» Fiction » Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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a car accident. You swerved to miss a truck but then hit a different one.” She said. Then a doctor came in.
“Miley, you’re awake. Thats a good sign.” He said.
“Why does my head hurt so much?” I asked him.
“Your air bag didn’t deploy and your head hit the dash. Luckily you didn’t have any broken bones. Besides the three stitches you had on your forehead you just have a few bruises and minor scraps. We have one problem.” He said. Michelle stood up.
“What is it?” She asked trying to be quiet because Caleb was asleep in the chair by the bed.
“It says here your only 17. I cant release you under your own supervision and she is only seventeen too.” He said while referring to Michelle.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Twelve thirty.” He said. I laughed.
“What is it Miley?” Michelle asked.
“Its the twentieth.” I told her. Then she laughed.
“Will someone fill me in?” The doctor said.
“Check when her birthday is.” Michelle said to the doctor. He looked at her file and then said, “Aha.”
“I am 18.” I told him.
“Very well then. You are free to go.” He said and then had me sign some forms.
“I have one question. How is the baby?” I asked him.
“What baby?” He asked.
“I’m pregnant.” I told him.
“You are?” He asked.
“Yes. Is the baby okay?” I asked him.
“Let me check.” He said. He laid me down and scanned my stomach. He found its little head. It looks so cute but its not very developed yet. “It has a heart beat and it looks perfectly normal.” He said.
“Thank god.” I said.
Michelle carried Caleb to the truck. She drove.
“You scared me silly.” She told me.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
“I no. Its not your fault.” She said. We were silent for a while.
“What happened to Bret?” I asked her.
“We were at his house. We were in his room watching a movie. I kissed him but he wanted more. He got me on the bed. I stopped him and told him I wasn’t ready. He kept pushing and pushing finally I screamed. I got up and stormed out. I haven’t heard from him since.” She said.
“I’m so sorry.” I told her. She didn’t say anything. The next day it was her work day. I stayed home with Caleb. I was sore from the accident but I didn’t want Caleb to know that. I was watching the news when Caleb ran up to me.
“I want a skateboard!” He said with enthusiasm.
“You can get one for Christmas.” I told him.
“No! I want one now so I can learn how to skate!” He said.
“Okay, okay.” I said. He kept tugging on my pants. I got up and looked at my wallet. It had only four hundred left. We kept using money for gas and groceries. I took a hundred out and took Caleb by the hand. The town we were in was small but it had everything. We walked almost a mile until we stopped and found a sports shop. We walked in and looked around. There were all sorts of skateboards. “Which one do you like?” I asked him.
“This one! This one!” He screamed and pointed to a red one on the wall. A man came up to us.
“This is a special one.” He said and took it off the wall. “If you get this one we can write your name on this part.” He said and pointed to the red part.
“I want it!” Caleb said.
“Calm down.” I told him. “We’ll get it.” I told him.
“Yay!” Screamed Caleb. “Thank you!” He said.
“How much is it to get his name on it?” I asked because I knew nothing was free.
“Since this is your first time, its free.” He said then looked at Caleb. “How do you want your name?” He asked him
“I want it big and blue. I want it to say Caleb and to have a spiderman picture on it!” He said.
“Okay. I will be right back.” The man said and walked into a room and shut the door behind him. When he came back the board had his name written in blue with a big red and black Spiderman in the middle. Caleb was so happy. He ran up to the man and took the board. I walked up to the cash register.
“How many limbs will this be?” I asked him. The man laughed. “Oh, and I need some knee pads and elbow pads and a helmet.” I said.
“Spiderman.” Caleb yelled from behind me.
“And can they be spiderman?” I asked the man. He chuckled and took them off the wall behind him.
“Here you go.” He said and slid them Caleb’s way. He screamed for joy. “The total is 74.99.”
“Ouch. Okay.” I said and gave him the money. We left the store and Caleb put on his helmet and protection pads and held my hand. I walked behind him and pushed him.
“Weeeeee.” He yelled.
“I’m going to let you go.” I told him after we got halfway home.
“Okay.” He said. I let him go. “Look at me go. I’m doing it on my own!” He said. I jogged to keep up with him because it was a slight hill. I made him pick up his skateboard once we got to the main doors.
“Hello Miley.” The man at the doors said.
“Hi.” I paused for a moment. “You know I never really got your name.” I said with a chuckle.
“My names Chris.” He said.
“Well, hi Chris.” I told him. He waved and then Caleb and I went to the elevator. When we got to the room Caleb dropped the skateboard and ran to his room. I picked all the skateboarding things up and put them in Caleb’s room. Caleb was sitting on his bed. I was about to the leave the room but he stopped me.
“Can we go to a real skate park?” He asked me.
“Yes but it has to be Sunday.” I said and bent down to his height. “That way Michelle can come too.” I told him.
“Okay.” He said in a sad voice. I started to get up but he stopped me again. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and squeezed really tight. “I miss mommy and daddy.”
“I do too, bud. I do too.” I said. I hugged him back and kissed him on the head. I went to the kitchen to make him lunch. It was hard for me to leave him there. He is such a sweet kid and I feel so horrible about taking him but he would have died if I left him with my parents. They would have left him some where alone or forget about him and leave and he would end up dying or getting taken and I couldn’t let that happen. I took out the peanut butter and the jelly out of the cabinet. I put peanut butter on one half and jelly on the other. Then I took off the crust and cut it in four triangles. I set it on the table. I went to the refrigerator and took out the chocolate milk. I poured a small glass and put a straw in it and set it behind the plate with the sandwich on it. “Caleb, lunch.” I said while putting everything away. I heard the pitter patter of his feet coming out of his room. He sat at the table and looked at the plate.
“Just like you use to make.” He said. I went to the sink and rinsed my hands.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I make it the way you like it?” I asked him while drying my hands off.
“I don’t know.” He said and took a big bite. When he was done I took his dishes and put them in the sink. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I turned on a children’s show for him. I picked up the paper to read. I was going through columns and columns of writers giving advice to people. I was so intrigued with everyones problems. I kept reading and readying and found myself at the end of the paper. I sat it down and saw Caleb staring at me. “Can we go to the park?” He asked.
“Your not skateboarding though.” I told him.
“Ugh. Fine.” He said. He got up and walked to the closet by the door. I opened it and he grabbed his coat. I grabbed his gloves and hat from the top shelf.
“Put these on.” I said. I put the hat on his head and handed the gloves to him. We heading out the doors. Chris opened them for us.
“Out again. I see.” He said.
“Yes sir e.” I said and rubbed Caleb’s head. “This little guy keeps me on my toes.”
“Have a good day.” He said and waved as we left the building.

We got to the park and I set down on a bench as I watched him play. It was chilly. I was happy that I remembered his hat and gloves. Caleb ran up the stairs and waited in the line for the slide. When it was his turn he slid down fast. So fast that he didn’t stop at the end. He flew three feet off and landed on his bum. I quickly jumped up and helped him up. I brushed off the wood chips off his butt.
“Ouch.” He said. I chuckled at the picture of him flying like that.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
“Yeah.” He told me. He ran off to get in the line again. I stood up to find a tall man over me. He had brown hair and a boyish cute smile. He had a blue scarf around his neck and a brown jacket on. He held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he helped me up. I brushed my knee’s off.
“That was some landing he has.” He said. I chuckled. He reached his hand out again. “I’m Jesse.”
“Miley.” I told her and shook his hand. We headed for the bench.
“How old is he?” He asked me.
“Six.” I told him.
“He’s cute.” He said. I didn’t reply for a while. “How old are you?” He asked me.
“Eighteen.” I told him.
“Oo. Ouch.” He said.
“Oh.” I said realizing he thought Caleb was mine. “He’s not mine.” I said with a laugh. “He’s my little brother. We live at The Le Monte down the road.” I told him. “But I have one on the way.” I said and smiled at my tummy.
“Oh. That makes more sense.” He said. He then pointed to a little girl on the monkey bars. “She’s mine.” The little girl had two high pig tails with pink bows. She wore a pink dress with stockings.
“She’s adorable.” I told him.
“Her mother died at her birth.” He said.
“I’m so sorry.” I told him. He didn’t say anything. “How old is she?”
“Four.” He said.
“How old was her mother?” I asked being nosey.
“Eighteen.” He said. I felt so bad.
“If your not comfortable talking about this I can shut my trap.” I said with a little laugh.
“No, its okay.” He said and looked up at his little girl.
“How old are you?” I asked him.
“Twenty three.” He replied. I nodded. Caleb ran up to me.
“Push me on the swings!” He said excitedly.
“Okay, okay.” I said and he grabbed my hand and pulled. I pushed him back and forth
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