» Fiction » Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss, zzmbrashear [best biographies to read .txt] 📗». Author zzmbrashear

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will be in touch.” I told him and slowly slid my hands off his cheeks. He grabbed both my hands and our lips slowly touched. When we pulled apart I walked to the other side of the truck. Our hands slowly departed. As we drove away I looked back and he was still standing there. I felt horrible.
“He loved you.” Michelle said.
“Michie. Don’t go there.” I told her. I was so tired. I dozed off for a second and when I woke up we were siting in my parents drive way.
“Well, this is it.” She said. I started to get out of the truck. She hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you coming?” I asked her. She hung her head.
“Miley, I can’t go back to my parents. This can be your life but it can’t be mine.” She said.
“But you can live with me.” I told her. I kept stuttering. The thought of losing my best friend was terrifying. She was there through everything. Who will I talk to? Who will I trust? I cant do it alone!
“No. I’m going to go to California and become a painter. Thats my passion. You’ll find yours. I packed all your things and checked out of the hotel. Stay with your parents. Thats where you belong.” She said. I tear rolled down my cheek. It shattered like glass on the ground.
“I can’t do it without you.” I told her. I couldn’t raise this baby with out her help. It was impossible.
“I love you.” Was all she said. Caleb got out of the truck. “I will wait here for a while. Go. I will be waiting when you get back.” I grabbed her hand.
“You promise?” I asked. She nodded. I picked Caleb up and carried him to the door. The people who answered the door, I have never seen before. The woman had make up on and jeans and a beautiful blouse. It was blue and had one row of ruffles across it with a rose at the top. The man stood tall and was well built. He was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. They were my parents but I was use to hangovers and sweats. Caleb ran into my mom’s arms. She kelt down. I could tell her knee’s were weak.
“Honey!” She screamed.
“I missed you!” Caleb screamed. Mom had tears down her cheek. Caleb wiped them. “Mommy, why are you crying?” He asked.
“Because I missed you, darling.” She said. A tear escaped from my eye. She stood up. Caleb ran into my Dad’s arms. My Mom held out her arms to me. I walked towards her. I hugged her. I breathed in her hair. The smell of Pomegranate and vanilla. Smelt like home. She brushed my hair out of my eyes. I was crying uncontrollably.
“Its time to come home.” She said. I nodded.
“I’m so sorry.” I told her. I was going to say more but she covered my mouth.
“Thank you.” is what she said.
“What?” I asked. I was so confused but the tears kept coming.
“If you didn’t leave we wouldn’t have changed.” She said. She hugged me again. Then she felt my stomach. “Oh my.” She said. I chuckled.
“I know. About four months.” I told her.
“Oh honey, you have so much ahead of you.” She said. I looked at my dad. I ran up and hugged him. He hugged me back.
“Ever do that again and I swear.” He said. I looked out the window and saw Michelle out in the truck.
“I’ll be right back.” I told them and ran out side. Her eyes were red and her make up was smeared. I hopped in the truck and closed the door. She wouldn’t look me in the eyes.
“Michelle.” I told her. She looked at me. She hugged me. Tears were falling from her rosy cheeks. I wiped her tears.
“You don’t have to go.” I told her.
“I do. I have to.” She was talking really fast and slurring on her words.
“Michelle, Michelle.” I said. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She said.
“You are the reason why I’m still here. You were my Guardian Angel. You saved Caleb’s life too. You have a purpose. You will always be in my heart and one day.” I paused. “We will meet again.” She hugged me again.
“You can count on it.” She said. I laughed. She looked at my stomach.
“Give her a kiss for me.” She said.
“How do you know its a her?” I asked.
“I have a feeling.” She said. I grabbed my last bag and stood in the drive way. She pulled away slowly. I wanted to run after her. To make sure she never left. But that’s selfish. She’s so talented and I know she’s going to get discovered. I waved my final good bye as she disappeared over the hill. I held back my tears that whole time but one finally escaped. I caught it in my hand. I stared at it with my reflection looking back at me. My Mother stood in the door way.
“Honey.” She called. I looked over and put my hands at my side. I felt the tear slide down my palm. It shattered in the grass. I looked at the hill where Michelle disappeared. I don’t know why I did. Maybe I was just hoping that she would come back, but I know it wouldn’t happen. I walked inside and sat on the couch. My Mom wanted to know everything.
“Now tell me.” She said with Caleb in her lap. He was so jumpy. I know he wanted to show her all the moves he could do on his skateboard.
“Okay. Well at first we didn’t know where to go. We ended up in a small town. Michelle and I got a job that paid well and we rented a room. I didn’t know what to do about the baby but I knew if I stayed with you two never being sober, you would have killed it and or Caleb. I had to get out. For all of our sakes. After a while Caleb began to miss you. I couldn’t keep seeing his little eyes get broken when he thought of you. So thats when I called. I know it was late but It was better than nothing. Caleb was getting so big. One day I bought him a skateboard and knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. After three months he was better than some of the teenagers at the skatepark. He was so passionate for it. But then, I began to miss you.” I sighed. “I wanted to make sure you really changed before I let Caleb come back because I can’t put him through that again. I told Michelle she could stay with us but she didn’t. She left to find her passion which is painting. I’m most likely never going to see her again.” I told them. Mom rubbed Caleb’s head. I didn’t tell her about any of the guys I met because then she would get worried and I was fine and plus I didn’t want to relive any of that.
“I missed you two so much. I’m so happy that you’re back.” She said.
“I have a question. Why didn’t you call the police?” I asked.
“Well, we knew that we would never get to see you two again because they would take you two away till you were eighteen. We had to straighten our act up.” Dad said and put his hand on Mom’s thigh.
“We’re even taking Marriage counseling.” Mom said.
“Now that your back. We need to get serious. You need to finish school and get a degree.” He said.
“Okay.” I told them.
“I will enroll you tomorrow.” She said.
“Thats fine.” I said. I took my bags and took them to my room. It was exactly how I left it. I looked around.
I laid down on my bed. It was so soft and it smelt like lavender. I took a deep breath. After a while I fell asleep. When I woke up my Mom was standing over me.
“Honey, time for school.” She said.
“Of course it is.” I said. I rolled out of bed and got dressed. I walked to school. I felt like everyone was staring at me. Of course I’m 18 and pregnant so who wouldn’t stare. Jenna came up to me. She was one of my aquantences. We talked and did things together in school but we never talked out of school.
“Miley!” She ran up to me and hugged me. She looked around. “Where’s Michelle?” She asked. I didn’t want to answer but I figure that its going to be lonely with out Michelle so I might as well be nice.
“She’s not coming back.” I said.
“Oh. That’s so sad. I’m happy you’re back though. Everyone missed. Even Jacob.” She said.
“Well, I don’t care about him.” I said. She stopped dead in her tracks.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I mean that we are not dating. He means nothing to me.” I told her.
“Oh.” Was all she said. I went to first period. Jacob was in it. He sat right behind me. I couldn’t help but think he was staring at me. After the bell rang I started to walk out of the class room when someone pulled me into the janitors closet.
“Woah! What the hell man!” I screamed. I turned around to see it was Jacob. “Goodbye.” I said and started to walk out. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“No. Don’t go.” He said. “I’ve missed you, Miley. Where have you been?” He asked.
“Thats none of your business.” I said. He looked down at my stomach. He then touched it. I pulled back and zipped my sweat shirt. He put one of his hands on his head.
“Is it mine?” He asked.
“So what if it is!” I yelled.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“Because remember, it was just a kiss.” I said and walked out. I gasped for air. It felt like my insides were about to come out. Did he really miss me? Did I miss him? No Miley! He didn’t! He hurt you and you can’t let him back in! Jake chased me down the hallway. He caught up with me. “Let me go, Jake!” I screamed but he didn’t release me.
“I want to be apart of its life!” He demanded.
“No. I can’t let you hurt her. Not like you did to me.” I told him.
“I promise! I wont!” He said.
“Promises are mean’t to be broken.” I told him in the saddest voice I’ve ever spoke. I hung my head. He lifted it.
“I can’t lose you.” He said. I looked into his amazing eyes. I got lost for a second but then popped back to reality.
“You’ve already lost me.” I said. He turned around and walked away. People were watching. I hated being the center of attention. I walked home alone. It seemed like I was alone a lot lately. Morning sickness came a lot too. I don’t get why they call it morning sickness when it comes every second of the day. Sometimes, I just wanted everything to go away but I know that taking the easy way out never works. I’m going to love this baby. I’m going to treat her like a princess. Sure she wont have a father but she will have an Uncle, Grandmother, Grandfather and a Mother who loves her to death. Maybe one day I will let Jacob meet her. My Mom makes sure I don’t lift too much and Caleb is like my servant. Every once in a while my Dad ask’s who’s it is but I never answer. I knew
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