» Fiction » Spain Has Secrets, Elizabeth A. [the top 100 crime novels of all time txt] 📗

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sentence unless your teaching a murderer to kill. Assasins are a completely different story. You should know that by know. Which one is that?" she just questioned me as she began to get dressed. she disappeared into her closet. "Number Four." She came out and she was already wearing A black graphic Shirt with cut sleeves and faded ripped jeans. She looked so sexy. She had black Pumas and she was yanking a light blue brush through her red hair. "you already read the first three journals I wrote?" She was so sexy to me right now I just wanted to do such dirty things I never thought about doing with any other girl I`ve met in my entire life. "Yeah." She took a step closer and then she spoke," Is my life that interesting to you?" I realized she was waiting for an answer and with a quick nod i went back to reading. "Dude, don't you have anything else to do? I mean you remind me of someone I hated, As your reading too much!" Wait did she just say I was reading too much? "I thought reading was good for the mind." She put her hand on her hip and stared at me like a supreme ruler at a disrespectful slave. "But it ruins the bodies natural health... Come on I'm bored lets go do something... Pleeeaaassseee?" Wow she just woke up and already was bored. I wonder if she's part cat? They do get bored easily. "We didn't even eat breakfast yet." With a groan and a,"Fine, even though i haven't eaten breakfast in ten years... If I get sick can I punch you?" I looked at her pure intent, "Sure." Breakfast Can Be Fun?

CHAPTER FIVE (Downstairs, 8:10 AM, One sunscreen bottle later)

Downstairs, Jasper made me sit at a stool next the counter. He made us breakfast, which was magnificent by the way. As he put the plates away a strange man in a green shirt started circling me, "You know starings considered rude?" Jasper turned. "Paul, stop stalking Barcelona." He stopped, raised his hands up in innocence and laughed, "Dude I can't help it she's just... so... HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS BITCH WHEN I CAN'T EVEN GET ONE?!" Oh my god, "Well for starters not calling a girl a 'bitch' does help and not staring is another way to improve your chances." He began staring again, "Why you smart alec bastard." I couldn't help but ask, "Jasper may I pearce a wooden stake through his heart?" Japer's mysteriously green eyes widened, "Uh... No." "Alright but if he annoys me any more I'm punching his face in." Jasper calmed down quiet a bit. "Fair enough." A pretty girl with similar traits to Jasper's grabbed Paul's arm, "Not fair enough!" I wonder who she is? "Barcelona this is my twin sister, Jamie, She likes Paul when he's not calling every girl he meets a bitch and bickering with them. Yeah hard to believe, but Paul's pretty sensible when he's not tryin' to get lucky." I couldn't hold in the giggle at the sound of Jasper's remark. "Mom and Dad set you up with her... She's... pretty." Now I feel bad for laughing. "Don't be, You didn't do anything we wouldn't do, Barcelona." Jasper stop commenting on my thoughts and STAY OUT OF MY HEAD BEFORE I KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! "OW your thoughts are loud, Barcelona." UGH, "Then do me a favor and stay out of my head." He rubbed the back of his head. "I got that." I smiled at him, "Good." I giggled. His sister joined in the giggles.

"JASPER! PUT THE BOOK DOWN! BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" I smiled. "Maybe that might be a good thing." She cracked a smile and looked down. She sucked her teeth, "Depends on what you mean by that... Are you hoping for mean or seductively sweet?" Did she really just ask me that... Infront of-"Sweety, he always wants that second choice." -my dad. "DAD!" Thank god Jamie is one to understand. Barcelona was trying to hide her smile, but I saw through it. "Jamie, I feel akward..." I whispered as to make sure my dad and Barcelona did not hear. "So... Barcelona..." She slowly turned to me, "yes?" Think man, you read her journals, that's right," I read that you... used to... kill..." Dad's eyes planted a that-isn't-something-you-bring-up-in-an-open-conversation glare at me. "yes, what of it? Are you afraid I might attack you in your sleep?" Well now I know I'll have trouble sleeping tonight. "Maybe we should put you in the guest room." Jamie, stop putting your two sense in. "NO! I like her. She won't try that." she giggled and shot me that killer smile. I felt my face get really hot. "Jasper are you alright..., Your face is red... That's never happened to you before." I snapped out my daze as my dad finished mumbling about my face.

Jail Is Easier

CHAPTER SIX (9:00 PM, Back in the library, five shots of whisky)

We were completely into each other. I loved this moment. His lips against mine. Entirely intertwined, "...What are you two doing?!" Are heads both turned simultaniously. "Edgar, do us all a favor and go back to bed," But Edgar just stood there staring. "Isn't it past your bed time anyways?" Edgar nodded then grabbed his blanket and ran back out of the room. The door slammed. Jasper pulled away. "It's getting late, we should start getting ready for bed too."

"Jasper, Why do I feel like this?" I turned toward her in bed, "What do you mean?" She broke into tears suddenly "I don't know, I just feel like everyone hates me for some reason." I gathered Her into my arms, "No, No, not as all. They all love you. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." She listened to my heart beat, I know because her heart beat slowly matched mine for a single second. She slowly and quietly slipped into sleep in my arms.
She was still adorable sleeping in my arms. I wanted to please her. I don't know what I should do when ever she cries. I don't even know what I want to do. I don't want any one to ever try to make her cry, hurt her, or even make a nusaince. I settle down with a book.

When I woke up and He was out of it, no doubt. I mean he was out of it to the extent of at least two more hours. I got up and headed for the closet already seeing today's outfit in my head. My red bolero racing jacket with black and white stripes, Plain white tank top, Black skinny jeans, and lace up black combat boots. I lied back down in bed and as though tripping a wire, Jamie peers through the door. She waves a hand for me to come. I sit up and sigh really, really, loudly. As to let her know he was asleep. She walked in her brows deeply creased, her head tilted. She stared at him and waited a long moment. His chest slowly rised and lowered.

"...So you see If you really wanna suprise everyone, you pretend to have that I-have-no-idea-why-everyone-is-so-happy-and-why-they-are-all-smiling-and-being-extra-nice attitude. Then We both break in to happy santa giving harmony as we sing all I want for christmas is you. That would leave Jasper redder than a tomato on fire and get a couple of laughs from everyone else. So? PLEEAAASE?!" I thought this through a while, "OK." "SHUT UP! I'M TRYIN' TO SLEEP UP HERE!" Japser yelled through the door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen as we finished breakfast. "He's got strong lungs. Did he scream a lot when you guys were little?" I wispered to Jamie. We both giggled, "yeah actually. He could be a singer." more giggles. Paul came skipping in. Everyone bursts out in fits of laughter. Jasper is pissed as he comes down the stairs, stomping each step. "DIDN'T YOU PEOPLE HEAR ME?! I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M TRYIN' TO SLEEP UP STAIRS, AND I CAN'T DO THAT IF YOUR ALL LAUGHING LIKE ANIMALS AND MAKING NOISE DOWN HERE!" Everyone went silent. Jasper glared at everyone. "Loosen up." His eyes got wide with anger at my words. "LOOSEN UP?! WHEN I FIRST MET YOU, YOU WERE BOSSY AND DIDN'T WANT TO SOCIALIZE WITH ME. WHEN I FIRST HEARD ABOUT YOU I THOUGHT,'WHY WOULD ANYONE WANNA NAME THEIR CHILD AFTER A F*CKING CITY THAT ISN'T EVEN IN THIS COUNTRY.' I THOUGHT I WOULDN'T LIKE YOU. NOW I DON'T LIKE ANYONE BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE WOKE ME UP!" I Felt it before I realized I was crying. I stood up and was long gone before they would notice anything. "Wait, Barcelona... I DIDN'T MEAN IT! COME BACK!" His words got lower and lower the farther away I got from him. "PUT A SHIRT ON BEFORE YOU GO OUT, JASPER!" His mother yelled. "BARCELONA, I DIDN'T MEAN IT. PLEASE! PLEASE, JUST HEAR ME OUT!" But I wasn't going to waste anymore time on him. I pulled my MP3 out of my pocket as I walked. I cried silently. People Stopped, turned heads, tried to ask me what was wrong and more. I walked faster.


I walked all the way past Carlisle to Black pool. I crumbled outside of another kingdom. I cried harder, then I pulled myself together at the sound a horse. "Barcelona." I hadn't heard that voice in a long time. "Boris, what are you doing in England?" He eyed me a moment," I was delivering a special package, What are doing in England?... Hey what's

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