» Fiction » Spain Has Secrets, Elizabeth A. [the top 100 crime novels of all time txt] 📗

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The Tsunami Sets Its Coarse

 "Good morning sunshine!" Edgar's loud voice echoed through out the deafening silence of the entire home of Princelove and just seemingly the entire kingdom. The bed began to wobble and shake furiously as Edgar's voice continued, "Today we should all go to the park and play frisbee or, or, or, we could play hide and seek... Oh, but I bet Barcelona would win... How about football?" Why was it so quiet? what was this dreadful feeling that caused my stomach to lurche and twist in pain. "EDGAR! SHUT THE HELL UP! IT'S FOUR THIRTY IN THE FREAKIN' MORNING!" Is that why it was so quiet, but that doesn't explain the horrible feeling I had. Why am I so scared? "Barcelona go back to sleep, it's just Edgar being an ass." But a lass I could not. I stayed wide awake wrapped up in the covers till dawn arrived.


I crawled out of bed to be hit with an ice cold chill and the door wide open. I hope no one walks by before I can close the door. It'd be embarrassing for anyone to see me in nothing but my night garment. I scurried to the door and closed it. From there I made my way to the closet where I dressed in a Champagne colored knit dress, tan wool leggings, a matching tan wool knit scarf, and black combat boots. I wore my hair down for added warm around my neck. I was aware of Jasper's slow paced breathing, still fast asleep I sat on the edge of his bedside and watched him burrow into the covers for extra warmth. "Barcelona? Are you awake?" I attempted to stand however Jasper enterviened, grabbing my wrist and snuggling it as though a teddy bear. "Jasper let go!" I let out a loud whisper as I snatched my hand back.

I had accidently slapped Jasper attempting my freedom of hand and he had woken very startled and the atmosphere seemed as though a small child was awoken and about to wail as his eyes watered from tiredness.

"You didn't have to slap me like that." Jasper's red cheeks still cold he had dressed into a persimmon button-up, a black coat, black slacks and dress shoes. He had on a brown scarf layered thickly and as close to his upper neck as possible,his Tie was Maroon and the outift seemed, overall, very warm.

"Ms. Valentine?" My head spun to the doorway of the dining hall. My waffle, forked, had stopped midway to it's destination. "Yes?" The tall man wore a doublet and seemed aggrivated to be surrounded by vampires in modern era attire. "A message from his majesty Lafayette and her majesty Amelia Valentine... Ehem... Our dearest daughter we wish to invite you and your kin to our tempest ball on the Third rising moon of the new year... that is all... your highness' reply?" this can't be, my mother was dead yet here stood before me a messenger which spoke her name, and as her majesty. This made no sense as I had grown up in the povert section of Spain. My parents had never been royalty as far as I was concerned. More over, if this really was my mother attempting to reach out to me, why had she led me to believe she had been dead all these years? Could this mean my father was alive as well and if so which of my parents had made this decision to reach out to me, or was it a mutual decision? "Barcelona do you want to go?" Jasper brought me back to the real world. "Oh um... can we?" A hoarse laugh came from Mr. Princelove, "The choice is yours although if I had not heard from my parents for so long only to discover they were still alive I would surely want to see them again." I wished to go, but had this been the long awaited stab in the back I had been waiting for? What if this was just a set up to attempt Jasper's and my own lives? What would happen to our kingdoms? A great fear set in, and my stomach became a giant glob of misunderstanding. All eyes were on me, all startled hands gripped their forks. I compelled the words to come, "Tell their majesties We shall attend. You are dismissed from my presence." The eyes continued to trail my every movement. I had lost my apetite.

The Storm Begins

"Hurry up or we'll be late Barcelona." It was the day of the tempest ball and I was feeling sluggish, My stomach had lurched about all night and the feeling of fear was still ever present. I was dressed in a skimpy black dress, Mrs. Princelove chose as a so-called, "change of pace." I paired it with beige leggings and some black boots. My hair was left loose. I purposely walked slow in hopes that it might settle my fears, it didn't.

"Barcelona... Calm down, I don't know why you agreed if you didn't want to come." The silence stretched out, he was waiting for an answer, "Some things are better left unsaid, just wait and time will grant the revelation."


Arriving at the tempest ball was momentarily the best feeling ever, When we climbed out of the Carraige my butt started to tingle, The road was bumpy and seemed unending. "Barcelona, look Isn't That Marca over there?" Jasper made an I'm-still-deciding-if-I-trust-him face. I pretty much ran to him, Jasper on my heels like the cutest puppy ever. "Marca!" He seemed slightly shocked as he began turning to us, however quickly assumed a smile. "Barcelona, I am glad to know you decided to attend." 

I spotted Boris speaking to a woman, "I wonder if I should talk to Boris, it almost seems like he could be flirting with that woman." I felt hot breath on my ear, "Do it." I turned to the ever composed Marca, suprised by his comment. "Umm, okay." I approached cautiously, so as not to throw him off his game if he was indeed flirting. "Hey Boris, I didn't know you'd be here too." His brown hair swayed with the slight breeze, his blue eyes locked on to me like a heat seeking missle. "Barcelona, You look very pretty, It's nice to see you too Jasper, how have you two been?"

Frozen in place, I felt my mind wander and rake every corner to figure out what had happened to the woman next to Boris. I knew her from somewhere and I was sure of it. There was no mistaking that lengthy platinum blonde hair, the smooth glimmer that cascaded from her head, framed her face and tumbled down her bosom, was so familiar I felt aggrivated to forget her name. Who was she?

The Ball

"Hello." The Blonde stated. I was a bit taken a back, where did I know her from, "Hi?" Boris sort of jabbed my side with his elbow, Barcelona be nice. "I am."

"If you would kindly accompany me, Their Majesties wish to speak to her highness and companion in private." A short man with long hair interupted, "Jasper, don't get lost." He pouted the entire way to the room their majesties were in. "Ahhhh Constanta my baby!" The queen smushed my head straight into her chest, was this really my mother? I remember her being a bit stricter. "Please Amelia, control yourself, I'm sure Constanta has many questions she wishes to discuss with us. No?" "Yes, why didn't you contact me earlier in my life? Why did you let me just believe you were dead? Do you even-"

I was silenced by the short man leading someone in, I felt a dreadful feeling wash over me. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!?" I felt like my entire world was about to cave in. In had walked my brother. His eyes locked with my own and I feared he would stab me right then and there. Whether our parents were in the room or not did not matter to me. He needed to die now or trouble could only arise in the moment."Constanta you're a lady, act like one, do not be so rude to your brother, apologize... now!" I couldn't believe it, did they not understand the things we'd put each other through? "No, I have every right to hate him, just as he does the same, you have no right to boss me around without knowing the facts." My father's eyes widened with anger, I could see them slowly turn color as a sea of red washed over them. "Do not test me, Constanta. So long as you are in my kingdom you will do as I say. That goes for all three of you." His finger scanned across Jasper, myself and my brother. "Now apologize and so long as you two are on my land you will get along, understood?" I didn't have to be told anything, I knew my eyes rolled instantly as he said this. I don't remember him being so irritating and bothersome. "Fine," the mumble escaped my brother's lips.

Even though we've tried to take each others lives so many times over the centuries he's still the same when we're forced to get along. After discussing many things with my mother and father, they dismissed My brother, my father clearly stating, "Go swoon a woman or something."My mother turned to me when the footsteps finally disappeared down the hall.

"I don't approve of your Fiance Constanta." Her bluntness was appalling. "Well you don't exactly have a say in the matter Mother." My last words were stung at her. "You couldn't even tell us the truth, I don't think you're in any suitable position to try taking over my life decisions especially when you aren't at all what I remember my parent's to be."

Taking Jasper by the hand I left with a slam of the door.I looked over and the grand hall was silent. Not a single attendee or employee dare breath in my presence. This ends now, my brother leaned on a pillar, wine glass dangling from fingers. I ripped up a chair from the corner, four Wooden stakes at the ready. "Barcelona, let's just go home... Calm down okay." Jasper entreated with negative result. I went up to my brother, "Ah-ah mother and father said-" I

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