» Fiction » Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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it was misty. Fog covered the street light that I stood under. I took a deep breath in and all I could smell was wet wood. I looked around. There was no one around. No cars, no people, no stores. I heard a crashing noise. I jumped.
“Who’s there?” I asked while taking a tight grasp on the street light. No one answered me. Have you ever had the feeling like you were being watched? Thats how I felt but it wasn’t a feeling. I knew I was being watched. I was terrified. I headed another crash. I looked around but nobody was there. A pretty lady, at the corner of a street, alone, during a black night was not my brightest idea. I should have had Jesse take me home. I’m such an idiot. I heard a footstep behind me. I tensed up. The steps stopped. I quickly turned around ready to kick the person in the face but then I saw who it was.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Michelle said. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
“Thank God its you.” I told her then released her from my tight bear hug.
“Miley, are you okay?” She asked me.
“No, but thats okay. Lets go.” I said and ran to the truck. She ran behind me.
“Why are we running?” She asked.
“No reason.” I told her and jumped into the truck. I sighed with relief that I made it alive. She didn’t ask anymore questions. I looked in the back of the truck thinking I would see Caleb but he wasn’t there.
“Where’s Caleb?” I asked her.
“Crap! I knew I was forgetting something!” She said and hit the steering wheel. She started to laugh. “I’m just kidding. Don’t look so serious. He is with Chris. I was walking out with him in my arms and he asked where I was going and I told him then he offered to watch Caleb so I didn’t have to wake him up.”
“Oh.” I said and we left that creepy place. When I got back to the apartment I went to the main desk. “Hello. What room does Chris Oakland live in?” I asked them. They checked the system.
“137.” The man said.
“Thank you.” I told him then went to that room. I found that it was on the same floor as mine. I knocked at the door. Chris opened it. He was in a pair of blue jeans and a sweat shirt. That’s that first time I saw him without his uniform. I smiled at him.
“Come in.” He said. I walked in and Caleb was asleep on his couch.
“Aw. That’s so sweet.” I said.
“He’s a cutie.” He said and smiled at him. I looked into Chris’ eyes. He looked back into mine. I don’t know what came over me. I jumped into his arms. We kissed and kissed and kissed. I don’t weight a lot. He walked backwards into the door then slid over to the kitchen counter. He sat me down and started to unbutton my shirt. Our lips never unlocked. After he got my shirt off and his were off I looked over to the couch and saw Caleb sleeping.
“Stop.” I told him. He immediately stopped and took a step back. He put his hands on his head.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” He said. I grabbed my shirt and buttoned it back up and zipped my pants up.
“Its okay. Its just, Caleb is right there and it wouldn’t be right.” I told him.
“Miley, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way.” He said and slid his shirt over his his rock hard body. I bite my lip at the thought that I missed it.
“No Chris. I was fine. Its just I can’t do it with him right there.” I told him.
“Well, I will carry him to your room.” He said and picked him up. Caleb curled next to his chest. I opened the door and we headed down the hall to my room. Chris but Caleb in his bed. I stayed in the living room to cool off. “Sorry again.” He said as he came out of Caleb’s room.
“Its okay.” I told him with a chuckle.
“Um. Can I take you on a date?” He asked me. I was hesitate because I’m seeing Jesse. I looked into Chris’ beautiful eyes and then I couldn’t say no.
“Yes.” I said.
“Really? Well I’m going to leave before you change your mind. Bye.” He said and quickly ran out of the room. I chuckled. I went to Caleb’s room.
“Hey.” I said as he cracked one eye open. I ran my fingers through his silky hair.
“Hi.” He said with a yawn.
“I have to work in the morning so you need to get up and take a bath now.” I told him.
“Okay.” He said and dozed off again. I slipped off his shirt and pants and carried him to the bathroom. I turned on the water and laid him in the tub. As soon as he felt the warm water he woke up. He laid in it for about five minutes but was too tired to play. I washed him up and then I wrapped a towel around him and laid him on his bed. I walked to my room to get him his slippers because thats were I put them last. When I came back to his room he was out like a light. I dried him off and slip on his blue race car footsie pajama’s and put on his slippers. I covered him up and gave him his teddy and then whispered in his ears,
“We will be okay.” I kissed his forehead and walked out of his room. I shut off the light and went in to my room. I walked around and picked up all my dirty clothes and took the dirty clothes out of the bathroom. I quietly walked into Michelle’s room and picked up the dirty clothes on her floor. I picked up what looked like a pair of boxers. I was confused because I knew she didn’t wear boxers. I dropped them and then looked up. She was in bed with some guy.
“Ah!” I screamed and ran out of the room.
“Ah!” They both screamed and then he rolled off her. I was pacing back and forth in the living room. A minute later she came out with a towel around her.
“What was that?” She asked very irritated.
“What do you mean what was that! I was just getting your laundry because I was going to do a load. I didn’t think I would find boxers! Who is that anyways?” I asked. Then the man came out of the room and hide behind the door.
“Hey you coming back?” He asked. I knew exactly who it was.
“Yeah babe. I will be right there.” She said and smiled.
“Bret! Really!” I screamed. Bret went back into the room.
“Sh.” She said. “Keep your voice down.”
“You gave it to him! Michelle, Michelle.” I said in a disappointed voice. “He is a dirt bag who just wants your pants. Don’t give in. Please.” I told her.
“No! Don’t tell me what to do! You gave it to Jacob who treated you like dirt! Then, you gave it to Jesse! Yeah, I know about it. You came home with that glow and I could tell you came pretty damn close to Chris! Don’t do things like that and tell me who to sleep with!” She screamed. She was right. I was giving it away just like that.
“I know! I’m horrible but see what happens when you give it away without thinking!” I yelled and pointed to my stomach. “He dumped you because you wouldn’t sell out and thats the reason he came back because he knows you love him and that you’ll do anything for him. Don’t let him trick you.” I told her.
“I love him so much.” She said and started to sob.
“I can’t tell you what to do.” I told her and then went to my room. I didn’t want to leave her like that but what choice did I have. She has to learn her consequences just like I had to. I paced back and forth for a while. I couldn’t sleep knowing she was being played like that. I decided to sit down and go to bed. I tossed and turned but still nothing. I was getting annoyed. I finally took a pillow to my face and screamed as loud as I could. I let everything out. From when I was little and couldn’t do things because I had a baby to watch, all the way to now where I can’t have my own life. I screamed and screamed and screamed. The screams then became to tears. I cried myself to sleep.
When I woke up Michelle was getting coffee in the kitchen. We didn’t speak. Caleb walked out of his room rubbing his little eyes with his hands and then yawned.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” I said and then picked him up. “Wow you’re getting big.” I said.
“Morning. Who’s turn is it?” He asked.
“Mine.” I told him. His morning smile went straight to a frown. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“You were suppose to take me to a skate park. Remember?” He asked.
“Can it wait till tomorrow?” I asked him.
“No.” He said in a little sad voice.
“Well maybe Michelle can take you.” I told him and then looked at Michelle for the okay.
“Yeah. I could take you in a bit.” She said.
“Is that okay?” I asked him.
“I miss you.” He said. My heart almost crumbled. I held him closer and hugged him.
“Aw, honey. I miss you too. More than you know.” I told him and hugged him tighter. “Listen, you go to the skate park with Michelle and then we can do something special tomorrow. Okay?” I asked him.
“Okay.” He said in a disappointed voice.
“I love you and I have to go so bye.” I kissed his forehead and then sat him down and grabbed my bag. I looked at my watch. It said I was a half an hour late.
“Shit!” I murmured to myself. I jogged to the elevator. It didn’t open so I took the stairs. After about two flights I was gasping for air. “Boy am I not in shape.” I murmured to myself again. I kept jogging and jogging till I got to the bottom. I ran out and jumped into the truck. I tried to start it up. I stalled. I looked at everything. Oil light wasn’t on. The keys are. Then I looked at the gas gadge. It was on empty. I hit my head on the wheel. “You have to be kidding me!” I screamed. Then I heard a knock on the window. I looked over and it was Jesse. I got out of the truck.
“Everything okay?” He asked me. I rubbed my head.
“Just great. I’m late for work and the truck is on empty.” I told him.
“Do you want a ride?” He asked with that boyish cute smile I love.
“That would be fantastic. Thanks.” I told him and he put his arm around me. We walked to his car. I got in and he drove me to work. When I got there I thanked him. He leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back. He tried to go for more but I stopped him. “Jesse.” I said and caught my breath. I put one hand on his chest and pushed him away. I looked up. He looked confused. “Its
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