» Fiction » Fighting, Anaya Phoenix [best affordable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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head; only made him angry.

“What are you planning to do for that demon?” He asked, not looking directly at me but spaced out.

“Of all the times you tell me to stay out, and you so openly peer-“

“You’re evading, answer the question.”

“No, I think you’ve violated my privacy. You don’t deserve an answer.” I crossed my arms, hoping to maintain the pissed off vibe, it was the only thing I could pull this time. There were few things he would allow for, and things he wouldn’t cross. He wouldn’t allow for lying, but wouldn’t bother crossing me if I looked ticked off enough for him to stay back. He stood up, his eyes barely focusing on me and stepped close to me; glaring down.

“I’m your mate, I deserve any and all answer I seek after.” His voice was too low, too calm for the amount of anger that was in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes and tried my best to add all the anger I could possibly muster.

“You’re sounding a little to ‘perfectly entitled’ for my liking.” He opened his mouth to say something but before he could his nostrils flared. He closed his eyes and took the deepest breath and all was silent. I heard the downfall of my heart as he opened his eyes and they were pure green.

“You’re lying.” I clenched my jaw and gulped, cursing the copius amount of spit that was in my mouth.

“What would I be lying about?” My voie wavered slightly and I would kick myself for tht later, but as of now I had an angry mate on my hands that would have to be dealt with. He took a step towards me and I took one back, staring directly in his eyes.

“You’ve been lying about everything.” He snarled continuously stepping toward me until my back was against the farthest wall from the opening of the room.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ander.” With a growl he punched the wall next to my head. I wasn’t scared of him, I could never be scared of him. I was scared that I would lose him, which was the only reason I flinched.

“Stop the bullshit, Luna. We’ve gone over this, we’ve been through this…. This bullshit. Can you not lie for once in your fucking lie!”

“Just be specific!” I yelled back at him, so close to tears.

“Why are you lying, why haven’t you been telling me the truth? We lay in the same god damn bed fro god’s sake! I would’ve thought you would’ve felt fucking comfortable enough to tell me the truth!”

“I’m not lying!” I hit his chest, my wolf coming out and meeting his eyes. We stood there, the both of us just looking at each other.

“You’ve been omitting the truth and hiding it behind your lies… hanging lies on the verge so that they’re not really lies. That’s a fucking lie, Luna! I thought we were past this, bullshit!”

“Just because we fucked doesn’t mean we’re suddenly golden!”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Luna? We mated, mated and fucking are two different things and you know that! You’re just terrified of everything that involves emotion, and now that there’s nobody to take my attention away from you, you don’t know what to do! And I get it, Luna. You’ve got serious commitment issues, and I don’t care to know the reason why I just want you to trust me enough. We’ve only got a little bit of time together, and in the short moments that we do spend together I sure as hell don’t want them to be spent with me wondering whether or not you’re lying to me.” He had calmed down considerably, his eyes bleeding from green back to blue and they were filled with hurt. I wanted to kick myself for having been the one to put it there. He closed his eyes and took a huge step back, pinching the bridge of his nose and placing on hand on his hip.

“What are you planning to do for that demon?” He was stressed, whatever information my wolf told his wolf had put them both on the edge and they were hanging on. They could deal with my crazy, and my strength but they couldn’t deal with the lies. I opened my mouth before biting on my lip, wanting to understand that it would kill me if he came. Do what’s right, my wolf whispered to me befre sitting patiently.

“Filly and I are going up to the surface to help bring back Abaddon.” He stilled, I’m pretty sure he stopped breathing and everything.

“It has to be done, otherwise Azazil will wreak havoc here and I can’t have that. I know there’s a risk, but it’s a risk I have to take. I don’t want you to be upset with me, and I’m sure you know that you can’t come… but don’t try to stop me from going either because I need to be there.”

“Does Leo know?” It was the first time he’d said his name in a long time and it threw me off but a bit but I cleared the fog out of the way.

“You weren’t supposed to know.” I evaded the question, he didn’t want lies but I couldn’t tell the truth.

“He’s letting you go, he’s allowing the both of you to get hurt? For what, Luna?” His eyes were green again and his voice was taught. This wasn’t like the last time, he was angry at me before. Now he was angry at Leo and Filly, causing my eyes to turn red.


“For what!? Are you all really that determined to be killed, are you all so fuckign bloodthirsty for war that you’re willing to put your own lives in danger!?” The longer he spoke the more his anger rose, and the more mine did. I didn’t want to be angry though, I couldn’t get too angry.

“Please, calm down. Think about what’s happening and what it’s doing to me-“

“That’s all I ever fucking do! I worry about you like some fucking lovesick puppy and all you do is kick me down but it’s fine and do you want to know why, Luna?” Heat surged through me as his anger grew immensely,  I accidentally let out a distress signal as panic rose within me.

“Because of your fucking war, because it’s so precious to you. More than your fucking life, Luna, more than mine!” I wouldn’t show that I was in pain, it was hard wired in me not to show weakness and I couldn’t break that now.

“This war is my life, you dick! Why don’t you get that?” He rushed to me and grabbed my shoulders, peering into my eyes and making me see the dark green in his eyes.

“I’m your life Luna, not a fucking war. Me!”

“Get away from her.” Leo said calmly, his hand on his elemental sword that rested on his hip.

“I’d listen to him if I were you.” Filly said softly, her arms crossed. Her elemental weapon was on her hands, they were brass knuckles made out of pure ice and I knew that they were dangerous enough to stay away. He didn’t listen, if anything the rage inside of him multiplied by at least six. I didn’t understand until I realized that he was pulling on some of my rage. My eyes widened and I reached up and put my hand on his cheek, stilling him.

“Guys, take me out. Don’t be gentle about it, fight until I’m well and knocked out and do it again to make sure I’m actually down.” I felt them put away their elementals, but they were still on edge.

“I’m sorry baby.” I said softly before pulling my rage from him. He shook in my hands and I felt the energy shift to me. It didn’t feel like anything, really, it was just a shift of energy but it took focus. I let go of him and let the rage fill me. I opened my eyes to see the world had shifted to shades of red and purple, he’d taken more of my rage than I had thought he did. It was too much for just me to handle and, as a result, my wolf came out. It was weird, having the rage and the wolf hand in hand but I knew that it was too dangerous. It was my special, and it was my wolf. This was very much how the war would be fought, and for the war we would be lethal. I looked to my friends then, who looked to each other before turning back to me. Their eyes had turned and I knew then… this would not be pretty.



                They were talking in the link, everything they were saying was garbled up but I knew they weren’t talking to me. They knew I was too far gone to be talked to. It helped that my wolf was calm, because if she was angry it would’ve had a really, really bad effect. I walked toward them, fire sparking from my hands and wnting so bad to pull out my elemental weapon. I fought a battle with my rage, I wouldn’t have won if it was just myself but since my wolf was there I had a fighting chance. I never wanted any of this to happen, I never wanted Ander to get so angry he unwillingly grabbed my rage to wrap around himself. I didn’t want any of this to get to the level that it had. My body wasn’t in my control and I crouched down, my claws elongated. They looked at each other before looking back at me, their eyes vibrant red but their animals nowhere near in control.

“Luna, please. Pull it together.”

“She can’t, she’s too foregone. He took too much rage from her.” Leo said, his eyes flicking to where my mate stood staring at me. There was nothing anybody could do, Ander knew that much. I felt the guilt wafting off of him and wanted so badly to be in control, to go to him and tell him it was ok and that I was sorry.

“Did you know what she was planning?” He asked softly, his eyes never leaving my body. My eyes were straight forward, analyzing all that I thought to be a threat. Nobody answered him and he closed his eyes before looking down. My heart broke the tiniest bit, which was only to be added to the rage.

“Come now, why are we all standing around?” My voice said, it was gravelly and forced. With a wave of her hand Filly had teleported us to Eternal, the vast white and never ending space would ensure that nobody would ensure that nobody would get hurt here. Well, nobody excluding me.

“We don’t need to fight.” Leo said softly, his words echoing to my ears and filling it up with his voice.

“We’re not much different, we are a family. Same tree, different branch. Surely, we can keep the peace until we need to fight. Save your energy for then.” Filly said, her bright red eyes going wider as she stepped closer to me. I threw my head back and laughed, a scary one that resembled more of a crows cry than a laugh.

“We are so much different, sister, it’s disturbing. Look at you, how you maintain it all in; hiding the instinct inside of you. We are only here to destroy, might as well have a little fun with it.”

“It is not in my instinct to destroy anything, I’ve come to help-“

“Same tree, sister dear. We share the same genetic code, destroy-“

“Help. We’ve come to help.” Leo said, stepping closer to Filly and his red eyes boring into mine. I laughed again, standing up from being crouched and wiping imaginary lint off of my shirt.

“So delusional the better half are? I guess it is merely my fault for not reaching enough sun; my leaves are dry and brown, I suppose? It’s not good to keep yourself bottled up inside them, they don’t

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