» Fiction » You're Not the Only One With Secrets - "YNTOOWS", Lucia Roberts [top 10 inspirational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «You're Not the Only One With Secrets - "YNTOOWS", Lucia Roberts [top 10 inspirational books .TXT] 📗». Author Lucia Roberts

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Chapter 1 : Almost Caught

I twirled on my right foot toes behind the thick maple as quickly as I knew how; resting my foot upon the trunk. I could not to risk my moccasined feet making a noise on the carpet of red's gold's and brown's that now layered my forest; risk Him hearing me. That was my second rule: He could not hear me.

My heart was pounding so hard, I could feel each beat in my wrist and I swear if He was close enough, He could hear it too. I held my breath and listened. I heard the sharp snap of the tightly wound string of His bow as He let loose the arrow that just moments ago had been pointed towards me. I can't get that look out of my head. The way fire jumped into those light blue eyes, as being so hot that it froze them and then blasted into splinters of frozen ocean. 'How could you be so stupid?' I asked myself as I concentrated on climbing the tree to watch as He left, but that's the thing, He didn't leave. That was His last arrow. He always left after His last arrow. I knew Him. He always leaves. But this time, He didn't.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I whispered to myself. His eyes scanned the perimeter of the clearing He shoots at every sunset.

Normally I sit amongst the trees securely hidden and wonder why He practices so much. Is He angry? I never knew Him to be an angry person, though I cannot exactly follow Him all the time, that's rule number three. He looked up at my tree just then, slowly. He's getting scary good at that. I don't like it. I wanted to bring out my wings, but I couldn't. He'd hear me and I would never be forgiven. Ever. His eyes finally leave my tree and look behind Him once more before he disappears; again.

There were a few charms that were leaked into the outside world, the world outside my village of Neveera. It is annoying as hell. I never know where He goes after that. That's rule number four: never follow/watch your Chosen after dark unless you fear the worst in their future. And I can't just cheat either. Everyone knows that one of best abilities I have is that of awareness and intuition. I have no excuse. I want to just sit here in this carved out seat of mine and sulk until He comes back. I need to know why He seems so important. Heavy hearted but calmer, I set my mind on scurrying down the tree.

I traipse through the wood, softly calling Vishnu. I hear him coming before I see him. His soft lullaby is what made me absolutely love that he chose me when I was eld enough to receive a Companion. He paws over to me and pushes against my side till I look at him. When I do, I take in yet again, how majestic he is. I'm not sure if 'magestic' is the right word; but I'll go with it. He is a tad bigger than a good sized horse, but he's a Fae Wolf and those are rare as they are. He's all black but his chest fur is all white and he has a diamond on his forhead that runs a line down the length of his nose. "I'm fine Vishnu." I tell him. He rolls his eyes at me and bows like an elephant would so that I can climb on his back. I straddle him, and after brushing the small arrow shaped tuft of white fur behind his left ear, I grab a fistful of fur in each hand, then bury my face in his furry neck, trying to ignore the sleepy sensation that comes over me after a long day when I touch Vishnu. Every time he moves, or the breeze rustles his fur music like from the earth's most melodious glass chimes the village of Seeress makes, but blessed by the Goddess Neveer herself. The music is so soft that it envelopes me and I never want to leave his side again. My eyes shut slowly and I drift off until I feel a slight vibration at my neck. Vishnu was growling lowly to wake me. He used to drop me when I did that.. I guess he got used to me sleeping on him and not waking when we stopped. "Sorry Vishnu!" I cooed at him as I bent to the door and whispered the key to the door of our cabin.

I dropped my satchel to the desk, and checking to make sure Vishnu shut the door all the way. I turn back to look at him and jumped. He was right behind me, so I swallowed the scream that had wanted to emerge as I grimaced at the smirk he had on his face. I growled at him. He growled back. I checked the door, and spun my attention back to him; hoping he wouldn't be behind me again. He rolled his eyes at me and huffed down onto our sheep's wool carpet. I followed and lay down in front of him, then curled up close, as he was always warm. I whispered a charm so that the fireplace in front of us leapt to life with the comforting crackling and ever dancing heat waves as I fell asleep.

Chapter 2 : The Spell


My eyes jolted open and I sat up breathing hard, nearly hitting Vishnu's nose. He jumped to the side quickly but then came back over; eyes darting about the room and ears alert. "It was just a dream, I'm sorry for scaring you." I whispered to Vishnu. He slowly came around to my back side, as I let myself fall back to the rug, and curled into a ball. He licked my cheek once and then lay down behind me, one paw resting on my side. I let my eyes take in every detail of the room to replace every detail of the nightmare that I had just awoken from.

I call it a cabin, but really, it's a small stone house rather set apart from the rest of the village of Neveera. The floor to ceiling glass window that takes up the middle portion of the back wall lies north of my position; covered by a thick, brown colored velvet drape. In front of me was the intricately designed stone and concrete fireplace. The mantle holds my music box, a pentagram, candles of every brilliant scent I love, and a few photos. One of him, one of Vishnu, one that was taken of me when I learned my first spell and the last is of my parents before they left; for good. I ignore the pang of anger and move on. All the walls, banisters, and floors are of special pinewood. Behind me is the small table and behind that the wooden framed couch, also a brown color, but made of a soft, velvety suede. I let my eyes move down the column corridor to the door. To the right were my piano, books, and potion vanity. To the left of the door was the kitchen room with yet another fireplace, and a pump that brings in the coolest water in the town. Come back to the door where the stairs are; go up them. The banister supported my honey suckle plant that entwines up the stairwell. In front of you, the bathroom, to the right is a bedroom, and to the left a spare room, just in case. The right bedroom is painted gold, the left one is a deep green. Again, all of the furniture is wood, but these are made of oak, a dark, dark brown hue. The spread in the green room is gold and the gold room is filled with maroon. I mentally walk back down to the main room where I lie on the floor with Vishnu. I feel... Hey! That is a great idea!

I get up quickly, sliding nicely between my carved banisters and start scanning through my books. What ever did I do with it? Ah! There it is! Magick for the Elders. I look through the index looking for a spell. Vishnu pads up and touches his nose to my shoulder. "I just thought of something" I said to him. "It could help me so much!" I start flipping through pages now, frantically looking for the charm. It HAS to be here. "Ah-hah!" I shriek as I find it. An invisibility spell. I read through it. One cannot inflict any other charm whilst using this one. One cannot have his/her wings out either. Touch of any other being will render this charm un-usable until the day is over.

I pull my wings in, and close my eyes. I take in a deep breath and try to clear my mind before reading:

"For once this day,

I ask Neveer

To hide me from whatever may

Be able and allowed to see me.

I ask that invisible I may be:

Gossamer and diaphanous.

No-one can see me,

But I am normal.

Until the day is night,

Or till a touch unfurl this charm,

Hide me in the light.

So mote it be."

I look down, and slowly, like I was being erased, I disappeared into the room. I laughed with ecstatic pleasure even though I could feel my strength drain from me with each strand of color that escaped my body. Vishnu looked confused then slowly leaned forward and nudged me. He sat down as I re-appeared. I first scowled at him yelling "Vishnu!" but then thought better of it. I try not to yell if I can help it. For one thing, it forces my canines to extend and there’s no need for violence. And it's also just a bad habit and makes my senses go wild. It's a Faerie thing. I hate it. It's like everything goes into slow motion, which helps in a fight, but Faeries try to be peaceful, just mischievous. Or, maybe that's just me.

We are protectors not fighters. We lead our Chosen out of trouble, and that is our duty. The rules exist to make our duty easier. Some are brave enough to befriend their Chosen. I could but I fear breaking my first rule: do not let them love you, do not love them. As much as I could hope for someone to love me, Him or not, I will not follow the path that many do. It ever ends in heart-break.

Chapter 3 : One
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