» Fiction » Spain Has Secrets, Elizabeth A. [the top 100 crime novels of all time txt] 📗

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to chill with her. She's probably on her computer or something. Jackson personally just likes hangin' with Boris... and possibly you. I kinda drift between the groups brother from another mothers and sisters by soul." Demitria really was the kind help confuse you all right. Another Secret To Spill?

She was hanging onto Gradon by his back. "You too are pretty close for brother and sister." They stopped playing. She jumped off his back, mid piggy ride. "We're not actually related you know. We figured you might have got up to the part in Barcelona's stupid journals already. Check chapter seven in book eight." That was all, Gradon grabbed Barcelona and "BAM!" she made contact with the cement head first. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" It took me a while to realize he was holding me back. Any pure blood born vampire could have died doing some stupid shit like that. What was Gradon's problem, did I say something wrong? "CHECK Page fifteen chapter seven book eight... or else." No way was he really doing this, while Barcelona lay bleeding out on the floor with severe injuries to the extent of hospitalization, and all he cared about was a stupid page in her old journal? "NOW! OR SHE'LL BLEED OUT!" I quickly fumbled with the bookcase. Book one... two... three... four... ah ha Book eight. chapter seven page fifteen.

"NO, YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! ... THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" I had to stop it before Jasper did something, got himself killed. "J-Jasper would you cut it out. I feel like your trying to adopt me and we're not getting married. Like your some woman that's always wanted a baby girl... So please stop worrying about the little stunt... I did become perfectly heathly and safe a couple minutes later..." Jasper's green eyes pierced my skin with the devilish stare. "That's not the point Barcelona... I love you and there is absolutly nothing you can say or do to make me angry at you, but this was not your doing... It was Gradon and his insulent foolishness! SHE COULD HAVE DIED!" Jasper, you're so thick skulled. Jasper your gonna be next. The next one on the List.

"What's the List

... Barcelona? Barcelona? Hello? What's the List

?" SHIT! "P-please stop reading my mind." He raised an eyebrow, "You expect me not to? I mean for Jesus Christs! Your shaking more than a chihuahua in Siberia!" I looked down at my hands and body and sure enough, I was shaking to the point it looked as though I may have been having a small seizure. "That's because I'm cold." He came around to me and wrapped his arms around me, "That's thanks to the fact that you have lost so much blood lying there for at least a half hour." I felt the numbing pain shoot through me, I knew I was eventually going to have to make the choice. I felt the hot tears sort of ease my pain. It took me what must have been an hour to notice Everyone asking if I was okay and what was upseting me so much. "" They sort of sat there staring at me for a moment or two, " you know more than anyone else in this room that, that was the worst lie you've ever told, because if nothing was wrong then you woudn't be crying as though someone's just died." I felt more tears, fresher, faster, more tears poured down my face. I was still shaking.

After I finally calmed down, I started to stand up and Japser and Jamie ran to me,"you want water, food, anything?" Jamie was acting as though I was sick. I looked up at them, twins, always knowing they can come home to find the other one waiting and ready to play. I looked at Gradon, "I miss him." He stopped flipping through his magazine, dropped it on the table and walked over, "You know better than anyone that you cannot just see him. You know he would do more than 'try' to kill you." Gradon looked to the twins and said as though to comfort or help them better understand the situation," She is refering to her younger twin brother." I couldn't help, but wonder why that woman was always sending him where ever I was and then after we got caught up, she would comand him to kill me. So generally The magical barrier never allows my brother into an area in which was of the distance he was able to kill me, depending on the weapon he would get knocked to a harmless distance.
I needed air, I was going to have another attack if I didn't get air soon. The bubbly feeling I got in my veins cried for fresh air. I Shook off Jasper and Jamie. Gradon was hot on their trail, pulling at them, telling them about my brother. "Gradon I'm not above killing you. Even with a shiver and the need for fresh air I could snap you like a toothpick." He continued pulling their arms, "Amber's in the next room talking with Kathrin." Amber, the only one in the entire area who could, and would, kill me. "Alright... Jasper, Would you come outside with me... I'm afraid I might pass out if I don't get there in the next five minutes." I wanted desperately to add, "or I'll be annoyed to death by Gradon," but I didn't for fear Amber might hear. Sure she's nice at a glance and a quick chat, but behind all that nice-ness was the itching pain to go crazy and kill the next person to disrespect her. I made that mistake once and almost had my head chopped off.
"So are you gonna talk to me?... Barcelona. I'm sorry I was babying you earlier, but you know you can speak up and tell us what you want. I'm not saying change everything from what everyone wears to the form of government, but it couldn't hurt if you wanted a new pair of jeans or something." Jasper really was a nice boy, but he was so young and niave. When I was growing up if I asked for a new skirt without a reason I either needed to be the pope's daughter or willing to get beat to the ground by my own father for even bothering to ask the question, it'd have been stupid because they were expensive in comparison to just agreeing to serve in war and It took me from the age of 12 to get out of the kitchen and onto the battle field, I had only been out in the field for about 3 years when I died. "I'm sorry Jasper, but I don't think I'll ever ask for anything..." Truth be told I was actually a bit afraid Jasper might hit me if I asked him for something, even though he just told me too, I think I'll always be afraid to ask people for things, Gradon even forced me to Demand things from the servants in our kingdom. He would yell at me, "That's what they are there for, to be at your feet and bring you what ever you have demanded. Not to smile and skip up to you and bring you a half washed shirt and say 'I did what you asked' They are supposed to keep a straight face, you know that, it was your job when you were a child, now it's their turn, and do not hold back the demands!" I remember receiving the lecture almost daily.

"Jasper, how would you feel if I were to rip your sister, Jamie from your family and play with your emotions? How would you feel if you could never make any form of contact with you sister ever again? You'll never understand what it's like, it's incredibly hard to even give you a vague divulgence and even then you probably have no clue, correct?" Where was this coming from, what happened between her brother and her? "I'm sorry, you're going through this, but I have no clue what I would do... Would you mind telling me what happened between your brother and you? Or is that pushing your trust in me?" Why can't I read her thoughts now? What's she thinking? "It took me till I was twelve to get out of the kitchen and on to the battle field, when I finally got there, my brother decided to betray our country and became a spy, he died in the war... correction, I was forced to shoot an arrow through his heart, however he threw a knife and we died at the exact same moment, straight through the heart, from each others' hand... After that Gradon saved me, made me off as his little sister in the vampiric kingdom, and a queen made my brother off as her son, she is also has a nasty feel to always be in a war, she is desperately trying to start one with our kingdom, but Amber has no patience, not the time to deal with her, she calls the lady a child throwing a serious temper tantrum." Is this some sick joke, why put siblings through such pain, I mean I've heard of sibling rivalry, but this is ridiculous. "May I ask this woman's name?" She breathed in a deep breath as we rocked on the porch swing. "Ceartă... I have no idea why her parents named her that, but I suppose it explains why she behaves in the manner she does... ceartă means Contention in Romanian... I presume she had a tough life growing up with no friends." Hmmm, Would now be the time to ask her? I'm going to ask her. "Why did you're parents name you Barcelona?"

The meaning of my name

"My name?" I felt my eyes widen and my head slowly turn to face him. He'd been examining my profile for a while now, as I look him in the eyes he gently nods. "Yes, I'm curious, why they named you after a city... Please?" My name, I wonder what he'll say when he finds out. "My parents weren't the one's who gave me the name Barcelona, I was given that name by my friends from the army, when I used to practice, because I was the only one on the entire squad born in Barcelona,... My brother was in a different sector." I'll just wait till he asks, "So... What's

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