» Fiction » Spain Has Secrets, Elizabeth A. [the top 100 crime novels of all time txt] 📗

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wrong, you look like you've been crying." I looked up at, His blue eyes, brown hair, and arogant stance as he climbed off his horse, his pale perfect complection. Boris was always like the brother I never had, in comparison to my real brother. He wore a black suit. "Oh, I just got into a little emotional state..." He merely raised an eyebrow," With this guy, he kinda insulted me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore." Boris' brows furrowed deeply. "Guys have never stopped you before. Well allow me to help you with your problem after I deliver this package. You wait here. I'll be back in a jiffy." And without letting me speak he took off into the kingdom beside us.

After what seemed like a minute or two he came back. "Sorry I took so long." I cocked my eyebrow. "I was in there a couple hours." He emphasized. "Oh felt like minutes. By the way what time is it?" I scratched the back of my head. "Ten to nine at night. Climb on." We rode for at least two hours. Boris and I had talked the entire way to the kingdom. Every minute he learned another thing I knew or I gained knowledge from him. I directed him at each turn. "He lives in that kingdom? DAMN!" He whistled. "You breeding royalty?" I giggled. Boris always did know how to make anyone smile. Trust me when I mean anyone. "Depends, who wants to know?" The voice made me flinch. Jasper was just on his way into the kingdom. The beautiful White apollo horse stopped. "Jasper?" Boris broke me. He said his name. The reason I was angry, no, pissed. Flushed back to my memory. Tears began to form. No, not now, not here. "I assume so, Barcelona please stop digging your nails into me... It hurts." Jasper simply reached toward me. I didn't want him to touch me. I dug my nails deeper into Boris' abdomen and pulled myself to the farthest side of the horse from Jasper. "I found Barcelona on my way to make a dilevery to the kingdom in black pool. I hate to be rude but, may I ask what you did and or said that made Barcelona boil over to the point where she has cried to the extent where I can't seem to get her to stop?" Jasper sighed loudly and dropped his hand back onto the reigns of the horse. "Barcelona, I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry, But I know I want you to forgive me and if it means I have to say sorry a billion times, then that's what I'll do." I felt more tears spill. "Wow, he really loves you... Come on... or I'll get you by your... bra and tickle the shit out of you." I held in the giggle for as long as possible. "Forgive him already... Your more stuborn then when we first met in elementry." He was hyper. I could tell, anyone could tell. "How about we all go in and have some tea? Barcelona, are you alright with that?" I felt like shriveling up and disappearing. "As long as he stops treating you like some random bystandered," I wispered in Boris' ear. he chuckled then told Jasper my answer. "Alright, as long as I treat your little... friend? like a guest. Alright come on."

Inside with a pot of camomile tea and I still a little untrusting of Jasper. "So all that happened was they were making noise down stairs and you came down to tell them to 'shut up' and you suddenly told her you thought you wouldn't like her and that her name was weird? Oh well first, your lucky Barcelona cried instead of killing you. Second, honey, guys need their- what girls call 'beauty sleep' or whatever- or we tend to become cranky. Third, either way you don't have the right to go and insult Barcelona because they accidently woke you up. Four, hurry up and show us some sort of sign that you've at least taken a step toward forgiving Jasper!" I did the only thing that came to mind. I wrapped my arms around his waist and my head landed right smack in the center of his chest, but I was slow and cautious. "Yay! See now that wasn't so hard. Now I have to go." I sat up straight. I hadn't said a word since we had seen Jasper. "No, can't you stay a little while longer, please? " he looked at me as I grabbed his arm. His eyes traveled between Jasper and me and then Jasper. "Nah, I wouldn't wanna intrude, Besides I did threaten to grab you by your bra and tickle you. I don't think Japser perticularly wants a guy like that around you..., and possibly sisters?" I looked behind me, at Jasper. "One..., I only have one sister and as long as you don't grab anyone, including my mom, by their bra, We would be honored to have you. Won't you please stay if not for the night then an hour or two?" He looked at me with sad eyes, "I really wish I could, but I have to go back to Portugal to get the other package, but I promise you I'll be back before you know it." I challenged him,"LIAR! I'll know because you told me and then I'll have known way before you get back." Boris' smile was one earned. You needed a reason to have Boris smile. I was the only person he ever smiled for. EVER! "Well played, well played, Barcelona... Your more smart alec than the whole country of spain." I smiled. "No, my brother still lives there." He nodded his head," True, true." We both burst out laughing and I released his arm. "Hasta Luego." We both exchanged our goodbyes. I turn to see everyone is staring at me. "What?" Jasper grabs me by my waist. "I never learned who exactly he was to you." Jamie eyes me. "You okay? You ran out in a hurry and well. We were all worried." I take in a deep breath. Since Jasper's so close to me I take in his scent with my breath. "Boris is my Best friend from childhood. I'm fine and tired, so can we go to bed?" I turn my head up to face Jasper. "Sure, but first tell me... Do you really forgive me or was that just so Boris wouldn't have to worry about you while he was gone?" I looked up at him. My eyes met his lowered green eyes. I sighed," Jasper, please just don't insult me anymore and Girls are far worst than guys when they're cranky." I smiled and stole a kiss. Winter Wonderland

I Woke up to see her beautiful face deep into sleep in front of me. Today my parents would throw a grand ball for Christmas. I hope she doesn't freak out and at that yesterday came running back to me. As I sat up She shifted in bed, stretched and smiled at me. "NO, NO, YOU'VE got to be kiddin' me?!" Kathrin's voice traveled up the hallway. I got up and began getting dressed. I pulled on a navy blue long sleeve T-shirt, faded Jeans, some tennis shoes, and a dark grey sweater. She was dressed in a dark grey long sleeve dress, grey flats, a black ribon tied bolero sweater, and some black tights when I walked back out of my closet. The dress was very flowy as we drifted down the hall, down the stairs and made a sharp left to the ball room. My mother was staring out the window at the snow thundering down on the house and everything else in it's path. "I have no idea why your yelling... I do not mean to be rude but, surely you must know by now that simply yelling will not change mother natures course. It's best to build your day around the weather." Barcelona could be so formal at times. I heard the giggle of tha monster before I knew it she was hugging me. "Good morning Jamie." She released me, "Morning. You seen Edgar? I'm suppose to take him to the taylor upstairs to get his tuxedo fitted, but he kinda ran away when I told him he had to wear a tuxedo." She smiled, even though she was my sister I only rarely had moments when we didn't get along. Edgar on the other hand was a nutral border between Jamie and me. "I'll help you." The first words out of Barcelona's mouth for the day. "Really? Thank you so much. P.S. since he woke up a little later than dad scheduled the maid snuck him a donut instead of his pancakes. He has a lot more to do today than either of us. Just warning never give him sugar before he's awake." Oh lord. Edgar's going to embaress me and Jamie in front of Barcelona.

We had searched here and there, still no sign of Edgar. Suddenly he bounced past us. "Morning!" He yelled as he continued to run down the hall. Just as the butlers were carring the china and crystal out of storage. Barcelona took off like a rocket after him. I've never seen anyone run so fast in my life. She ran right past him. "Hey! No way am I gonna let a girl win!" Edgar yelled to her. She stopped short. She reminded me of the roadrunner cartoon. She leaned up against the railing as Edgar continued to run. She was going to let him pass her by. Her arm flew out suddenly and they're was a loud thud. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Edgar's cry of pain echoed. I jogged over. The sight shocked me. Barcelona had Edgar by his hair. Edgar struggled and shifted frantacly in her grasp. He slipped out of her hand and There was a flash and she had both his hands behind him and she was sitting on him. "I heard a cry? Barcelona your amazing. No one's ever caught Edgar in mid sugar rush. We usually chase him till he settles down." He shifted and finally gave up with a," Barcelona Get OFF! Your heavy, Fat cow! Move!" She let one of her hands move away from his, but other than that didn't move. She wrapped it around his throught, Made him stand, and guided him to the taylor room on the third floor. "No, No, I don't wanna wear a Tux. Their stupid, itchy, and tight." Barcelona lowered her head to his ear. "I'm going to tell you something a very old friend of mine told me, 'We all have to do things we don't want to. Get over it.' understand?" He nodded. I guess that means she's just marrying me for our kingdoms, but as long as She's happy I'm okay with that, even if that means spending eternity trying to please her. The taylor had spent all eleven years of Edgar's life forcing him into tuxedos and the maids and butlers would hold him still as Jamie or mom talked him through it.

Dad was downstairs

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