces are inches apart for about three seconds as he passes me to go into my study and picks up a pencil in his mouth. He steps back in front of me, eyes still cold, and looks at me for a moment.

My arms drop to my sides and I am completely puzzled as to what on earth he is doing. His eyes smirk and then go dead again as he lowers his head to the floor and draws two shapes on the floor. Even upside-down I can read them. 'No'. I look back and forth between Vishnu and the floor. I feel dizzy; light-headed. I whisper “stay” as soon as I unlock the cabin and I run out towards town not even bothering to lock Vishnu inside.

I ran all the way to town and then had to cling to a small maple to catch my breath before walking to the one Fae who might have the answers to my questions. If he didn't have them, well, I don't know what I'll do. I won't know what to think. How the hell will I... Hold on. Malachai will have the answer. He always does. He has to...

Chapter 9 : I Never Knew You

I walked shakily up to Elder Malachai's dojo-like home and whispered an entrance request charm to the house. Elder Malachai appeared to open the door only moments later. Lines appeared on his face and his wings folded behind him in instant worry.

“What is wrong My Child?” he asked softly.

“It's Vishnu” I began. I burst into tears and he put his arms around me. I have always been close with Elder Malachai, so I guess just being here in the fright that I am allowed me to do such a thing as cry in front of him. His bathrobe/priest-like ensemble was soft and warm and smelled of spearmint; as he always does.

“Shh. Calm now. The other Fae will worry if they hear you.” I forced myself to stop my shaking and sobbing within a minute or two. “There now, come with me and sit. Tell me of your troubles Amaranth.” I sat down; hands still shaking. I started wringing them nervously.

“It's Vishnu.” I started. “He's been acting funny lately Elder Malachai. He did not stay home today when I told him it was imperative he do so.”

Elder Malachai interrupted saying “But of course, it is only natural that he should feel chained in response to your asking that, when he knows he is to protect you.” I wanted to scream now; of course I'd thought of that already. That wasn't the point.

“Yes, but he then took me upstairs to my mirror and made me watch as he tried to tell me we were exactly the same.” He looked intrigued now.

“How would he have done that?” Malachai asked. “He licked my ear then flicked his, my hand and then his paw, my lips and then his.” Elder's eyebrows rose.

“Oh my” he said, “That is something.” 'Something' is damn sure right.

“He followed me when I told him not to and got me into trouble.”

“What kind of trouble My Child?” I didn't want to tell him, but I had already blurted it out.

“My Chosen One saw me.” It's not against the rules, but now he knows for sure I am in existence, following; watching. “My Chosen is so different from others. I am sure it was best to not have him know I was there. Then Vishnu followed me and so My Chosen knew there was a Faerie watching over him. He got angry so I told Vishnu to leave because I knew he may become violent in response and when I touched him the invisibility charm wore off.” I wanted to cry again just thinking about it. It was so bad.

“You are able to use the Invisibility Charm?” Elder asked in awe. “That is far beyond your years.” He said.

“I know. It takes a lot out of me; but anyways. Then Vishnu growls at him suddenly and I make us go home. When we get there, I am trying to talk to him, to make him understand

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