» Fiction » Spain Has Secrets, Elizabeth A. [the top 100 crime novels of all time txt] 📗

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it in confusion. "My journal... Read up. I don`t like explaining things to painful to write down." I pushed the book into his hands It`s brown leather was still perfectly soft and withered but other than that it was in mint condition. he kept it close to him. He led me into his castle with the other hand. He immediatly showeed me his room. WOW. "This is my room, my room is your room. You know lo mío es tuyo." He spoke spanish. His bed was dead center his closet no where in sight... four doors one at each side of the room and two at the right side wall. The wall held a large picture of Jasper in vivid detail. He opened one door to reveal a master bathroom. the next opened to uncover a huge library with different levels and more doors that he explained connected to other rooms." These are our closets. yours is the one on the right." he opened the door to reveal the spectacular closet with three isles and a sheet sectioned off another place presumably a changing area."I love you" Jasper had slid his arm around my waist. I turned around and kissed him intensly and then We were on the bed. "Jasper, how were you and the girl on the ride home." Who was that. the male voice was raspy and groggy. A man sleepily walked in on us. "fine,Derek" he rolled off me before his father had noticed. "Hello,Barcelona do you like my son so far?" he had wiped the groggy away by now. He showed a sly smiled that was obviously a I-saw-you-two-I`ll-go-into-that-later. "He`s very sweet." I blushed. "So I`m aware of your past." Derek had began. "great." I said emotionless. "don`t worry, I actually would love to see you dance some time." Jasper shot me a confused look."Oh and son Please, i`m sure she must be tired after the long day your mother had told me of." I don`t think he would have stopped himself from blushing if he could at that moment. "Yes Father... Goodnight Dad." I couldn`t believe the day I just had was real. It was real right? Okay good. "Goodnight Jasper. Behave yourselves... Don`t do anything wrong." His dad, Derek continued to warn us."DAD! We aren`t six-teen! We know this already." I couldn`t help but ponder,why Jasper still lived with his parents. "They won`t let me move out because they say I`m too childish to live on my own." "Really My word was rude because YOU KEEP READING MY MIND!" He pulled a fast finger to my lips,"Shhhh I`m sorry truely am. I just cant resist trying to read your mind. Exspecially after our 'little suprise.'" Jasper blushed. It seemed like the more time we spend together the more he wants to read my mind.

"Jasper,Are you and the pretty lady in here?" I hear the sound of a- what I presume a little boy- call for him. "Over here little guy!" Jasper shouts."I was sleeping you little... UGH! Jeez Jasper you really know how to piss me off you know that." Jasper looks at me. "Sorry, That`s my lil` bro Edgar. I call him Ed for short sometimes." A short little boy with the same pale skin, light Brown hair like their mother unlike their dad, pretty green eyes like Jasper. "This is the lady? She`s so pretty." Woah didn`t expect that come out the kids mouth. Jasper could only let out a low light giggle. "yes I think so too. That`s why I like her so much." Again Am I invisible or something? Nope, so why aren`t they aware that I`m right here? "Oh sorry Edgar this is Barcelona. Barcelona, Edgar." "Hi how you doing?" did he just say doinG. It`s how ya doin` not doinG! gosh some people just wanna make everything so... so... FORMAL! "I don`t know yet. I just woke up." Both Egar and Jasper erupt with laughter. "Really? You are wierd if you don`t know yet." OH NO He Didn`t."Boy all the best people are. Look at Johnny Depp and Wendy Williams. Wierd but Good people am I right?" He wondered about this for a while. " Yeah I guess so. You make a lot of sense." Hope he doesn`t ask what I used to do for a living. "What did you do when you were human? I mean were you a chef, or an actress, or what?" SHIT this kid wants to know everything now, don`t he? "Shhh... Secret." good cover Barcelona. "Where are you from?" This was gonna be fun. "Shhhh...s-e-c-r-e-t, secret." Jasper reached over grabbed the book I gave him off the night stand he had on his side and opened it. Crap! Forgot I gave that to him. "She lived in spain, She was in the army and, oh yeah. She was very mean to her cousins. wait don`t you know that these people don`t exist anymore edgar?" Edgar looked at me then Jasper."When was she born and when did she die?" Jasper looked at me. Even Dylan wasn`t stupid enough to write that down. "I was born the year 1380 in Isabella, Puerto Rico and Died 1401 in Madrid, Spain. Are you done asking personal questions?" He simply stared at me then said,"You died at 21, that`s so young. I feel sorry for you. You never got to live your life. I was born this way so I`ll grow up then stay the same way till I`m

killed. You won`t get another chance to go out and live your life. Sorry, it must be painful talking about your past, I`m sorry I made you cry." That`s when Jasper shooed him out and wiped my tears away with the flick of his wrist, his thumb now wet with tears,"Please don`t cry, your to beautiful to cry. I love you. Pleeeeease don`t cry or... Or I`ll tickle you to torturious death." Suddenly he was on top of me tickling me to till I plead for mercy. Something I`ve never done before by the way. "Thats more like it." Jasper licked the side of my cheek the next second, so Edgar came in to here me say, " Ugh now my cheek is all covered with Jasper saliva. Gross." Edgar immeidatly assumes, " He kissed you, you should be happy." "I licked her Ed." GROSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I`ll get him back for that. I lick both my hands and come up behind him and FWAP I slap both his cheeks at the same instint. "How you like me now?!" Ed takes a seat in a chair decoratively placed in the corner and sits back as though at the movies. Next thing I know Jasper comes up in front of me grabs my hands and licks me from down by my wrist all the way up to my shoulder. GROSSSS! I grab him by the hair and he crys out, "I Surrender!" I giggled in triumph. "Damn Skippy." "OH You Just Got OWNED By Your girlfriend." Edgar hops up out his chair. Jasper sits himself down on the floor as he laughs in defeat. "What`s going on in here?" Kathrin is already halfway through the doorway when Edgar explains to her. "That`s disgusting, Go wash up now." She orders us as though we were fourteen like Edgar over there. "Sorry, yes ma-am`." Jasper helps me to the bathroom.

"Sooooo... you ever think about having kids?" Derek, Jasper`s dad interigates me, "DAD!... This is gonna be a long dinner." I heard him mumble afterwards. I giggled at Jaspers hot pink colored cheeks. "Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if Jasper was a girl, Not to be offensive... I`m just wondering. Do you ever wonder what that might have been like Mr. Danela?" He held in a laugh as Jasper shot me a glare. "What?! I can`t ask a question?" Jasper immediatly stopped when his moms head began to move toward his direction. "Yes, I do think about it every now and then. I would image him with long black hair and a... large chest. He would have signed up for acting, But then again he acts right now, only more many in a way." his mother and Edgar were on the edge of hysterical laughter. "Honey, did you ever take into consideration that maybe he didn`t want to tell her that." She paused in between every word because she was still holding that laughter. Edgar let his fly on out the mouth. "If that were the case and Jasper were a girl, I think I might hide his bra every month." I gave him a look which destinguished if he ever even looked at my bra he was going to die a slow, painful, agonizing death.
"I love you." He wispered in my ear as he wrapped his strong, steady arm around me, covering me with the blanket as I crawled into bed. "Love you too, Jasper." I threw a leg around him and boy, I swear he was blushing so hard he almost glowed in the dark. "They never told me I couldn`t throw a leg around you. They said, 'please TRY not to seduce each other.' I can`t do that. I might be able to lower my standard to just benieth seductive, but not completely stop." He chuckled a light, airy, laugh. He turned to face me, Jasper stared at me as though constipated, "I`m trying not to read your very inapropriate thoughts..." he laughed. I wanted so badly to tear his clothes off, which was only a pair of pajama pants, his chest was bare which didn`t help stop the thoughts. "Barcelona... My mom`s coming to check in on us in like two seconds please remove your leg from me." i frowned, but I did as he requested. The door creaked open a couple seconds later. "Jasper, Barcelona, Are you two asleep?" We both stayed as far away from each other as we could and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door click shut and her high heel`s annoyingly sharp click, click, disappeared down the hall. "your better than me. I thought you actually fell asleep." I giggled. "Thanks, It`s a talent I was required to have when I was younger."

When I woke up I stretched, she looked so peaceful when she was asleep. If you did`t hang out with her for a day or two, you wouldn`t have known she was actually crazy and exciting and she made a lot of sense at times, but at other times she just confused even my mom and dad. I kissed her fourhead. I got dressed in a white T-shirt, Some jean shorts and black tennis shoes. As I was lying back down into bed getting comfy with the first journal in Barcelona`s series Paul came in. "hey... Wait a minute... there`s a girl... in your bed... sleeping... with you reading... waiting for her to wake up... Why, and who is she?" Paul was being stupid. His bright red-orange hair and brown eyes contrasted with his pale freckled face. He wore a green T-shirt and jeans. The green T-shirt and his red hair reminded me all to much of christmas. "Her name`s Barcelona and we`re getting married, because are parents want the rest of the vampires to know the war is over." I looked back down on her, She wouldn`t feel comfortable with paul in the room. "Paul, could you come back when she isn`t, well... you know... sleeping?" He stared blank faced for a moment, "Okay." He said quickly as he hopped up and walked out the room.
I was done with the fourth journal when she woke, their really thick, but their was a lot of them too, twenty to be exact. Her life was so intersesting I couldn`t put the journal down, "good morning my little murderer." She was silent then she responded, "Good and murderer don`t belong in the same
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