» Fiction » Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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was a lot but better than what I thought it was. “There is a dryer and washer and a kitchen.” He said.
“Okay.” I said and got out my wallet. Michelle stopped me and took out hers and took out the only three hundred she had and handed to the man. He then handed me a key card to the room. We then went to our truck to get our bags. The who greeted us at the door put them on a luggage cart and took them to our room. When we got there I unpacked Caleb’s things and put them in his room. “You can organize your room however you want.” I told him and then he smiled really big and hugged me. I left him to move his room and then took my things to my room. I put all my clothes in my closet and then plugged in my cell phone. I laid on the bed and smelled the clean sheets. I looked at the Lavender wall paper and smiled. This apartment was so nice and it smelled so clean. I got up and took all the shoes and jackets and put them in the closet by the door. Then I took all the conditioner’s and shampoo’s and the other things that went in the bathroom and put them in the bathroom.
“I’m going to run to the store. To get some things I think we might need.” I said to Michelle. She was in her room. “I’m taking all of Caleb’s money and putting it away for next’s month’s rent. I’m going to get some hamburger and mac and cheese and drinks at the store.” I told her. “Do you want to come?”
“Yes.” She said and put away her bags in her closet.
“Caleb were going to the store. Come on.” I screamed from the door. He came running out of his room.
It was going to take a while to get use to where things are in this state. When we got to the store I saw a help wanted sign. I ran inside and asked if I could have a job.
“When can you start?” The manager asked me and I jumped up with happiness.
“Now! I can start now!” I said over joyed. I ran out to the truck. “You will never guess what I just got?” I told Michelle.
“Herpes?” She asked joking around.
“Whats that?” Caleb asked.
“See what you got started.” I told her.
“Its grown up stuff.” She told him.
“I got a job! I’m starting now!” I told her. “I will get groceries when my shift is over. I don’t know when that will be but I will call you. Here is twenty dollars. Go out and get something for you guys to eat.” I told them and handed them the money. I ran back inside.
“You will start by being a Cashier. You get minimum wage and you get off at seven.” The manager told me. It was only eleven o’clock. That means I will get 52.50 just for today. I was so happy. Maybe we will really be okay.
“Okay.” I told her. “One question. Whats your name?” I asked her.
“When your working you can call me Ms. Horn.” She said. She was very nice and most likely in her early twenties.
“Okay. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.” I told her.
“Was that woman in the truck your sister?” She asked me as they drove away.
“No. She’s my best friend.” I said. “The boy in the back is my little brother.” She looked down at my stomach. I was about two months pregnant and starting show. I nodded my head when she looked up at me.
“How many?” She asked.
“Two months.” I told her.
“Don’t life anything heavy, okay? We have Ernie for that.” She said and pointed to the big guy stacking boxes.
“Okay. And thank you again.” I told her and she threw me an apron and then walked away. Lots of people came in. My arms hurt like hell after a few hours. When my shift was over I went to my locker that Ms. Horn assigned me to and put my apron away.
“Do you have any tan pants or black shirts?” She asked me as I shut my locker.
“Yes.” I told her.
“Wear them. Its the dress code. You get paid every two weeks.” She said and went to her office. I called Michelle to come a pick me up.
“Caleb’s sleeping. I will carry him to the truck. I will be there in ten.” She said and then hung up. Once ten minutes passed the Manager came outside and started to get in her car. I was sitting on the bench next to the store.
“Is someone coming to get you?” She asked.
“Yes. They will be here soon.” I told her. Then Michelle turned into the parking lot. She drove up near me. “There she is.” I said.
“Can I see your little brother?” She asked me.
“Sure.” I said and motioned towards the truck. I opened the back door and there sitting in the seat tilted back was sleeping Caleb. He had on his favorite pajamas’. They were red Spiderman ones. He was wearing his red Spiderman slippers too.
“He’s so adorable.” Ms. Horn said. Michelle got out of the truck. She walked up to Ms. Horn and shook her hand.
“You have no idea how much your helping us. Thank you so much!” Michelle said and I smiled. I closed the door so Caleb wouldn’t get cold.
“Do you need a job too?” She asked Michelle. She had a smile from ear to ear.
“I would love one!” She said. But then paused. “I can’t though.” She said with a frown.
“Why not?” I asked her.
“Because then there is no one to watch Caleb.” She said.
“Oh.” I said and looked at him through the truck window. The blackness of the truck blended in with the night. I looked up and saw the full moon. I was filled with its beauty.
“I could give you two different work schedules and plus doesn’t he need to go to school soon?” She asked.
“He still has two more months. That would work perfectly if we had different work schedules.” I told Ms. Horn.
“Okay. So Miley can work for two days and then Michelle can work for two days and then Miley and work for two day and then you both get sunday off. Then it goes on.” She suggested.
“Thats perfect! Thank you so much Ms. Horn!” I told her.
“You can call me Emily.” She said.
“Thank you so much! See you tomorrow.” I told her and then Michelle got in the truck and we drove to our apartment. We got there and I carried Caleb to our room. I walked through the living room then to his room and laid him on his bed. I covered him up and kissed his forehead. I sat down at the foot of his bed. When I look at him I see my mom. Her dirty blonde, her brown eyes, her nose. I miss her but I know this is best. Maybe we can go and see her but not soon. I looked at him. He is so innocent, so sweet. He is what makes me go on.
“We will be okay. I love you.” I whispered in his ear and then kissed his forehead. I put his teddy bear under his arm. He never sleeps without it. He snuggled with it. I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Michelle was reading the news paper.
“Whats wrong?” She asked me. I sighed.
“Is this really whats best for him?” I asked her. I love Caleb so much and I know my Mom’s drinking is getting really bad and she’s not around as much as she should be but he needs a mom.
“No Miley! Don’t do this.” She said to me and got up and sat in front of me. “He needs you as much as you need him. You have been the one parenting him. Together we can do this.” She said and held my hand.
“Michelle, what if we cant do it. Then what happens?” I asked her.
“We have a job that pays almost a hundred dollars a day. We can do this. Once we are 18 we can become Caleb’s guardian but until then no one can know that we “took” him.” She said and I nodded my head. I went to bed. I laid there for at least an hour. I thought to my self. I didn’t know how to be on my own.
When I woke up Michelle was standing over me.
“Wake up sleepy head.” She said with a pan full of bacon. “Its almost time for you to go to work.”
“Oh crap! I forgot to get groceries yesterday!” I said and quickly got up.
“Its okay. I got up early this morning and got them.” She said.
“What would I do without you?” I said. I got up and put on my clothes. I walked into Caleb’s room. He was still sleeping. I shook him lightly.
“Hey. Good morning.” I told him as he took his little hands and rubbed his eyes. I ran my hands through his short dirty blonde hair.
“Is that bacon I smell?” He asked. I chuckled.
“Yes. Michelle made it.” I told him. He jumped up faster than a clown in a jack o box. He ran to the kitchen and was jumping up and down. I followed behind him. He sat at the table and Michelle sat a plate with two pieces of bacon and an egg made to look like a smiley face.
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” I asked her.
“Yup!” She said. I laughed. I sat down and ate and then brushed my hair and was off for work. I kissed Caleb on his cheek.
“I will see you when I get home late tonight.” I told him. I then gave Michelle a hug. “Thank you. I will bring the truck back later. And Caleb I found this really cool park just a little ways away from here. Maybe if your good Michelle will take you.” I said then waved good bye and shut the door. I got in the truck and headed to Quickie Mart. When I got there Ms. Horn was already waiting for me.
“Good morning.” I said to her as I put on my apron. I went to my register and started to check people out. Once it was closing time I went to my truck. I started it up and drove home. I started to get tired. I closed my eyes for one second and I was in the other lane with a truck coming straight at me. I panicked. I swerved to miss him and hit a different car. Everything went black. When I woke up I was laying on the wet ground and there were lights everywhere. I looked up. A man was standing over me.
“Its going to be okay. We on our way to get you to a hospital. Hang on.” He said. Then they counted to three and lifted me onto something then put me in an ambulance. The sirens were so loud. I blacked out again. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and Michelle was squeezing my hand.
“Ouch.” I said with my eyes still part way closed. She lifted her head and jumped up.
“Your okay!” She screamed.
“What happened?” I asked and opened my eyes all the way. I felt my head, it hurt a lot. “Ouch.” I said reacting to the pain.
“You were in
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